Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Escort Scotland - fact or fiction.  (Read 1408 times)

Offline youngatheart

I, probably like many others - have looked at External Link/Members Only

On the face of it, some of the photographs shown are obviously fake.  I have reported quite a few of these and the pictures have been taken down - BUT THE LISTING HAS NOT BEEN TAKEN DOWN.

I am asking you, the punting community, if you know which of the adverts on this site have genuine pictures and which adverts are from bait and switch cunts.

Thank you

These are some I have personally reported for having fake pictures

I do not see why any of us should waste our time phoning these cunts when they are incapable of showing a genuine photo of the girl that is being offered.

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only  (TWO REPORTS)

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only  (TWO REPORTS)

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only  (THREE REPORTS!!!)

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only (TWO REPORTS)

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only  (TWO REPORTS)

I would really like to know if anyone can verify from visiting any of these girls if they really are the girl on offer.  Without such evidence is looks like the site is a complete waste of time and effort.

Thank You
Banned reason: Fuck you cunt
Banned by: Head1

Offline seeker

Not only are most of them B&S but also the same sKanky gas cookers will sometimes have multiple B&S accounts  :bomb:
The site makes its cash from the adverts, so is not to vigilant about the accuracy of the contents.
Caveat emptor
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 07:55:28 am by seeker »

Offline Jakevak

I emailed ES to complain about a number of profiles and they replied that while they do all they can to verify accuracy, ultimately it is up to the advertiser what they put on the site and ES cannot be held responsible. In other words, they do fuck all verification and don't give a shit. It's as much of a gamble as Vivastreet.

Offline Kingkong86

Not always B&S, I’ve used escort Scotland about 6 times over the years. Had only 1 B&S even then I walked.
Look for verified picture, even then if they look too good to be true they probably are.
No different to any other add site it’s down to the Punter to suss out a bullshit profile and it’s not exactly hard.

We will always get get some Eastern European munter using pornstar pictures on there profiles just like we will always get silly scouse bird that have had 1 photo in lads mag claiming to be a top model and ask for £400-500 for the hour.

Offline The Man With No Name

Hold on, am I missing something here?

Or are you actually asking members to confirm that if any of a load of unverified profiles - half of which are inactive, most with reported fake photos - are somehow, miraculously, actually the girl in the snaps?

How long have you been doing this?

Offline youngatheart

I am asking if anyone can confirm which adverts on the site are genuine.
Banned reason: Fuck you cunt
Banned by: Head1

Offline The Man With No Name

I am asking if anyone can confirm which adverts on the site are genuine.

You might be now, but you weren't before:
I would really like to know if anyone can verify from visiting any of these girls if they really are the girl on offer.  Without such evidence is looks like the site is a complete waste of time and effort.

Aye, nae bother. Let me just get my list of every reliable ES advert out my back pocket. I usually keep it in-between my catalogue of best-performing motorway service stations, and tally of local supermarkets with nice-enough toilets to take a shite in.

Seems a lot of things are a complete waste of time and effort for you. One of them, evidently, is going to the immense effort of ticking the "verified profile" box on ES, then cross-checking the ads you like on here. Christ, you could've done it twice in the time you spent pointlessly raging to nobody about a load of fake profiles at the top of this thread.

See if we were willing to dig one out for you, would you want us to fuck her for you as well, then report back with details of what her fanny feels like?

Now, off you fuck to do your homework...

Offline bushman

Anything with Japanese in them is fake.