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Author Topic: What's the definition of a clock watcher.  (Read 2794 times)

Cornish sub

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I saw this being asked on SAAFE (yes, I read it, so crucify me if you want). Is it someone who gives you a running commentary of how long you've got left, or maybe someone who tells you bang on time when your time's up, or something else entirely? On the flip side of the coin, what would you consider to be a non clock watcher? Someone who allows a meeting to overrun, maybe? Fortunately I've never been with a blatant clock watcher, but some escorts seem to have an inbuilt ability to somehow know how long the session's gone on for without it being apparent or obvious that they've clock watched. One thing's for certain though, I'm always disappointed when time's up, no matter how it comes about. But anyway, your definitions of a clock watcher please. 

Offline smiths

WGs who say "are you cumming yet", "its time to cum" or in anyway attempt to rush me, i am fully aware of the time left as i have my watch which i ensure WGs see me looking at at the start and in the breaks i need.

By trying to rush me or saying the above or similar they wont get the outcome they are looking for, i use the time i have paid for to suit me, not the WG.

Cornish sub

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WGs who say "are you cumming yet", "its time to cum" or in anyway attempt to rush me, i am fully aware of the time left as i have my watch which i ensure WGs see me looking at at the start and in the breaks i need.

By trying to rush me or saying the above or similar they wont get the outcome they are looking for, i use the time i have paid for to suit me, not the WG.
Oh yes, that's a definite example. Fortunately I've never had an escort say that to me, but if she did, the sudden pressure to 'perform' would put me off so much I doubt I'd cum at all.

Offline CBPaul

Exactly as it suggests, they are always looking at the time, normally on their mobile but I did see one who had a massive station style clock on the bedroom wall, ridiculous size and immediately obvious that this punt was going to last exactly 60 minutes to the second.

Clock watchers will also remind you that you don't have much time left when you want to get going again, perhaps even try and put you off due to lack of time. Many punts that have been on for a 8/10+ rating have been spoiled by the prossie saying 'well you only have 5 minutes left'. My first punt through AW was going great, she was on top riding like fury when she hopped off and said time was up. Stupid really as the chances of me going back are seriously reduced, for the sake of 5 minutes they've lost an hour booking in the future. If they are on a conveyor belt and the next bloke is at the door it is understandable but they should leave 30 mins between bookings really. Plenty offer a shower afterwards and in my book that it worse. 

On the other hand some have allowed the booking to go well over the time, the non-clock watchers, record so far is 45 minutes and resulted in me being very late back to work. 

I also think that there is a distinction between the clock watcher who gives you the exact booking time and those who try to show you the door before time is up.

Oh, and no criticism from me about looking at SAAFE, it's refreshing to remind ourselves how some of them really work even though it's populated by the worn out disillusioned end of the market. 


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My definition

ClockWatcher - A girl who keeps reminding you  about the length of time you have left on the punt like when they get a call from the maid/pimp/driver to tell them 10 minutes left or an alarm goes off, lots of clocks, verbally saying right you have 5 minutes left get on with it, playing the countdown music at the end of the punt etc.... Any girl that short changes you for time even if its 5 minutes.

Nonclockwatcher - Any girl that is the reverse of the above particularly a girl who voluntarily carries on the punt beyond the time you have paid for, the bigger the percentage of additional time the less of a clockwatcher. It also links into service, if its clear that the girl will carry on for an extra 5 minutes or so to let you have that final pop it is a statement about her ethos to her clients to make sure they are satisfied.

As a slight aside I was also amused that on that thread there was one girl who was too scared to come on this forum to ask.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 08:57:32 am by Gigabyte »

Offline cunnyhunt

WGs who say "are you cumming yet", "its time to cum" or in anyway attempt to rush me, i am fully aware of the time left as i have my watch which i ensure WGs see me looking at at the start and in the breaks i need.

By trying to rush me or saying the above or similar they wont get the outcome they are looking for, i use the time i have paid for to suit me, not the WG.

Exactly this for me. I am ok if they have a clock as I do not like to stay overtime but I will not be rushed to orgasm so they can push me out of the door.
I have stayed over my booked time on some occasions but that was for giving work & travel advice not sex. I was even made some food while we talked.

Rochdull lad

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I always put my watch back on my wrist after showering on arrival at a new WG's so that I know how much time's gone by. 

I can be an argumentative little b'stard if I think I'm being short-changed on anything!


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Oh, and no criticism from me about looking at SAAFE, it's refreshing to remind ourselves how some of them really work even though it's populated by the worn out disillusioned end of the market.

SAAFE is an interesting read occasionally. I must say, the worn out disillusioned end of the market is more the remit of %%% "Funded By Hookers" now days. In fact SAAFE looks fresh in comparison.

Offline CBPaul

Must admit I haven't looked at pnet for ages, can't be bothered, given this I won't be looking any time soon either.


