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Author Topic: Make UKPunting trans-friendly  (Read 9223 times)

Offline jaszyj87

Why not? It is a discussion site, after all.

Sorry I meant on the reviews, should have made that clear


  • Guest
So I have read most of this thread and, unlike most fuckers on here, "political correctness" is something I value.  I have worked with people with learning difficulties; things take on a different complexion when you see first hand the pain that being called "subnormal" or "retarded" causes someone that you know and care for.


I do not identify with TS, I do not identify with blokes who want to fuck TS, I don't want to read about people paying to fuck TS and frankly I don't want TS escort reviews on this site. 

I am not against gays or bi.  I don't choose to use porn sites that have MM gay porn or TS porn.  I am cool with there being a place for TS escort reviews - but I would prefer it NOT be UKP.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 11:39:39 pm by mrhappypants »

Offline Steely Dan

I am cool with there being a place for TS escort reviews - but I would prefer it NOT be UKP.

let's think
UKPunting Site Rules
« on: August 16, 2010, 11:35:30 pm »
- Transsexuals / Shemales
It seems your preference is not granted.

Offline Marmalade

It's covered I believe in the rules. Like em or fuck off.  :cool:

Offline Brazilian Martian

So I have read most of this thread and, unlike most fuckers on here, "political correctness" is something I value.  I have worked with people with learning difficulties; things take on a different complexion when you see first hand the pain that being called "subnormal" or "retarded" causes someone that you know and care for.


I do not identify with TS, I do not identify with blokes who want to fuck TS, I don't want to read about people paying to fuck TS and frankly I don't want TS escort reviews on this site. 

I am not against gays or bi.  I don't choose to use porn sites that have MM gay porn or TS porn.  I am cool with there being a place for TS escort reviews - but I would prefer it NOT be UKP.


Preach brother sing it to the mountains


  • Guest
let's thinkIt seems your preference is not granted.

It's covered I believe in the rules. Like em or fuck off.  :cool:

I think both of you are missing the point.  I am quite aware what the editorial policy of the site is.  Rather, I am expressing an opinion as a contributor.  That is kind of the point of a discussion site isn't it?


Offline socks

I've never fucked a TS but reckon I'll give it a go one day. It would be a very feminine looking one and in my mind would be a chick with a dick rather than a bloke in wig. That's not me suppressing anything that's just how I see it. I would have no hesitation posting a review here and couldn't give a shit what anyone else thinks about it.

Honestly OP if the anonymity of the internet isn't enough to overcome your fear of a bit of ribbing on this site, you're in the wrong place and hobby to begin with. Especially when that's principally from James999, who's a total wind up merchant anyway.

So there's members here who are bothered that you call TS whores "she" when they think you should say "he". FFS there's people in this world who'd have your cock cut off for having sex outside marriage. Surely this marginal difference in perspective is not the barrier you portray it to be???
« Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 12:29:39 am by socks »

Offline socks

For the record isn't there some movement that wants zhe adopted for this netherworld of disagreement...?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 12:31:07 am by socks »

Offline Vivago

I think both of you are missing the point.  I am quite aware what the editorial policy of the site is.  Rather, I am expressing an opinion as a contributor.  That is kind of the point of a discussion site isn't it?


The subject of transsexuals must be of some interest to you. Otherwise why read the thread? :unknown:

You surely can't read all the threads on UKP (unless you are James or Jimmy :D)? There are just too many. So most, like me, just read those dealing in subjects for which they have a preference or interest.
Banned reason: For taking the piss after being advised
Banned by: Head1

Offline smiths

The subject of transsexuals must be of some interest to you. Otherwise why read the thread? :unknown:

You surely can't read all the threads on UKP (unless you are James or Jimmy :D)? There are just too many. So most, like me, just read those dealing in subjects for which they have a preference or interest.

