Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Moniquitsback  (Read 609 times)


  • Guest
Morning Guys, has anyone visited Moniqueitsback in Liverpool, she is a Rom who was working in Wrexham but is now working from Kensington in Liverpool now, would appreciate any advice or feedback.


  • Guest
Thanks Goldfinch, just checking if anyone has seen her while shes in Liverpool, shes meant to he in Kensington so my alarm bells are tongling.

Offline Goldfinch

Thanks Goldfinch, just checking if anyone has seen her while shes in Liverpool, shes meant to he in Kensington so my alarm bells are tongling.

No problem-I always like to add a link so anyone unfamiliar with her can have a gander. ;)

Offline Mr Marbles

I saw her back in October when she was in Wrexham and she was nothing special. I gave her a neutral and if I was you I'd give her a miss.

Offline Fiddlersferry

Thanks for the advice Mr M, I will give her a swerve.