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Author Topic: Naughty Slut Soph - LET DOWN QUEEN  (Read 8879 times)

29 review(s) for Naughty slut soph (28 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]
32 review(s) for Sophie Anderson (30 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Sonny Crockett

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I had been wanting to see Soph for a 2hr incall booking for two months, where I wanted to do a roleplay scenario for the 1st hour and a PSE for the 2nd hour. This came about because Soph had made an offer for giving the second hour free (in other words charging £150 for 2hrs, rather than £300 pounds that she usually charges for 2hrs).

I had put a lot of thought into what I wanted in the meet. I had detailed what I had wanted in the roleplay scenario. However Soph only seemed to read the e-mail in just 1 minute or a few seconds before replying to say yes.

Then, closer to the arranged date, she had let me down, spouting bollocks about babysitter arrangements or periods. I had arranged to see her on 31st August and 8th September. Both of those meets did not go ahead. For the meet of 8th September, she had the cheek to text me in the morning, after she had given the location details, to state that she could not do the 2hrs I had asked for and could only do 1hr, giving the excuse that there was no babysitter to look after her child. I declined this, stating I was interested in seeing her for two hours.

Then a few days later I e-mailed her to ask if she could 1st October, and she replied saying yes. In the intervening period she put on her profile that she had an operation to remove a lump from her lip and that she would be out of action until 30th September. As she stated 30th September, I didn't think too much of it my arranged meet was for 1st October. Then a couple of days ago, she amended her profile to state that she would be taking bookings from 5th October. I e-mailed her asking if the meet was still going ahead, and she replied to say that it was, but her mouth hadn't fully healed and therefore couldn't suck. She asked if I was OK with this. I replied to say that I would leave it and contact her about another date and time.

The final insult came when I e-mailed Soph to ask if she was available for 7th October. She had read my e-mail but did not respond at all, leading me to conclude that for the last 1 and a half months she had used this offer that she had made, in order to fuck me around.

In that whole period she never showed any interest whatsoever in what I had wanted. She never even properly read my e-mail in regards to what I wanted in the punt. The texts and e-mails that she had sent me about periods and babysitters was just absolute bullshit from her. I am going to go out of my way and say that she only sent those texts/e-mails as she couldn't give a shit about what I wanted and she had no interest in doing what I requested. From the text where she could "could only do 1 hour" and her e-mail where she said that her "mouth hadn't fully healed" I take it now that she was only interested in giving me a shit time and throwing me out of the door.

This makes her the most despicable woman that I have ever made contact with!!!

Offline akauya

Blimey the famous Naughty Slut Soph gets a neggers!

Being messed about with a booking is extremely annoying. Thanks for reporting. Not that I'll ever see her - not my neck of the woods and all that.

Offline Roth

So the OP made a booking. Soph couldn't suck so the OP cancelled it.  The OP then emailed about another date he had in mind and Soph read it but did not reply.  So no booking made there then. 

So as no booking was agreed this can not be a review especially a negative one under UKP rules. How despicable!  :dash:

Offline Silver Birch

So the OP made a booking. Soph couldn't suck so the OP cancelled it.  The OP then emailed about another date he had in mind and Soph read it but did not reply.  So no booking made there then. 

So as no booking was agreed this can not be a review especially a negative one under UKP rules. How despicable!  :dash:

Looks like a confirmed booking to me  :unknown:

For the meet of 8th September, she had the cheek to text me in the morning, after she had given the location details, to state that she could not do the 2hrs I had asked for and could only do 1hr


  • Guest
Wow, Soph doing 2 hours for the price of 1 - I very much doubt that!!

Offline Smoking joe

This makes her the most despicable woman that I have ever made contact with!!!

Um so she offered you an extra hour gratis then, cancelled a meeting because she had an operation on her lip and her mouth is still healing, and she is the most despicable woman you have ever had contact with??? Hey, if you have a problem with delayed comms or bookings being put back then fine, if she had some kind of lump removed from her lip whats she supposed to do, that could be cancerous for all we know.
Banned reason: Undesirable white knight troll
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
Is the original post a weird joke perhaps?