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Any escort that includes your shower/wash time in an incall or their changing/freshening up time in an outcall.  For me a meeting should start the moment you enter the bedroom.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Pro$$ies who remind you that you have five minutes left.      :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:


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hi guys, some interesting points of views.
how long due you guys think a girl should let you carry over in that case if you haven't been able to come within the hour? just out of interest? :rolleyes:

Offline Dani

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To me a clock watcher is someone who is telling you to cum or saying you have 2minutes left etc.  a clock watcher is not someone who does not give extra time as if you need longer then book longer.  Sorry extra time is something she should be free to choose to give if she wants to and not be expected or she is a clock watcher.
I have had guys who took 50 minutes to cum the first time then want to try again with 5minutes left Knowing damn well they wont cum in that time and I will say I will happily play with them but I don't think he will have time to finish.  I will over run if I choose to not because someone thinks he should et extra time for free.
As long as you get the full time you have paid for then she is not a clock watcher

Anything else you pay for by time such as therapy, swimming sessions or even sunbeds you get exactly the time you pay for and not a second more so why should we be expected to over run or be called a clock watcher and possibly get a bad review because of it.
As long as we are not rushing you or telling you to hurry up and cum then we are not clock watchers even if you don't manage to get your third pop when the booking ends

Offline smiths

hi guys, some interesting points of views.
how long due you guys think a girl should let you carry over in that case if you haven't been able to come within the hour? just out of interest? :rolleyes:

No idea what the rolleyes smiley is for but i NEVER expect any WG to go over the agreed time, and i ensure i am ready to go on time as agreed. If a WG hasnt a problem with me over running then that is always appreciated.

Offline smiths

To me a clock watcher is someone who is telling you to cum or saying you have 2minutes left etc.  a clock watcher is not someone who does not give extra time as if you need longer then book longer.  Sorry extra time is something she should be free to choose to give if she wants to and not be expected or she is a clock watcher.
I have had guys who took 50 minutes to cum the first time then want to try again with 5minutes left Knowing damn well they wont cum in that time and I will say I will happily play with them but I don't think he will have time to finish.  I will over run if I choose to not because someone thinks he should et extra time for free.
As long as you get the full time you have paid for then she is not a clock watcher

Anything else you pay for by time such as therapy, swimming sessions or even sunbeds you get exactly the time you pay for and not a second more so why should we be expected to over run or be called a clock watcher and possibly get a bad review because of it.
As long as we are not rushing you or telling you to hurry up and cum then we are not clock watchers even if you don't manage to get your third pop when the booking ends

Yes i agree, the onus is on the punter to time manage so he can do what he wants to do in the time he has paid for. If he needs more time but the WG wont offer it for free thats up to her as i see it. Obviously she may have another punter booked in so why should his booking be delayed due to the previous punter over running.


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Yes i agree, the onus is on the punter to time manage so he can do what he wants to do in the time he has paid for. If he needs more time but the WG wont offer it for free thats up to her as i see it. Obviously she may have another punter booked in so why should his booking be delayed due to the previous punter over running.

Yes I agree and that's how I look at it. I expect high standards from the WG but in return I make sure that time is managed correctly at both ends of the booking.  If I pay for an hour I get an hour but I don't expect any more or less.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Yes I agree and that's how I look at it. I expect high standards from the WG but in return I make sure that time is managed correctly at both ends of the booking. If I pay for an hour I get an hour but I don't expect any more or less.

A half decent prostitute would not take back to back bookings, she should allow for possible traffic problems which can't always be avoided --------------- especially if you use the M25.   :hi:


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A half decent prostitute would not take back to back bookings, she should allow for possible traffic problems which can't always be avoided --------------- especially if you use the M25.   :hi:

Very true, I always leave plenty of time to drive to a punt, so on most occasions I am on time. On one punt recently I was 15 minutes late due to traffic, I still had my full paid time without pushing it at the WG's insistence as she stated she always leaves an hour in between booking in case of delays. Of course I have no way of knowing if this is true or not but as you said Jimmy I believe she is at least a half decent prostitute.

Offline akauya

hi guys, some interesting points of views.
how long due you guys think a girl should let you carry over in that case if you haven't been able to come within the hour? just out of interest? :rolleyes:

I wouldn't expect the WG to go over the agreed time (unless is by accident). If I paid for an hour and I got my hour why should she extend the meeting simply because I wasn't able to come? Say she does agree to let you carry on and you still can't come for another half hour what then? Keep going until you come? That's taking the piss. Just as we complain some prossies not giving us our full hour etc. I don't think it would be fair to take more of their time than we paid for (unless it's been overrun by accident as I said).


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I have never expected to go over my time, but I am always more impressed with girls who of their own accord do decide to extend by 5 minutes the booking. I would not mention in any review I do if the booking ends on time that they are a clock watcher or not, I have paid for x time and I got x time so no need to mention it. But in my book someone who isnt a clockwatcher would provide that extra bit of service time if it was needed, it has that feel of good customer service that they are willing to go a little out of their way.

Offline mattylondon

I have never expected to go over my time, but I am always more impressed with girls who of their own accord do decide to extend by 5 minutes the booking.
My thoughts exactly.  ;)

Offline NIK

Had one once who was blatantly looking at the clock as she sucked my dick.

Methinks she just might have been a clock watcher.  :D

Offline mattylondon

Had one once who was blatantly looking at the clock as she sucked my dick.
That's what makes women such great multitaskers!  :P


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To me a clock-watcher is someone who tells you there's only 5 minutes left when you really are within 5 minutes of the end of your appointment.

I've got no problem with clock-watchers as long as they're operating in the same timezone as me, GMT and not PST (Prossie Standard Time, which is a bit like GMT in that it seems to be in synch with my watch when I arrive for my punt but then speeds up rapidly after that point such that it drifts from synchronicity with GMT, resulting in me being booted out 15 minutes early).

So if they're watching the clock - fine.  In fact I watch it as well (or my cheap punting-watch if I don't trust the one on the wall).  I just aim to get the time that I've paid for, no more than that.  If she denies me the total time that's been agreed then she gets a shitty review here.