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Author Topic: Asian Punters - A Problem?  (Read 9111 times)


  • Guest
Hey I'm pretty new to the world of punting but I've noticed that on independent escort websites like Adultwork a lot of escorts make it clear that they don't want to see Asian or Black men. But I have seen it more frequently with Asian men, this brings a whole array of questions to my mind.

Do most escorts mind seeing Asian men or it is an issue that a lot of South Asian punters face? I'm not looking to pull the race card here, just to get an idea esp from Asian punters, cheers.


  • Guest
from what i have heard  black punters are consider violent , Asian Punters are consider unattractive


  • Guest
Isn't that the whole point of punting though? Good looking guys most often don't need to punt they go out there and hook up. I'm pretty sure that a lot of Punters are middle aged Phil Mitchell doppelgangers, and that isn't Brad Pitt.

Anyways, didn't really answer my question as to whether being an Asian punter is a huge problem here or even irrelevant.


  • Guest
from what i have heard  black punters are consider violent , Asian Punters are consider unattractive

Attractiveness has fuck all to do with anything for a hooker. Asian punters are more likely to haggle so that annoys a lot the hookers. A lot of Asians also are very demeaning to hookers so the less intelligent hookers who stereotype consider all Asians to be like what i described seemingly oblivious to the fact many white men exhibit same attitudes.

Black men are considered violent but I believe it less to do with the woman but more likely her pimp or security not fancying having to face off with huge aggressive black guy if things go wrong. Again it obvious nonsense as many white guys are just as big and aggressive but to thick people the stereotypes I described have resonance.


  • Guest
Attractiveness has fuck all to do with anything for a hooker. Asian punters are more likely to haggle so that annoys a lot the hookers. A lot of Asians also are very demeaning to hookers so the less intelligent hookers who stereotype consider all Asians to be like what i described seemingly oblivious to the fact many white men exhibit same attitudes.

Black men are considered violent but I believe it less to do with the woman but more likely her pimp or security not fancying having to face off with huge aggressive black guy if things go wrong. Again it obvious nonsense as many white guys are just as big and aggressive but to thick people the stereotypes I described have resonance.

I think Diehard is spot on there. Just find someone who except all race


  • Guest
I guess some prossies are racially intolerant and don't want to fuck outside of their race, just like the Asian dads & brothers who would do their nut if their daughters & sisters ever wanted to fuck a white guy.

I'm not racist in punting, girls of all nationalities and colours can be attractive to fact I prefer the exotic look.

Offline azrael

Unfortunately it happens budd, not just with the white wg's i saw a black wg in aw saying she didnt want to see asian or black guys thats their progotive, your money then can go to someone more deserving. Funily enough theres a wg on aw who states her her preference is white cuacasion british males (thats fine by me) then she goes i dont mind seeing europeans, middle eastern or asians. Im curious at this point even though im not white i was born here so im british as we're part of the e.u im european (stay with me please) i've been mistaken for an arab plenty of times even by arabs so im quids in right?  The nail in the coffin is im asian, lol i send her an e-mail getting a reply back politely saying saying f**k off you dirty smelly indian!!! At this point im laughing my ass off as im not indian. Thr point im making is rather the girls state only white guys  or no asians or no black guys atleast that way you dont get an uncomfortable punt.

Offline laidbackasiandude

Hey I'm pretty new to the world of punting but I've noticed that on independent escort websites like Adultwork a lot of escorts make it clear that they don't want to see Asian or Black men. But I have seen it more frequently with Asian men, this brings a whole array of questions to my mind.

Do most escorts mind seeing Asian men or it is an issue that a lot of South Asian punters face? I'm not looking to pull the race card here, just to get an idea esp from Asian punters, cheers.

I started punting back in 1994, since then just the ONE occasion was I refused point-blank by a hooker to meet
with me because of my ethnicity (my fault really, it was through an agency and didn't specify my background with
the madam controller despite using my real first name for the booking which is distinctly Non-Anglo Saxon).

The real question you must ask is whether you would be happy spending £££££££s on a call-girl who would be
disinclined meeting with someone of South Asian descent? If it's transparent (as per for example an AW profile
listing exclusions by ethnicity), no issue for me simply move on.


  • Guest

I think Diehard is spot on there. Just find someone who except all race

+1 = Some Asian girls also state no Asian guys and I have black girls on AW saying No black guys - Each to his own.

There are plenty of girls who do not state a preference, Do not worry too much

Offline azrael

+1 = Some Asian girls also state no Asian guys and I have black girls on AW saying No black guys - Each to his own.

There are plenty of girls who do not state a preference, Do not worry too much

+2 totally agree spend your money on someone who doesnt care of your race/colour


  • Guest
... There are plenty of girls who do not state a preference, Do not worry too much

Exactly, don't get hung up on it. Some WGs don't bang Asians, some WGs don't take it up the shitter.

Keep looking til you find one that suits you


  • Guest
I started punting back in 1994, since then just the ONE occasion was I refused point-blank by a hooker to meet
with me because of my ethnicity (my fault really, it was through an agency and didn't specify my background with
the madam controller despite using my real first name for the booking which is distinctly Non-Anglo Saxon).

The real question you must ask is whether you would be happy spending £££££££s on a call-girl who would be
disinclined meeting with someone of South Asian descent? If it's transparent (as per for example an AW profile
listing exclusions by ethnicity), no issue for me simply move on.

Cheers, the answer I was looking for from someone with the same background.

Offline maxxblue

Hey I'm pretty new to the world of punting but I've noticed that on independent escort websites like Adultwork a lot of escorts make it clear that they don't want to see Asian or Black men. But I have seen it more frequently with Asian men, this brings a whole array of questions to my mind.

Do most escorts mind seeing Asian men or it is an issue that a lot of South Asian punters face? I'm not looking to pull the race card here, just to get an idea esp from Asian punters, cheers.

Are you Asian or black?

Offline Laying Pipe

Try asking a WG what type of punters they least like to see and also ask how she treat them.
I have discussed this with one or two WGS.
The answer is they go through the motion. Which means that amongst the white punters the WGS see, there are probably a lot of types they find unpleasant. However it is difficult to single them out.
With ethnicity it is easy. If a WG do not feel comfortable taking black cocks form Africans or Asians that's her choice and to say so means they spare a punter from a bad punt.
Lets not read too much into.
This point has been raised before and discussed at length.
A number of contributors argued forcefully that Black males are violent and seem to believe that,this is the main reason why some WGS do not see them.
I am not convinced that all black skin males form all the countries they originate from behave in exactly the same.
Are saying that a black male from Brazil, France, Nigeria and Egypt for example are all the same and violent.
Finally point on the issue of violent punters, I sense that it is more common amongst younger punters of all races and the older punters black or white are a bit more mellow and easy going.
A WG once said to me that we punters watch too much porn and we expect them to give the porn star treatment, which is at the root of most of the disagreement she faced on a daily basis.

Offline GreyDave

 :hi: Have read and talked to working girls most Ive been with when talking about this usally say they want to see guys with  western values ie treating them as people not a quick worthless service provider, strangly some of the girls Ive seen refer to them selfs as Indian (after all it is the Indian sub contienet ) and not Asian this maybe be my age but I think of chinese /Malayan. The few Black girls ive met have all been proud Brit or Carib but some of the african girls have played up the French of Brazilian side The daft thing is they all seemed to have some sort of no-go list as I am sure l have too but am getting to much fun with the girls from all nations to have found it yet (maybe the worry is as us middle aged white guys with small willeys and cash cum so quick and easy thats the prefered target :D :D :D


  • Guest
I guess some prossies are racially intolerant and don't want to fuck outside of their race, just like the Asian dads & brothers who would do their nut if their daughters & sisters ever wanted to fuck a white guy.

I don't think it's that, because there are quite few Asian girls don't want to see Asian men. The same with some black girls not wanting black clients. Maybe they feel they will get a lecture or whatever, or they get treated less well.

Whatever. Sex being intimate and very personal, everyone has a right to make their own choices about who they do it with, and I can't see how anyone has the right to question that.

Offline random

Hey I'm pretty new to the world of punting but I've noticed that on independent escort websites like Adultwork a lot of escorts make it clear that they don't want to see Asian or Black men. But I have seen it more frequently with Asian men, this brings a whole array of questions to my mind.

Which areas are you looking at? It's very much the other way round from what I've seen in London with a few not seeing anyone from either race and fewer still not seeing anyone specifically Asian. Are you looking in the North of England where it may be a different trend?


  • Guest
Isn't that the whole point of punting though? Good looking guys most often don't need to punt they go out there and hook up. I'm pretty sure that a lot of Punters are middle aged Phil Mitchell doppelgangers, and that isn't Brad Pitt.

Anyways, didn't really answer my question as to whether being an Asian punter is a huge problem here or even irrelevant.

Since attending some of the Phoenix parties, it has made me realise that all types punt. Among the sprinkling of average looking guys was some very good looking guys of all the races, including Asian, who the layman to punting would suggest 'don't need to punt'. Punting really is for everyone.

That said I've never seen a Chinese/Japanese Asian man at these parties.

Offline denneboom

My regular parlour tells me that 75% of their customers are Asian. They suffer a dip in takings during Ramadan. I'm black so sometimes some white EE girls have a problem seeing me.

I don't mind as long as there are upfront about it - each to their own. I stick to regular girls who are comfortable seeing me and the meetings get better.


  • Guest
This subject has been done many times over.its upto the individual who they see.
there are many countries which make up Asia...the op was asked what is his background...c'mon whats the score coz I think there's an agenda here?

Offline denneboom

This subject has been done many times over.its upto the individual who they see.
there are many countries which make up Asia...the op was asked what is his background...c'mon whats the score coz I think there's an agenda here?

Good point. Not Asian then.


  • Guest
As the famous tee-shirt says

''I have the pussy
I make the rules"'

Let's just accept that  :hi:

Offline azrael

As the famous tee-shirt says

''I have the pussy
I make the rules"'

Let's just accept that  :hi:

+1 lol thats a hell yeah :drinks:

Offline con-a-ser

I think it comes down to a few things one been all asians been labelled due to a few bad apples

A lot of girls on AW & escorts have done parlours first as a atarting point
here they will find groups a Asians attending a parlour as a car full & maybe only one booking in (any one familiar with a manchester night scene {Selelcta, Infinity etc} will have seen this
there is a mixture of Asian cultures from Indian, Pakistani, Siek who are Uk born & others visiting from there native countries  & there cultural beleifs

In some of these cultures woman are viewed as second class citizens & this can cause issues with some of the WGs then trying to haggle them on price

I heard one occasion where a girl had invited an Asian punter to shower pre punt & he responded "I will wash once I have done with you"

Every time I read things like this I think of this & feel for a lot of genuine punters who work hard possible in the fast food resturant line & due to working time schedules have little time to socialise when the magority of young people are & with things like arranged marriges chucked in, you can see why punting is a good alternative & due to a few small minded people they are making it hard for the more respectful group

You also have the Asian girls who will not see Asian punters as they could be out cast by there families seeing the infadels


  • Guest
As the famous tee-shirt says

''I have the pussy
I make the rules"'

Let's just accept that  :hi:

No no no! We the men call the shots both fucking women in civvie life and paying. Either way we have the money we call the shots. If a wg says no coloured people she losing out on business, it no loss to the punter as he has saved a wasted trip.


  • Guest
Yeah I noticed this too, from my experience where I live (Birmingham), strip-club clientele seem to be 70% Asian....
If that's any indication of punters up here I'd say birds are missing out on quite a bit of cash, if they have that policy....

But then again prostitution is a profession frowned upon by many cultures, so I can imagine some idiots from conservative cultural backgrounds treat them like shit.

Offline dagentleman

I started punting back in 1994, since then just the ONE occasion was I refused point-blank by a hooker to meet
with me because of my ethnicity (my fault really, it was through an agency and didn't specify my background with
the madam controller despite using my real first name for the booking which is distinctly Non-Anglo Saxon).

The real question you must ask is whether you would be happy spending £££££££s on a call-girl who would be
disinclined meeting with someone of South Asian descent? If it's transparent (as per for example an AW profile
listing exclusions by ethnicity), no issue for me simply move on.

I concur, it's better to find someone else, even if she wasn't your first choice. Similar to what laidbackasiandude said its who you think deserves what you paid for and not half ass the effort.
On the other hand sometimes they're afraid the client maybe someone who they recognize and will quite possibly expose their secret life. I knew a WG who has had to suffer this unfortunate event and now she's gone off the radar.

If the profile doesn't state whether or not they see specific races just make sure to mention it about yourself in your initial emails to them, so you won't make the long trip to theirs only to be turned away at the door. I've been doing this for a long time now and I've only had one who declined so far.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 07:51:47 am by dagentleman »


  • Guest
This subject has been done many times over.its upto the individual who they see.
there are many countries which make up Asia...the op was asked what is his background...c'mon whats the score coz I think there's an agenda here?

I specifically said South Asian which in the UK means Indians and Pakistani's and sometimes others who may look similar like Afghans or Kurds, but they are West Asians. I don't get responses like yours, I never once accused anyone of being racist and yet you have to get up in arms.

I'm South Asian, and all I want to know is being South Asian would be an issue as a punter. There is no 'agenda'.


  • Guest
I specifically said South Asian which in the UK means Indians and Pakistani's and sometimes others who may look similar like Afghans or Kurds, but they are West Asians. I don't get responses like yours, I never once accused anyone of being racist and yet you have to get up in arms.

I'm South Asian, and all I want to know is being South Asian would be an issue as a punter. There is no 'agenda'.

Personally I think of South Asian as being from Indonesia/Singapore/Burma etc. Indians and Pakistani I would consider to be simply Asian. But that's me  :unknown:

Offline robbie54321

I thought it was called the sub continent, shows what I know!
On the "Asian" question, in my chats with WGs they don't mind oriental Asian. Apparently they have small cocks. If japenesse porn is anything to go by then there's probably a bit of truth in that. I've seen nothing to be frightened of :-)


  • Guest
Jenny.1 of Brum said that a lot of Asian men would be really rude, she would end up being fucked by them totally wound up but having to try to put a pacific front on it.  They can be very bolshy and "in your face", you don't get a chance to answer back etc, I got 'contronted' on a train by a standing Asian commuter who needed to get off the train on the side where my bike was, 2 stations down, when the next station was on the other side (I was slyly trying to wind him up actually, and pretty-well succeeding) - most people on trains rather keep themselves to themselves not start picking fights!!  An older WG I think on SAAFE was saying the young Asians could be very cocky and rude and she had to take a maternal approach, point it out to them, after which they usually toned it down a bit.

(Generally got nothing whatever against Asians, I hasten to add, quite the opposite).

With blacks, is it not just the fabled size of their nobs and their vigour and longevity in using it?  :scare:

Offline Robster199

Asian culture in business is to strike a deal knowing they will come back later to barter again. Agreement means nothing in their culture, just a start point. Westerners being more honest do t get that. It's just cultural. If I was a WG I'd  not see them as experience ewould dictate they are going to fuck me off bartering all the fucking time. Fuck them

Offline Markus

That's racist. Being half Asian your views are absurd. I have never bartered with a WG in my life. Business is all about negotiation in most instances, given that a lot of the punters are self employed they would see that. You can't walk in to a restaurant or a cinema and negotiate a bill and the same goes with a WG.

Anyways if your perception is to generalise a whole culture with the same brush then fuck you too.


  • Guest
Personally I think of South Asian as being from Indonesia/Singapore/Burma etc. Indians and Pakistani I would consider to be simply Asian. But that's me  :unknown:

That would be South East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam etc).

India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Sri Lanka etc are geographically known as Asia/Indian Sub Continent

Japan, China, Taiwan, North and South Korea etc are collectively known as East/NE Asia

Offline hendrix

Asian culture in business is to strike a deal knowing they will come back later to barter again. Agreement means nothing in their culture, just a start point. Westerners being more honest do t get that. It's just cultural. If I was a WG I'd  not see them as experience ewould dictate they are going to fuck me off bartering all the fucking time. Fuck them

Horseshit. Some do, some don't. I never have. Interesting that many probably white punters here have stated strongly that there's nothing wrong with asking for a discount. Are you one of those? And yeah, fuck you too with your tremendous contribution of reviews to this site :hi:

Offline azrael

Horseshit. Some do, some don't. I never have. Interesting that many probably white punters here have stated strongly that there's nothing wrong with asking for a discount. Are you one of those? And yeah, fuck you too with your tremendous contribution of reviews to this site :hi:


Offline Dani

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If I was a WG I'd  not see them as experience ewould dictate they are going to fuck me off bartering all the fucking time. Fuck them

I have probably had a handful try to haggle but once you put them straight they are fine about it.  Most happily pay the money.  Then again I also get white and black men try to haggle at times as well.  Haggling when cash is involved is becoming more and more acceptable.  I do it myself when buying large items in fact I am haggling at the moment about getting a new gas boiler fitted and the old back boiler removed and am waiting for a reply on my last offer so I cant complain when someone tries to do it with me.  I can say yes or no just like any other industry.  Its not personal or an insult its just someone trying to save a few quid

yes some of the younger ones do have an attitude that they pay so can do what they want but I approach them in a motherly fashion and put them straight on that matter as well.   I get that same attitude from young white lads and black lads as well.  The younger lads have watched porn and assume when they pay they can do what they want as rough as they have seen it in the films.  A quick telling off normally sets them straight.

Race, colour, religion doesn't make much difference really in how they behave as punters or maybe I am just lucky that every Asian man I see just happens to be a decent guy.  Seems a bit far fetched though that I would be that lucky


  • Guest
Asian culture in business is to strike a deal knowing they will come back later to barter again. Agreement means nothing in their culture, just a start point. Westerners being more honest do t get that. It's just cultural. If I was a WG I'd  not see them as experience would dictate they are going to fuck me off bartering all the fucking time. Fuck them

That's correct, they bargain and a deal is struck, but the "deal" means nothing to them and they will constantly try to better it or put some increased advantage, many in business refuse to deal with them for this reason, they appear to lack honour / pride.

Offline hendrix

That's correct, they bargain and a deal is struck, but the "deal" means nothing to them and they will constantly try to better it or put some increased advantage, many in business refuse to deal with them for this reason, they appear to lack honour / pride.

:lol: :lol:

Did you not, by your own admission in an OT thread, say that you tried to rob a corner store?..... by pleading "I haven't got the right change"?.... that old bollocks that hagglers and penny pinchers try out on hard working businesses?... I hope you don't behave like that with WG's .. Perhaps that's why the WG's don't deal with you? :hi:


  • Guest
Your desperation to hijack and derail the thread is noted  :sarcastic:

Offline hendrix

Your desperation to hijack and derail the thread is noted  :sarcastic:

Your desperation to avoid the question is noted  :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Are you Asian by chance? ....that behaviour of not paying up is endemic in that culture according to some.


  • Guest

Race, colour, religion doesn't make much difference really in how they behave as punters or maybe I am just lucky that every Asian man I see just happens to be a decent guy.  Seems a bit far fetched though that I would be that lucky

No you're not lucky. There really is no difference in how different races behave when punting. It's a shame people think there is.

Offline hendrix

No you're not lucky. There really is no difference in how different races behave when punting. It's a shame people think there is.

That's not possible!!!  :scare:

Next thing you'll be saying that there's good and bad in every type of human being or that everyone bleeds red or some such shit.

Offline Markus

Look I can't speak for everyone but Dani is right though, you get clueless punters with all cultures. Sweeping generalisation of the whole culture of people is frankly idiotic. That's like saying all white people don't bath in the morning which was racist nonsense that used to be spouted around when I was a kid. Or that all black people have massive dongs (though pornography says otherwise  :D

In the game of WGs, if she delivers I will make a return booking. Monica who I have mentioned before on threads and who is now in Bham offered me a discount for the second visit. It wasn't even a discount given that she increased her rate when moving to a new area but I would have seen her regardless and paid her full price because she was excellent.

Anyways not going to try change people's perceptions. Think what you may.

Offline hendrix

Look I can't speak for everyone but Dani is right though, you get clueless punters with all cultures. Sweeping generalisation of the whole culture of people is frankly idiotic. That's like saying all white people don't bath in the morning which was racist nonsense that used to be spouted around when I was a kid. Or that all black people have massive dongs (though pornography says otherwise  :D

In the game of WGs, if she delivers I will make a return booking. Monica who I have mentioned before on threads and who is now in Bham offered me a discount for the second visit. It wasn't even a discount given that she increased her rate when moving to a new area but I would have seen her regardless and paid her full price because she was excellent.

Anyways not going to try change people's perceptions. Think what you may.

I remember being told that one! :D - though first time I got on the tube in the morning I thought it might be true :D

Offline JohnEv

The Asian girls I've spoken to about this have said they won't punt with someone from their own community and so blanket ban Asians to avoid this happening, I got the feeling off some that it was a community-tolerance issue - if they were found screwing members of their community they would be outcast (or worse).

Offline Markus

Contrary to what you may have heard johnev Asians (more specifically Indians) don't do honour killings if that's you meant by 'or worse'. It's only the actual WGs that have an issue with seeing members from their own culture. Same as any religion, you're not going to say "hey honey, you know the WG I was with last week, well it turned out to be your cousin"  :P

There's discretion required on both sides of the punt but yeah most indian WGs avoid punters from their own culture. Given that a lot of WGs are East European, this issue rarely occurs with other cultures here. 


  • Guest
Markus you say "Asians (more specifically Indians) don't do honour killings " what crap.

If the family are not happy with the bride or groom cos their boy/girl married outside of their religion or caste the whole village will be involved in the killing over in India. Read the news man.

Offline Markus

Sorry I meant Indians here.

As for India, it's mostly in small villages rather then Mumbai or Delhi. Not saying it doesn't happen in major cities, just that it's more likely to occur in rural india.


  • Guest
Just had another fantastic punt with lindsaydoll (see W Mids reviews but I'm not going to repeat myself there) - best ever - a lot of that was massage from her while we chatted - and guess what the conversation turned to, when I steered it that way?  (Bear in mind this is a very sweet, juvenile, inexperienced Czech escort who's paying her way through college with a friend she used to work with.)

Her English is excellent and if you look at her profile you'll see that everything is spelt out completely clearly and unambiguously - prices and services.  She was telling me about punters that gave her a hard time, she specifically mentioned not wanting to be racist but I asked the pertinent questions - in spite of this level of detail on her profile she regularly had blacks and Asians turning up, haggling about what she would give them for how much, arguing till they were er blue in the face, until she basically had to turn them away - the blacks in particular demanding bb.

I would say this is not a good situation for a vulnerable 20-yr-old to be in - you can say "She's a whore, what does she expect", but I'd personally hope much as I adore her that she'd stop doing it pretty soon and get on with the rest of her civvy life as she hopes to do, which you'd expect to be a very happy one.  It represents a considerable degree of intimidation in terms of the potential for a situation like that to get nasty, which they are totally responsible for inflicting on her. 

To me, the thing which binds any society together is the peace of mind of its womenfolk, I would see their behaviour as deliberately undermining that - not that anybody else would want to consider them as 'outsiders' I'm sure, but they seem to be demonstrating it through their behaviour.  Enough said.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 03:03:14 pm by dilettante »