  • Guest
This makes her the most despicable woman that I have ever made contact with!!!
Wow, you have led a blessed life if that's the worst that's ever happened to you.  :angelgirl:


  • Guest
Wow, you have led a blessed life if that's the worst that's ever happened to you.  :angelgirl:

+1   :(

Atticus Finch

  • Guest
Given what else is going on in the punting world at the moment, I'd say the bar for 'most despicable' is a little bit higher than this episode.



  • Guest
Given what else is going on in the punting world at the moment, I'd say the bar for 'most despicable' is a little bit higher than this episode.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.

Atticus Finch

  • Guest
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.

Very profound.

 Isn't peeling off someone's skin and wearing it going to be MartyColumbeat's next trick?  :lol:


  • Guest
Why did Soph offer you 2 hours for the price of 1??

Was it because:

A. She is short of clients
B. Your cock is so big, she desperately wanted it
C. Your real name is Billy Bullshitter

I suspect answer C

Has anyone else been offered a hours freebie from this SP?


  • Guest
Very profound.

 Isn't peeling off someone's skin and wearing it going to be MartyColumbeat's next trick?  :lol:
Maybe, what's the chances of him coming back as another fictional character.  Anyway that was a quote from your film.

Atticus Finch

  • Guest
Maybe, what's the chances of him coming back as another fictional character.  Anyway that was a quote from your film.

*cough* yeah, I knew that... :blush:

Offline Mr Kent (Not AW)

I have, unusually perhaps, never met Soph.............but playing Devil's advocate might it be that perhaps she is past her prime? I understand she hasn't updated her photos and looks nothing like the present ones, is into keep fit as an obsession making her quite muscular.

I have had contact with her over the years on other matters, to do with other WGs, and always found her wholly reliable, perhaps she is losing interest? 

Offline regular_guy

I don't think the OP was offered a free hour - he wanted 2 - at the first meeting she could only offer 1.

i'd say she certainly doesn't sound like the most despicable woman in the world,  but i get the frustration felt by the OP.  With all the good reviews,  he was patient and understanding of her predicament or he could have posted after the first meeting.  he's genuinely frustrated by her lack of comms and the persistent postponement.
Could be that she is sick,  or gone away,  or just not bothered about seeing him,  no harm in letting him know though is there.

Offline PLeisure

Isn't peeling off someone's skin and wearing it going to be MartyColumbeat's next trick?  :lol:
Hannibal Lecter - in the flesh. The thought had crossed several minds.

Intriguing choice of forum nick/ avatar. Any particular reason why  :hi:

Atticus Finch

  • Guest
Hannibal Lecter - in the flesh. The thought had crossed several minds.

Intriguing choice of forum nick/ avatar. Any particular reason why  :hi:

Just one of my favourite book / film characters.  Thought he would make an interesting avatar.  :)

Offline regular_guy

peeling off the skin - that was the Tooth Fairy in Manhunter, and i think he was in Red Dragon (some kind of re-make),  don't think lecter ever did any of that

Offline PLeisure

peeling off the skin - that was the Tooth Fairy in Manhunter, and i think he was in Red Dragon (some kind of re-make),  don't think lecter ever did any of that
You don't remember the scene when he was being transferred interstate? Think it was also Clarice's first or second meet with him. He peeled the facial epidermis off one of the security guards to place over his and the medics stretchered him out, thinking it was the guard.

Offline PLeisure

Just one of my favourite book / film characters.  Thought he would make an interesting avatar.  :)
Defender of minority victims - Marty may well be in touch with you !  ;)


  • Guest
You don't remember the scene when he was being transferred interstate? Think it was also Clarice's first or second meet with him. He peeled the facial epidermis off one of the security guards to place over his and the medics stretchered him out, thinking it was the guard.

Also made Mason Verger do it to himself !

Offline lewishamguy

Hannibal Lecter - in the flesh. The thought had crossed several minds.

Intriguing choice of forum nick/ avatar. Any particular reason why  :hi:

Have a look at this prossies feedbacks. You may find an answer. ;)


  • Guest

Offline regular_guy

You don't remember the scene when he was being transferred interstate? Think it was also Clarice's first or second meet with him. He peeled the facial epidermis off one of the security guards to place over his and the medics stretchered him out, thinking it was the guard.

ah yes - i remember that now !  that was truly horrible

Atticus Finch

  • Guest

Well he may be a minority but he certainly isn't a victim.

And no, I'm not him....

