Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Cardiff gangbang anyone?  (Read 11359 times)

Offline Daffodil


If it's not for you then fine! Please fuck off and let me and the other guys enjoy themselves  :hi:

That's not how it works Pete, and you know it. This forum is here for others to offer advice. And I think you're offering bad advice, potentially even compromised advice  :hi:

It's becoming clearer and clearer that you have a vested interest in this and you should lay your cards on the table. Right from the start this sounded like a tout. You were advertising a girl you had never even seen, but had acted as some sort of party guru to her. Now you can't even take any criticism of the plan  and tell those who do criticise to fuck off :rolleyes:

Deposits are high risk and are only in favour of the prossie. Punters who are genuine will actually be served by other punters not showing up. Why should punters have to negate the risk for the prossie?  :wacko:

Only a fool would pay this deposit to a brand new girl (to parties) who continues to change the specifics of the party  :hi:

Offline Daffodil

I wouldn't pay a deposit to see any girl. I've never been asked for a deposit but if I was it would be an instant goodbye from me

If a punter is a dumb enough bastard to pay a deposit, he deserves all the stupid shit a whore will do to him.

That's very true. I am just speaking in general. In this day and age, where there are hundreds of prostitutes available in every city, I don't see why anyone would ever actually pay a deposit. The most reputable girls never ask for it. Only cash on arrival.

I agree anyone asking for a deposit would be very suspicious in my view and as you said the good prossy would never ask for a deposit anyway. This profile did have red flags all over it, and now it has the biggest one a thread on UKP.

I would never pay a deposit on a punt.

PS the only deposit I'm likely to make vis a vis a punt is a facial, CIM, CoB or a brimming condom

First 2 profiles already gone, but seriously do people fall for this, does anyone actually pay ££ upfront via paypal???

REALLY??  :unknown:

No, it's a good way to scare of genuine punters, like me.
I would never dream of paying a deposit.
If I book a table in a restaraunt, I don't need a deposit, so why should a prossie be different ?
There will always be time wasters, goes with the territory I'm afraid.

Never have, never will.
There is plenty of evidence on this site of prossies and pimps ripping men off.

Never. And if I was ever asked I'd tell them to fuck off.

So for me now there is no chance in hell that I would ever pay anything up front again regardless of the girl in question.

Complete piss take, bearing in mind that most of the time the pro$$ies only effort is opening the door when the punter arrives, if he no shows then she continues to watch TV, it is pro$$ies who should pay the deposit to punters as they are far less reliable, and a high percentage of them are Fake or scammers anyway  :music:


I'm sorry there are too many scammers out there and the whole process is a complete waste of time.

 :hi: :hi:

Offline jpuk

Sorry Pete, I have to agree with Daffodil here!! This is an open forum and although you are trying to promote this gangbang. Daffodil is just as entitled to warn his fellows punters with his views.

It does seem strange that this Thread was started by yourself stating that you have never met this yet she trusts you to organise a gangbang for her??? and then a couple of days later you post a review of her saying that you have been trying to arrange a meet for ages!!!

I think you should come clean with your relationship with these girls ???

Offline Steve2

Having organized parties since 2001 I can reliably say

Deposits just do not work. 100%

Even If guys pay a £5 /£10/£20 deposit there is still a big chance that they will not turn up

There are no guarantees where parties are concerned

Offline PuntingPete

Ok I will reply and that will be my last word on this thread and possibly on the rest of the forum as I have had enough, particularly from members who should know me better.

I think you should come clean with your relationship with these girls ???

I have met Georgia once, (Thursday last week when I had a half hour punt with her).
I have never met Kandi before in my life, or spoken to her either in person, by text, email or any other method.
The first time I had any contact with Georgia was on Feb 11th this year when I e-mailed her to ask about the gangbang she was organising. I took it upon myself to offer advice via e-mail as it was apparent that she had no previous experience and as I have stated I have almost 10 years experience of parties both gangbang as well as bukkake. I was not asked to help but just offered, I was asked however to spread the word which I did.

Daffodil is just as entitled to warn his fellows punters with his views.

I don't have a problem with that whatsoever

 she trusts you to organise a gangbang for her???

