Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Finding the time...  (Read 1261 times)

Offline nervouspunter52

I've punted on and off for about 5 years, I work and live in the same town, and have always found it hard to find the odd 30 minutes or hour free for a punt...

My now ex-wife allowed me some freedom to partake in this hobby, but with my new OH there seems to be very few.opportunities...

Just wondering how others found the time...


  • Guest
Golf. The answer to all your problems!!

Offline Lister

Fortunately I can find excuses to make business trips away from home for a day or two at a time on a regular basis. Almost impossible to get away when I am at home as I don't have a regular hobby like golf which many others seem to find useful.

You basically need a hobby like Golf or the gym that lets you pop out for an hour or two and return in a suitably sweaty and euphoric state! :D

Offline mrdiamond77

Agree with above posts.  Take up a new hobby and make sure she does not want to join in.

Offline NervousJ

Thing is you'll look a right weirdo turning up to a punt in slacks and a Pringle jumper.

I do actually play golf, ideal as its 3 hours at best. Gym is an hour, or fishing, you could be gone all weekend....

Offline RedKettle

I doubt anyone with great ideas for this is going to post them here - too much chance of them being seen by the opposition!

As a general point having flexibility at work is great and especially if you are sent away overnight.  Generally easy to building punting time.

Going self employed or being the boss is also helpful - your time during the working day is then yours.

In your own time then as flagged above it is a question of hobbies that get you out and about.  If your new OH is already keeping you on a tight lease it suggests you need to set some ground rules!!

Flipping it around if you can encourage your OH to be out and about involved in hobbies and/or with friends then this helps you enjoy your hobby.

Offline pewpewpew

Gym if the punt is not too far away. For further afield I have used the excuse that there may be a problem with the car so need to go for a long drive to check it out

Offline threechilliman

My now ex-wife allowed me some freedom to partake in this hobby, but with my new OH there seems to be very few.opportunities...

So why did you ditch her? Or did she not know about your hobby?


Offline sub_marine

I'm the opposite, I have quite a lot of flexibility and work probably within 20mins walking distance of 90% of the hoors around me, but struggling to find somebody to book , and that will accept a booking

Offline Malvolio

I've punted on and off for about 5 years, I work and live in the same town, and have always found it hard to find the odd 30 minutes or hour free for a punt...

My now ex-wife allowed me some freedom to partake in this hobby, but with my new OH there seems to be very few.opportunities...

Just wondering how others found the time...

There must be the odd day / evening where she does her own thing?

Failing that, why not say work want you to stay late every so often?


  • Guest
Do you follow a sports team? If so, when they play away so do you.

Offline Stiltskin

I wish a punt took just 30mins or an hour, with travel time my punts average 3 hours and that's for a 30min punt.

If I really need an excuse to get away I say I'm going to buy something for my business. If you have a hobby it can help as there are specialist shops all over the place, but never on your doorstep.

Offline nervouspunter52

I ditched the wife because she was a c**t...the new OH doesn't keep me on a tight leash, but she doesn't have many social activities outside work...I do manage to squeeze in a local lunchtime punt, but the choice isn't great...I guess I'll just have to be patient...

Offline Gordon Bennett

Fortunately I can find excuses to make business trips away from home for a day or two at a time on a regular basis. Almost impossible to get away when I am at home as I don't have a regular hobby like golf which many others seem to find useful.

You basically need a hobby like Golf or the gym that lets you pop out for an hour or two and return in a suitably sweaty and euphoric state!

You ain't seen me play golf..... Euphoric is definitely not the feeling I get. As for the chap above saying it's good for a 3 hour window????? Takes me a minimum of 4 hours to hack round 18 holes. I only keep it up cos it gives me the cover to slope off on a punt occasionally. If a WG had the wit to set up shop close to a golf course she'd clean up!

Offline stevedave

If you work in a town/city centre and could potentially be at a girls place in say, 10 minutes, lunchtime punting is good. Admittedly I'm lucky in this respect, working smack bang in the middle of a city, so it may not apply to all, but it beats the shit out of sitting at your desk over lunch time  :thumbsup: :D