I think due caution is a good thing, and I'm new on here, but you can't look for monsters in every shadow or it becomes a witch hunt

Offline Roth

Why did Soph offer you 2 hours for the price of 1??

Was it because:

A. She is short of clients
B. Your cock is so big, she desperately wanted it
C. Your real name is Billy Bullshitter

I suspect answer C

Has anyone else been offered a hours freebie from this SP?

Doubt Soph offers freebies so deffo Answer C.  :scare: :dash: :dash:


  • Guest
Well he may be a minority but he certainly isn't a victim.

And no, I'm not him....

I think due caution is a good thing, and I'm new on here, but you can't look for monsters in every shadow or it becomes a witch hunt
A fictional character plus you landing on post that his multiple personalities have reviewed especially across multiple regions leads to doubt. There has been 500+ new ones since the whole affair your one of the most suspicious !

Atticus Finch

  • Guest
A fictional character plus you landing on post that his multiple personalities have reviewed especially across multiple regions leads to doubt. There has been 500+ new ones since the whole affair your one of the most suspicious !

All fair points.  However if he is the deranged sociopath that people seem to think, would he really be joking about wearing people's skin?  Really?

Does he strike you as having much of an ability to laugh at himself?  Because if you think so, I'd say you've not been paying close enough attention.

Full marks for effort though. Keep up the sterling work.  :hi: :thumbsup:


  • Guest
would he really be joking about wearing people's skin?  Really?
Well he plays the race card when the popular girls wont be blackmailed into fucking him.  So yes I can see he would mention it !

And yes he would joke about himself to maintain cover.

Offline Roth

Offline bfl

I'd still wait. She's great fun

Offline PLeisure

Does he strike you as having much of an ability to laugh at himself?
Yes, the previous Marty was occasionally quite good with self-deprecation.
Quote from: Atticus Finch
Because if you think so, I'd say you've not been paying close enough attention.

Interesting comment you make there. You'd say that, would you. Based on what, exactly?
You're new and have already figured out Marty's complex multi-personalities, is that it?

Well he [...] certainly isn't a victim.

Wrong again. Marty just loves to play the victim.

A successful return from a previous member that has been serially banned would involve a complete transformation of character. Must say... you fit that criteria pretty well....  ;)

Atticus Finch

  • Guest
Yes, the previous Marty was occasionally quite good with self-deprecation.
Interesting comment you make there. You'd say that, would you. Based on what, exactly?
You're new and have already figured out Marty's complex multi-personalities, is that it?
Wrong again. Marty just loves to play the victim.

A successful return from a previous member that has been serially banned would involve a complete transformation of character. Must say... you fit that criteria pretty well....  ;)

Ok - where to start....

1). I may be a new member, but it doesn't mean I'm new to the site or mcFly's meltdowns.  I've been following UKP for ages.  To be honest, it's this latest episode that has persuaded me to join and contribute as the strength of the community has been impressive.

2).  Marty may play the victim but he isn't one. He is a self-pitying freak. Big difference.

3).  I must be him because I'm completely different to him.   :dash:  and I thought I'd twitched your radar because I chose a movie character - like his most recent alter egos.  That's not exactly a complete transformation is it.

Offline PLeisure

ah yes - i remember that now !  that was truly horrible
Are you kidding ????  :unknown: That is one of contemporary cinema's finest moments.  :music:
It is no small coincidence that the film cleaned up with so many international awards that year. If you have the DVD, watch it again and marvel at the lighting and set design. Fucking genius  :dancegirl:

"truly horrible"  :D That's irrelevant !

Offline Badvicar

Getting lost here. Is the suspiciousness about the op, the op's negative of a forum favourite, the follow up comments by members with film related avatars or the price of milk, or new new old labours policy on trident.

He gave a FFFBF a negative cos he got fucked about,he says. It's going to happen once in a while. I'd rather see a neg once in a while, would stop me marking as read any review for certain forum favourites.

If any or all of the posters turn out to be an undesirable, I will ignore the review.

Offline Roth

Getting lost here. Is the suspiciousness about the op, the op's negative of a forum favourite, the follow up comments by members with film related avatars or the price of milk, or new new old labours policy on trident.

He gave a FFFBF a negative cos he got fucked about,he says. It's going to happen once in a while. I'd rather see a neg once in a while, would stop me marking as read any review for certain forum favourites.