Offline Marmalade

I think both of you are missing the point.  I am quite aware what the editorial policy of the site is.  Rather, I am expressing an opinion as a contributor.  That is kind of the point of a discussion site isn't it?

yeah have ... learning difficulties work ....

so you are knob-o-phobic nothing wrong with that monsiewer contributore

why not suggest that the cock-wi-tits lovers mark their posts or thread starters clearly as TS when that's what they're bangin on about? mostly they seem to have done that anyway. so wot/who/url-s'il-v-play is your beef?

Offline Marmalade

If someone is born with a pair of bollocks then they are a man -------------- you don't refer to a man as "she".     :unknown:
Yeah that is a fair comment like calling size 18 a fat mingin lump o lard. Of course, if you were going to see her, or happen to be a lard-o-phile, you'd just call her obese (hopefully) or 'fat' if the o-word sticks in your throat.

Same with trannies. If they've had balls and cock snipped off and replaced with an artificial fanny, grown a pair tits, and stopped shaving (all of which is one hell of a fucking process) and they want to be called "she" to their face well there's nowt wrong with that. I've actually called a Romanian 'gawdgeus' or something like that while trying to get a smidgen of my money's worth, but I wouldn't bleat on about real lady and princesses on here ffs.

As for objections, as Admin said, just report the post if you think it's out of order. Note that as with "Complaining about the lack of 'political correctness', accusing the site moderation of being biased for / against something or throwing accusations of racism will equally not be tolerated" and "Excessive abuse / swearing is not acceptable. 'You're acting like a twat' is not excessive, however 'you're a fucking inbred cunt' is excessive and is not acceptable."

Within those bounds I think calling a TS a man is probably 'acceptable', calling a gay or bisexual man a 'shirtlifter' is probably ok, whereas an extreme rant against a TS* is not. That's just my interpretation but Admin may think differently. Hardly see how it warrants several pages. If it's another whiney-eyed 'suggestion' on how to run the site differently then remember it's Admin's site, he pays for it, and it ain't fucking democracy. What the fuck does the OP want, a special section called "one-willhe-or-two" plus a medal (one of the nice swingy variety)?

btw the title of the thread is dumb, judging by the OP. He's talking about TS's that are prostitutes, not being a TS. And since when have we bent over backwards (or forwards) to be oooo-so-frickin-'friendly' reviewing frickin prostitutes??

the place to hold hands and make friends with prostitutes (natural born women or TSs) is UKE.  :D

*maybe we could just call them ToSsers for short?  :cool:
« Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 05:46:55 am by Marmalade »


  • Guest
The subject of transsexuals must be of some interest to you. Otherwise why read the thread? :unknown:

Vivago, in all all honesty I read the post because I know I am NOT TS friendly.  I think Marmalade's solution - ask TS reviews to be clearly labelled - is viable for me. But while what I would say to my kids is "be tolerant, live and let live," my personal reaction is that that stuff is different and I don't want to look at it (hence the porn analogy).  And if some soppy old liberal like me feels like that then there are plenty of fuckers on here who might feel a lot stronger and I think the opinion should at least be heard in this debate.

Offline Punting Valley

I concur a separate section for TS reviews and discussions may be useful. That way members who aren't interested in TS will not see any TS posts when they are looking at non-TS reviews. A TS section will probably have more reviews than the Northern Ireland section  :lol:

The he/she pronoun debate is just plain silly. Those 'HE'-ers know who the review is referring to, a TS. 'Correcting' the pronoun doesn't really add anything to the review as there is no factual confusion. :unknown:

Offline Marmalade

I concur a separate section for TS reviews and discussions may be useful. That way members who aren't interested in TS will not see any TS posts when they are looking at non-TS reviews. A TS section will probably have more reviews than the Northern Ireland section  :lol:

Really?? ....and who was the person you 'concurred with...?'   Certainly not me, who said it ironically, and I think that was obvious.

It's as sad as having a 'separate section' for fat fuck whores ("BBWs  :rose:") or old mingers (ooops sorry, "MILFS" - apparently some pervy people like fucking grannies  :D )

If you don't like it, you'd have to ignore the header every time you logged on (rather than once in a post-menopausal period when some half-n-half was waving a TS flag).

