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Author Topic: Liberia, Africa  (Read 1658 times)

Offline JackTheStripper

Going to Liberia on Saturday, arrive there Sunday afternoon and flying out again on Sunday night. Might extend if anybody can recommend any decent action there.

Offline JackTheStripper

Well in case anyone is wondering, I didn’t make it more than 50 feet away from the airport due to reading about safety concerns.

Almost didn’t make my flight to Amsterdam due to severe back and stomach pain, which have lasted from Sunday to Wednesday and are still ongoing.

Went to hospital and diagnosed (although they are not 100% sure) with Gastroenteritis.

Offline Malvolio

I'm wondering what made you go there in the first place.

Offline JackTheStripper

Work - I can assure you it wasn’t for a laugh !

Offline soutpiel

I traveled there on and off for 3 years. Liberia is not a dangerous as is often made out.

Have someone you know or the hotel meet you at the airport or you're likely to get ripped off (as anywhere in that part of the world). During the day it pretty safe everywhere. There is not much between the airport and Monrovia. One of the best hotels, albeit a way outside of the city (on the airport road), is the Kendeja. Its on the beach, has a great pool and later at night there are normally a number of local girls who will enjoy a drink and stay with you if they're having a good time. Lots of girls come down for the beach at the weekend.

Perhaps unusually for a predominantly Christian country, Liberian girl's morals are somewhat looser than one might expect. Many will have several children all with different fathers. Having a white 'boyfriend' is seen as a status symbol. If you always smile first and gently flatter them, you will frequently get their phone number if you ask - and cell phones are one of the few things that work well there. Liberian men are very chauvinistic so if you treat them well, generally they'll respond in kind.

It is a country suffering abject poverty, so I always went for amateurs - the office workers, hotel staff, airline staff, bank staff etc... They're all inevitably trying to support a number of family members so a few dollars in exchange for a good time is par for the course there.

Finally take your own rubber - even though Liberia is one of the largest rubber producers in the world!

Offline JackTheStripper


Thanks for your comments. Unfortunately I had already booked the return ticket (I only spent 10 hours in Liberia in total), and this was done after reading all the negative reviews on the internet.

I spent my time waiting for my next flight at a small cafe just a few moments walk across from the arrivals hall exit on the opposite side of the car park.

I wish I had stayed to explore now, but actually I am lucky I made it back to Europe as I have been in agony with Gastroenteritis for the last few days.

Actually all the people I spoke to in the cafe were hospitable and I did not feel in danger at any time.

I guess it goes to show, don’t believe everything you read on the internet.