As I have previously stated I have not been asked to organise it and have not organised any aspect of it whatsoever.

you post a review of her saying that you have been trying to arrange a meet for ages!!!

No I did not - read my post properly, it quite clearly says -

After looking at Georgia's profile for several weeks, I finally managed to make a visit yesterday.

I would have thought it obvious that if you intend to attend a gangbang with somebody, it would not be out of the ordinary to meet at least one of the girls first. (I have been to 2 girl gangbangs before & didn't particularly enjoy either girl, I did not want to make this mistake again).


I would have thought you would have known me a bit better by now but obviously not. I think you go out of your way to piss members off, I think you must see it as some kind of sport  :rolleyes:
If it's not for you then fine! Please fuck off and let me and the other guys enjoy themselves :hi:

As you well know this statement was made tongue in cheek

It's becoming clearer and clearer that you have a vested interest in this

As stated above I have no vested interest other than trying to make sure the party is a success so that I am able to attend and the event is not cancelled.
I have paid my £5 deposit and will be paying the balance like all the other punters who attend on the day - no freebies for me, sorry to disappoint you.

Right from the start this sounded like a tout.

In no way did I intend to tout, and if that is the way Adam sees it then he is quite at liberty to ban me, his forum, his call.

Now you can't even take any criticism of the plan

Where have I demonstrated I can't take criticism?? - every other member on this forum has a right to their view just as I have a right to mine.

Only a fool would pay this deposit to a brand new girl (to parties) who continues to change the specifics of the party

Then I am a fool  :drinks:

As for you last post listing a pile of quotes dating back to 2011, I have no idea what you are trying to achieve other than demonstrating you have far too much time on your hands  :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Hi guys, Georgia here.
I've just registered on this site as it seems I have caused quite a disagreement and I thought it may help if I tell you my point of view.
I thought it would be fun to arrange a group event, it's something I've always wanted to take part in. Obviously everyone has to start somewhere and we are all new to things at some point. I posted on my profile that I was considering doing a gangbang and wanted to see if there would be any interest. I had a message from Pete expressing his interest and asking a few questions. During a brief exchange of emails Pete gave me some advice which I welcomed as I found it helpful. I also said that if he knew anyone else who would be interested to let them know. I apologise for the changes I have made to the details of the event, in hindsight I should have worked it all out before releasing any details, I guess I got ahead of myself as I am excited to do this. I didn't mean to offend anyone by asking for a booking fee, I simply thought it would ensure the event had enough genuine participants to go ahead. I know in this industry there are a lot of unreliable untrustworthy girls and that may be the reason people are sceptical. However, I know I'm not one of those girls and hopefully when this event is a success I will gain more trust and we can make it a regular fun event. I now have 5 confirmed bookings already.
Again, I offer my apologies for any disagreements caused it was certainly not my intention, I just want to create an enjoyable event for everyone involved.

Georgia x

Online Corus Boy

All I can see is one punter (Pete) trying to arrange something good for himself and a group of other punters.

This may have necessitated some contact, help and advice for the girls, in an attempt to ensure success.

I see no need to take him to task over this.  :dash:

Offline Daffodil


Apologies for any offence caused. You've helped me in the past and I've helped you. We're not going to agree on everything though of course.

I did not take your comment of, 'please fuck off' as being tongue in cheek and instead took it at face value. It can be difficult enough, person-to-person, to convey a tongue-in-cheek message, harder still on an Internet forum. The impression, therefore, was a negative one.

I am very happy to take your word that you have no vested interest (other than having a good time) in this gangbang after your last post, but my position on the rest would remain the same. I'd advise against deposits and would personally wait until the prossie has settled on specifics.

I apologise again for not taking your comment as intended and for questioning your credibility. I value your contribution and would be sorry if you left.

If this party goes ahead I hope you enjoy yourself and, if others do too and this prossie puts on a good event, then you'll deserve the thanks of all those who attend.



  • Guest
Now that you chaps have cleared that up, may I wish you all an excellent party?

 I have seen Kandi several times and imho she is a genuinely nice, sexy girl who goes out of her way to please. I haven't met Georgia yet (hope to soon) but from all reports she is every bit as good. Two lovely Welsh lasses.

