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Author Topic: Thinking about punting...  (Read 1049 times)

Offline FM1983

I've been tempted by punting for quite a while now, but for one reason or another can't bring myself to pull the trigger on it. Just looking to get some views on my situation and motivation from others who've made the jump.

So I'm mid 30s and somehow got to this age without getting married and having children. In recent years I thought I'd found the 'one' and was involved with her for a few years but ultimately it didn't work out. Generally, success with women has been hard to come by over the years, despite me seeming to tick many boxes. For whatever reason, what I bring to the table is just never enough and there's no obvious things I can do to improve that (e.g. 'lose weight', 'get a better job', etc).

Since becoming single around this time last year, I've been going through the whole online dating thing, and really it's just a constant source of frustration and disappointment. I must've done 30+ dates in that time and the ones I was interested in seeing again were never interested - 'no spark', 'no chemistry', they said. I literally got one of these rejections just now, and am meant to be going on a date with someone else this evening. I didn't like any of these girls anywhere near as much as I did the one I mentioned above and I've pretty much accepted that I wont find that again. Aside from wasting time, effort, money, emotion on dates, there's also all the bullshit that it takes to even get the dates - wasting time on the platforms, messaging, people disappearing, flaking, etc. It's difficult to see how it makes sense to pursue it.

The position I find myself in now is pretty much this: don't have sex again or pay for it directly. Financially I'm in a position to be able to do it and it would seemingly allow me to get some of what I want without having to endure the 'dating' nonsense. Yet a few things seem to hold me back, mainly: 1) the STD risk and whether I'd end up constantly worrying about that, 2) if I did somehow find someone for a relationship I'm not sure how I'd feel with having this 'secret'.

Would be interested to know if others were also hesitant but eventually just went for it, and if so how it worked out.

Banned reason: Multiple Accounts (AKA: MB1983)
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline lewisjones23

stop overthinking it and just get on with it

literally thousands of reviews on here so read some that are from your area and take your pick

Offline Happyjose

Out of interest, when will the article be published?


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I Was in your position like 5 years ago, mid 30's thought I would be single for ever so I was just living my best life, so started punting, it was great do do and hell I still do it the very odd time for the fun.

but I did meet someone and married her and yea we don't think we are having kids and are living a decent life, with no kids to pay for so we go on holidays and what not, its not bad at all. so never say never that you won't meet someone. but until that time go and have fun and go and pay for it, live your best life as the kids say!

If I know what I do now, I would have started putting a lot earlier than I did to be honest.

Offline tynetunnel

1. The STD risk is negligible if you pick a well reviewed girl and not a skank who offers unprotected sex. Get tested regularly

2. Don’t tell her, what you’ve done before her is none of her business


Offline hawkzville

I've been tempted by punting for quite a while now, but for one reason or another can't bring myself to pull the trigger on it. Just looking to get some views on my situation and motivation from others who've made the jump.

So I'm mid 30s and somehow got to this age without getting married and having children. In recent years I thought I'd found the 'one' and was involved with her for a few years but ultimately it didn't work out. Generally, success with women has been hard to come by over the years, despite me seeming to tick many boxes. For whatever reason, what I bring to the table is just never enough and there's no obvious things I can do to improve that (e.g. 'lose weight', 'get a better job', etc).

Since becoming single around this time last year, I've been going through the whole online dating thing, and really it's just a constant source of frustration and disappointment. I must've done 30+ dates in that time and the ones I was interested in seeing again were never interested - 'no spark', 'no chemistry', they said. I literally got one of these rejections just now, and am meant to be going on a date with someone else this evening. I didn't like any of these girls anywhere near as much as I did the one I mentioned above and I've pretty much accepted that I wont find that again. Aside from wasting time, effort, money, emotion on dates, there's also all the bullshit that it takes to even get the dates - wasting time on the platforms, messaging, people disappearing, flaking, etc. It's difficult to see how it makes sense to pursue it.

The position I find myself in now is pretty much this: don't have sex again or pay for it directly. Financially I'm in a position to be able to do it and it would seemingly allow me to get some of what I want without having to endure the 'dating' nonsense. Yet a few things seem to hold me back, mainly: 1) the STD risk and whether I'd end up constantly worrying about that, 2) if I did somehow find someone for a relationship I'm not sure how I'd feel with having this 'secret'.

Would be interested to know if others were also hesitant but eventually just went for it, and if so how it worked out.

It sounds to me like the sex is only a very small part of what you are looking for; you describe the lengths that you have been going to as you try to find a relationship, yet for whatever reason it isn't happening for you right now (perhaps you are trying too hard?), so you are considering giving up altogether in an "oh well I may as well just punt then..." conclusion where you imply that the physical act of sex will solve (or go some way toward solving) the problem?

