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Offline WillsonH

Mandy&Sierena Liverpool
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Any info on this pair?

Look good, offering threesomes, but I'm wary

Offline daviemac

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Mandy&Sierena Liverpool
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Any info on this pair?

Look good, offering threesomes, but I'm wary
I've merged this with the already running SA thread, we don't need a new one for every question.

Offline joe_lloyd99

Following on from a post on the main forum

Can anyone give me any examples of how they have approached the PPM rate? Anything to watch out for? Scans etc


Offline allroadboy

Following on from a post on the main forum

Can anyone give me any examples of how they have approached the PPM rate? Anything to watch out for? Scans etc


Never discuss PPM on the site, you will get banned for soliciting sex which is illegal in the USA so they assume it is illegal everywhere ! Move to whatsapp to discuss and then decide what YOU would be willing to pay HER. If you think she is worth £100 I'd say I normally meet in the £75 to £100 range and if she asks for £300 politely decline and move on. If you think she is worth £250 then say I normally pay between £200 to £250, if she says 250 is fine then set your expectations - are you meeting for drink / coffee & then moving to the room, if you are make it clear the 250 is for the intimacy bit of the date and set time lines, you don't want someone giving you a blow job and then legging it with your 100 or 200 or whatever you have decided. Say something along the lines of I've got a room till 5, let's have a  drink at one and if we click we can go to the room, can you stay all afternoon, if she says yes then result ! Never ever pay a deposit, not even £20 ... use day use or similar and never check in until you know you are going to fuck her.

One word of warning I met a girl at lunch time and we had a bowl of pasta which she dragged out for fucking hours making sure there was very little time left for the room. She was a stripper, big tits and she told some very funny stories and was very flirty about how much I was going to enjoy her tits whilst taking about an hour to order and then eating one piece of pasta every five minutes, after a while she got on my tits and after her two hour bowl of pasta she was not best pleased when I said it's hardly worth going to the room now, lovely to meet you, bye !

Offline joe_lloyd99

Love that - absolutely ruthless!! So I take it the time you agreed included the meal time?

Do you need to be really clear about your expectations whilst in the room or is it just known?

I've got like 3 lined up already and I can see this very much being a learning curve  :dash: :wacko:


Offline boogz

Yep agree with all allroad's general strategy above.

Btw I'm sure no one will believe me but I once went to a nice restaurant with a girl from Seeking on a second meet, no PPM or anything, and she offered to pay for the meal. We settled on going Dutch after a bit of back and forth. And yes, sex happened. Can anyone beat that? 😄

Offline stanr

Yep agree with all allroad's general strategy above.

Btw I'm sure no one will believe me but I once went to a nice restaurant with a girl from Seeking on a second meet, no PPM or anything, and she offered to pay for the meal. We settled on going Dutch after a bit of back and forth. And yes, sex happened. Can anyone beat that? 😄

i also had a second date with a girl offSA, met at Trafford Centre for a coffee, after which she said she was so horny and needed fucking, so she booked and paid for a room at the Premier Inn next door and yes sex happened...a month later i took her to alicante for the weekend, no ppm or anything, and lots of sex happened haha

Offline allroadboy

Love that - absolutely ruthless!! So I take it the time you agreed included the meal time?

Do you need to be really clear about your expectations whilst in the room or is it just known?

I've got like 3 lined up already and I can see this very much being a learning curve  :dash: :wacko:


For me it always includes some drinks or some food, it's one of the things that makes it different to Adultwork. They also appreciate it, it makes them feel like it's more of a date rather than transactional sex.

With regards to what you expect in the room I normally approach it in the whatsapp chat and say something like ... if we make the the bedroom what do you enjoy, when she answers agree with some and then say what don't you enjoy and she if she lists anything that is vital to you, eg anal, coming in her mouth then it's up to you if you want to proceed ... also remember they are civvies, some will say oh I'm really open minded & I'm up for anything without realising someone might tell them to kneel on the bathroom floor so they can piss on them ! So if they say they are up for anything you can flirt back and ask them a couple of more specific questions upping the kink each time ...
« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 09:57:36 am by allroadboy »

Offline boogz

i also had a second date with a girl offSA, met at Trafford Centre for a coffee, after which she said she was so horny and needed fucking, so she booked and paid for a room at the Premier Inn next door and yes sex happened...a month later i took her to alicante for the weekend, no ppm or anything, and lots of sex happened haha

Haha nice mate.

