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Author Topic: Ria - authentic Thai / chana / woolaton  (Read 1637 times)

Offline ms220190


Does anyone have a contact number for ria rather than the shop number

Thanks in advance

Offline Spike1


Does anyone have a contact number for ria rather than the shop number

Thanks in advance

I know some people have her number, but they wouldn't be allowed to give it to you, as sharing unadvertised information is not allowed .

Offline ms220190

I had it before but lost it
I get what you're saying

removed - rule 33
« Last Edit: March 16, 2024, 03:08:19 pm by Iloveoral »

Offline dross


Does anyone have a contact number for ria rather than the shop number

Thanks in advance

Think Ria probably has it if you ask her

Offline houseboot

Offline ms220190

Sad times

I called up today and they said ria isn't working there any more

Just Suzie

Offline nottstester

That's sad news. I saw her at AT a couple of weeks ago.

Offline ms220190

What's the address / link for that

Offline Spike1

What's the address / link for that

Ria is not at Authentic Thai (AT) anymore.

Offline ms220190

Do we know where she is now ?

Offline houseboot

Do we know where she is now ?

You sound obsessed.

When does obsession become stalking?

Offline ms220190

Wow - she is someone that works in different places and at times switches between names of Ria and Candy

Wanting to know where she works so I can pay to see like I have done before is not that unusual.

As mentioned had her number before on a punting phone which I have since broke.

I'm starting to think your stalking me  :angelgirl:

Offline rickyponting

Wouldn't be surprised if she rocks up at Buasiri (formerly Chana) next.....