If any or all of the posters turn out to be an undesirable, I will ignore the review.

FFBF?  :unknown:

Offline Badvicar

I think it stood for Forum Fluffy Fan Boy Favourite, which sounded hilarious in my head after too many vodkas in  hotel on the M4! Not sure if it will catch on.


  • Guest
I think it stood for Forum Fluffy Fan Boy Favourite, which sounded hilarious in my head after too many vodkas in  hotel on the M4! Not sure if it will catch on.
You missed an F in your stupor, bad bad vicar

Offline Badvicar

Noo I had FFFBF, Roth missed an F, he must have thrown it at a short asian man.

Offline Roth

Noo I had FFFBF, Roth missed an F, he must have thrown it at a short asian man.
Oops.  My bad :lol: :crazy:

Offline regular_guy

Are you kidding ????  :unknown: That is one of contemporary cinema's finest moments.  :music:
It is no small coincidence that the film cleaned up with so many international awards that year. If you have the DVD, watch it again and marvel at the lighting and set design. Fucking genius  :dancegirl:

"truly horrible"  :D That's irrelevant !

will do,  i'm sure i have the DVD somewhere in a box.


  • Guest
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I had been wanting to see Soph for a 2hr incall booking for two months, where I wanted to do a roleplay scenario for the 1st hour and a PSE for the 2nd hour. This came about because Soph had made an offer for giving the second hour free (in other words charging £150 for 2hrs, rather than £300 pounds that she usually charges for 2hrs).

I had put a lot of thought into what I wanted in the meet. I had detailed what I had wanted in the roleplay scenario. However Soph only seemed to read the e-mail in just 1 minute or a few seconds before replying to say yes.

Then, closer to the arranged date, she had let me down, spouting bollocks about babysitter arrangements or periods. I had arranged to see her on 31st August and 8th September. Both of those meets did not go ahead. For the meet of 8th September, she had the cheek to text me in the morning, after she had given the location details, to state that she could not do the 2hrs I had asked for and could only do 1hr, giving the excuse that there was no babysitter to look after her child. I declined this, stating I was interested in seeing her for two hours.

Then a few days later I e-mailed her to ask if she could 1st October, and she replied saying yes. In the intervening period she put on her profile that she had an operation to remove a lump from her lip and that she would be out of action until 30th September. As she stated 30th September, I didn't think too much of it my arranged meet was for 1st October. Then a couple of days ago, she amended her profile to state that she would be taking bookings from 5th October. I e-mailed her asking if the meet was still going ahead, and she replied to say that it was, but her mouth hadn't fully healed and therefore couldn't suck. She asked if I was OK with this. I replied to say that I would leave it and contact her about another date and time.

The final insult came when I e-mailed Soph to ask if she was available for 7th October. She had read my e-mail but did not respond at all, leading me to conclude that for the last 1 and a half months she had used this offer that she had made, in order to fuck me around.

In that whole period she never showed any interest whatsoever in what I had wanted. She never even properly read my e-mail in regards to what I wanted in the punt. The texts and e-mails that she had sent me about periods and babysitters was just absolute bullshit from her. I am going to go out of my way and say that she only sent those texts/e-mails as she couldn't give a shit about what I wanted and she had no interest in doing what I requested. From the text where she could "could only do 1 hour" and her e-mail where she said that her "mouth hadn't fully healed" I take it now that she was only interested in giving me a shit time and throwing me out of the door.

This makes her the most despicable woman that I have ever made contact with!!!

Sorry to hear this mate. I've seen her twice but also had an arranged meet with her fall through on the day because of childcare issues. She text me early in the day, apologised and offered to see me the next day at a suitable time, which I couldn't do. I gather in some discussions on here that there have been some issues relating to this fairly recently?

I didn't know that she was doing two for the price of one though. That seems unusual

Offline Jeremy

Can't say I've ever seen or heard of Soph offering 2 for the price of 1, and I've seen her a fair few times.


  • Guest
Can't say I've ever seen or heard of Soph offering 2 for the price of 1, and I've seen her a fair few times.

Probably 3 holes for the price of one

Offline Roth

Can't say I've ever seen or heard of Soph offering 2 for the price of 1, and I've seen her a fair few times.

