Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Vivastreet - Birmingham - JASMYN - fraud  (Read 582 times)


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Hello all,

I booked a one hour session with this lady via text in Birmingham just before the city centre past Soho Road Handsworth: External Link/Members Only

I went there and the main door leading to the apartment rooms was open. I went upstairs, the place looked very shabby and someone opened the door when I got upstairs. I was expecting this must be the lady but it was not her! It was someone else!

I went in her bedroom thinking surely she must be getting the right women, but it was her, what a fraud. She looks nothing like her and frankly I was naive thinking the picture was an legit one, the moment I stepped into the two floor building, I should have known this was a fake, the rooms in the pictures look very modern and immaculate and the place I went to looked appalling.

She was trying to fool me, I said I'm looking for this women (I showed her the pic) she said look at me from the back, it's me from the back. WTF, the women I was talking to was somewhat on the thick chubby skin side-slim chubby (not athletic like in the pic) and she was frankly unattractive and had a different skin tone. She definitely got those photo's from somewhere else and is trying to fool other punters believing they are going to have a punt with some beautiful European women.

In the end I said I'm going. I felt furious and feel like calling the fraud line.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 03:24:27 pm by Duplox777 »