I think it's easy to oversimplify SA and assume every girl is only interested in ££...which is the case for most, but far from all. Some use it as a way to find older, successful guys, some use it because they are subs and don't know another way to find a dom, some are sick of guys their own age living hand to mouth and just wanna be treated occasionally as opposed to an allowance. I mean, I've met a married 29yo model on there who used it simply because she wanted to meet men for sex and Tinder was too risky as she might bump into someone. She travelled quite far to see me with no cash changing hands. It can be a hell of a lot of work don't get me wrong...but if you persist, speak to girls in the right way and have a bit of luck, SA can be incredibly rewarding
« Last Edit: November 24, 2021, 01:10:07 am by boogz »

Offline stanr

Haha nice mate.

I think it's easy to oversimplify SA and assume every girl is only interested in ££...which is the case for most, but far from all. Some use it as a way to find older, successful guys, some use it because they are subs and don't know another way to find a dom, some are sick of guys their own age living hand to mouth and just wanna be treated occasionally as opposed to an allowance. I mean, I've met a married 29yo model on there who used it simply because she wanted to meet men for sex and Tinder was too risky as she might bump into someone. She travelled quite far to see me with no cash changing hands. It can be a hell of a lot of work don't get me wrong...but if you persist, speak to girls in the right way and have a bit of luck, SA can be incredibly rewarding

 i totally agree....and at times it can be incedibly frustrating too haha

Offline boogz

External Link/Members Only

Just a quick heads up before anyone else who wastes time on this young tart...she offered me PPM of 160, claimed to have no limits, for up to a couple hours before finally revealing that she wants a bank transfer in advance for the full amount. I just laughed at her.

Golden rule: don't send anyone a single penny in advance, ever. Not even for petrol. No exceptions. I'm going to make a point of making that clear even earlier in the conversation

Offline joe_lloyd99

Not sure which NW seeking thread is live but broke my Seeking virginity last night. All went well. Everything I expected and more. Only thing was I probably paid slightly over the odds vs what I could of but that being said the girl was incredible.

Very happy. It was exciting waiting at the station for her to arrive and even more exciting trying to get the next girl.

Offline Asianfcuker

External Link/Members Only

Just a quick heads up before anyone else who wastes time on this young tart...she offered me PPM of 160, claimed to have no limits, for up to a couple hours before finally revealing that she wants a bank transfer in advance for the full amount. I just laughed at her.

Golden rule: don't send anyone a single penny in advance, ever. Not even for petrol. No exceptions. I'm going to make a point of making that clear even earlier in the conversation
Profile Gone


Offline mikhail

Not sure which NW seeking thread is live but broke my Seeking virginity last night. All went well. Everything I expected and more. Only thing was I probably paid slightly over the odds vs what I could of but that being said the girl was incredible.

Very happy. It was exciting waiting at the station for her to arrive and even more exciting trying to get the next girl.

Careful it gets really addictive chasing the next 'score' as such  :D  Having gone back on after a few years of exclusively escorts.  Amazing the difference of not having to constantly check how much time you have left.

I've got a couple of regs I'll probably see every month or so for times when I've deactivated my account. 

On another note, I've never had an issue discussing PPM directly on the site/app itself as I usually try to get the 'financials' disccusion out of the way soon as and much easier to bin them on SA, otherwise it's hell of a time drain when you find out they have unrealistic expectations of their worth.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2021, 11:59:13 pm by mikhail »

Offline joe_lloyd99

Tell me about it! Not trying to troll or sound like a cunt but genuinely struggling to manage the meets/communications at the minute. Money is ok but time and logistics. I’ve only been on there 2 weeks but feels like a bit of a rat race before Christmas.

Offline mulder

It’s definitely becomes addictive looking for your next lady! I’m by no means Brad Pitt but now Christmas is in sight, the message level has gone through the roof! I imagine come January / February it’ll quieten back down. But I’m also struggling with time at the moment and have a few ladies who’d like to meet ASAP. It’s a hard life isn’t it  :D . I would say just be careful how you word things on there. They are very touchy and ban happy. I tend to try and get to WhatsApp to discuss finances.

Offline joe_lloyd99

I’ve been putting PPM/NSA in pretty much every girl I message but not spoke about any money in the messages. It would probably do me a favour if I was to get banned… 😂😂

Offline Zangief

Is there an open regional SA board for the North West then? Feel like some advice would be handy...

Offline boogz

Is there an open regional SA board for the North West then? Feel like some advice would be handy...

Is this not it...?

Offline Zangief

Is this not it...?

Expected it to cover the last couple of years, to see whether the people I'm chatting to are known scammers etc. Wasn't sure if there's a different board for that...

Offline mikhail

Expected it to cover the last couple of years, to see whether the people I'm chatting to are known scammers etc. Wasn't sure if there's a different board for that...

Problem with scammers on SA is, as girls don't need to pay to create a usable account, they can just close on and open a new one.  So any threads showing scammers would have to have photos backing it up.  Again, that's not foolproof as they could just rip any old photo off the internet.