+1  :hi:

Offline Sonny Crockett

I am going to explain how this offer had come about.

On 25th May there was a thread on the general UKPunting board called “I asked her to wear”, which I understood to be about WGs that failed to wear the outfit that the punter requested. For this topic, there was one experience for me that stood out and wished to share, which I mentioned as below;

I had one occasion where I asked a WG to wear a certain outfit shown in her PG (a sexy orange prisoner outfit with the word "Guilty" embedded on the back) ..... However when she opened the door and presented herself, she was wearing a completely different outfit (a pink fishnet bodysuit)!!!!!!!!


Then on the next day, on May 26th at 7:52am, I received a PM on this website from someone called Sophie Anderson which made reference to my post. This is what was said;

Hey babe, soph here.
I read your message about the outfit choice that I didn't wear. I think you were talking about me there.
Really really sorry about that I remember wearing the pink fishnet outfit because I broke the bottoms on my prisoner outfit. I should have said to u.
I would hate to think u left disappointed, that isn't great.
I don't know if u want to see me again, but I thought I would write to u to apologise and offer u an extra hour on top of an hour booking.
And I'll wear the outfit requested.
Again I apologise about that totally.
Thanks soph

When I made my post in the general thread I had not named the WG. The WG that I had referred to was Naughty Slut Soph. I did not write the post expecting a reply of any sort. I was only merely sharing my experience on the matter. I had met Naughty Slut Soph for the first time on Saturday 2nd August 2014 (before I was a member of UKP), where despite the disappointment in her not wearing the requested outfit, I actually had a good time with her. The meet was an incall for 1hr. At that time Soph had set a weekend for Bristol incalls, something which she normally doesn’t do.

I then replied to this Sophie Anderson stating that if she is Naughty Slut Soph then yes she was the lady I was referring to, and that I appreciated her e-mailing me with her reasons. I told her that despite my disappointment in the outfit she wore, I actually had a good time. I then said to her that I was interested in seeing her again and that I would have to arrange a free day to see her as I am not from Bristol and her incall days are only Monday to Thursday. I then received a reply from her on May 26th at 2:32pm as follows;

It sure is me.
I read your message and I felt so so bad that I didn't deliver the full service of what u wanted.
Fantastic!! I would love to see u, just let me know a date and time you can make it: weekends are possible. And I would love to see u xxx
Again so sorry about before, and I'm so glad u didn't mind me emailing you
Thanks so much.
Soph xx

Following on from this however, I was actually not convinced that UKPs Sophie Anderson and AWs Naughty Slut Soph were same person, so for the next couple of days I thought about what to do. I then came to the decision to e-mail AWs Naughty Slut Soph to arrange a meet for 22nd June 2015. When I e-mailed Soph on AW, I decided not to mention anything about the offer, instead asking if she was available for 22nd June for a 1hr incall booking and requesting for her to wear the orange prisoner outfit. I had also mentioned that I saw her in August 2014 and left her feedback. This was in the hope of teasing out of AWs Soph, the offer that was made from UKPs Sophie Anderson.

I then got a reply from Soph thanking me for e-mailing her and stating that she was available for 22nd June. She did not make any mention of the offer. However I was happy that Soph had accepted to see me, so I decided to make a booking request, which I duly did. However come the morning of the 22nd June booking, Soph had texted me to inform that she had her period the previous day but was still up for seeing me, and asked if I was OK to see her anyway.

I had decided to cancel the booking as it was too much of a risk, and then rearrange it for 20th July for 1hr. Soph had accepted this. However this then had to be cancelled as Soph had broken her toes, so the meet was then rearranged for 12th August for 1hr.
The 12th August meet did actually happen, where Soph did wear the orange prisoner outfit that I requested. The meet itself was actually quite good and I did enjoy myself. Once the meet had finished, we then had a chat where I had mentioned to Soph that I would like to see her again. It was from there that UKP was mentioned. Soph had then said that when she read my post about the outfit she had felt really bad about it and decided to e-mail me to apologise. She then said that the offer that she had made was still on and that I could contact her at anytime if I wanted to see her for another meet.

