Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: CC subtle lurking - not!  (Read 709 times)

Offline Si.b

Saw something today that made me chuckle - I was walking up to the infamous CC (Sloane...) this evening (aborted punt as it happens) and saw a guy walking towards me, staring at his phone and looking up at the building names/numbers. He spotted the  "CC" sign and then did the sort of "pretending to acknowledge something on your phone" manoeuvre, stopped to read intently and then (not at all) subtly lean against the wall...presumably making the "I'm here" call/text.

It just amused me that he probably thought he was being slick and no one knew... but I (having done exactly the same thing many times) knew EXACTLY what he was up to. I should have winked or something!

Hope you had a good time, sir!

Offline HappyandLucky

You only need to look at the building foundations to see it rocking from the multiple poundings going on. Its notoriety never bothered me. Often sharing lifts with other punters unable to make eye contact with me :D


  • Guest
You only need to look at the building foundations to see it rocking from the multiple poundings going on. Its notoriety never bothered me. Often sharing lifts with other punters unable to make eye contact with me :D

It amuses me that running in to other punters makes some feel uncomfortable. We're all there for the same reason. I remember going to see some woman near Camden many years ago and ringing to doorbell. As the door opened another geezer arrived clearly for the same reason and looking as nervous as fuck. Assuming he was there to visit another lass in the same flat I waived him inside alongside me. Once thru the outer door there was another inner door we had to wait to be opened ... it was like being inside an airlock in a science fiction movie. This other bloke got so nervous I thought he was going to wet himself so when the inner door finally opened I waived him in first ... only to discover the bitch had double booked and didn't realise she was letting 2 people in at the same time and cos he went thru the door first she fucked me off!

Good manners doesn't always pay.