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Author Topic: Should punters be haggling over pro$$ie rates more often?  (Read 8355 times)

Offline ForrestGump

Depends on how the haggling is done. If the punter is polite e.g. "Would really like an hour with you, would you consider seeing me for x amount?" then I see no issue. As long as it isn't taking the piss, like 10 quid for an hour instead of my usual rate.

Exactly right  :thumbsup:

Haggling, in previous generations, used to be a bit taboo here in Blighty. But over time has become much more mainstream/accepted. A politely presented lower offer may be an acceptable compromise when the alternative is likely to be a big fat zero.  :unknown:

Offline Daffodil

I don't offer discounts for financial reasons. I can't expect everyone else I have to pay money to to reduce their prices. I also think that if you are setting your rates at a sensible price not many people will try to haggle anyway.

Nobody is saying that you have to haggle. It's your "business", charge what you want.

What we are calling bullshit on is your statement that no business allows negotiation (which is ridiculous, most do) and the fact you would block anybody who asks (sensible business plan  :dash:).

Stupid  :hi:


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Haggling is no different from.getting discounts

Booking airlines holidays and train or event tickets are cheaper beforehand or on the day  - it's no different to haggling  if you do it well

In my opinion most girls who demand or expect or kind of ask for gifts are easily negotiated or baffled down but I am unsure if you do haggle down if the experience would be better than her full rate

Ny guess is if you baffled a working girl the experiance would be shit unless she offered the discount if you hinted that you might be free on such a day or if you said you have a target of xx which you can't break


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Nobody is saying that you have to haggle. It's your "business", charge what you want.

What we are calling bullshit on is your statement that no business allows negotiation (which is ridiculous, most do) and the fact you would block anybody who asks (sensible business plan  :dash:).

Stupid  :hi:

You may not think it's a sensible 'business' plan but it works for me. I'm not a newbie and I'm not stupid, im not going to fix what isn't broken, especially when it comes to my income.

Offline cunnyhunt

You may not think it's a sensible 'business' plan but it works for me. I'm not a newbie and I'm not stupid, im not going to fix what isn't broken, especially when it comes to my income.

If it works now that is good for you, but your income is not fixed and there is the possibility that if it starts to be quiet then you will earn less. If that happens would you still stay with your way of working or look to maximise your time/income by changing your rates. ?

I like the phrase that girls are "sitting on a goldmine" but as in the Yukon they get played out and exhausted and men end up scratching about in them to make a living.  :D


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If it works now that is good for you, but your income is not fixed and there is the possibility that if it starts to be quiet then you will earn less. If that happens would you still stay with your way of working or look to maximise your time/income by changing your rates. ?

I like the phrase that girls are "sitting on a goldmine" but as in the Yukon they get played out and exhausted and men end up scratching about in them to make a living.  :D

If I was getting quieter and my income was dropping I'd reduce/alter my rates myself. I'm too much of a control freak to allow anyone to decide for me. And finally if that wasn't working I'd give it up and get a different job.

Offline Daffodil

You may not think it's a sensible 'business' plan but it works for me. I'm not a newbie and I'm not stupid, im not going to fix what isn't broken, especially when it comes to my income.

You are stupid.

To say that no business or service providers tolerate negotiation is stupid, the vast majority do.

To block punters (your source of income) who dare to commit this most heinous crime is stupid too.


fabbian von minky

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 J Always ask for "Todays Rate" please ,,  this way you are not being rude and can save you money  got to say very few WG have a finacial brain beyond next week, they dont seem to get that their looks will go one day and the phone will go cold forever, if they decide on this  work lifestyle stash the cash while you can, any booking with a clean respectful punter at a slightely lower rate  has got to be better then no bookings. This forum sometimes dont help when members constantly bang on about how good a girl is but its cost them £150 hr plus ,, think about it £150 for the average punter thats quite a bit of cash ,  accept most punts wont be amazing and do your homework reference rates , that way when you have a duff one it wont hurt as much to your soul or wallet and when good will feel really good  ,,got to say I'm a big fan of the 30min £50 punt  :

Offline Jimmyredcab

If I was getting quieter and my income was dropping I'd reduce/alter my rates myself. I'm too much of a control freak to allow anyone to decide for me. And finally if that wasn't working I'd give it up and get a different job.

The problem is that shelf stacking only pays £7 an hour.    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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The problem is that shelf stacking only pays £7 an hour.    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Good job I won't be stacking shelves then  :sarcastic:. And if someone wants a punt under 30 quid then good luck to them but I'm gonna stay stupid and not even consider reducing my prices.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Good job I won't be stacking shelves then  :sarcastic:. And if someone wants a punt under 30 quid then good luck to them but I'm gonna stay stupid and not even consider reducing my prices.

I rarely haggle anyway because I am normally a one hour punter who pays between £100 and £120 an hour ------- however if a girl decided to increase her rates I would expect my fee to remain the same, if she refused I would move on, there are thousands of prostitutes out there to choose from.   :hi:

Offline Daffodil

Good job I won't be stacking shelves then  :sarcastic:. And if someone wants a punt under 30 quid then good luck to them but I'm gonna stay stupid and not even consider reducing my prices.

More evidence of your stupidity, you're completely missing the point.

Nobody is saying you have to negotiate, just that most other businesses/service providers do or at least will listen to offers (you claimed otherwise) and that it is stupid to block your source of income just for asking.

No wonder you've ended up a prostitute.

Offline cunnyhunt

I'm gonna stay stupid and not even consider reducing my prices.

Always leave your mind open to other options.

Your rates are not high but you have trouble with maths. You charge £100 for the hour, for Hour and half it is an increase of £20 to £120 which is very reasonable (for the area I stay in) but for a further 30 minutes the 2 hour rate is £160 ? a further £40. the incremental increases between time slots do not follow any logical pattern. They are either the same rate that applies to 30 minutes and increases or it decreases as the time extends. Unusual for it to increase  :rolleyes:

Your own FAQ states

Q. Can you do me a discount?    A. No. This is my income and my rates are set. UNLESS I specify a special offer!

So you do change your rates .......unless the fag's are untrue  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: September 01, 2014, 10:56:54 am by cunnyhunt »


  • Guest
Ok guys well im bowing out of this one now, I'll leave you gentlemen to it.

Offline Daffodil

Ok guys well im bowing out of this one now, I'll leave you gentlemen to it.

Probably for the best, seems even the most basic points are beyond you. Quite spectacularly thick  :rolleyes:

Offline cunnyhunt

Ok guys well im bowing out of this one now, I'll leave you gentlemen to it.

Why do wg's "bow out" when they can not answer a simple question on their profiles  :rolleyes:

My advice is to not put yourself into a corner and leave your mind open to other ways of working, If a guy came along and said that he wanted to see you for 4 hours but could only get £250 from the ATM (your rate 280) then you would turn him down and block him  :wacko:

So for 4 hours you would take a chance on 3-4 punters wanting to book you to earn the same money or 1 punter who even if he tried could not fuck relentlessly for the 4 hours.  :crazy:

All of our contracts are negotiated, some are 7 figures and many years  in length, there is no set fee for anything as it depends on what the client requires. It is how the world works (except Germany, fucking hate working there)

Offline Bangers and Gash

I'll leave you gentlemen to it.

No offence meant, but it's a shame you didn't do that at  « Reply #5 on: Yesterday at 07:57:10 pm »

Offline Jimmyredcab

You are stupid.

To say that no business or service providers tolerate negotiation is stupid, the vast majority do.

I have an excellent example to prove your point.   :thumbsup:

I have been with the Automobile Association for over 20 years, a couple of years ago I was not happy with the renewal quote, I thought a large organization like that would not be open to negotiation ---------- I was wrong.
When I phoned them to say I was thinking of leaving  they put me through to customer services and a very nice young lady said that she could give me a discount of £50 if I changed my mind.
If you don't ask, you don't get.    :drinks:

Prostitutes seem to think they are a special case, they are not.    :thumbsdown:


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In my fairly brief experience some degree of haggling is acceptable. Results vary. I texted one girl who'd put her prices up after I'd seen her at her previous - lower - rate to see if as a "regular" - stretching it a bit as I'd only seen her the once - she'd be happy with the earlier rate. No answer. (Rather rude, I thought but hey.) With another girl I've negotiated a deal whereby if I pay a lump sum upfront I get to see her for 5 sessions instead of 4. I guess a kind of mini sugar daddy arrangement. Haggling is very much the norm when you're paying a fair wad of money: I haggled a deal re: some panel work on my car, and on some work on the roof last year. Provided you're not taking the piss, it's surely fine.

Offline Jimmyredcab

With another girl I've negotiated a deal whereby if I pay a lump sum upfront I get to see her for 5 sessions instead of 4. I guess a kind of mini sugar daddy arrangement.

That is a VERY risky thing to do, I would not advise anyone else to do it --------------- just as I wouldn't pay a builder upfront for work he hasn't done.      :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
Ok guys well im bowing out of this one now, I'll leave you gentlemen to it.

Can I suggest that you read up on some simple economics, chapter one:- Supply and Demand, the basics. Follow that up with a course  in civility for dummies.