You already know, I am sure that it won't; if you are searching for the "Pretty Woman" tart with a heart, sorry old boy but that is just in the movies..... a girlfriend experience just means that you get a kiss and a cuddle to go along with your shag; she'll still hate you just as much as the next punter to visit her, or the one before you.....

So if you choose to take the step into the world of punting; yes there are STD risks, but probably less than a typical one-night stand, yes it will be a dark little secret that you'd be best advised not to share with any future girlfriend......... but I'd only recommend that you do give it a go if you can completely detach it from girlfriends/civvies/relationships - ie go and have a punt if you fancy taking your frustrations out for 30/60 minutes, but don't expect it to give you any answers or solve any problems.

Online daviemac

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This should answer most of your questions. -

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Offline Fuzzyduck

Out of interest, when will the article be published?

There's been a lot of this of late, eh?. The real tragedy here is that all the voyeurs, tourists, school kids, journalists, mumsnet activists et al (let's collectively call them cunts shall we?) mean that it's much harder for genuine guys to ask a difficult question and be taken seriously.

OP, assuming you're not a cunt, you may think the sex will fill the void, but it probably won't and you might end up feeling worse about yourself. I would advise that you don't punt until you're in a happier place (you'll get much more out of it) but if you do, go for a well reviewed girl or start with massages and HE.

To answer your questions (1) don't kiss, don't lick her out, condoms for everything (2) unless you punt as well as seeing someone, I don't see your problem. If you don't think you can deal with it, then punting really isn't for you.

Offline Jonestown

Try everything once, see what you like and what you dont. One punt wont leave a permanent mark on you, no one will ever know. If it goes well you will feel better about yourself, but be warned, if it goes badly life could seem a lot worse than it did before. In my experience things happen, like finding a woman of your own, when you least expect it, that’s why you should never give up. So maybe till then use punting to keep your hand in, keep in practice, its not just sex, you can talk to them as well.

Offline CanOfRedBull

And if you do dip your toe into the water watch out for EAS. It will make you go a little :wacko:

Offline Blackpool Rock

Depends whether your trying to use punting as a relationship or just for sex, it won't be a substitute for a relationship but hell why deny yourself sex too  :unknown:
Personally after separating from a long term relationship I wasn't able to find my ideal partner but punting at least fulfilled a basic desire for intimacy with a woman.
STI's are a minor risk especially if you rubber up and like others suggest go for a well reviewed girl on here.
If you are lucky enough to find your soul mate somewhere along the line don't worry about your "secret" and make sure that's what it stays, only 2 people need to know your a punter that's you and the girl you've just shagged  :thumbsup:

Once you have punted a few times i'm sure you will wonder why you didn't do it before and as for a moral guilt trip there's no shame here  :hi:


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OP. Being in your mid-thirties is quite a good age as you might appeal to women who are going through the 28-33 crisis of hoping to find a partner and having kids. I loved my thirties but by the age of 38 I suddenly realised that I didn't want to be forever a confirmed batchelor who never married or was childless -fortunately luck came my way outside the online dating world-which never seemed to work for me either. Try to think where women you might like meet (night classes on your hobbies are quite good). In the meantime, have some fun and perhaps get rid of the urge to see an escort while you're actually single and can do so without feeling you're cheating on a partner. But don't lose sight of the longer picture of finding your soulmate. Carpe diem.   :hi:

Offline The Highwayman

TBH all you really have to do is recognise that this is not the way to a relationship, but it is the way to great sex. Choose well reviewed nice girls and treat them respectfully. Then, if you connect, you can really love your time together, in the moment, done right it can feel very real. However, as warned elsewhere, and very particularly for a single guy you have to watch out for EAS (Emotional Attachment Syndrome). The last thing you want is to get a knot in your stomach and read something into your relationship that isn't there. TBH that will only P155 off any service provider. You declare your undying love, or try to limit, control or manipulate her and she is likely to get angry and tell you to take a hike.

Believe me this is absolutely NOT the drug needy, seedy underworld that it is usually portrayed as, - I'm not saying that this element doesn't still exist but the internet has totally transformed this industry. Service providers are, in my Adultwork experience, very often, beautiful, clean, independent, and usually younger ladies purveying the most erotic of sexual fantasies. It's a dream world more than an underworld. You pay for entry, have delightful fun and leave.

