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Author Topic: Mr-Mrs Findlay / CuckoldRoleplay4Real  (Read 6826 times)


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A profile with this name appeared in the couples section of aw a couple of weeks ago but then it quickly dissapperd. The really strange thing was that it said her name was Celine and that it was Magalie the frenchgirl and her husband Cameron and they were going to run swinging parties at their house in Burnside. On aw  it even gave the street as Mitchell road or Mitchell street or Mitchell Drive or whatever i cant remember.
Did anyone else notice this profile and if it is still there maybe under another name can anyone find it. I thought it was really strange at the time and wondered if it was maybe someone who found out her right name trying to get back at her because you can see on here she has so many enemies.
Maybe some of yous who know a lot about her like TJ Randy and Sur can help. Does Magalie have a couple profile somewhere as Celine Findlay with husband Cameron

Offline valdishere

Very new here but already a few Mag posts???
Don’t know this WG but aware of some bad reviews posted on here.
However if what your posting is to OUT some personal details on this WG I think it’s very bad form indeed.
Us punters ‘Yous’ in your language are here to punt and review services received not feed a troll or ano prossie with a vendetta to settle.

Offline rpg


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A profile with this name appeared in the couples section of aw a couple of weeks ago but then it quickly dissapperd. The really strange thing was that it said her name was Celine and that it was Magalie the frenchgirl and her husband Cameron and they were going to run swinging parties at their house in Burnside. On aw  it even gave the street as Mitchell road or Mitchell street or Mitchell Drive or whatever i cant remember.
Did anyone else notice this profile and if it is still there maybe under another name can anyone find it. I thought it was really strange at the time and wondered if it was maybe someone who found out her right name trying to get back at her because you can see on here she has so many enemies.
Maybe some of yous who know a lot about her like TJ Randy and Sur can help. Does Magalie have a couple profile somewhere as Celine Findlay with husband Cameron

I saw that profile when it was up and sent an email to see what I could find out. Celine Findlay is definatlay Magalie. If you pm me I will let you know what I know.


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And fuck off again!!

And once you get there, fuck off some more!!


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I saw that profile when it was up and sent an email to see what I could find out. Celine Findlay is definatlay Magalie. If you pm me I will let you know what I know.

You're a font of knowledge about her bigsur. You on commission?

Offline valdishere

Hmmm I note the OP signed out immediately after starting this thread and has not signed in since?

Did the Mr&MrsF mentioned trace & track him/her down and silenced them with incredible couple sex before we all learned if there was indeed any validity for the posting.
Guess now we will never know agh well.....

No but wait as if by design or strange quirk of UKP fate another often mentioned member r surfaces to help with answers by PM no less.

BS leave the prossies to do the teasing and don't post again re your now well noted comments in any thread regarding your favourite french lady OR punt up with some facts we can all relate to or understand


  • Guest
Hmmm I note the OP signed out immediately after starting this thread and has not signed in since?

Did the Mr&MrsF mentioned trace & track him/her down and silenced them with incredible couple sex before we all learned if there was indeed any validity for the posting.
Guess now we will never know agh well.....

No but wait as if by design or strange quirk of UKP fate another often mentioned member r surfaces to help with answers by PM no less.

BS leave the prossies to do the teasing and don't post again re your now well noted comments in any thread regarding your favourite french lady OR punt up with some facts we can all relate to or understand

Sorry if I havent been on for few days but some of us have work to go to and a wife who watches every move she is out now. Ive just pmd bs and hope he can tell me more about Celine Findlay and her husband Cameron and it is not because I am a gimp, slave pimp or anything else for the French witch Magalie. yous are dead wrong
I want to go to a sex party with a real husband and wife who go bareback and I know Magalie and her pimp and partner Andy dont do that. I have seen them and she is fucking mad he is hopeless and would not do half the things I wanted.
She just wanted to give me and him a beating which i dont like and kept asking if she could pish on me or shit on me no thanks. i,ll do a Review when i got time
so what I want to do is find out if the Celine Findlay and her husband Cameron who had a aw profile as Mr-Mrs Findlay in Burnside Rutherglen offering swinging parties are Magalie and Andy. If they are I am not interested.
If Celine and Cameron Findlay are not Magalie and Andy then i,m very interested but if they are then i,m not and i,m sure there are others who fancy a swinging party with a real husband and wife going bareback who want to know so i hope bs can help. i,ll keep yous posted when work and wife let me

Offline valdishere

Mornin AngloAlly glad you came back to clear up the confusion in particular after my latest post re BigSur’s open offer.
Interesting that your mate /alter ago “BigSur” was indeed logged in to site earlier this morning but made no comment reply!
So perhaps when you PM each other ‘whilst looking directly at each other in the mirror this morning’ you can sort out who’s who and yous is him or both of you etc etc.

