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Author Topic: Do your punting girls always use lube ?  (Read 3246 times)

Offline jaydefo24

I know I know, basic insecure question.

Sometimes I think the girl is really turned on especially after DATY and then she’ll put loads of lube on the C … and I think… is this just standard in every encounter?

I’ve had maybe 3 out of hundreds who didn’t seem to do that though I know they can pre lube. I know it protects the condom from breaking too so fully get it.

But just wondered if everyone notes this ?

Offline MysteryManNo.7

I always try to make the women I'm with cum and the vast majority of the time I am successful however they almost always apply lube just before any penetration even when I can feel and see they are very wet. Nothing wrong with this and doesn't bother me at all, the only negative is when they put on too much lube and you end up not being able to feel anything.

I'm sure the few WGs who post here will be able to confirm but I imagine the simple fact is, even if they have a client who is a skilled lover and does indeed make them cum even multiple times through foreplay they're still going to use lube as the simple fact is having sex with multiple men a day of all shapes and sizes penis wise is going to leave her feeling very sore down below if they don't use lube. I know of girls who work at brothels 5-6 days a week and are very popular, seeing up to 10 clients a day so for them lube is a girls best friend!

It's quite common when I'm pumping away for the escort to stop me for a few seconds and reapply lube as through friction it will dry up after a time especially if you're having a prolonged penetration session.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 12:29:13 pm by MysteryManNo.7 »

Offline Southernbloke

I think every WG I have ever seen for penetrating sex has used some lube . Plenty of civvie girls have used it too especially if we were going for a prolonged session.
Ladies as well as men have different types of arousal and it’s usually safer for the lady to use lube just in case of feeling uncomfortable down there.

Offline jaydefo24

Ok thanks for the intel :), it’s not just because they’re predicting a troublesome Willy

Offline Atrueyorkie

 Could be for various reasons, I.e. being big/well endowed, you don’t wanna cause any vaginal tears etc so lubing up helps, especially if her vagina is small as well.

The other like mentioning is to keep the condom intact, rough/hard thrusts/sex can lead it to break so don’t quote me but lube will keep it safer/more intact.

Wouldn’t think too deep on it  :hi:

Offline Stevelondon

Did I just hear someone say he makes the vast majority of SP’s he sees………. Orgasm.

Wish I could 😂

Oh wait a minute……. I do  :D :D :D
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 03:51:24 pm by Stevelondon »

Online webpunter

I’ve had maybe 3 out of hundreds who didn’t seem to do that

Thanks for sharing them on here over the past decade  :rolleyes:

There is another reason that they get the lube out
Usually when thai & brazza 'burds'
It doesnt hapeen with UK SPs as a Jane will most likely look like a John, Danielle ... Derek etc
& you dont go anywhere near em

Online webpunter

Did I just hear someone say he makes the vast majority of SP’s he sees………. Orgasm.

Wish I could 😂

Oh wait a minute……. I do  :D :D :D

They might be faking it to help make sure you shoot your bolt so they can fuck you off outta there  ;)

Offline Hobbit

99% of escorts use lube (most of the time discreetly). As long as I don't know about it and can't taste it, I don't care a donkey's bollocks what they use, and when as long as it's not some kind of natural shit like a horse's placenta. :scare:

Offline MissWolf

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Maybe I'm odd, I absolutely hate lube, even waterbased stuff makes me feel all sticky and yuck, I'm really really lucky in that I can count on one hand the amount of times I've felt the need to use it in the last 6 months.

I can see why girls use it and I know a lot of girls do pre lube or grab a bit for penetrative sex as it definitely helps at times if it's been a busy day or tour but if I can avoid it I will at all costs.

So on the subject of lube how do you guys feel about saliva as lube? I know some guys love spit with a bj and love spitting on a vag which may of course carry an increased risk of sti transfer.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 05:09:10 pm by MissWolf »

Offline willie loman

my personal preference is to have some lube applied to me , as i find it makes the wee boy slips in easier, foreign girls usually are prepared and have lube, but if visiting a flakey scottie, i always have lube, i too of course bring almost every girl to orgasm. i wish lube had been around when i was a youth, not all girls get wet, though its not something they like brought to their attention.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 05:25:45 pm by willie loman »

Offline versace

I always try to make the women I'm with cum and the vast majority of the time I am successful however

Haven’t read this much nonsense in a while.