Now of course the other thing these ladies will usually have in common is a high libido, they need to be highly sexed otherwise this would be very difficult for them. So imagine for a moment that you end up in an exclusive relationship with them. It's one thing that many women eventually want little or no sex in a relationship (scientists now suggest that reason for dwindling libidos is apparently food stuff related - Wedding Cake!). So imagine being in a relationship with a woman that wants sex multiple times a day, every day, week in week out? TBH this hasn't ever happened to me, but it did to a friend of mine and eventually it was too much for him and they separated. I'm not saying a relationship between SP and SS cannot ever have a future, but don't go into this thinking this is a way to meet your future wife. That's the way to certain disappointment.

The other thing is, due to those earlier mentioned preconceptions about what this industry is, that this life is secret, for us as punters and for the providers. Very few people on either side risk sharing the fact that they do this with anyone else. I may, could even be 'probably', have real people friends who do this, but I've never shared it and I expect they never would either. So it's your secret and unless you have designs on say becoming Prime Minister or something high profile like that, if you're careful nobody in your personal circle need ever know.

One glorious potential upside to add though is, if you start having good positive meetings and find they're mutually pleasurable your ability and self confidence will probably improve whilst your desperation to meet (fuck) a girl will decline, both latter factors are more likely to make you appear more attractive to the fairer sex so it could improve your chances. And if, in the real world, you start a genuine relationship then you just quietly stop (or not) meeting working girls. If you've kept it secret from everybody, who else needs to know?

Offline earlgreyman

Think of punting as if going away to Vegas. As they say, what happens in Vegas...who the fuck else needs to know? Keep it that way. AND do not punt in your local area!

I'm guessing but the average punter might never tell their best mates they punt, let alone any future/present/past S.O. Even confiding in an ex will likely haunt you forever. Some people have been publicly shamed for getting caught out and now have estranged families.

So yeah, if you're gonna do it with or without a life partner, keep it schtum.

As for taking the plunge and staying safe. As long as you're not barebacking the low lifes, you're pretty safe. Regular STI checks will be peace of mind. Like in any relationship - can you really trust anyone with your sexual health?


Offline mradventures

im in a similar place, and i think massage palour is good first step, thats what i did, i didnt go for the happy ending but had her climb on top of me and cuddle and grope instead for the same money.

and i spoke to couple of women at sexual health clinic (staff) who said escorts are no more, but probably less of a risk for std's than your average drunk girl, but i think they recommend a vacination for hepititus? cant remmber...

and tbh you always end up paying for sex in a relationship one way or another anyways, so paying directly for an experience you want isnt that different really, you just avoid the hassle and chase and time wasting (or greatly reduce it)

Offline FlaccidChimp

lol your reasons are very similar to why I got into punting. I had recently been broken up with and was tired of the dating scene. I don't recommend you get into punting if what you want is a relationship. Sure you can fulfil some sexual fantasies and fuck all types of women of all shapes n sizes, from all over the world, just by handing over some cash the first day you meet them. You don't have to worry about the courting process at all.  :lol: However it's just an exchange for money.

Online threechilliman

I've been tempted by punting for quite a while now, but for one reason or another can't bring myself to pull the trigger on it. Just looking to get some views on my situation and motivation from others who've made the jump.

So I'm mid 30s and somehow got to this age without getting married and having children. In recent years I thought I'd found the 'one' and was involved with her for a few years but ultimately it didn't work out. Generally, success with women has been hard to come by over the years, despite me seeming to tick many boxes. For whatever reason, what I bring to the table is just never enough and there's no obvious things I can do to improve that (e.g. 'lose weight', 'get a better job', etc).

Since becoming single around this time last year, I've been going through the whole online dating thing, and really it's just a constant source of frustration and disappointment. I must've done 30+ dates in that time and the ones I was interested in seeing again were never interested - 'no spark', 'no chemistry', they said. I literally got one of these rejections just now, and am meant to be going on a date with someone else this evening. I didn't like any of these girls anywhere near as much as I did the one I mentioned above and I've pretty much accepted that I wont find that again. Aside from wasting time, effort, money, emotion on dates, there's also all the bullshit that it takes to even get the dates - wasting time on the platforms, messaging, people disappearing, flaking, etc. It's difficult to see how it makes sense to pursue it.

The position I find myself in now is pretty much this: don't have sex again or pay for it directly. Financially I'm in a position to be able to do it and it would seemingly allow me to get some of what I want without having to endure the 'dating' nonsense. Yet a few things seem to hold me back, mainly: 1) the STD risk and whether I'd end up constantly worrying about that, 2) if I did somehow find someone for a relationship I'm not sure how I'd feel with having this 'secret'.

Would be interested to know if others were also hesitant but eventually just went for it, and if so how it worked out.

I'd say either get on with it or fuck off. I can't be doing with them as want to analyse everything to the nth degree. At the end of the day its just a fuck.

