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Author Topic: Aberdeen : What a mess .Is there anything decent out there just now  (Read 3636 times)

Offline astra2100u

Got a lot of spare time on my hands this weekend so Im looking to fill them with tits  :D The punting scene in Aberdeen at the moment seems dire with Vivastreet /AW awash with fake profiles.
All the recent reviews appear to have been done for meets that occured some time back and the girls have moved on(well most of them)
So to get to the point ...
Anybody got some advice on a WG that fits the following
Decent tits /nice firm arse def not big and wobbly .NOT a BBW.Under 35 years .
I would prefer a Thai .I havent had one of those in ages  :P
Offers a good blow job/hand job ,perhaps a massage but that would be optional , would maybe let you cum on her tits .Not too fussy about shagging her.
Thnk thats about it guys.I have done my homework ,looked through all the reviews but to be honest it just looks dire just now.
Somebody must have had a good experience lately just its not "on the system yet"
Oh the price £40-80 30 mins would be ideal

Offline Name Not Found

Sadly not. As you say, there is nobody around worth seeing in your category. Stay home; save money; have a wank.

Post Brexit/Pandemic, the chances of things improving for the next few years as pretty much zero. I'm looking for a new hobby  :sarcastic:

Offline Leon170fr

Did you get much joy over the weekend?

Offline Name Not Found

Did you get much joy over the weekend?

Don't know about the OP, but I had a nice cup of tea and a wank in the shed. Very nice  :dance:

Offline Nuggy1903

A few newbies in at Divine. I’m curious to say the least!!

Offline Davey Dykes

Not long in from seeing Sara of Devine on her first night, will review in due course. Hopefully she'll decide to stick around for a while. She has the makings of a very decent SP about her.

Offline Name Not Found

Not long in from seeing Sara of Devine on her first night, will review in due course. Hopefully she'll decide to stick around for a while. She has the makings of a very decent SP about her.

Good to hear but after a total of 2 times using divine, and 2 disappointments (reviews to follow when I can be arsed), I'll not be using them again unless someone astounding turns up.

Offline Davey Dykes

Aye, a couple of mine could've went that way on another day without a stroke of luck. Just realised my auto correct seems to have an obsession with Sidney "Tiny bubbles" for some reason.

Offline Name Not Found

Just realised my auto correct seems to have an obsession with Sidney "Tiny bubbles" for some reason.

Jeezus; I'd rather have the world's worst punt than listen to that  :D

Offline Aberlad

Not wanting to create a new thread regarding this subject, I hope others don’t mind that I bump this one as it appears to be the newest.

Just curious as to what my fellow Aberdeen punters are doing for their hobby right now? A sabbatical? Only touring girls?

The scene in Aberdeen is at its worst that I can remember and even the tourers are few and fair between.

As I say, just a topic starter to see what everyone else is up to

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As I say, just a topic starter to see what everyone else is up to

I've pretty much given up. Spending my money on other hobbies rather than risking it on random strangers.

Also, wanking  :D

Offline ik8133

Not wanting to create a new thread regarding this subject, I hope others don’t mind that I bump this one as it appears to be the newest.

Just curious as to what my fellow Aberdeen punters are doing for their hobby right now? A sabbatical? Only touring girls?

The scene in Aberdeen is at its worst that I can remember and even the tourers are few and fair between.

As I say, just a topic starter to see what everyone else is up to

I'm not a very frequent punter but I do like a treat now and again, when time, opportunity and funds allow, so I tend to go down the Seeking and Secret Benefits route.  Just feels a bit less transactional and the girls are usually more into having a good time as well.   

Offline JJM

What’s the damage going that route usually 

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I'm not a very frequent punter but I do like a treat now and again, when time, opportunity and funds allow, so I tend to go down the Seeking and Secret Benefits route.  Just feels a bit less transactional and the girls are usually more into having a good time as well.

Tried it a couple of times. Too much like hard work for me wading through all the no-shows and scammers.  I don't have the energy.

Offline DirtyHarry74

What’s the damage going that route usually

In my experience using Secret Benefits for just over a year, ultimately, not much different from what you would pay a sex worker.  Circa £150 to £250, depending on the arrangement.  Some want to be wined n dined, so add in a hotel, decent meal and some drinks, it gets a bit steep.  Some of the girls on SB are sex workers and I met quite a few who were also in the swinging scene.  There's also a fair few chancers - want online only or platonic.  It became too much like hard work, so I gave it in and went back to just getting a simple rub-n-tug when I can.

Offline ik8133

What’s the damage going that route usually

It can vary, a saw a couple of girls last year, both agreed to £200 for a couple of hours.  One was happy to see me in her own home while the other I had to get a room, which I got for £44 as it was a day use room.  I'm married to have to be discreet, but were happy just to meet up for fun, I took a chance and didn't bother with any social meetings first, luckily both turned out ok.  Though I did get a bit of intel on one of them from one of the guys from here, which was a big help. 
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 12:29:00 pm by ik8133 »