You are deluded.

I like it when they just use their spit, it’s a turn on for me.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 05:25:38 pm by versace »

Offline willie loman

Haven’t read this much nonsense in a while.

You are deluded.

I like it when they just use their spit, it’s a turn on for me.

dont you realise britain is full of sex gods, an amazing number of them review their exploits on this site, poundings are routinely delivered, to grateful females.

Offline Doc Holliday

So on the subject of lube how do you guys feel about saliva as lube? I know some guys love spit with a bj and love spitting on a vag which may of course carry an increased risk of sti transfer.

Saliva is a poor lubricant for penetration as it dries out very quickly. Frequently seen in Porn, but there will usually be another more efficient lube being used at the same time.

I've cut back on lube since the price of Lurpak went through the roof  :D

This silicone lube is my favourite, very efficient and only need small amount, very long lasting and non sticky .. just don't get any near silicone sex toys. Not as easy to wash off though compared to water based. Great for HJ. External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 05:55:31 pm by Doc Holliday »

Offline daviemac

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So on the subject of lube how do you guys feel about saliva as lube? I know some guys love spit with a bj and love spitting on a vag which may of course carry an increased risk of sti transfer.
I'm not keen on spit when getting a blowjob and don't spit on a vag with RO. My style of punting is very much focused on foreplay and it's been a while since I saw an escort I haven't seen before so don't normally need lube.

Offline RandomGuy99

Using some kind of lubricant is a good idea as it reduces the risk of condoms breaking. I'm fine with whatever they want to use EXCEPT baby oil which a couple have tried to use and I have had to explain that baby oil and condoms are a bad combo and will result in the condom splitting, which neither me or the SP want.

Offline Thephoenix

So on the subject of lube how do you guys feel about saliva as lube? I know some guys love spit with a bj and love spitting on a vag which may of course carry an increased risk of sti transfer.

I'm not a fan of spitting and don't practice that myself, but if there's some dryness when first touching a vagina, I find that some saliva on the knuckle of my index finger helps to gently rub inside the inner labia.
That will then usually be sufficient to encourage the lady's natural lubrication.

Offline hendrix

So on the subject of lube how do you guys feel about saliva as lube? I know some guys love spit with a bj and love spitting on a vag which may of course carry an increased risk of sti transfer.

I love it, the messier the bj the better! Don't go in for vag spitting, all the girls I see pre-lube, and I often only do anal.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 10:48:02 pm by hendrix »

Offline the_exile

Think of it as a safety measure - reduces the risk of the condom breaking. Yes, it feels more natural if lube isn't used, I think most women will know their bodies and if they are wet enough not to need it, but I understand why a WG might apply some as a matter of course. I think if you were seeing someone who was having sex with a lot of customers that day - at a parlour,say - she'd need lube to help stop her getting sore.

Online webpunter

I always try to make the women I'm with cum and the vast majority of the time I am successful

What are your KPI's to ascertain the same ?

Who is your hero, Lord Flashheart ?

I'm getting vibes of delusional 🔔🔚

One difference for sure is that Flashheart is, rather was, amusing which you ain't  :rolleyes:

I'm thinking about starting a UKP tosspot of the month / quarter award thread

Pretty sure you'll get plenty of votes, no need to worry you'll be in the top three for sure

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Online Dylanbob

I prefer it when a girl wacks it out.

I'd love to think they are wet as **** seeing me walk through the door. But realistically thats not the case. So knowing they are smart i,e condom breakages is good.

Offline Strawberry

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I prefer the feel of lube rather than spit, and condom safety is paramount. Far easier to use lube than have the worry of a split.

Offline jaydefo24

Thanks for sharing them on here over the past decade  :rolleyes:

Sorry but the vast majority of them have been abroad and 9/10 when I share a review of an indie abroad no one gives a fuck so I stopped bothering. Also the abroad indies profiles disappear very quickly usually so it’s a bit futile. I always share Uk ones.

Offline MysteryManNo.7

I'm flattered by some members being obsessed with me but try to stay on topic thanks :D

Offline MLawro93

Always prefer a bit of lube. It elevates the fun.

Online webpunter

I'm flattered by some members being obsessed with me but try to stay on topic thanks :D

Obsessed with you
More like laarfing at you

Staying on topic you are giving a very good impression of being a 🔔🔚
Effortless for you, it cums naturally
Just like the vast majority of SPs who are lucky enuf to have you rock up
As if  :rolleyes:

Offline EmotionalKale

Most of the girls I've seen always do as if it's routine, but there's been a rare few who have gone without the lube as they're already dripping wet :) I don't mind a drop of lube, but too much lube + condom = limp dick for me.

Offline Stevelondon

I'm not keen on spit when getting a blowjob and don't spit on a vag with RO. My style of punting is very much focused on foreplay and it's been a while since I saw an escort I haven't seen before so don't normally need lube.

That’s interesting Davie and I think worthy of its own thread.
Certainly when I was younger it may have been mostly about the shagging. But as the years have gone by. I’m definitely more interested in what you’re on about.

Can’t be just a Northern bloke thing surely  :D

Offline Stevelondon

dont you realise britain is full of sex gods, an amazing number of them review their exploits on this site, poundings are routinely delivered, to grateful females.

So right Willie.
I’ve lost count of the number of SP’s who have handed me my money back just cos I was so good. 🤷🏼😂

Offline Belgarion

The lube also helps deal with friction with the condom. So don't think about it too much.

It's not a "slight" on your "performance" it just makes things easier for all involved.

Offline Eager Thighs

So on the subject of lube how do you guys feel about saliva as lube? I know some guys love spit with a bj and love spitting on a vag which may of course carry an increased risk of sti transfer.

I always request BJ's to be slow, sloppy and with spitting but I've never spat on a vagina as I'm not sure how a girl would feel about it, you see it a lot in porn but I imagine that's just for visuals.

Offline Stevelondon

I’m into RO too and as you say. I’m definitely not sure how a SP would react if I spat on her down there.
Not something I’m into to be honest. I just would’nt get the reason why.

I’ve had my knob spat on before and likewise. I just didn’t get it and it certainly did nothing for me as far as kink was concerned.

Offline jimbobted

I've never spat on a girls pussy and spitting does nothing for me. But I will if asked, one memorable occasion fucking away in missionary, she suddenly says "spit in my mouth" and opened wide. So I did, seemed to get her off.

Offline the_exile

The lube also helps deal with friction with the condom. So don't think about it too much.

It's not a "slight" on your "performance" it just makes things easier for all involved.

I think that's a very sensible way of looking at it.

The only time I would have an issue with lube is when so much has been applied that I can't really feel anything, but fortunately that hasn't happened that often.

Online webpunter

I’ve had my knob spat on before

Moi aussi
If its porno styley & a prelude to OWO crack on
With a couple of massage burds its happened where OWO aint on the menu
So pretty much the same risk [as OWO] yet none of the upside  :dash:

Offline Markc

My regular always puts lube on the end of the condom before l fuck her. She is normally wet already before as l like
doing reserve oral on her and she normally cums. She says the lube stops the condom breaking and she has only had
2 condom breaks in 20 years.

I sometimes use lube with the wife if she not quite wet enough but we are doing bareback anyway.

Offline versace

Obsessed with you
More like laarfing at you

Staying on topic you are giving a very good impression of being a 🔔🔚
Effortless for you, it cums naturally
Just like the vast majority of SPs who are lucky enuf to have you rock up
As if  :rolleyes:


Offline Atlas1957

Nearly all my best punts have involved lube free sex.

Some of my average punts have involved lubed up sex.

A very high number of my worst punts have involved lubed up sex.

There is a single WG over many years of punting and hundreds of punts who uses lube who I actually like enough to regularly go back to see.

As the lube comes out later in the punt, then rather than lube being the sign of a bad punt, instead it is more a case of confirmation that the bad punt I am already in will be staying a bad punt.

Offline gentlemanrpt83

My best punts have been where the SP is already wet.

Online scutty brown

Just remember the old song........lubrication is an old tradition

"A rich girl uses vaseline
A poor girl uses lard
But Dinah uses axle grease
Because her cunts so hard............"

Offline uncle jessie

Couldn't care less to be honest , as long as the pussy feels good .