Offline shyboy1

The most important thing to say is that punting is JUST SEX pure and simple. It’s not a replacement for a relationship. You can wine and dine a beautiful SP if that’s your thing but it’s just a job for her, nothing more.
If you can get your head round this fact and accept it for what it is then just get in there and fill your boots, there is great sex with sexy girls on tap pretty much whenever you want it.
Some things you mention in your post suggest to me that you need to get this straight in your mind first, the fact you’re trying hard to find a real partner might lead to blurred boundaries if you’re not careful.
I think a lot of successful regular punters have probably reached the point where for whatever reason they are not interested in finding a relationship but just want to have no strings sex.
Anyway if you can accept the facts of punting then I wish you luck and suggest you do your research and pick a good well reviewed girl for your first try.
Look forward to your first review.

Offline TonyJC

Punting is just no strings attached sex.

Anything that happens in a punt that appears like an emotional connection is just a fantasy for the paying customer's benefit.

Just go for it. Stick to protected sex and OWO/RO and stop worrying about it.

If you are getting some,  might make you more relaxed and help you form a decent relationship.

Offline shyboy1

Punting is just no strings attached sex.

Anything that happens in a punt that appears like an emotional connection is just a fantasy for the paying customer's benefit.

Just go for it. Stick to protected sex and OWO/RO and stop worrying about it.

If you are getting some,  might make you more relaxed and help you form a decent relationship.
That’s a good point about being more relaxed making finding a relationship easier. It certainly takes a lot of pressure off and maybe prevents him trying too hard with civies  :thumbsup:

Offline scutty brown

Well, this troll thread has suckered a lot of you in.

Offline JamesKW

I Was in your position like 5 years ago, mid 30's thought I would be single for ever so I was just living my best life, so started punting, it was great do do and hell I still do it the very odd time for the fun.

but I did meet someone and married her and yea we don't think we are having kids and are living a decent life, with no kids to pay for so we go on holidays and what not, its not bad at all. so never say never that you won't meet someone. but until that time go and have fun and go and pay for it, live your best life as the kids say!

If I know what I do now, I would have started putting a lot earlier than I did to be honest.

I guess the risk is that if you start using WGs before a longterm partner,you are always measuring them against her and start using them again within five years of the marriage,putting the marriage at risk.

Offline scutty brown

Well, this troll thread has suckered a lot of you in.
OP now banned....

Offline shyboy1

OP now banned....
Why was he banned, do you know something about him that the rest of us don’t.?
It seemed like a reasonable enough query to me and quite a few others judging by the helpful answers he received.
Seems a bit harsh unless there’s something we don’t know about.

Offline Ali Katt

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Why was he banned, do you know something about him that the rest of us don’t.?
It seemed like a reasonable enough query to me and quite a few others judging by the helpful answers he received.
Seems a bit harsh unless there’s something we don’t know about.
He had another account. The thread was trolling bollocks, under his previous account he had been a member for over a year and then he poats that he still hadn't had a punt due to STD fears or some EAS bullshit. It would be a reasonable request if it was genuine.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 04:00:44 pm by Ali Katt »

Offline Plan R

For a moment I thought this was new Admin's 1st scalp  :D

Offline Happyjose

Why was he banned, do you know something about him that the rest of us don’t.?
It seemed like a reasonable enough query to me and quite a few others judging by the helpful answers he received.
Seems a bit harsh unless there’s something we don’t know about.

The fact that a member has been banned, the reason, and the person who banned them appear under their posts

Offline Fuzzyduck

Why was he banned, do you know something about him that the rest of us don’t.?
It seemed like a reasonable enough query to me and quite a few others judging by the helpful answers he received.
Seems a bit harsh unless there’s something we don’t know about.

Putting aside the ban, it looked dodgy anyway: the narrative just doesn't sound genuine, it's contrived and I'm not sure it was even a bloke that wrote it. That said, I wasn't sure so hedged my bets. Happyjose and Scutty called it.

Offline shyboy1

He had another account. The thread was trolling bollocks, under his previous account he had been a member for over a year and then he poats that he still hadn't had a punt due to STD fears or some EAS bullshit. It would be a reasonable request if it was genuine.

Thanks Ali Kat, that’s fair enough.
I did wonder if it was genuine but I tend to give people a fair shot unless I have a good reason not to, but glad the Mods are on the ball  :thumbsup:

Offline Ali Katt

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Thanks Ali Kat, that’s fair enough.
I did wonder if it was genuine but I tend to give people a fair shot unless I have a good reason not to, but glad the Mods are on the ball  :thumbsup:
Topic was also covered here: