Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Bevvy Posting  (Read 954 times)

Offline Jock D

I don't recall this subject being discussed on the Scottish boards before, so inspired by a comment on the Rubee Meltdown Negative review thread, by Name Not Found....
'Looks to me like someone who has had a bout of just-back-from-the-pub-posting-bravery-syndrome.'

Personally, I try and avoid it. I think in my entire time on this site, my posts whilst drunk wouldn't reach double figures. The reason for this is...I know I'd be more inclined to get into petty arguments and then regret it when I read the comments I've made the next day. :blush: Obviously, it's all down to personal choice/preference and that's mine.

So, what are your thoughts on this many of you regularly post whilst not entirely sober?

Offline Boinky

When I'm drunk people don't notice. I avoid getting shitfaced, no pleasure in it.

I don't post any different after I've had a few than when I'm sober. Not all posters can say the same though.  :D

Offline Name Not Found

People are generally more inclined to take risks when bevvied. I imagine that those members with spouses/girlfriends are more likely to feel brave enough to take the risk of posting when they're a bit pished, whereas at any other time they might be more worried about the OH catching them out or appearing behind them while they're typing away.

I used to get into quite a lot of those petty arguments on-line after a few pints, but I now have a little mental trigger that tells me to shut the fuck up. I save my energy for the arguments worth having.

Offline scutty brown

tempted to move this to off-topic........

Offline Name Not Found

tempted to move this to off-topic........

Have a drink and think about it  :drinks:

Online Davey Dykes

I certainly read when I've had a glass or 2 but avoid any arguement. I will do the odd review or comment which is easily seen by my even poorer spelling and grammer in that case. My off switch tends to kick in shoud I find myself getting my gander up.

Offline scutty brown

I certainly read when I've had a glass or 2 but avoid any arguement. I will do the odd review or comment which is easily seen by my even poorer spelling and grammer in that case. My off switch tends to kick in shoud I find myself getting my gander up.

three spelling mistakes many drinks?

Online Davey Dykes

About a bottle and a half of Merlot.

How many Custard Creams have you had?

Offline Boinky

I don't post any different after I've had a few than when I'm sober.

Ah luv u alll.... you're my best mates you are, mon roond and huv a bevvy. Eh........

Please note - Normal service will be resumed in approximately 8-10 hours.

Offline Jock D

I certainly read when I've had a glass or 2 but avoid any arguement. I will do the odd review or comment which is easily seen by my even poorer spelling and grammer in that case. My off switch tends to kick in shoud I find myself getting my gander up.

That's what I used to do...but I found my gander getting up, and the temptation to post was becoming too now I don't even log on for a look, if I've been drinking.

Explains why I haven't been on since yesterday morning.... :drinks: