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Author Topic: Respect is earnt not deserved - true?  (Read 1671 times)


  • Guest
was just looking on UKE and saw that a (seeminly well respected) girl had said on one theme ...... " Respect is earnt not deserved"

Now maybe i.m old fashioned or maybe it was the way i was brought up but i disagree with this........i think everyone deserves respect upto and until they give me some reason not to respect them.  But it does seem that many girls and (in part from perceived "attitudes" on here) many punters too don.t have much respect for each other.

Am i alone on this? (and no, i.m not new to punting and still looking through rose coloured glasses). Great shame if this is the world now days.

Offline mrfishyfoo

No you're not alone. Respect is given from the get go and lost when it needs to be.

If you had stated "Trust is earnt not deserved" that would be a different ball game.

I always treat a pro$$ie how I want her to treat me. I turn up nice and clean, smell good and have smooth balls.

I then pay her, she fucks me enthusiastically and then I leave at the end of my time. I don't take the piss.

SIMPLES.  :hi: :hi:

Offline Silver Birch

Respect is given from the get go and lost when it needs to be.

SIMPLES.  :hi: :hi:

Exactly ^^

I show respect to EVERYONE I meet, in all walks of life. Some lose it VERY quickly, but they didn't actually have to earn it in the first place.

Offline cueball

Respect is given from the get go

"Trust is earnt not deserved"

Nail, head, hammer

Offline tdh

Sad indictment on society in that people take but fail to give. People expect respect but how many will treat others fairly or even extend a smile. Manners have also disappeared. A thank you costs nothing yet how many will say a kind word when a door is held open or yon give way to a car or say excuse me when they want to get of the bus or I am outside.

I used to treat people like how I wanted to be treated but my attitude is changing for the worse!

As for prossies, how many actually show respect to punters, precious few.

Offline Marmalade

Exactly ^^

I show respect to EVERYONE I meet, in all walks of life. Some lose it VERY quickly, but they didn't actually have to earn it in the first place.

I probably agree with what you mean. But I think we can easily find ourselves maybe not agreeing due to the double meaning of the word.

a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
"the director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor"
synonyms: esteem, regard, high regard, high opinion, acclaim, admiration, approbation, approval, appreciation, estimation, favour, popularity, recognition, veneration, awe, reverence, deference, honour, praise, homage ... "the respect due to a great artist"
due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.
"young people's lack of respect for their parents"
synonyms: due regard, consideration, thoughtfulness, attentiveness, politeness, courtesy, civility, deference ... "he speaks to the old lady with respect"

Clearly the second meaning is more appropriate. To me, that is similar to politeness, and I tend to use that for the sake of clarity. It is something we owe everybody on a logical basis. Polite, connected with the word 'polis' from the ancient Greek meaning 'city' which was the basis of democracy: we agree to abide by the rules of democracy, the equal rights of other citizens, just as our own rights are founded on such a belief and the system itself.

What happens I think is that the word respect gets abused. Every cunt from Abu Hamza to the white knight and the liberal left is demanding respect but clearly not giving it to everyone equally. So I think politeness is a better word. On UKP, politeness is defined in the rules. It underlines the ethos of the board.

As to the OP, I think he is maybe confused by the rough and tumble of the forum. Again I refer him to the rules which set out limits of how people are to respect each other. It comes from a respect for punters on a deeper level. A desire not to see that respect worn down by prossies or white knights, the latter who are acting a bit like children and need to be spoken to differently for their own good and ultimately that of all punters. It's out of a deep respect that they get rougher treatment.

It's borne out by the fact that when someone stops being an idiot, their past stupidity is completely forgotten. Punters here actually care deeply about each other as punters: and that is rare on any other forum!

5th Musketeer

  • Guest
No you're not alone. Respect is given from the get go and lost when it needs to be.
Mr FF - You are almost right, but respect NEVER needs to be lost.  It is given up voluntarily when the person acts in such a way that the respect initially given is automatically lost.

Offline mrfishyfoo

Mr FF - You are almost right, but respect NEVER needs to be lost.  It is given up voluntarily when the person acts in such a way that the respect initially given is automatically lost.

I'll go with that.  :hi: :hi:

Offline Gordon Bennett

I've given up with the word respect. Nowadays it's bandied about left right and centre..... All the gangsta types blathering on about respect or stabbing someone for not showing respect??????
I just try and be polite and nice to people.

Offline mrdiamond77

No you're not alone. Respect is given from the get go and lost when it needs to be.

Agree with this.


  • Guest
Yup totally agree, it should be the standard not something people have to work towards getting


  • Guest
I believe the common saying is that you 'command' respect not 'demand' respect.  :hi:

Offline nigel4498

No you're not alone. Respect is given from the get go and lost when it needs to be.

If you had stated "Trust is earnt not deserved" that would be a different ball game.

I always treat a pro$$ie how I want her to treat me. I turn up nice and clean, smell good and have smooth balls.

I then pay her, she fucks me enthusiastically and then I leave at the end of my time. I don't take the piss.

SIMPLES.  :hi: :hi:

This, spot on

Offline Jonestown

Common curtesy is given from the get go, respect has to be earned, not demanded as so many modern day over privileged and over entitled snowflakes and ganstas alike seem to think.

Offline madmania

Common curtesy is given from the get go, respect has to be earned, not demanded as so many modern day over privileged and over entitled snowflakes and ganstas alike seem to think.

This, I'm always polite and "respectful" until someone acts disrespectfully to me.

However my respect is definitely something earned - nobody is entitled to anything and it gets on my tits the number of people who seem to think everything should be given to them for free.


  • Guest
This, I'm always polite and "respectful" until someone acts disrespectfully to me.

However my respect is definitely something earned - nobody is entitled to anything and it gets on my tits the number of people who seem to think everything should be given to them for free.

So food, water and shelter shouldn't be given for free? 

Offline bearcat69

I would like to think I've earned the prossies respect when I turn up on time, clean, with the right amount of money, and I'm polite and respectful to her, having read her profile and done my best to understand her likes/dislikes.

So in that respect I guess I do agree in a sense that respect is earned, but I shouldn't have to get down on my knees and beg her to give me good service. I'm not looking to marry her, I'm just looking for a bit of casual sex and to be treated nicely, and I'm paying her for the pleasure.

As much as I respect the site, this pretty much sums up why I have avoided posting on UKE so far. It's just way too fluffy for me, with some punters and prossies talking to each other like they're bessie mates, forming some sort of special relationship. I might like the girl very much and enjoy what she does to me, but having that kinda level of relationship with a WG is not something I want to get in any way close to. It's a business deal, I pay her and act in a professional manner, and she should do the same, like in any well conducted business deal.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 07:30:38 pm by bearcat69 »

Offline madmania

So food, water and shelter shouldn't be given for free?

I pay rent, my water bill and my weekly Tesco shop. Why should I (or anyone) get it for free?

I'm not saying there should be no welfare (and isn't really what I was getting at) but ultimately people should pay their way as long as they are physically able to and if they can but chose not to then they shouldn't get anything - food, water and shelter included. Work shy folk would soon jump to if they were hungry and being evicted!

Offline Honolulu

Every generation takes a different interpretation of values.  Our parents would feel different to how we live our daily lives compared to our grandparents.

So, when punters are banging girls who are 2 or even 3 generations from us, suddenly we expect these ladies to share our own values.

My opinion regardless of their politics and values, Just pay your monies and get your rocks off.


Offline madmania

My opinion regardless of their politics and values, Just pay your monies and get your rocks off.


Hear hear :drinks:

Online chrishornx

I believe the common saying is that you 'command' respect not 'demand' respect.  :hi:

agree with above. Think OP got wrong quote. After all if you deserve respect you have probably earnt it. Respect is earned, not given.