You can do this between the phone polishing :cool:


  • Guest
That is a VERY risky thing to do, I would not advise anyone else to do it --------------- just as I wouldn't pay a builder upfront for work he hasn't done.      :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Yes, but surely pro$$ies are much more reliable and trustworthy than builders :unknown:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Yes, but surely pro$$ies are much more reliable and trustworthy than builders :unknown:

In my experience there is not much in it.     :hi: :hi:

Offline Lilywhite

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At the end of the day, some girls wont budge and like someone said above does it really matter to you? You either pay it or you don't- thousands of other girls out there.
By the same token, thousands of other punters out there will be willing to pay what a girl wants because if they weren't, she'd take a  hint and lower her rates.

Offline ForrestGump

Prostitutes seem to think they are a special case, they are not.    :thumbsdown:

Blocking prospective clients who politely ask for a deal is unnecessary and bad for any business imo. It's definitely not rude and to think it is suggests a fundamental lack of commercial awareness. The smart wgs will leave themselves open to accept offers of deals on bookings, just as many of them do on reverse bookings.

I've personally not yet asked for a deal on a straight booking but, in the light of this thread, am going to do so, if only to see what kind of reaction it prompts. But fear not Sienna, I wouldn't dare attempt to do so with you  ;)

Offline Jimmyredcab

At the end of the day, some girls wont budge and like someone said above does it really matter to you? You either pay it or you don't- thousands of other girls out there.
By the same token, thousands of other punters out there will be willing to pay what a girl wants because if they weren't, she'd take a  hint and lower her rates.

Hope you don't mind me asking-------------- are you a pimp, a prostitute or simply a fluffy.     :unknown: :unknown:

Offline Lilywhite

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Offline bigjim

I have had discounts and been told no chance  :D all depends on how much they want the money  :hi:


Offline cunnyhunt

I'm a prossie.

I understand that you must contact Admin as wg's can not be here unless the name is the same as AW profile or working name.

Offline Lilywhite

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I didn't realise that, thanks for the heads up.


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When I have placed a RB on Adultwork. I always email those that made the short list and ask would they be willing to do the same deal another time. So far none have said no. I dont see this as haggling. More just a frank discussion on the rates that they are available on.

I have yet to approach one directly and said your rate is x would you be willing to do a meeting for y if they havent previously bid on RB.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I'm a prossie.

OK, thanks, that explains the tone of your post.    :music:

Offline Jimmyredcab

I understand that you must contact Admin as wg's can not be here unless the name is the same as AW profile or working name.

To be fair, and I don't want to be, she registered here 2 years ago before that rule was introduced so she has not actually done anything wrong, she only admitted she was a pro$$ie because I asked her.    :hi:

Offline cunnyhunt

To be fair, and I don't want to be, she registered here 2 years ago before that rule was introduced so she has not actually done anything wrong, she only admitted she was a pro$$ie because I asked her.    :hi:

For sure like you state she has not done anything wrong but Admin can easily change the profile name.  :thumbsup:

Offline Jimmyredcab

For sure like you state she has not done anything wrong but Admin can easily change the profile name.  :thumbsup:

Indeed --------------- but we could have hundreds of pro$$ies on here with "gender neutral" names, we would never know.  :unknown:

Offline cunnyhunt

Indeed --------------- but we could have hundreds of pro$$ies on here with "gender neutral" names, we would never know.  :unknown:

It comes out in the posting style eventually, as you picked up on  :hi:

Offline Tricky Dickie

Indeed --------------- but we could have hundreds of pro$$ies on here with "gender neutral" names, we would never know.  :unknown:

Maybe the admin should consider having that information in the block on the LHS next to the post count. It might be useful to be clear which point of view the poster is likely to be representing.

Much more useful to me than a gigantic page of the last 30 days reviews!  :D

Offline dandaley

I personally wouldn't haggle but that's me happy to pay for what I want at the price asked.

On the other point i don't know why we have wgs on here full stop all it leads to is stupid bickering and threads being hijacked. Dunno why they would want to be here tbh  :unknown:

Offline Jimmyredcab

I personally wouldn't haggle but that's me happy to pay for what I want at the price asked.

On the other point i don't know why we have wgs on here full stop all it leads to is stupid bickering and threads being hijacked. Dunno why they would want to be here tbh  :unknown:

Impossible to stop them completely, they would simply join using a name like Fred Bloggs, this is not Adultwork, we can't ask for ID.   :unknown:


  • Guest
As far as discounts are concerned, I'd say towards the end of e month you will get more luck. I work out my expenses (rent, etc) at the start of the month and convert it into how many full price half hour bookings I'd need to do. Halfway through the month, if I've done quite well and my target is met, I'd be more receptive to haggling and discounts. Towards the end of the month if I was short on my target, I'd be open to deals, and may put a special offer up. The same on a quiet day. I have set days that I can do that changes every week depending on my other job. If I've got no bookings on a day I have got down to work, it's better to take the discount bookings than have an empty day. It's pretty much when I use the available now feature on aw, when I haven't got any bookings for that day already, and I feel the need to take bookings, I can turn on the feature, slap on a special offer, and accept any haggling.