Offline David1970

I read the first two pages on this subject and gave up, petty arguments.
Surly the answer is to put TS/TV in the title of the post, people who want to read will read it and those who do not need not.
As for the She/He argument, just stupid and petty.

Offline uutarn

Interesting thread.

Gender stereotypes ahoy!

Humans are not animals (well some are) and are far more complex mentally. Dog has a litter, turn them over to see if its a boy or a girl, easy.
You can't do that with humans, things are far more complicated.

But i digress...

All depends how i personally perceive them IMO. If she looks like a woman, the trans is a she in my book. If its a dude in a wig and a dress, its a bloke. Case and point proved by the pics in this thread.
Anyone seen pics of Bailey Jay?
She is a woman, the genitals does not denote the gender to me but for some it does...

And that's the point innit.
Everyone is going to have an opinion (and fucking good job as it would be a boring life) and lo and behold, they are going to differ from yours.
Acceptance. Deal with it.

Jim Panzee

  • Guest
So I have read most of this thread and, unlike most fuckers on here, "political correctness" is something I value. 

There is nothing politically correct about treating disabled people with dignity and respect it's basic human decency. Sick to death of these thought police virtue signalling at any given opportunity. Hopefully Trump will be in the White house and all this crap will come to an end!

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline backofthenet

I read the first two pages on this subject and gave up, petty arguments.
Surly the answer is to put TS/TV in the title of the post, people who want to read will read it and those who do not need not.
As for the She/He argument, just stupid and petty.

+1 completely right.

But I wonder if there is some mileage in a seperate section for nationwide TS/TV reviews to both group this info together and hopefully dissuade petty twats from visiting and trolling.

Offline mrdiamond77

I have been reading this thread on and off for a couple of days and although it may be useful to open a TS section for those people who like TS's, I think as long as the reviewer labels at the start of the review that it is a TS review there should be no problem.  There is also a Search facility/option on this site that can be used.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Honestly OP if the anonymity of the internet isn't enough to overcome your fear of a bit of ribbing on this site, you're in the wrong place and hobby to begin with. Especially when that's principally from James999, who's a total wind up merchant anyway.

Hidden Image/Members Only


  • Guest
I think this thread shows just how odd human beings are. For most of polite society we are all odd perverts who are grouping together online to discuss our perversions.

And then there is a subgroup of perverts who can't be accepted (or at least left in peace) by the other perverts.


From my point of view I am not fussed in the slightest if somebody wants to post reviews on TS escorts, there's a demand for it and who gives a shit if they refer to them as "she" or "her" or whether they consider themselves straight, gay or bi? Of all the problems our hobby faces, a bloke having sex with an adult escort (whatever the gender) must rank down there with a bloke who wants to fuck a BBW, why would anybody else give a shit?

Make sure that the review clearly shows "TS" in the title and then the precious snowflakes that are offended can just avoid the threads.


  • Guest
I think this thread shows just how odd human beings are. For most of polite society we are all odd perverts who are grouping together online to discuss our perversions.

And then there is a subgroup of perverts who can't be accepted (or at least left in peace) by the other perverts.


From my point of view I am not fussed in the slightest if somebody wants to post reviews on TS escorts, there's a demand for it and who gives a shit if they refer to them as "she" or "her" or whether they consider thjemselves straight, gay or bi? Of all the problems our hobby faces, a bloke having sex with an adult escort (whatever the gender) must rank down there with a bloke who wants to fuck a BBW, why would anybody else give a shit?

Make sure that the review clearly shows "TS" in the title and then the precious snowflakes that are offended can just avoid the threads.

Mockery is acceptance what do you mean.   :unknown:

Offline socks

Honestly OP if the anonymity of the internet isn't enough to overcome your fear of a bit of ribbing on this site, you're in the wrong place and hobby to begin with. Especially when that's principally from James999, who's a total wind up merchant anyway.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Oh I don't know, maybe not then.

Offline Nagilum

You have punters from all walks of life.  Some like a prostate massage, some like rimming, some like to be penetrated, some like to be whipped, beaten/chastised, strangled, BDSM (broadly) and some like Trans Gender people.  I could go on...

All of this comes under "punting" and puts the P in the sites name, so there does not need to be a section for particular categories.


  • Guest
You have punters from all walks of life.  Some like a prostate massage, some like rimming, some like to be penetrated, some like to be whipped, beaten/chastised, strangled, BDSM (broadly) and some like Trans Gender people.  I could go on...

100% Agree

All of this comes under "punting" and puts the P in the sites name, so there does not need to be a section for particular categories.


This website is called UKPunting so why do we categorise posts and reviews by Regions?

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Nagilum


This website is called UKPunting so why do we categorise posts and reviews by Regions?

Hidden Image/Members Only

I see what you are saying.  Regions is one thing and I agree they need to be there.  But imagine if we started categorising based on sexual preference or services rendered.  It was a response to have Transgender in a unique section, I can't see why.

It would become a moderation nightmare. 


  • Guest
I think this site would be even better if we could be more granular with categories in the same way porn sites categorise scenes

Imagine when writing a review being able to click a dropdown where you chould choose Ebony, Latina, Big Ass, BDSM, Big Tits etc

If a member didnt have a particular girl in mind but knew they wanted to punt one with big tits all they would need to do is click big tits and all reviews categorised as big tits in their region would pop up

that would be very useful(imo)


  • Guest
I see what you are saying.  Regions is one thing and I agree they need to be there.  But imagine if we started categorising based on sexual preference or services rendered.  It was a response to have Transgender in a unique section, I can't see why.

It would become a moderation nightmare.

I agree categorising on services rendered may be too much  (but a slightly more general categorisation of obvious characteristics may be useful...including TS)

Offline Fasting

1) Regarding accusations of being a politically correct, over-sensitive pussy... I guess it's all relative. I repeat that nobody on here would tolerate racism -- to the neo-Nazis across Europe that would make us all PC pussies.

I think it's very important to make a distinction between criticism of an individual (i.e. that specific tranny looks like a man in a dress), versus general slander (why use the female pronoun etc.)

2) To reiterate... The consequence of all the trolling is that it's difficult to get useful information about TS-punts (it wouldn't stop me reviewing but it does stop some). We're here to share information about punts. Transgender reviews are explicitly allowed in the rules of UKP. So it would be nice if the trolling stopped.

Offline Nagilum

I think this site would be even better if we could be more granular with categories in the same way porn sites categorise scenes

Imagine when writing a review being able to click a dropdown where you chould choose Ebony, Latina, Big Ass, BDSM, Big Tits etc

If a member didnt have a particular girl in mind but knew they wanted to punt one with big tits all they would need to do is click big tits and all reviews categorised as big tits in their region would pop up

that would be very useful(imo)

Yeah, I can see that working.  Personally I like to have DFK on the menu when I visit.  If the site had filters of this nature it would help.  This of course means re-coding the site and re-designing its front end.  Maybe need a moderator or two for the extra load.

Punther, I will nominate you should this occur  :D

Offline Marmalade

You have punters from all walks of life.  Some like a prostate massage, some like rimming, some like to be penetrated, some like to be whipped, beaten/chastised, strangled, BDSM (broadly) and some like Trans Gender people.  I could go on...

All of this comes under "punting" and puts the P in the sites name, so there does not need to be a section for particular categories.
absolutely  :drinks:

Offline Fasting

I think this site would be even better if we could be more granular with categories in the same way porn sites categorise scenes

Imagine when writing a review being able to click a dropdown where you chould choose Ebony, Latina, Big Ass, BDSM, Big Tits etc

If a member didnt have a particular girl in mind but knew they wanted to punt one with big tits all they would need to do is click big tits and all reviews categorised as big tits in their region would pop up

that would be very useful(imo)

Presumably that doesn't exist already because it would be loads of work to implement and maintain. People would always want some obscure new section.

Having a separate TS section would basically give the trolls no legitimate reason for being there... BUT they have no real reason to comment on TS reviews anyway.


  • Guest

Punther, I will nominate you should this occur  :D

Just read on another thread there have been 10,000 reviews posted

and to have to go through and categorise them all...rather you than me.. :D

Maybe it could be something implemented going forward for new reviews....

and in addition to this once the infrastructure is put in place then membes could be encouraged to go through their own reviews and categorise them retrospectively (would be a lot faster that way)

Offline Marmalade

2) it's difficult to get useful information about TS-punts (it wouldn't stop me reviewing but it does stop some). We're here to share information about punts. Transgender reviews are explicitly allowed in the rules of UKP. So it would be nice if the trolling stopped.

It's 'difficult to get info' cos there's so few punters (here at least) the slightest bit interested in Ts's.

Fact. Ooooo it's not fair. No, the world's not fair.

Posting any review can get you heckled. Get used to it. If there's a big 'trollish' thread complaining about fat old mingers, then sure as fuck some lardy 'milf-lovers' will protest. That's because there's enough of them to protest. Admin has already said if you think someone is out of order, report it. This general whining oooo it'd be nice, please give me a cuddle so I'll be brave is a bit pathetic really.
Sorry, an all that. Well, not really.  :cool:

Offline cueball

Having a separate TS section would basically give the trolls no legitimate reason for being there... BUT they have no real reason to comment on TS reviews anyway.

Is everybody that hasn't agreed with you classed as a troll in your mind?

I still don't like the sub forum idea neither. No need for it.

Reading that above I get the feeling you'd want it moderated strictly so there was no criticism whatsoever, that's not ukp to me.

I've said it loads of times, it's a forum full of grown men, have the bollox to retort rather than whine.

Offline Marmalade

Presumably ...

Sp ... You have anorexia and a penchant for the occasional piece of dick. Whoohoo for you. Anything else you wish to share?

 :kissgirl: blows kiss as Fuastingfucker wilts into the sunset (online I can kiss anything)  :cool:

Jim Panzee

  • Guest
Each to their own as far as I'm concerned.

If browsing through the reviews I come across a review for a TS I wouldn't bat an eyelid.

There is a small percentage of TS service providers overall so this in itself is reason enough for them not to warrant their own section.

Offline Marmalade

On almost every transgender review on UKPunting there are a number of transphobic comments.

So here are the comments on your TS review:

Nice review, not something I'd probably ever do, but I appreciate it.

cool, very informative review

saw Sofia about two years ago in Glasgow and she was absolutely incredible

Great to see no narrow minded replies, or playground giggling attitudes.

whether its a tv a ts or a natural burd the punt is all about the paying punter


Frankly, Sir, you are looking like you are just a little bit full of shit.  :hi:

Offline cueball

So here are the comments on your TS review:


Frankly, Sir, you are looking like you are just a little bit full of shit.  :hi:

I've tried to put the same point to him but he doesn't answer it..

Eh? I'm not seeing that?

Any of the ts reviews I've read have contained mostly supportive posts, one or two criticisms but nothing major.

I'm just not seeing the torrent of abuse on actual ts review threads that fasting says there is.

Offline Fasting

It's 'difficult to get info' cos there's so few punters (here at least) the slightest bit interested in Ts's.

Many punters use a tranny-specific forum. However, few posters there post useful information (it's hard to find out even the price of the punt). I'd guess everyone on there knows about UKPunting, but they don't post here because they have to endure nonsense. I think it'd be more useful if they posted reviews here, as there are standards on what is expected of a review on UKP. I was trying to encourage that.

Just make a racist joke on here and see how people react. It's no longer banter, it's no longer boohoo, grow-a-pair. Some of the comments here are absolutely on the level of racial slurs.

Offline Fasting

So here are the comments on your TS review:


Frankly, Sir, you are looking like you are just a little bit full of shit.  :hi:

Wasn't referring to my review, just most of them. Look at a bunch of Firebirds reviews. Also some comments get deleted.

Offline Fasting

Why do you constantly refere to the T'S as a she  :unknown:
It's a man with a pair of tits. .. its that simple
Be proud of who you are  and stop being in denial.
But the ts is definitely a MAN .

Award winning Irish Fillipino, beauty pageant winner (which one was that? The 2015 County Tipperary Squarest Jaw of the Year? :) )

This bloke Anna wouldn't be taking a lend of you guys, by any chance would he?

Unless you're a man looking to be fucked, I don't see the point in visiting a TS where you can actually see a real woman

Offline cueball

Click the links and look at support the op's got and the retorts that came from the op's

In my book it were a good exchange. If  I'd have been the reviewer I'd have been chuffed with the support.

The more I read, the more I think the problem is with you.

Offline Fasting

It was never about my review.

Cueball and Marmalade make a good point: the majority are supportive (looking over a good number of trans reviews on the site). However you will find time and time again comments that have nothing to do with the review but are simply general slander against transgender people.

So my problem should perhaps be restated : transphobic slurs are not taken seriously enough here.

Racism = bad, banning.

Transphobia = banter.

Offline smiths

Many punters use a tranny-specific forum. However, few posters there post useful information (it's hard to find out even the price of the punt). I'd guess everyone on there knows about UKPunting, but they don't post here because they have to endure nonsense. I think it'd be more useful if they posted reviews here, as there are standards on what is expected of a review on UKP. I was trying to encourage that.

Just make a racist joke on here and see how people react. It's no longer banter, it's no longer boohoo, grow-a-pair. Some of the comments here are absolutely on the level of racial slurs.

More moaning, jeez you are one boring whinger. :rolleyes:

Offline Dicky

Many punters use a tranny-specific forum. However, few posters there post useful information (it's hard to find out even the price of the punt). I'd guess everyone on there knows about UKPunting, but they don't post here because they have to endure nonsense. I think it'd be more useful if they posted reviews here, as there are standards on what is expected of a review on UKP. I was trying to encourage that.

Just make a racist joke on here and see how people react. It's no longer banter, it's no longer boohoo, grow-a-pair. Some of the comments here are absolutely on the level of racial slurs.

This will be my last comment on this thread. Fasting you are letting this website affect you too much. The moment comments here start affecting you personally and start outraging you, you must stop using this site. This is a review and information sharing site. If you came here only for that purpose and ignored the banter that you find repulsive, you'd enjoy more and be a better contributor to the site as well. If someone's being a troll despite not having contributed a single review of their own...and I mean James999, the whole forum knows thats so and then can decide whether to let him rave/rant or engage with him and make/spoil their day.  If men posting reviews on these sites are such wilting flowers then they should probably not be on this site

Its exactly like walking on the see a drunk guy ranting away and you're busy living your life, you just avoid them and go about your business. If the drunk creates a scene outside your home, you report him to the police. Simples. Why would you try to get together with the neighbors and get alcohol banned?  You'd end up annoying everyone.

And frankly, equating trolling on social media forums to nazism etc is a bit much...especially shows you have zero idea of what nazism did. Social media just gives an outlet to people to talk about stuff they talked about with their mates anyway...just that you now are also listening in. No need to be shocked/outraged.

Offline lostandfound

IMO I agree that the OP has lost perspective.

He's received support from admin who's pointed out that he can report posts he thinks are abusive.  :thumbsup:

What more does he expect? So people take the piss?! I mean ... grow up already.

Offline jaszyj87

IMO I agree that the OP has lost perspective.

He's received support from admin who's pointed out that he can report posts he thinks are abusive.  :thumbsup:

What more does he expect? So people take the piss?! I mean ... grow up already.