From what I have gleaned from other posts on here re this lady she appears to be well experienced and capable with so called many profiles over the years so it seems highly improbable she would advertise with her husband and use their real names and home address to arrange house sex parties……..Do you really think we are that stupid

BTW I also have a busy life too and while you chase that bareback couple I’ll ask your wife this morning whilst she takes a few mates and me on her gangbang chain session to ensure she gives you plenty of time to write that review you mention and for some private PM time to yersel.

oh wait I can almost hear a BigSur denial reply   


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I wish more folk would see the pattern here val.

Offline Queynte

It is amazing how much discussion there is about a mad French woman who everyone on this site knows to avoid.

She's old, mad and disgusting french woman who should be avoided. If you don't agree then by all means visit her, but please can we stop talking about her


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It is amazing how much discussion there is about a mad French woman who everyone on this site knows to avoid.

She's old, mad and disgusting french woman who should be avoided. If you don't agree then by all means visit her, but please can we stop talking about her

Agreed. I wish they/he/she would fuck off as it's ruined this area board now.


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OP is very clearly a disaffected client who is set on outing this WG and also seems to be lowering the tone of UKP.  Why else would you post all these names and addresses?


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OP is very clearly a disaffected client who is set on outing this WG and also seems to be lowering the tone of UKP.  Why else would you post all these names and addresses?

Yes you may have a point there.

But could it also be them doing a publicity stunt to gain attention?

I certainly agree with previous suggestions about banning all future mention of this Frenchwoman and her army of sneaky touters.

But what do our Scottish residents think, should I delete this thread?


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It's hard to decide. Any publicity is good publicity in some peoples eyes.
However I'm sure it exposes just how fucked up this all is.

Offline Queynte


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having seen her and knowing first hand how fucking mental she is...

having less of her name mentioned and her stupid fans bringing her up in what seems like every 2nd thread...

ban them all, and never speak of her again!! lol

but keep the threads so newbies can find out she should be avoided like the plague...



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If you don't like her then don't visit her.  Sure post as many negative reviews as possible based on fact and connecting with her AW profile but I question the intent of the OP in making public her personal details if indeed these belong to Magalie.  I am not being fluffy but feel that the OP is straying from the true purpose of UKP, surely?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 08:16:07 am by Alde »

Offline valdishere

Yes you may have a point there.

But could it also be them doing a publicity stunt to gain attention?

I certainly agree with previous suggestions about banning all future mention of this Frenchwoman and her army of sneaky touters.

But what do our Scottish residents think, should I delete this thread?

Admin, I’m sure you and your fellow site lieutenants are aware that the Scottish region (and others) whilst enjoying a sizeable growth in postings / members also ultimately includes some trolls or odd punters such as OP who started this thread.
It is quite apparent to any long-term Scottish member that there is just far too many mentions this certain WG possibly by dubious posters (or indeed same person / affiliated group with multi aliases).
Other more respected and long-time members have cited this lady and her pimp / marketer invading other WG threads with negative comments or attempting to promote the same French lady!!
I believe she has been around for many years in various guises and given most UKP punters know her she has been successful albeit with an assembly line type service offer that may work on basis of ‘a fool (new punter) born every day
So both her direct marketing AW etc or any indirect mention gains the required marketing coverage to keep her assembly line running and also create discredit remarks on other WG’s other than a few possible WG friends she may also be aligned to.
I responded to the OP post as I don’t think its correct or appropriate to use this site to post personal details on any WG if indeed they are her real name and address.
However I do think a possible ban on this French lady and any of her old or new aliases is worth consideration in the same way UKP would ban a member – it may stop the several posters profiles that appear to pop up and reintroduce her name to any thread..
Perhaps also leave all past postings as a reminder to anyone new who may instigate a genuine search using her AW No that any mention of this WG is now banned.   