I think any girl who says they never have a dusty phone at least one day a month is stretching the truth. There will always be quiet days wherever you are. The same when I was stripping. There were always times in the month where you'd sit for a whole night and only have say one private dance and still have to pay house fee, going home with a fiver for the taxi. It's hit and miss.

Offline Daffodil

At the end of the day, some girls wont budge and like someone said above does it really matter to you? You either pay it or you don't- thousands of other girls out there.
By the same token, thousands of other punters out there will be willing to pay what a girl wants because if they weren't, she'd take a  hint and lower her rates.

I believe there are very few prossies who will never budge. It makes absolutely no sense to be so rigid. Even the most stubborn will find themselves short and out of demand at some point, will they really turn their nose up at, say, £20 less than their usual fee? I doubt it.

And thousands? Don't make me laugh.

Offline Daffodil

I have an excellent example to prove your point.   :thumbsup:

I have been with the Automobile Association for over 20 years, a couple of years ago I was not happy with the renewal quote, I thought a large organization like that would not be open to negotiation ---------- I was wrong.
When I phoned them to say I was thinking of leaving  they put me through to customer services and a very nice young lady said that she could give me a discount of £50 if I changed my mind.
If you don't ask, you don't get.    :drinks:

Prostitutes seem to think they are a special case, they are not.    :thumbsdown:

Exactly, good example.

I've haggled over cars, buying property, renting property, renewing contracts (housing, phones, insurance, etc.), building work, refrigerators, cameras, computers, etc.

Why prossies think they are so special is beyond me. I believe, in some cases, they just toe the party line to try to put off potential hagglers in the first place.

And what certainly would not have happened, in your example, is the AA saying, "I can't believe you tried to haggle, we will never do business with you again and you're now blocked from all future contact".

Offline Daffodil

That is a VERY risky thing to do, I would not advise anyone else to do it --------------- just as I wouldn't pay a builder upfront for work he hasn't done.      :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Agree entirely, the times I have seen punters do this it has invariably ended in tears.

Offline Ali Katt

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so presuming a girl has a regular place to work from negating the need to get a hotel how much is reasonable to ask for an hour with all services available within that hour?
People seem to think I'm a cunt for saying so, but £50 would be plenty to watch a girl send a few texts, talk about their kids and have a bit of sex and a blowie.

Elisha Joanne

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People seem to think I'm a cunt for saying so, but £50 would be plenty to watch a girl send a few texts, talk about their kids and have a bit of sex and a blowie.

Agreed. Lack of personal attention is annoying enough at the supermarket so phone goes on silent and in drawer for the duration.

Offline dandaley

Impossible to stop them completely, they would simply join using a name like Fred Bloggs, this is not Adultwork, we can't ask for ID.   :unknown:

yeh yeh of course i get that but why do the ones who say they are wgs want to be here is my point thats what leads to bickering as think said before many times we aint ever ever going to agree.

fuck now its made me hijack thread  :angry:


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If your a regular client to a Pro$$ie then you can haggle thats for sure! Some have haggled me in emails and failed  :thumbsdown:! But thats me and some girls will ignore or accept.  If your a new client, do try, if you don't ask you dont get right? I give my regulars discounts sometimes or I go over the time if I am having fun with them..

Offline Matium

Indeed --------------- but we could have hundreds of pro$$ies on here with "gender neutral" names, we would never know.  :unknown:

It's in the WGs interest to have the same name here as they have on Adultwork.

If any man is interested in them, he can easily contact them.

WGs are businesswomen first and foremost so they know that ambiguous or gender-neutral names don't make sense as that means they'll never get bookings.


  • Guest
It's in the WGs interest to have the same name here as they have on Adultwork.

If any man is interested in them, he can easily contact them.

WGs are businesswomen first and foremost so they know that ambiguous or gender-neutral names don't make sense as that means they'll never get bookings.

I wouldn't use my full aw name, although holly is my name on aw. But I am not here to tout for emails. I just want to be accepted on a forum to fill some of my bordom and chatting to guys and girls alike!

Offline cunnyhunt

I wouldn't use my full aw name, although holly is my name on aw. But I am not here to tout for emails. I just want to be accepted on a forum to fill some of my bordom and chatting to guys and girls alike!

I understand you have to disclose to Admin your full AW profile name. There has been a lot of touting in the past which is not welcome.  :hi: