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Author Topic: In a conundrum! To see a girl I know...  (Read 4135 times)

Offline Essex3

Just was browsing through AW and saw a really hot girl I used to know. Figured her out because she used her FB pic and blanked out the face. She used to know me fairly well. Would love to bang her however how do you think she will feel? Is it too creepy or shall I go for it. How would she view me?

Offline bestbefore

I think such a scenario would be fun. I can think of a few hot girls I never had the courage to date but would have loved to have shagged.
But if they were now escorting, it is just a commercial transaction with a guaranteed outcome.
Unlike a dinner date with a potential new gf when you could spend a fortune on dinner and get nothing.
Go for it!

Offline ta77


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More importantly get the link up so we can all have a good gawp ;)


  • Guest
Just was browsing through AW and saw a really hot girl I used to know. Figured her out because she used her FB pic and blanked out the face. She used to know me fairly well. Would love to bang her however how do you think she will feel? Is it too creepy or shall I go for it. How would she view me?

most likely if she has taken the plunge to sell her body, then she will view you as cash in hand  :drinks:


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If her face is blurred out, technically you would not know that it was her until you turned up  :thumbsup:

I would say fuck it...she's a whore now so thats what she is there for!

Offline DJ Fruit Polo

cornbeefinspector may well be right, but it might be wise to say that you think you recognise her when you first contact her to see how she feels about it.  It'd be better for her to decline a booking, with your identity remaining a secret, than to have her possibly freak out on the doorstep when you arrive - and even if she agrees to the punt at that point, any shock might still adversely affect the outcome.

Offline Makka124

There's no need to say anything, just keep quiet live out one of your fantasy. If she's good fair play

Offline mattylondon

Just was browsing through AW and saw a really hot girl I used to know. Figured her out because she used her FB pic and blanked out the face. She used to know me fairly well. Would love to bang her however how do you think she will feel? Is it too creepy or shall I go for it. How would she view me?
Link please?!  :hi:

Online webpunter

There's no need to say anything, just keep quiet live out one of your fantasy. If she's good fair play

She might not want to see you if she thinks you know her / her background / other people that may know you both - however vaguely.  Also just depends on your set up.  If OH etc.  In reality best for both of you that best kept under-wraps.  If the same situation occurred to me with a hot babe, and little / no downside on my side, then i'd deffo have to go for it.  Once she gets over the surprise of seeing you, then she'll probably feel safer in your company & so you could be in for a monumental shag potentially

I would hold off putting her link on UKP until you have completed.  Someones bound to let the cat out of the bag if they get there 1st
I have a far better plan.  PM me with the details and i can do a 'rekky-patrol'.  Scout's honour & secret squirrel club !

This is as close as you are ever going to get on the subject to 'ex-sex' / similar.  Apart from the fact that you haven't shagged her yet.  If you don't go for it then it'll be on your mind for ages ['tossing' & turning so to speak].  Only IMO above.  Good luck

Online webpunter

She might not want to see you if she thinks you know her / her background / other people that may know you both - however vaguely.  Also just depends on your set up.  If OH etc.  In reality best for both of you that best kept under-wraps.  If the same situation occurred to me with a hot babe, and little / no downside on my side, then i'd deffo have to go for it.  Once she gets over the surprise of seeing you, then she'll probably feel safer in your company & so you could be in for a monumental shag potentially

I would hold off putting her link on UKP until you have completed.  Someones bound to let the cat out of the bag if they get there 1st
I have a far better plan.  PM me with the details and i can do a 'rekky-patrol'.  Scout's honour & secret squirrel club !

This is as close as you are ever going to get on the subject to 'ex-sex' / similar.  Apart from the fact that you haven't shagged her yet.  If you don't go for it then it'll be on your mind for ages ['tossing' & turning so to speak].  Only IMO above.  Good luck

Meant to add in that i reck best approach is to go for it & appear surprised when she opens the door [only if your set up is such that it doesn't make any difference were she to mention it to other people you may know.  Unlikely - more downside for her than you, you just feeling horned up etc.  And that's what blokes occasionally do in their spare time.  Although more often for you !]

We are ALL looking forward to FB, with or without a link !


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I know a couple girls on AW too. Haven't had the guts to visit them though, even though I'd love to :)

Offline Pothos

Most likely scenarios:

A) If you tell her you know who she is before you see her, she will most likely not see you. Kind of creepy.

So, B) You just book and show up.

1) She doesn't recognize you = you do the deed. Then, you could tell her or not - she might freak out. Bear in mind, if you have any mutual friends, it's possible she could out you as well, so...

2) She does recognize you = you obviously pretend you didn't realize it was her from her photos. I think it's unlikely she goes ahead with it, but you never know.

Anyway, if you go for it, I'd probably have a solid plan B as I think it's likely you end up frustrated :P

*edited* I just read again and saw that you knew her fairly well - so she'll recognize you. As someone else said, your only bet is to pretend you didn't know it was her. Almost certain she wouldn't shag you though - I reckon the only possibility is if the 2 of you always had some chemistry and are now either both single or both attached. Same stakes on both sides then if exposed.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 09:09:02 am by meaninglesskiss »


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Why the hell are you even asking??  Mate, she's a whore now and ALL she's interested in is your money, she dont give a fuck who you are so long as she is paid.

Harsh but true :P


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a whore I once got close to told me that her best friend from school father turned up for a service (a good 5 years after she had left school)  and he became a regular no issues at all

Offline Essex3

Yeah but my worry is we have quite a few mutual friends. Lives in the same area too. Although have always wanted to shag her.

Mr Jones

  • Guest
Yeah but my worry is we have quite a few mutual friends. Lives in the same area too. Although have always wanted to shag her.

You've been asked multiple times now for the link. Where is it?


  • Guest
You won't see her.

We've had a number of threads where people post this exact same topic and no-one ever follows through.

Offline Tonyleung

Just was browsing through AW and saw a really hot girl I used to know. Figured her out because she used her FB pic and blanked out the face.

Hot and dumb? Put a wig on and shag her. :) :angelgirl:

Offline Curious

Don't do it. 

Information never dies - except to the extent it comes back to haunt you.

You know her she knows you, you have mutual friends.
For the next few years when someone you know looks at you sideways at a party will you wonder whether they know you use hookers and are laughing at you or feeling one-up on you, or that it'll get to your then girlfriend somehow if you have a row with someone?

If you are tempted anyway let her know you know her first. You don't have to say who you are. If she's not fussed fine, if she is then she's going to get defensive and worried if you see her and say unconvincingly 'oh, What an amazing coincidence. Who would have thought it, I had no idea. Can we have a shag anyway? You can trust me not to tell any of our mutual friends next time I'm a bit drunk, honest'   

Oh and where's the link?


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are there not enough fit prossies out there?  I cant see any sense in blurring the lines, punting/personal lives shouldn't cross.

probably a load of bollocks anyway, these fantasy threads seem to be trending lately  :vomit:
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 01:34:57 am by whiterussian »


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are there not enough fit prossies out there?  I cant see any sense in blurring the lines, punting/personal lives shouldn't cross.

probably a load of bollocks anyway, these fantasy threads seem to be trending lately  :vomit:

Yes, despite many requests for a link, none has been forthcoming. Sounds like codswallop to me.

Offline Pothos

What possible motivation does he have to post the link?

- Someone on here goes to see her, says 'One of your mates knows you do this from your FB, hur hur.'

- Someone on here searches for her image on FB, if she doesn't have her privacy set right, it will show, he posts on her FB / twitter that she's a prossy.

Basically, no good can come to him of it, and yet everyone keeps asking for the link  :wacko:

Offline Makka124

There's probably no link, people are over analysing the situation, she's selling a service and you are paying for it. Unless you want to get personal with her

Offline ta77

So... What did you decide, did you see her or not?


  • Guest
What possible motivation does he have to post the link?

- Someone on here goes to see her, says 'One of your mates knows you do this from your FB, hur hur.'

- Someone on here searches for her image on FB, if she doesn't have her privacy set right, it will show, he posts on her FB / twitter that she's a prossy.

Basically, no good can come to him of it, and yet everyone keeps asking for the link  :wacko:

Because it is considered a poor show to raise a question about a prossy but not share a link, this is not prossynet. If he did not want to share, and I agree with your reasons not to, then the OP should not have asked the question. That in itself should be enough to show that it was not a good idea to try and mix business and personal.