Sugar Babies

Author Topic: One Thai Massage  (Read 1195 times)


  • Guest
Hello Gents

any info regarding the One Thai Massage on Bridge St?

I saw the website and seems a legitimate place.

Anyone who has been lucky with some extras?
I have been wondering to book there...

Offline spartanwizard

Haven't been myself, but i know extras available and they are one of the best massage venues in the city centre.


  • Guest
Thanks for the reply, I cannot find any comment on this place.


  • Guest
I have been about eight times. Nothing other than a good massage has ever been offered or requested.

Offline Doitagain

I have had HR at the One, very good massage £40 but expensive for a HE I was asked £40 which I bartered down to £30 this was 12 months ago though.