So it should be a great success - if I was 20 years younger I'd be tempted to join you. Be sure to post a review.

Offline PuntingPete


I appreciate your post and accept your apology, I am pleased that you have accepted that I have no vested interest in the party (as you say otherwise than having a good time).

I do think however it is time for me to bow out of this thread and I may give the forum a rest for a while.

I wish you chaps well  :hi:

Online Corus Boy


I appreciate your post and accept your apology, I am pleased that you have accepted that I have no vested interest in the party (as you say otherwise than having a good time).

I do think however it is time for me to bow out of this thread and I may give the forum a rest for a while.
I wish you chaps well  :hi:

Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

Offline Mikeh38

An interesting thread, it does appear as though Pete is touting for WB, you should always keep advice to a WG away from forums for fear of being accused of a vested interest.

 Just a question Pete was WB the girl you thought she was that you mentioned in this thread ?

Offline darkvamp

Well I'm down to a maybe at the moment as my car died this morning. So depending on what the garage comeback with I may have to sit this one out  :angry:

Offline ampersand

I have had a subsequent commitment put into my schedule so am not available. I was a little concerned about the way things went - price increase,  deposit etc.  I am interested in attending - for £100 I think it should be 2 hours - but I am going to wait for feedback from those who attend before I go myself.

Offline ampersand

Well, I have now received my email invitation.  Price is stated as £130 for 1.5 hours. Deposit to be paid by yesterday. I wonder if they ddidn't get enough bookings and went to the B list. I feel like an afterthought guest at a wedding. Price is now nearly double the £70 stated when this was first floated. Ridiculous.  Not for me.

Offline darkvamp

That may have been my place, I ended up having to cancel due to the alternator going on my car. Repair bill will be depleting my punting fund for the month :/

Offline ampersand

That may have been my place, I ended up having to cancel due to the alternator going on my car. Repair bill will be depleting my punting fund for the month :/
What price did your email quote?

Offline darkvamp

Offline ampersand

It gets worse! They must know that this forum exists and that their party is the subject of discussion here. And if it wasn't, do they think we wouldn't chat amongst ourselves and discover pricing differentials once we were there??


  • Guest
It gets worse! They must know that this forum exists and that their party is the subject of discussion here. And if it wasn't, do they think we wouldn't chat amongst ourselves and discover pricing differentials once we were there??

Imho group events are a fucking nightmare to organise and unless they are well established with a lot of regulars (LMP for example) nearly impossible to pull off right. New events take a lot of time and effort to get off the ground and as most prossies are far from organised, this is one of the few occasions that getting a bloke involved is a good idea. At least a punter has some idea of what the fuck is going on and who has been told what.

Online Corus Boy

Imho group events are a fucking nightmare to organise and unless they are well established with a lot of regulars (LMP for example) nearly impossible to pull off right. New events take a lot of time and effort to get off the ground and as most prossies are far from organised, this is one of the few occasions that getting a bloke involved is a good idea. At least a punter has some idea of what the fuck is going on and who has been told what.

And did he get much thanks for trying to help out?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 11:13:46 am by Corus Boy »


  • Guest
And did he get much thanks for trying to hell out?

Not in the way he did it, UKP is not the place to tout for business in any way at anytime. He could have got in at the beginning with the girls and helped behind the scene but I doubt he knew them well enough for that.

Offline Daffodil

And did he get much thanks for trying to help out?

It was all posted on a public forum and so was critiqued. It looked like a bad plan at the time and that seems to have been borne out.

The prossie in question is reading this thread, perhaps she should have taken some of the advice onboard  :hi:


  • Guest
It gets worse! They must know that this forum exists and that their party is the subject of discussion here. And if it wasn't, do they think we wouldn't chat amongst ourselves and discover pricing differentials once we were there??

Since one has posted on this very thread and the other is registered here and has posted elsewhere, I think they do!!

Offline ampersand


  • Guest
According to their profiles, it did.

Offline ampersand

Let's hear whether it was a success from the punters POV from someone who went.


  • Guest
There is some feedback on Kandi's profile. Whether you count it as reliable is your decision.