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Author Topic: Waster in Coventry, jenny!  (Read 1067 times)

Offline nessie23

This lady is such a waste of time and the biggest liar you will ever meet,so don’t go anywhere near her
Be warned as they say for warned is for armed,
Seen her before and reviewed her on her and surprise surprise it was a negative,
Visited her late one evening back in early September,pulled up at her shitty block of flats in willenhall,
Only to be met outside saying she’s just got to pop to her friends to pay some money back she borrowed,me being a nice chap gave her the money in the car which I think she used to pay the debt off,
I went with her in her car and she gave me the usual spiel this time it was her half brother had died in Spain a few days ago,I give it the concerned look and sympathy voice and condolences but really I couldn’t give a fuck ! We’ve all gotta go oneday !
Arrived back at her shithole flat in a shithole block,
Into the bedroom and kit off condom on and the usual build up to the main event,slip him in and start to fuck her,I’d guess couple of minutes max,then she said she’s got to stop as she can’t breathe,wtf !
What comes next is unbelievable she only gets a nebuliser to help her breathe.plugs the fucker in and stands there inhaling with a mask on,me with my ever reducing cock still with the Jonny onnext to her,lost interest so said I’m off that was it I went home,
Few weeks later I get a txt from her are you coming over to see me ?
Ok let’s have some fun I thought,ok I’ll come over negotiate a price as I’ve Been ripped off by her so wanted a reduced rate !
More spiel from her she needs to pay her car insurance the next day !so I could have an hour for 40 sheets !
Told her to get ready I’m on my way to which I wasn’t and never had any intention of going,
Same evening I just txt her after she would of gotten ready that I’m too tired so wouldn’t be going !
Anyway the finale was last week I was in bed at 2am and my phone goes off ! Yes you’ve  guessed it it’s her asking am i coming over to fuck her ! I’m up at 6am so it’s a no ,then she calls me an old man,
I have to work hard for my money unlike her I guess she’s on benefits anyway I’m sure cov city council would love to know there’s a prostitute using there flat as a knocking shop !
Anyway we arrange the next evening for a meeting,I rung her up to confirm I’m coming still,with no intention of,what a thick bitch she really is !
I’m playing games darling just like you did to me in the past !
I txt her around 8pm telling her I can’t be arsed then the abuse came from her with txt messages,
Telling me she gets fucked every night and doesn’t have to pay for it and it’s just money nothing else,,,,,no shit sherlock !
And she’d never enjoy it with someone like me ,
Yes then she blocks me so I can’t reply,what a coward,I wouldn’t of replied as I wouldn’t lower myself to her level,
Too old for that game of arguing, back and forth,
Avoid this lady lads she’s a compulsive liar,says she’s new to Coventry but told me she has lived there for around 3 -4 years,I wouldn’t call that new,
Jenny you play games with me you’ve picked the wrong person,
To sum it up I enjoyed my time playing, thankyou Jenny you fell for it hook line and sinker,
Now fuck off back to brum ,Coventry is to nice a place for trash like you,just saying if you’re reading this Jen !
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  • Guest

Even though I'd given her a negative and given that for 45quid and the fact that I can walk to her place...I was thanks mate I owe you a drink.

Offline scutty brown

I don't know the girl, never met her
But what you describe sounds like a girl who's using the punt money to score drugs before she fucks you.
Does she have any needle marks?

Offline nessie23

No worries Brandonpete,if I can help us blokes out I will,
STEER CLEAR and stay at home and have a wank,I hasten to say it’s more enjoyable than fucking this piece of lieing shit.  :thumbsup:

Offline nessie23

To be honest I didn’t notice needle marks,wasn’t there long enough, she’s just a lieing skanky bitch.
You’re better of not knowing her to be honest,
2am contact !  unbelievable obviously hasn’t got a day job !
Called me an old man for not turning out to see her,she’s a joke mate. :drinks:

Offline scutty brown

.............2am contact !  ................:

exactly - she needed a fix

Offline nessie23

Take a look at her profile the pics are fuck all like anybody going on the pics for a terrible punt with her ,,,,,DONT.


  • Guest
Good man for playing the whore's game !

Bet she didn't like being on the receiving end of the mess around

Offline nessie23

No she didn’t and she hadn’t got a clue what I was up too that’s why I got those abusive pathetic txts,
Also don’t be fooled by her pics ,I don’t believe they are of her,the boobs no face ones are but the full body shots aren’t,scum of the earth this piece of shit. : :thumbsdown:

Offline BlueRock

Avoid she said she'd do bareback depending what I looked like.
Which reminds me the young brit in Coventry who keeps changing her name but generally involves 'shy' also said bareback is fine for a price and has a bisexual boy friend so best avoided

Offline AlwaysLooking

Cheers guys, I'd had a few messages back and forth with her. Off my list now.

Offline nessie23

Glad I could help my friend,I just hope you used a burner phone as she’ll txt,ring spontaneously anytime day or night and if your with your missus then you’re in trouble !
I had the intellect not to use my real name or main phone solely because of this !
Stay away mate that’s my advice to every red blooded male on this site,
She’s trouble !  :drinks:

Offline AlwaysLooking

Glad I could help my friend,I just hope you used a burner phone as she’ll txt,ring spontaneously anytime day or night and if your with your missus then you’re in trouble !
I had the intellect not to use my real name or main phone solely because of this !
Stay away mate that’s my advice to every red blooded male on this site,
She’s trouble !  :drinks:

I only used AW message, and my private email for naughty stuff. Never got as far as getting close to my burner phone (which unless I'm actively search/going to a punt is never switched on).

But thanks once again :-)