Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: AdultWork certainly doesn't change.  (Read 2469 times)

Offline NIK

Well I've just wasted an hour or so of my life I will never get back doing my 'research' on AW yet again.

I never knew there were so many girls in London apparently prepared to do BB or be shat on - well they have ticked the 'receive hardsports' box.
But then again they appear to have ticked every fucking box.
They also have useless photos and no phone numbers.
It appears half of them are only webcammers  (despite ticking escort box) or maybe just timewasters.

It beats me how anyone gets a decent punt from the crock of scamming shit that remains AW, yet some of you swear by it. I even tried a reverse booking  (yet again), and got nothing remotely worthwhile ( yet again  :rolleyes:). Just what is the secret?

I think I will say night night to AW and just use an agency.  :rolleyes:

Offline Mansell

Well I've just wasted an hour or so of my life I will never get back doing my 'research' on AW yet again.

I never knew there were so many girls in London apparently prepared to do BB or be shat on - well they have ticked the 'receive hardsports' box.
But then again they appear to have ticked every fucking box.
They also have useless photos and no phone numbers.
It appears half of them are only webcammers  (despite ticking escort box) or maybe just timewasters.

It beats me how anyone gets a decent punt from the crock of scamming shit that remains AW, yet some of you swear by it. I even tried a reverse booking  (yet again), and got nothing remotely worthwhile ( yet again  :rolleyes:). Just what is the secret?

I think I will say night night to AW and just use an agency.  :rolleyes:
Just use the excellent resource that this site is and thanks for setting it up  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: These days i wont see anyone without a decent review or 2 on here.

Online stampjones

For the every box fuckers the one I check is "pregnant". If that is checked they just did select all imo (assuming they arent actually preggers with a much smaller list)

Offline pewpewpew

Still waiting for someone who can be bothered to start a rival to AW. I've certainly thought about it but just don't have the will


  • Guest
Yep, AW is rubbish with its poor reviews and profiles but since there isn't any decent competition out there they have no reason to improve matters.

Offline munterhunter

They won't  change because as has been pointed out there is no serious competition. They don't  care about punters girls or scammers because they're  making money.
There's  some decent girls amongst  the ads from Web cam and photo gallery  scammers. I agree it can sometimes  be a ball ache finding  them I'm  not punting as much as I used to these days but still use AW from time to time..


  • Guest
AW is fine, OP just has a bad time using it bc he hasnt used it enough.

When you read UKP and you use AW enough then you become aware of all the little oddities on there than can steer you wrong.

I do agree though that having to be a paid sub to only search for profiles with phone numbers is annoying. I only ever punt within 2 mile radius though so has never been too big an issue for me.

Offline NIK

Well here are the results of my rb.
Just 4 replies.
One suggests scam, beware veracity of profile, etc.
Two looked stunning but usually charges £600 per hour. Dropped to £300 but that's still twice my £150 offer. Am possibly prepared to go to £200 but no more.
On top of this even amongst the fluffy bollocks on AW itself she has several bad reports about being disinterested, cutting time short and not looking as good as the photos.
Three was in Wiltshire despite my stating central London.
Four looked a dog.

There we have the results of rb.
Don't you just love 'em!  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline munterhunter

Iv'e only tried reverse booking twice with no success so I gave up. I prefer to do a search pick 2 or 3 likely candidates and go from there to arrange a booking. It's more labour intensive but in my view far more successful. If I'm looking to spend 250 to 300 for a couple of hours I don't mind putting in a bit of effort to ensure I get what I want.

Offline Newtothisstuff

AW reviews aren't worth the time. Very few people post bad reviews in case they get one back.
Too many EE girls tick every box but you get there to find either a different girl who only does a fraction of the list and clearly doesn't want to, or you get Sergi try to take your money and show you the door.

Try ticking the dislike 'pregnant' and the 'milking/lactating' boxes. Those two tend to get rid of most of the EE girls who just have everything ticked to catch all the punters.

You can also select certain nationalities and then select 'exclude' but this can also exclude girls who haven't set their nationality status.

Best thing to do I post a question on here asking for recommendations. Just post the question saying what you want the girl to do and see what answers you get back.

Offline rockharders

AW is useful as a sort of "yellow pages" directory for WGs, but rather useless when it comes to gauging the quality of whats on offer. Like any open market advertising it's wares, it's going to have it's fair share of bullshitters and scammers but also a few gems and dependable WGs.

AW reviews are useless, I'm so surprised how many dudes seem go all fluffy and drooling jaws open wide when they finally manage to park their dick in someones hole no matter how overpriced or shitty the service is.

My advice, use AW to find the girls, then double check on UKP for quality. If in doubt (i.e. shitloads of negatives and neutrals), don't go. If a girl hasn't been reviewed yet, then be a champ go TOFTT and report back.

Offline Jimmyredcab

What I want to know is how the fuck do some of you end up wth 20 or 30 girls on your hotlist, I can't find ONE.    :dash: :dash: :dash:

Adultwork is overflowing with shit.  :thumbsdown:

Offline gary03

Sometimes you have to bite the bullet & take a chance.its far too easy to over analyse & talk yourself out of a punt

Offline Jimmyredcab

Sometimes you have to bite the bullet & take a chance.its far too easy to over analyse & talk yourself out of a punt

I am no longer willing to "take a chance" with £120 or £150  --------- if others wish to do that I wish them well.    :hi:

Offline Hobbit

I agree that AW has become shit or shittier over the years. In the past you could find some good girls but now it is way too risky spending that amount of money and meeting someone you don't like because the quality is so poor. Too many scams, and B&S and Europeans that just want to pump and dump to make lots of money quickly without providing a quality service..

So the question I have is that if the quality girls are no longer on AW then where the fuck are they? Have they all moved to another site like SA or maybe a site that we don't even know of? Have they all joined agencies? Or are they all taking up part-time jobs and whoring part-time for extra money?

Either way, it doesn't help us because we as punters cannot find quality girls as easily as before, therefore something has changed but I don't know what!


  • Guest
South east wgs good ones have vanished
And Southwest good ones price increases

Offline Zimbaman

I've had some good success with RB in the past, but it's crap more often than not now. The advantage is that you might get a gem fir less than they ordinarily charge, or from much further out than you would have searched. I agree though that quality has nose dived.