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Author Topic: Viagra in Morocco  (Read 2910 times)

Offline thetinman007

Is it freely available in Pharmacys without prescription ?

Offline Jimbo1984

I don't know about Viagra but I've purchased Cialis in Tangier in the past without prescription every time. Very expensive though - i.e. same if not more than UK prices

Offline wello123

The guys in the souks selling tea and honey sell local Viagra in few forms. Like jelly. It works really well

Offline yass81

How much do they sell them for, I can can them from uk, wondering if it’s worth me just grabbing them from the souks.

Offline wello123

Not much for a tenner you will get enough to keep you going and it's a lot stronger

Offline yass81

Mainly sildenafil and other 💩.

Offline Mr Sinister

Is it freely available in Pharmacys without prescription ?

Yes a mate bought some, quite pricey compared to the UK but no issues purchasing it over the counter.

If you're not there already best just buying it in the UK and taking a packet over, don't worry you won't get done by customs

Offline Moses

Is it freely available in Pharmacys without prescription ?

You can get this at all pharmacy without any prescription And also in different mg as well avoid the ones in the souks that sell you there own remedies I think that more of a gimmick.

Offline james1989

Funny story once me and a few boys were travelling from agadir to Marrakesh via taxi. I have a feeling the taxi guy tipped of the police at one checkpoint and they stopped the car and searched it. Found a bottle of JD as it was our fist time a bit of worried back and forth took place and we had to tip the police to let us go with the bottle in hand.

Once the police took the money they came back to the car and gave us all viagra pills and started laughing at us saying enjoy the rest of your trip, after that I realised anything goes in that country, turns out wasn’t even illegal to carry a bottle but they prey on the vulnerable.

Offline nomad786

You can get the local equivalent of via grateful from the soak. Most of the spice shops selling it.