For the next couple of days following from my meet, I then gave some thought about what Soph had said. The reason for this is that I would only do longer bookings with WGs if I had an exceptionally great meet for 1hr with them (in my punting life I have only done a longer than 1hr meet with one WG). Despite having a good time, I didn’t feel that my meet with Soph was exceptional enough. However as Soph seemed a friendly and willing girl in terms of her service, and the offer was there, I decided to take up on Soph’s offer and embark on a 2 hour meet as I felt there was the potential of a really great time.

So I decided that for the 1st hour, I wanted to embark on a roleplay scenario, as that is something that I had never done in punt before, and roleplay was one of Soph’s great specialities. I thought that for a longer booking I wanted to try something different. For the 2nd hour there was to be a straightforward PSE session. The roleplay consisted of Soph playing my scorned girlfriend who found out that her boyfriend (me) was cheating on her, and as a result decided to take her revenge by humiliating him sexually. It was essentially a femdom session, and something which I fantasised about.

So, on 15th August I e-mailed Soph stating that I wished to take up her offer and asking if she was available for 18th August for 2hrs and detailing my requests, before changing my mind and asking if she could do 19th August instead.

However Soph didn’t log on to AW until 18th August and my two e-mails went unnoticed, so I decided to e-mail her and ask if she was available for 31st August and again mentioning my requests.

She e-mailed back to state that my requests were “so so hot” and that she could do 31st August. I then made a booking request. A few days later Soph had e-mailed me informing she had to get back to me about 31st August as she had to arrange babysitters due to forgetting that it was a Bank Holiday. This is following an e-mail I sent to her asking to confirm the booking request I sent, as it was showing as unread. The next day she texted me informing she couldn’t do 31st August and asked if I could do any date later that week. I texted her back informing I couldn’t as I was working for that week and that I would contact her about arranging another date. She then replied thanking me for being understanding and that she would be looking forward to seeing me again.

I then managed to book 8th September off work, so texted Soph to ask if she was available for that date for 2hrs. She replied and confirmed that she was. I then replied back informing I would make a booking request, which I duly did. The booking request was then unread for a couple of days, despite Soph logging in, so I had asked Soph to confirm the request, which she then did. Then the day before the meet I sent three texts requesting for her to use lipstick on me for the roleplay scenario and asking if she had rubber cocks. The third text was asking if she had rubber cocks that stuck to hard surfaces. She never responded to those.

On the day of the booking, after asking for a response, she stated that all was fine. I then texted her to inform that I was coming and asked her for the location details, which she then gave. However, about 40 minutes after she texted her location details, she texted me again informing that she could not see me for 2hrs as requested but could only do 1hr as she had childcare issues. She stated in her text that she would charge me £50 for this and asked if I was OK with it. I declined this and stated to her that I was interested in seeing her for 2hrs. She then texted me informing that she was sorry about this and that she hated letting me down.

The timing of her text made me begin to question whether Soph was really interested in seeing me and also if she was interested in carrying out what I had requested. However I was still interested in seeing her, so I texted and e-mailed her to ask whether she could do weekend incalls. She replied on both to state she would try and find a secure date so she could sort out childcare, and then texted her thanking her for her response and that I apologised. She then texted informing that she was sorry for this.

I didn’t hear from Soph regarding the weekend incall date, so I then arranged to have Thursday 1st October off and e-mailed her on 14th September to ask if she was available for 1st October. She replied to inform that she was, so I made a booking request.

In the meantime, she mentioned on her AW profile that she had an operation to remove a lump from her lip and was out of action until 30th September. Then this was amended to state that she was back in action for 5th October. I then e-mailed her on 29th September to ask if the 1st October meet was still on, to which she replied that it was but her mouth hadn’t fully healed and that she couldn’t suck. She asked if that was OK. I replied to say that I would leave it and contact her about another date and time. I cancelled the booking at that time as I thought it wasn’t right for me to see her while her mouth was still recovering.

Then finally on 30th September, I had texted and e-mailed Soph to ask if she was available for Thursday 7th October for the 2 hour booking. I never received a text reply. Then in the morning of 1st October, I found that Soph had read my e-mail but not responded. I then e-mailed and texted her to ask for a response, however I received none whatsoever throughout the morning.

As the result this lead me to being very angry where I had felt messed about and used. Also as a result of Soph’s non response and everything else that went on from 12th August, I had come to the conclusion that what Soph had told me for the last month and half was complete nonsense. It was this that lead me to write the review as I felt completely let down.