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Well you have to hand it the French bitch, she's been playing us like a fiddle.

Sends in one of her toilet gimps to make vaugue enquiries, the post gets slammed with messages regarding her skanky, filthy, shitey habbits - which is coincidentally, exaclty how she markets and sells herself nowadays!  She's the undisputed Scottish Queen of shite. Has the log-laying niche all to herself, and revels in it.

I'd ban all mention of her, for no other reason than her extreme, unprecedented touting methods.


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Thanks to all yous who got in touch to tell me all you know about Magalie-Celine and sorry it had went quiet with me but I was away working and am back and have to be quick before the wife comes in.

Magalie has told some guys that her name is Celine and she lives with her husband in Burnside. My op was nearly right with her address but I have it now thanks to a pm but dont want to post it here. That is the house where she said she was having swinging parties on the aw profile that went.

I have also been told that the guy who was with her when I saw them as a couple is not her husband Cameron. He is her pimp and drug supplier Andy. I will post a review which will be a big negative about my visit to them and find what they are calling themselfs as they change name a lot.


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My review of Magalie-Celine Findlay and her pimp drug supplier Andy going up as promised. They are best avoided.


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Link to this Profile Page using External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - Get QR Code

This is the French witch and nut job and drug addict Magalie-Celine Findlay and her pimp drug supplier Andy at her manky flat in Queens Drive and not her and her husband Cameron at their house in Mitchell Drive in Burnside where they have advertised sex parties for swingers.

It is a few months since I went to see them and I think thje profile name was ShootInMyWife. They have also been called something like CuckCplGlas and CuckoldCoupleGlasgow.

I emailed and got the number and spoke to a guy who told me his name was Andy and that his wife was French and slim. I was not on this forum then and did not know about Magalie-Celine Findlay and her bad reputation.

The first warning sign was when I parked outside the close and saw someone leaving who was a punter and someone who looked like another punter who had been hanging about answer his phone and then go up. I was half an hour early. The second guy left after 20 minutes and she phoned me to tell me the flat number.

When I got there she put her finger to her lips to keep my quiet and took me into the kitchen which was dirty and smelly. When she took me into the bedroom Andy was there in a mask and tied to the bed.

I had not asked for any of this. When I had spoken to him I told him I wanted him to fuck his wife and for me to lick the creampie and then for us to both fuck her with dp He said all this was okay and that it would be £170.

Instead she wanted to whip him and have me slap him and her slap and whip me. She was cackling in a strange way and seemed to be out of her mind on something. I wanted to get out and asked for my money back. But he was off the bed. he is a big guy and so I got my kit on and got out of there.

Now I know that Magalie is Celine Findlay and is married to Cameron Findlay and they are trying to con punters at their house in Mitchell Drive Burnside with the offer of swinging sex parties when all they are looking for are victims to take part in their sadistic and dangerous antics just the same as Celine Findlay does in Queens drive with her pretend husband, pimp and drug supplier when she is calling herself Magalie.



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Posted on Review section. Mad Magalie-Celine Findlay, her pimp Andy and her husband Cameron Findlay and why they are dangerous.


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I am not a big supporter of Magalie but seems like Angloally has a big grudge against Magalie and Andy.  Maybe Angloally is her jealous rival? Male or female?  Specially as he is giving out seemingly her real name and address in his feedback report.  This report looks false and made up and made with much jealous anger or through effects of too much drink.

If he knows it is her and he don't like her then why go see her?  Better to have common sense here.  If she does not provide a service you like then there is no need to go or to go back.  Plenty of feedback in this site to guide you whether to see her or to look for other girls.  Anyways seems profile picture of blonde girl in couples profile is not same blonde girl on Magalie profile. 
« Last Edit: September 06, 2014, 02:53:42 am by SammyZ »


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She was cackling in a strange way and seemed to be out of her mind .

:lol:  Aye, that's her alright.

Sounds bizarre...just like everything else connected to this whore.

But why post there (alleged) real names?

Offline myothernameis

:lol:  Aye, that's her alright.

Sounds bizarre...just like everything else connected to this whore.

But why post there (alleged) real names?

