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Author Topic: New wanna be punter, just wanting to say thanks!  (Read 1519 times)


  • Guest
Evening all,

Been considering taking up punting as a new hobby and wanted to thank this site for being awesome. Not only as a great source of information and reviews, but for general novice guidance as well. I won't blabber any further, but i do have a question.

How reliable are the AW ratings? Some of them seem really high compared to the amount of UKP reviews, while other well reviewed providers have much lower ratings (not negative, just the amount of). Are the numbers heavily manipulated?

Also, so this post isn't so serious, how to you guys like your boob sizes? I'm a small tits man, but a lot of WGs seem to be on the larger side.

Cheers, Rhino

Offline Titti Tatti

I would say welcome Rhino, but what I will say is "Duck"!


Offline Blackpool Rock

I would say welcome Rhino, but what I will say is "Duck"!

And "cover"

Offline Billy no mates

Welcome, see some girls, do some reviews, then and only then, expect to be taken seriously.


  • Guest
haha, yer I all ready seen that newcomers are treated with suspicion. I figured you that there's no way round that fact, so i have to start somewhere.

And what do ducks have anything to do with this?

Offline DrConners

haha, yer I all ready seen that newcomers are treated with suspicion. I figured you that there's no way round that fact, so i have to start somewhere.

And what do ducks have anything to do with this?

 :dash:  As in be prepared to duck your head down for posting such a lame & lazy first post. 90% of AW FB & Field reports are PC nonsense.

Currently I think you were better off lurking - like you say you have to start somewhere. You just chose a particularly stupid place to do so.

Offline OakTree

How reliable are the AW ratings? Some of them seem really high compared to the amount of UKP reviews, while other well reviewed providers have much lower ratings (not negative, just the amount of). Are the numbers heavily manipulated?

AW ratings/feedback is of little value if any at all. A punter is hardly going to give negative feedback for fear of receiving the same in return.  The amount of feed back is meaningless also. Some WGs insist you book through AW which in generates the opportunity to leave feedback, whereas some although advertise on AW do everything by phone or text and by pass AW for booking purposes.

Offline bob the knob

welcome RhinoCrash, glad to have you on board.  yes you have to be wary of AW feedback and learn to read between the lines.  one trick is to read the feedback of the guy leaving the feedback  if you have time.  sometimes you can pick up clues as to who is a genuine punter giving genuine feedback and who is fake.

Offline Ramone78

How reliable are the AW ratings? Some of them seem really high compared to the amount of UKP reviews, while other well reviewed providers have much lower ratings (not negative, just the amount of). Are the numbers heavily manipulated?

Ignore AW FB is my advice, if you see a profile on AW search on here (before asking) on the profile no, the Girls name may change but the No. remains the same.

Offline Graucho

Best thing I did was find this site for feedback. AW is mainly fiction due to the fear of retaliatory feedback whereas the feedback here is more trustworthy.

Online threechilliman

Evening all,

Been considering taking up punting as a new hobby and wanted to thank this site for being awesome. Not only as a great source of information and reviews, but for general novice guidance as well. I won't blabber any further, but i do have a question.

How reliable are the AW ratings? Some of them seem really high compared to the amount of UKP reviews, while other well reviewed providers have much lower ratings (not negative, just the amount of). Are the numbers heavily manipulated?

Also, so this post isn't so serious, how to you guys like your boob sizes? I'm a small tits man, but a lot of WGs seem to be on the larger side.

Cheers, Rhino

AW FB has no correlation with FB from here. I recall a girl in the NW with 600+ve's on AW and the general consensus on here were that she were crap

New wanna be punter, just wanting to say thanks!

Best way to say thanks is to break your duck, book, fuck and then tell us all about it with your very first review. Off you go son!

Offline mrdiamond77

Welcome RhinoCrash, but as others have said, best to get booking, shagging and reviewing.


  • Guest
Thanks all, except for DrConners, you need to chill the fuck out dude.

Offline Billy no mates

Thanks all, except for DrConners, you need to chill the fuck out dude.

I would rather read one of his reviews than wait for one of yours. A few posts and already telling respected/established members how to react. Really where do these arseholes come from.


  • Guest
Thanks all, except for DrConners, you need to chill the fuck out dude.

whats up with the Doc? 

You aint seen nothing yet.   :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline NIK

Thanks all, except for DrConners, you need to chill the fuck out dude.

‘Been considering taking up punting as a new hobby’

Fuck off you pathetic 15 year old troll!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 12:59:56 am by NIK »

Offline OakTree

Been considering taking up punting as a new hobby

Fuck off you pathetic 15 year old troll!

I don’t think anybody thinks like that. I never thought oh! I need a new hobby. For me it was sexual frustration, basically not getting enough and the want and desire to fuck a woman without the complications of dating. I never imagined it would then become an obsessive bottomless pit to throw money in.

I agree... a troll.

Offline DrConners

Thanks all, except for DrConners, you need to chill the fuck out dude.

Thanks for the advice - imbecile  :hi:

You posted this at 11.28 pm - does your mum know your still trolling around that late on a school night ?

Start making some worthwile contributions instead of these 'dummy out of the pram antics' & dull uneducated posts. You'll find UKP members far more willing to offer advice to a member with a positive attitude - and not a bellend like you.  :thumbsdown:

Offline NIK

It’s strong odds the twat will never return.
They must think we have never seen bollocks like this before.  It is so unoriginal and predictable. :dash: