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Author Topic: Fluffy cunts!  (Read 12074 times)

Offline punk

Sorry, I disagree slightly -------------

Putin puts the interests of Putin first, his people come next.     :hi:

He is a thief, a bully and a gangster.    :hi:

true, i should have said under the guise of putting the russian people first, though many slavs never mind russians fall for that one. Russia is a gangster state and has been for some time, who has been arming and supplying russian federation troops to the russian separates.


  • Guest
How about this for a different angle?

Maybe punters thank the wgs because they know they know they wouldn't in a millions years be able to shag a "hottie" like them and are grateful the wg "allowed" it to happen (despite having to pay for it). Could be a sign of low selfesteem masked in a polite gesture


  • Guest
Oh, I've listened/read what you've said alright ... it's just that I think what you've said is a load of tosh. And the problem is I cannot argue with nonsense.
Here's a couple of examples:

1) You purposely ignored addressing your initial claim that "not saying thank you to people you've paid is borderline sociopathic behaviour" & instead rambled about something else.
2) You think we should be obliged to be more grateful for non-essential services as opposed to the ones we need to live.

As much as I'd like to believe in difference of opinions, even I would have to be crazy to say that sort of thinking isn't batshit insane. Therefore, I've decided the best way to go about it is to not debate with nutters ... happy?

On a point of logic, acknowledge can be used in the context of recognition. And others have certainly acknowledged your fluffiness, like so:

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm thinking you're both after what you have to say thus far.  :rolleyes:

1. My nephew is autistic, and one of the most significant "tells" that he is so is that he treats "service providers" (waiters, shop assistants etc) with apparent disdain/ rudeness. It's because he doesn't know how to read ordinary human interactions/ feelings. To at some basic level acknowledge the presence of the other. He's not, in other words, socialised. So it's made me very aware that thanking people for services rendered is a small but very significant indicator of "normal" behaviour. 

2. I can't see why this wouldn't apply to any service provider, and I don't - myself - see any distinction between essential and non-essential services. There's no OBLIGATION to say thanks, that's not what I'm saying.  But it is a norm, a convention. And in the case of seeing a WG, if anyone's had an amazing time then it seems not unreasonable to thank them - apart from anything else it acknowledges that what you've received is a service, someone has done their job, it's not "real" etc.

I don't understand how thinking this way makes me batshit crazy, or a cunt, or a fluffy. I think it makes me pretty normal.

Offline iPad3

Putin puts the interests of russia first as he see's it and i.s are fighting for the true belief and whether we are polite or not makes no difference to them.

I don't want to start a big political row here, my granny used to say "do unto others as you would be done by"  all I'm saying is whatever you believe treat people with respect. If you don't want to thank a prossie for a good shag good luck to you, however if you did she may feel good about it and give the next client better service......just saying

Offline Jimmyredcab

I don't want to start a big political row here, my granny used to say "do unto others as you would be done by"  all I'm saying is whatever you believe treat people with respect.

I don't feel that people are being disrespectful if they don't thank me for driving them home, paying me (with a tip) is all the thanks I need. 

Prostitutes should be thanking ME for contributing towards their lavish lifestyle.    :hi:


  • Guest
How about this for a different angle?

Maybe punters thank the wgs because they know they know they wouldn't in a millions years be able to shag a "hottie" like them and are grateful the wg "allowed" it to happen (despite having to pay for it). Could be a sign of low selfesteem masked in a polite gesture

That sounds reasonable but since i say 'thank you' to taxi drivers and other service providers even when i tip them, quote underneath applies to me better.

1. My nephew is autistic, and one of the most significant "tells" that he is so is that he treats "service providers" (waiters, shop assistants etc) with apparent disdain/ rudeness. It's because he doesn't know how to read ordinary human interactions/ feelings. To at some basic level acknowledge the presence of the other. He's not, in other words, socialised. So it's made me very aware that thanking people for services rendered is a small but very significant indicator of "normal" behaviour. 

2. I can't see why this wouldn't apply to any service provider, and I don't - myself - see any distinction between essential and non-essential services. There's no OBLIGATION to say thanks, that's not what I'm saying.  But it is a norm, a convention. And in the case of seeing a WG, if anyone's had an amazing time then it seems not unreasonable to thank them - apart from anything else it acknowledges that what you've received is a service, someone has done their job, it's not "real" etc.

I don't understand how thinking this way makes me batshit crazy, or a cunt, or a fluffy. I think it makes me pretty normal.


  • Guest
If someone does their job well I'll thank them for their good service. Waiter, bus driver, prostitute, whoever.


Its just basic manners for a good service.


  • Guest
I must be a cunt then, I can honestly say that I have never said "thank you" to a prostitute, never felt the need to.  :unknown:

I will say "thank you" if someone holds the door open as I enter a shop ------------- but that is because they are doing me a favour, a prostitute is being paid for a service and does not need to be thanked.    :crazy:

No you're not, maybe a little old fashioned, for that I'd like to say thank-you.  :hi:

Offline NIK

What's Putin doing in this thread?   :unknown:  Is he a fluffy cunt?

Offline GreyDave


I was searching for a fluffy/hairy cunt something s gone wrong in my search :unknown:

Offline 385North

I thank anyone and everyone who provides me with a satisfactory service, regardless of whether I'm being sold sex or a shares on the stock market. Regarding, the former I always say 'thank you for seeing me' upon arrival and 'thanks for a wonderful time' when leaving, providing I've enjoyed myself. Like iPad said, if we all demonstrated a bit more respect for each other the world would be a better place. Perhaps punters who can't bring themselves to extend such basic courtesy have a chip on their shoulder about paying for sex, or some other personal issue going on.

Offline punk

What's Putin doing in this thread?   :unknown:  Is he a fluffy cunt?

no i think ipad3 give him as an example why you should say "thank you", i think it would led to him and islamic state not being around if we said thank you.

On the other hand he has man b00bs, does that count?

Offline Corus Boy

I thank anyone and everyone who provides me with a satisfactory service, regardless of whether I'm being sold sex or a shares on the stock market. Regarding, the former I always say 'thank you for seeing me' upon arrival and 'thanks for a wonderful time' when leaving, providing I've enjoyed myself. Like iPad said, if we all demonstrated a bit more respect for each other the world would be a better place. Perhaps punters who can't bring themselves to extend such basic courtesy have a chip on their shoulder about paying for sex, or some other personal issue going on.

Well said.  Respect! A small word but a big issue with me.

Not just saying thank you, it is recognising decent service.  JRC said "...paying me (with a tip) is all the thanks I need..." Why should I tip if the service has not been good?

Often on the forum I read of punters complaining about girls answering their phone, I wonder how many of the complainers will be chatting on their phones as they are being served at a checkout?  To me that is as bad as a girl answering her phone while with me.


  • Guest
I thank anyone and everyone who provides me with a satisfactory service, regardless of whether I'm being sold sex or a shares on the stock market. Regarding, the former I always say 'thank you for seeing me' upon arrival and 'thanks for a wonderful time' when leaving, providing I've enjoyed myself. Like iPad said, if we all demonstrated a bit more respect for each other the world would be a better place. Perhaps punters who can't bring themselves to extend such basic courtesy have a chip on their shoulder about paying for sex, or some other personal issue going on.

+1. Very well said.


  • Guest
I'd rather be a fluffy cunt - if that means having some manners and respect - than just a cunt - any day of the week.  :hi:

I always say thank you for good service regardless what type of service. Waitresses, bar staff, bank tellers, my financial adviser, escorts. I don't see any valid reason to differentiate.

When I've had bad service I deliberately do not thank them but that is an exception rather than the rule.


  • Guest
I don't feel that people are being disrespectful if they don't thank me for driving them home, paying me (with a tip) is all the thanks I need. 

Prostitutes should be thanking ME for contributing towards their lavish lifestyle.    :hi:

Its always about yourself isn't it? Why should they thank you since they're letting you fuck and suck them? Alternatively you could thank them but similarly you're paying them so you're equal. It just comes down to plain old common sense and good manners rather than being so arrogant and full of yourself.


  • Guest

I was searching for a fluffy/hairy cunt something s gone wrong in my search :unknown:

Me too, seriously. But while I'm here, I would like to say that I ALWAYS treat the prostitute I'm with with plenty of respect and good manners etc. It makes sense. I'm paying her to make me feel good, so I pretend she's my girlfriend. Most of the time they respond positively. They smile and do quite a bit more than allow me just to fuck them. You gets out what you puts in.  :)

Offline Jimmyredcab

Perhaps punters who can't bring themselves to extend such basic courtesy have a chip on their shoulder about paying for sex, or some other personal issue going on.

You sound like one of the fat old bags on Saafe, that forum would suit you far better.


  • Guest
Manners maketh man. Doesn't cost anything to say thank you. If you go into a shop/restaurant/ taxi/ accountant/solicitor or whatever, you say thank you when you leave.

Don't see the difference personally.

It's about respect really. If you don't respect someone and you feel shafted, then no you won't say thank you.

Offline 385North

You sound like one of the fat old bags on Saafe, that forum would suit you far better.

Proof positive that when it comes to being rude, nothing is worse than social media. I applaud you.

Offline Denholm

Me too, seriously. But while I'm here, I would like to say that I ALWAYS treat the prostitute I'm with with plenty of respect and good manners etc. It makes sense. I'm paying her to make me feel good, so I pretend she's my girlfriend. Most of the time they respond positively. They smile and do quite a bit more than allow me just to fuck them. You gets out what you puts in.  :)
It's about striking a balance. I'm always polite but I certainly wouldn't say I treat WGs like my girlfriend, or even a friend tbh. Like to make it clear that I'm there for the service I paid for. I'd say my demeanour during a punt is similar to when I'm with clients at work; pleasant enough (I hope) but very much focussed on the business at hand.


  • Guest
Personally, I think if you go in like a selfish cunt, (yes I know we are paying!!!) they will pick up on that and you will get a crap service. It's not too fucking difficult to be nice to these chicks surely? I'm not talking about flowers or any of that other crap but from what I can see they like a bloke who is clean, respectful and polite. Not fucking rocket science is it?

A quick thank you darlin at the end won't kill you ffs.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 08:16:03 pm by Jimmybob »

Offline SamLP

Thank you is a phrase we were taught to use. Saying thank you as I'm leaving a punt doesn't make me fluffy, especially if the girl had provided a good service. Most say thank you as I'm giving them the money. It's a polite gesture both ways I guess. I'm certainly not thinking thank you for seeing me nor am I being over enthusiastic when thanking them. It's usually "thanks darling, have a good day" followed by a kiss out of the door.

Offline Denholm

Personally, I think if you go in like a selfish cunt, (yes I know we are paying!!!) they will pick up on that and you will get a crap service. It's not too fucking difficult to be nice to these chicks surely? I'm not talking about flowers or any of that other crap but from what I can see they like a bloke who is clean, respectful and polite. Not fucking rocket science is it?

A quick thank you darlin at the end won't kill you ffs.
I agree with all of this but equally you don't want to act too friendly or some girls will take that as a sign that they can take the piss. As I said above, it's about striking the balance imo


  • Guest
To be honest, I'm not quite sure what this fluffy thing is.

Does fluffy mean being polite?

If you're English, you're pretty much conditioned to say thank you after any thing. Or excuse me.

So is the done thing to just walk out without saying fuck all? Awkward.

Offline Norman8796

Two clear schools of thought, those that value and respect the role of the wg and those that don't. It is only a question of your own personal values. If they earned as much as bankers I would have one view, as it is they earn as much as tube drivers and deserve the same respect.

Offline Denholm

From the punting wiki

Fluffy: Often derogatory term to describe a punter who sees all prostitutes through rose tinted glasses and can become too emotionally attached, in severe cases may be suffering from EAS

I don't feel a basic level of politeness falls into this category personally

Offline cueball

From the punting wiki

Fluffy: Often derogatory term to describe a punter who sees all prostitutes through rose tinted glasses and can become too emotionally attached, in severe cases may be suffering from EAS

I don't feel a basic level of politeness falls into this category personally

Thanks for that denholm



  • Guest
It's about striking a balance. I'm always polite but I certainly wouldn't say I treat WGs like my girlfriend, or even a friend tbh. Like to make it clear that I'm there for the service I paid for. I'd say my demeanour during a punt is similar to when I'm with clients at work; pleasant enough (I hope) but very much focussed on the business at hand.

What do you do at work? English teacher are you? Anyway, like I said before, you gets out what you puts in. I usually get an hour of fun, pleasure and relaxation. What do you get?  :unknown:

Offline Denholm

What do you do at work? English teacher are you? Anyway, like I said before, you gets out what you puts in. I usually get an hour of fun, pleasure and relaxation. What do you get?  :unknown:
Wasn't having a go at you, simply stating my perspective on the matter. You'll notice I wasn't insulting anyone in my post so I'm not sure why you felt the need for the spiky tone. For someone who claims to be so concerned with manners you certainly haven't shown much of that here.


  • Guest
Strange that  there are people who have an issue with saying thank you.

Offline Jimmyredcab

To be honest, I'm not quite sure what this fluffy thing is.

Does fluffy mean being polite?

In relation to prostitution it means that you will always make the pro$$ie right no matter what she does, it has absolutely nothing to do with being polite.

When I saw Michelle Independant I treated her with the utmost respect ------------ but at no time did it enter my head to "thank her" for accepting my £xxx.    :rolleyes:


  • Guest
I've never said thank you post sex with any girl, civvy or wg. It doesn't sound or feel right.

I'd gladly say thanks for someone leaving a door open for me or giving me a seat on the train, but after sex?

I think everyone has their own boundaries to politeness


  • Guest
they say you're never more than 10 meters away from a fluffy

Offline Jimmyredcab

I've never said thank you post sex with any girl, civvy or wg. It doesn't sound or feel right.

I'd gladly say thanks for someone leaving a door open for me or giving me a seat on the train, but after sex?

I think everyone has their own boundaries to politeness

There are many circumstances where I would say thank you --------------- for example if a courier brought me a parcel -------- or if a bus driver waited while I ran for the bus ------------------- thanking a prostitute is something I have never done and I am most unlikely to do any time soon.   :hi:


  • Guest
Let me put it this way...

I sell technical services to a regular set of clients, some are miserable, pay grudgingly and never say thank-you or acknowledge the effort I expend in return for my fee, others are cheery, polite, pleasant and grateful for my service even though they are paying the going rate for it.

Guess which ones I look forward to meeting again and working for??

Guess which ones I would be willing to do a small extra task for or go the extra mile for or help out if they were in need??

If out of nothing but self-interest, be polite to anyone who provides a paid service to you. Don't go over the top, but it's in your interest to make them feel good about you!!  :dash:
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 12:02:26 am by vt »


  • Guest
Whilst I'm not for the over the top fluffy talk and reviews some people do here I think it doesn't hurt to be polite and mannered. Yes it is business which they need but like most businesses I will still thank them for their good service be it to waiter in a restaurant, fellow colleague at work or someone in a shop fetching my size jeans I thank them for there service. Same applies here and it can go a long way, it has done for me a few times.


Offline Jimmyredcab

Whilst I'm not for the over the top fluffy talk and reviews some people do here I think it doesn't hurt to be polite and mannered.

I am polite, I simply draw the line at thanking a prostitute for giving her my business, she should be thanking me.  :hi:

Offline NIK

I am polite, I simply draw the line at thanking a prostitute for giving her my business, she should be thanking me.  :hi:

Couldn't have put it better. You can be polite and respectful without being a raving fluffy, and talking about 'the most wonderful girl ever' nonsense. I have never been less than polite and respectful. Despite this I haven't always received the same back.

Offline jackdaw

I am polite, I simply draw the line at thanking a prostitute for giving her my business, she should be thanking me.  :hi:

I can see where you're coming from Jim, but aren't there times when its appropriate to thank a prossie for really good service?

Put it this way, last couple of times I had a substantial amount of work done on house...I ended up thanking the builder and plumber. Not for turning up, and giving quotes...or for relieving me of several grand. No... I thanked them for always turning up on time, doing exactly what they said they'd do, and doing the work well. All things you (or I) could argue that any builder or plumber should do...but in reality we both know is quite rare.

Similarly last time I punted (an increasingly distant memory) end of punt I thanked the WG... she turned up on time, looked as per photo, provided the agreed services with apparent enthusiasm, and left me really satisfied. To me it would seem almost churlish not to thank her. Yes...I take your point that "she just did her job"... but she did it really well, and a goodly proportion didn't.


  • Guest
does thanking them make you sound like a fluffy? i think it shows you put it into perspective and that you realise its a service they provide so no i dont think its makes you look a fluffy, you may argue the opposite


  • Guest
does thanking them make you sound like a fluffy? i think it shows you put it into perspective and that you realise its a service they provide so no i dont think its makes you look a fluffy, you may argue the opposite

Yes absolutely. It would feel very weird thanking a "real life" partner for having mutually consensual sex. And no matter how much I pay, I know that as I've just been fucking a beautiful girl who's young enough to be my granddaughter, and hugely out of my league in real life, I'm grateful to the girl in question for services rendered (and always offered with a smile and a chat and laughs too). In a very similar way to my gratitude to the shit-smelling sewerman who unclogged my pipes (see earlier post). Dirty jobs (the Woody Allen joke about sex) but I'm extremely glad someone's chosen to do it?

Offline Marmalade

I must be a cunt then, I can honestly say that I have never said "thank you" to a prostitute, never felt the need to.  :unknown:

I will say "thank you" if someone holds the door open as I enter a shop ------------- but that is because they are doing me a favour, a prostitute is being paid for a service and does not need to be thanked.    :crazy:

Well put, although Nightkid has also said it all, cheers, mate.

What fluffycunts don't seen to realise is that there is a difference between social politeness and coming and UKP to sending grovelling reviews like plaintive messages in a fucking bottle.

Would you go down to the pub and eulogise about the binman to your mates? "Ooooh you know, he emptied every bin! Truly amazing service! I can't thank him enough!" You'd be locked up!  :D

Even talking about a hairdresser like that is pretty girlie. People all deserve a modicum of politeness should you need to speak to them. This is not a forum for speaking to prostitutes. It's more akin to speaking to your male friends (if you have any) down the pub.

People should be acknowledged, where and when appropriate, for doing the job that is expected of them. A company director might say to a cleaner or the locksmith, "Great job!" as means of acknowledgement and a display of magnanimity. He (or she) wouldn't put it in the company report. The office manager or person responsible for sourcing the cleaner or locksmith might say that they seemed reliable and efficient if asked, simply as a means of keeping tabs if such services were required again. Or the opposite, if they weren't. And that is where UKP reviews and talk of prossies should really be at.

Offline NightKid

I must be a cunt then, I can honestly say that I have never said "thank you" to a prostitute, never felt the need to.  :unknown:

I will say "thank you" if someone holds the door open as I enter a shop ------------- but that is because they are doing me a favour, a prostitute is being paid for a service and does not need to be thanked.    :crazy:

Well put, although Nightkid has also said it all, cheers, mate.

What fluffycunts don't seen to realise is that there is a difference between social politeness and coming and UKP to sending grovelling reviews like plaintive messages in a fucking bottle.

Would you go down to the pub and eulogise about the binman to your mates? "Ooooh you know, he emptied every bin! Truly amazing service! I can't thank him enough!" You'd be locked up!  :D

Even talking about a hairdresser like that is pretty girlie. People all deserve a modicum of politeness should you need to speak to them. This is not a forum for speaking to prostitutes. It's more akin to speaking to your male friends (if you have any) down the pub.

People should be acknowledged, where and when appropriate, for doing the job that is expected of them. A company director might say to a cleaner or the locksmith, "Great job!" as means of acknowledgement and a display of magnanimity. He (or she) wouldn't put it in the company report. The office manager or person responsible for sourcing the cleaner or locksmith might say that they seemed reliable and efficient if asked, simply as a means of keeping tabs if such services were required again. Or the opposite, if they weren't. And that is where UKP reviews and talk of prossies should really be at.

And yet, you've put it way more eloquently then I have.  :lol:

 :thumbsup:  :hi:

Offline Ali Katt

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Yes absolutely. It would feel very weird thanking a "real life" partner for having mutually consensual sex. And no matter how much I pay, I know that as I've just been fucking a beautiful girl who's young enough to be my granddaughter, and hugely out of my league in real life, I'm grateful to the girl in question for services rendered (and always offered with a smile and a chat and laughs too). In a very similar way to my gratitude to the shit-smelling sewerman who unclogged my pipes (see earlier post). Dirty jobs (the Woody Allen joke about sex) but I'm extremely glad someone's chosen to do it?
To me it sounds like you are simply grateful to fuck a woman. The prossie should be grateful you chose her given there are always other options.


  • Guest
I think the only girl I ever sent a post-coital 'thank you' sms to was Adele .. though it was really 'thanks .. can I see you on Tuesday?' or such.

Don't really see the point in (effectively) saying 'thanks for taking my money and letting me fuck you'. Seems faintly ridiculous to be frank.

However, I usually say 'it was nice to meet you' upon leaving a WG. Why not, that's simple politeness.

But last night I arrived 15 mins late (council estate) to see a new WG and left more an hour over time.

THAT deserved a 'thanks for tonight' message because it was highly unusual and a fucking good punt.


  • Guest
I think the only girl I ever sent a post-coital 'thank you' sms to was Adele .. though it was really 'thanks .. can I see you on Tuesday?' or such.

Don't really see the point in (effectively) saying 'thanks for taking my money and letting me fuck you'. Seems faintly ridiculous to be frank.

However, I usually say 'it was nice to meet you' upon leaving a WG. Why not, that's simple politeness.

But last night I arrived 15 mins late (council estate) to see a new WG and left more an hour over time.

THAT deserved a 'thanks for tonight' message because it was highly unusual and a fucking good punt.

Yet your fluffy reviews tell a different story that borderline a deceleration of love written by Shakespeare himself.


  • Guest
Yet your fluffy reviews tell a different story that borderline a deceleration of love written by Shakespeare himself.

Declaration  :dash:

Fucking auto correct.