There more going on than meets the eye, now I cant go into details, but all I will say, watch this space, Magalie is about to go viral  :D :D :D  The tables are about to be turned


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Profile age says 39 yet pictures show a woman late 50's early 60's  :thumbsdown:

External Link/Members Only

Offline valdishere

James you must have a lot of reasonable looking pensioners down your way!
No way defending this skank prossie but photo don't look that bad compared to some munters on AW?


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There more going on than meets the eye, now I cant go into details, but all I will say, watch this space, Magalie is about to go viral  :D :D :D  The tables are about to be turned

Mmm do you have inside information on this?just as I was beginning to have a little belief in your validity.  The poison that spreads from this cow is epidemic. Everybody seems to know more than they are admitting to. Just how do you know what magalie is going to do? Why can't you go into detail? Are you indeed connected to her little harem of shit loving gimps after all?

Stay tuned in for the next thrilling episode of That Crazy French Chick.

You better watch out her pimp or husband doesn't slash your pretty face myothernameis.  :sarcastic:

Offline valdishere

Well said TJ this entire Mag thing now looks as being verified suspicious as far too many dubious posters with suppossed 'knowledge' but not willing to share. Suspect it is the woma herself playing yet another game.
Can we finally stop all Mag threads!!


  • Guest
Well said TJ this entire Mag thing now looks as being verified suspicious as far too many dubious posters with suppossed 'knowledge' but not willing to share. Suspect it is the woma herself playing yet another game.
Can we finally stop all Mag threads!!

I agree can we just ban this woman from being discussed on here, it is becoming ridiculous, i found this thread very suspicious when it was posted yesterday.


  • Guest
Looks as though Magalie-Mrs Celine Findlay is back from her holiday in France and working from the revolving door from her smelly flat in Queens Park again. All the wgs who have been getting threats from her will be ready for her. Wonder if Cameron was with her or if he was entertaining with another of her pimp and drug dealer Any's girls at their house in Burnside.


  • Guest
There more going on than meets the eye, now I cant go into details, but all I will say, watch this space, Magalie is about to go viral  :D :D :D  The tables are about to be turned

I wonder if that has anything to do with all the threats other wgs have been getting from Mad Magalie-Mrs Celine Findlay. She is back at her smelly flat in Queens Park and running swingers parties from her house in Mitchell Drive in Burnside again with husband Cameron and her drug dealing pimp Andy so we will soon find out what myothernameis meant.


  • Guest
Looks as though Magalie-Mrs Celine Findlay is back from her holiday in France and working from the revolving door from her smelly flat in Queens Park again. All the wgs who have been getting threats from her will be ready for her. Wonder if Cameron was with her or if he was entertaining with another of her pimp and drug dealer Any's girls at their house in Burnside.

You guys that apparently find the French cunt so repugnant, seem to know every detail of her life?

Next you'll be telling us when she had her last shite, and who's mouth it landed in aye.  :coolgirl:


  • Guest
I wonder if that has anything to do with all the threats other wgs have been getting from Mad Magalie-Mrs Celine Findlay. She is back at her smelly flat in Queens Park and running swingers parties from her house in Mitchell Drive in Burnside again with husband Cameron and her drug dealing pimp Andy so we will soon find out what myothernameis meant.

You seem to the  man with all the Magalie info BigSur.  Do you know her personally? Have you ever shared a shite?


  • Guest
You guys that apparently find the French cunt so repugnant, seem to know every detail of her life?

Next you'll be telling us when she had her last shite, and who's mouth it landed in aye.  :coolgirl:

No need for me to add to this post. Says it all.


  • Guest
You seem to the  man with all the Magalie info BigSur.  Do you know her personally? Have you ever shared a shite?

I'm beginning to think mags might have knocked him back for being a weirdo stalker


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Looks like Celine Findlay aka Magalie is also back working with her pimp and drug dealer Andy and her husband Cameron Findlay on their CuckoldRoleplay4Real profile. When Celine Findlay was away in France the photo was changed but it is now back to the blonde who looks like her. Will they be working from their big house at 13 Mitchell Drive in Burnside and do the neighbours know.


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This is just a witch hunt.  I am ashamed that I have contributed to the Scottish UKP forum in the past. A number of very vocal contributors seem set on posting rubbish rather than material that will assist UKP members.