Offline Zangief

Good point. I'll try to fall back on my wits then, and prepare for the shafting. Hopefully of them but who knows.

Offline Pauld344

Just a heads up on Belle from Manchester.
External Link/Members Only

Seemed genuine, and agreed an allowance.
An hour after the agreed meeting time she txt to say she had been held up, but radio silence ever since.

Offline Lesdoit

External Link/Members Only

Anyone any experience to oliviablinkie?
Got an interesting offer from her but it's got potential to go tits up.

Offline hungrypunt

External Link/Members Only

Anyone any experience to oliviablinkie?
Got an interesting offer from her but it's got potential to go tits up.
Thats a link to your inbox bud not the profile'

I searched the username but nowt comes up

Offline Willnotts

Last time I looked it was like £75 a month to join?

Can't see the benefit over just using AW
Banned reason: Repeatedly telling members to ignore the rules.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline joe_lloyd99

Last time I looked it was like £75 a month to join?

Can't see the benefit over just using AW

You're right mate and it's definitely more time consuming/costly in the short term but it's so much more exciting.  :unknown: :sarcastic:

Offline Willnotts

You're right mate and it's definitely more time consuming/costly in the short term but it's so much more exciting.  :unknown: :sarcastic:

Might try it for a month. Got a good record with an app called feeld tbh, good for kinky girls desperate for a fuck
Banned reason: Repeatedly telling members to ignore the rules.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline WillsonH

ElleS19 - Liverpool

External Link/Members Only

Gave this one a fav and received this pretty direct reply -

"To be straight to the point, I’m looking for regular discreet meets in return an allowance.

My previous arrangement lasted almost 2 years with me seeing him 2-3 times monthly, with intimacy for a £1200 allowance. We also holidayed together twice during our arrangement, which I am open to once we had got to know each other more x"

This is about twice as much as I was prepared to pay, and seems pretty steep on the basis of what I read here (although I'm sure there are girls getting that amount and more)

So I'll probably pass, as nicely as I can, but she might appeal to some

Offline hungrypunt

ElleS19 - Liverpool

External Link/Members Only

Gave this one a fav and received this pretty direct reply -

"To be straight to the point, I’m looking for regular discreet meets in return an allowance.

My previous arrangement lasted almost 2 years with me seeing him 2-3 times monthly, with intimacy for a £1200 allowance. We also holidayed together twice during our arrangement, which I am open to once we had got to know each other more x"

This is about twice as much as I was prepared to pay, and seems pretty steep on the basis of what I read here (although I'm sure there are girls getting that amount and more)

So I'll probably pass, as nicely as I can, but she might appeal to some

Spoke to her a few times, was right up her own arse for me some  prossie vibes.
She got hung up when I said I had the same with my previous SB , holidays, meals, days out, even work together...+ £1k per month.
She wasnt happy id mentioned 1k per month and that my prev SB was 21 when we met and 26 when we departed....she virtually said I lied that she was 21 when we started and I was using 1k to try and drive her price down. Stupid cow...her loss, she was really rude and I dont normally get that.

Before I blocked her I told her yeah, the only real difference was that my SB was a real SB with an unused fanny when I met her, Unlike yours that probably has revolving doors on it.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 03:03:31 pm by hungrypunt »

Offline joe_lloyd99

ElleS19 - Liverpool

External Link/Members Only

Gave this one a fav and received this pretty direct reply -

"To be straight to the point, I’m looking for regular discreet meets in return an allowance.

My previous arrangement lasted almost 2 years with me seeing him 2-3 times monthly, with intimacy for a £1200 allowance. We also holidayed together twice during our arrangement, which I am open to once we had got to know each other more x"

This is about twice as much as I was prepared to pay, and seems pretty steep on the basis of what I read here (although I'm sure there are girls getting that amount and more)

So I'll probably pass, as nicely as I can, but she might appeal to some

She definitely thinks a lot of herself. I offered 300PPM with no suggestion of it being a long term thing and she told me where to go.  :D :unknown:

Offline martini2429

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Warning - Possible scammer/blackmailer

See open Seeking thread on main board for more details

External Link/Members Only - GenuineSBlongterm - Winsford


Offline oligo333

Re the above, now back as Longtermfemale, 22, Liverpool as of this morning.

Blocked me but picture in the message notification email is 100% her.

Perhaps someone not blocked can give link to profile :drinks:

Offline Asianfcuker

Re the above, now back as Longtermfemale, 22, Liverpool as of this morning.

Blocked me but picture in the message notification email is 100% her.

Perhaps someone not blocked can give link to profile :drinks:
More than happy to oblige
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Had a nightmare on this site recently so somebody genuinely genuine and a nice personality would be fab


« Last Edit: April 19, 2022, 10:40:49 pm by Asianfcuker »

Offline billybobsmith

Anyone know anything about this one?
KissIttboo, 22 • Female • Leigh, England, United Kingdom
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Offline James77x

Anyone know anything about this one?
KissIttboo, 22 • Female • Leigh, England, United Kingdom
External Link/Members Only

No body pictures is a red flag. Unless you're into big girls.

Online bigbilly22

Anyone know anything about this one?
KissIttboo, 22 • Female • Leigh, England, United Kingdom
External Link/Members Only

Seen her. Bigger girl than the pictures suggest. Best described as a typical council estate young mum but a decent fuck and excellent oral. £150 for around 3 hours. Doubt I’ll go back though

Offline sandy2000

Seen her. Bigger girl than the pictures suggest. Best described as a typical council estate young mum but a decent fuck and excellent oral. £150 for around 3 hours. Doubt I’ll go back though

Does she advertise elsewhere or, to get hold of her, is it a case of having to sign up to Seeking as it’s not cheap ?

Offline livlad

ElleS19 - Liverpool

External Link/Members Only

Gave this one a fav and received this pretty direct reply -

"To be straight to the point, I’m looking for regular discreet meets in return an allowance.

My previous arrangement lasted almost 2 years with me seeing him 2-3 times monthly, with intimacy for a £1200 allowance. We also holidayed together twice during our arrangement, which I am open to once we had got to know each other more x"

This is about twice as much as I was prepared to pay, and seems pretty steep on the basis of what I read here (although I'm sure there are girls getting that amount and more)

So I'll probably pass, as nicely as I can, but she might appeal to some

She's on aw I recognise on of the pics

Offline billybobsmith

Seen her. Bigger girl than the pictures suggest. Best described as a typical council estate young mum but a decent fuck and excellent oral. £150 for around 3 hours. Doubt I’ll go back though

Did try and arrange something with her for tonight (part way through things), but radio silence since yesterday evening.

Offline billybobsmith

PrettyBeauty, 21, Manchester
External Link/Members Only

She's after £85 to pay her phone bill that's due tomorrow.  Suggesting meeting, but she's "teaching" at 9am, but we can meet some time (naturally after the money has been sent to her and Hell freezes over)
Changed to £85-£100 when I played along...

« Last Edit: April 26, 2022, 09:40:33 pm by billybobsmith »

Offline hungrypunt

Offline billybobsmith

dunno if everyone has had this 20% promo

External Link/Members Only

No, but I only re-joined a couple of weeks ago.

Isabella0402, 18, Manchester
External Link/Members Only

Tried to sort something out with her earlier (said she had 2 daddies before).  She wanted £300 so I countered with £150 ;)
Came back saying that she was fine doing dinners etc. for that but nothing intimate / sexual.
Said I wanted intimacy and she wouldn't entertain that for that amount.  No negotiations - was expecting "Her: £250? Me: How about £200? Her: Ok then".
Strike another one from my list as I doubt she'll come back, but I wished her well on the remote chance :)

« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 10:39:29 pm by billybobsmith »

Offline allroadboy

No, but I only re-joined a couple of weeks ago.

Isabella0402, 18, Manchester
External Link/Members Only

Tried to sort something out with her earlier (said she had 2 daddies before).  She wanted £300 so I countered with £150 ;)
Came back saying that she was fine doing dinners etc. for that but nothing intimate / sexual.
Said I wanted intimacy and she wouldn't entertain that for that amount.  No negotiations - was expecting "Her: £250? Me: How about £200? Her: Ok then".
Strike another one from my list as I doubt she'll come back, but I wished her well on the remote chance :)

I think you were being generous at £150 personally ! She obviously has no idea what she is up against in the £300 marketplace ...

Offline billybobsmith

I think you were being generous at £150 personally ! She obviously has no idea what she is up against in the £300 marketplace ...

More like London prices to me, but hey.  She may well get that, or have got it.  Can't say she's optimistic or not.
Liked her hair and one or two other things about her - just my taste at that time.

£200/meet for the last couple I saw off SA, and they weren't worth that.  They happily accepted that with no haggling (seemed a different amount from the £150 I'm sure a lot of women get offered, and that might set me above the rest)
Past meets, I've either been told by someone what they will generally be happy with, or haggled from say £500 to £200/£250 for an overnighter.

Offline Al R

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Offline GingerNuts

Offline Al R

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He's sugesting External Link/Members Only might give you a 33% discount.
Correct. I tried a couple of different numbers when I subscribed recently and 33 worked when I tried it.

I often try it with other discount codes, like Travelodge etc., sometimes it works, sometimes not