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Author Topic: Should I leave it?  (Read 3787 times)

Offline house music dave

Apologies asking for advice again, hope you can help.

So there is this woman I have planned to see tomorrow, but to get into the hotel you need to use a lift. (i'm a wheelchair user)
I met another girl in the same hotel in December last year. A member of staff helped me but was really suspicious and a bit of a bitch i.e. she knew what was going on or couldn't be bothered to help a spastic. 

I've seen this woman about four times VFM in the extreme :) (I like the mature lady) but i'm not even sure if it's the same girl from the sound of her voice and the fact that she said call half an hour before to confirm I know this is standard practice amongst EE's but she's never done it before.

I know I should leave it but is there any questions i could ask to find out if it is the same girl?....(james999 that's an open goal for you :) )

This place is a travel lodge so they should help me without too many questions, any ideas on a cover story?

BTW profile looks dodgy as fuck but it's been like that for a year and it's all good so far

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Thanks for any advice



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email her via AW or text her mobile and ask her outright in a polite way. You can then make your mind up. her profile also has an alert message next to it now so perhaps it's a fake profile? also no feedback so be careful mate.

The President

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Apologies asking for advice again, hope you can help.

So there is this woman I have planned to see tomorrow, but to get into the hotel you need to use a lift. (i'm a wheelchair user)
I met another girl in the same hotel in December last year. A member of staff helped me but was really suspicious and a bit of a bitch i.e. she knew what was going on or couldn't be bothered to help a spastic. 

I've seen this woman about four times VFM in the extreme :) (I like the mature lady) but i'm not even sure if it's the same girl from the sound of her voice and the fact that she said call half an hour before to confirm I know this is standard practice amongst EE's but she's never done it before.

I know I should leave it but is there any questions i could ask to find out if it is the same girl?....(james999 that's an open goal for you :) )

This place is a travel lodge so they should help me without too many questions, any ideas on a cover story?

BTW profile looks dodgy as fuck but it's been like that for a year and it's all good so far

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Thanks for any advice

To be honest I am appalled you have type this and the staff of the hotel should hang their heads in disgrace :( they all know this goes on and even if not with WG its couples having affairs, dirty day time fun etc, sex is synonymous with hotels is it not!? 

Has this wg already booked the room? If not could she book a ground floor room for you?  If not couldn't she come outside and help you?

Plainly you shouldn't experience discrimination at all but I understand and couldn't even contemplate the hurdles you have to jump through to plan such things :(

I hope its a good punt anyway :)

Offline house music dave

Cheers Frank,

I know you understand the love of mature women, what with Peggy and Pat :)

I know what you mean about the alert, when she turned up again I phoned up and checked, then went and it was all good.

Offline CBPaul

Trust your senses, if you think she may be a different girl then be very careful. I have been caught out a couple of times by WGs trading profiles or pimps using one profile for a succession of girls. It's usually to keep a line of positive feedback going, save going to the effort of building it up again. Not the case here as she has no feedback, so reasons for possibly trading the profile are beyond me.

If it is the same girl she'll know that you are a wheelchair user, could she not dress in civvies, meet you outside and help you ? The staff wouldn't care and as you say, they know what's going on anyway. If she happens to be a different girl and you're not keen it may also be easier to say no thanks.

Alternatively make some random grumblings about your mate's phone being off and having to go to all the fecking trouble of going to get him, should have met you outside 20 minutes ago blah blah. They won't pay much attention to the inane moaning as they are all trained to smile and say have a nice day.

Offline house music dave

President you are completely right my friend. Not wishing to sound like a martyr, but I'm well used to it.

A girl coming out and helping is a no no, as that could mess up her anonymity. My worry is, If it's not her I'm gonna want to leave how do i do that

A) when she holds the keycard (which you need to get back down in travel lodges)
B) without looking like a prick when you need help with the lift straight away.

It could be like the punting version of the Iranian embassy siege!

"you pay me I let you back down"

"Fuck off I'm part of UKP...also turn of the shitty 80's euro pop"

" In Czech Republic you would be in a home"

" I hope you've paid for breakfast love"

I can just imagine the two of us in a stalemate while deal or no deal is on in the background! 


Offline house music dave

CBPaul, brilliant idea about my mates phone being off, may use that. 

Offline CBPaul

CBPaul, brilliant idea about my mates phone being off, may use that.

Glad you liked it, best of luck with your punt.

The President

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I suppose booking your own room gives you added costs and diff problems too "/


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Cheers Frank,

I know you understand the love of mature women, what with Peggy and Pat :)

I know what you mean about the alert, when she turned up again I phoned up and checked, then went and it was all good.

lol - I was up my parents over Christmas and a carry on film was on ITV3. Cant remember which but Babs Windsor was invariably cast as the sex kitten. Yuk, she makes me feel ill tbh. what a mess - jelly belly, saggy tits and lard arse plus a face like a plasterers radio.

as above though, don't put yourself in a vulnerable position fella. I'd try to establish a bit more information first if possible


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If I may, I think the idea to get her to dress in day clothes and ask her to meet her outside and go n together is a good one, especially if you are concerned she may not be the same girl, cos then if you decide it isn't her you can just leave it if you wish, without fuss inside the hotel.

Offline CBPaul

If I may, I think the idea to get her to dress in day clothes and ask her to meet her outside and go n together is a good one, especially if you are concerned she may not be the same girl, cos then if you decide it isn't her you can just leave it if you wish, without fuss inside the hotel.

That's exactly what I meant, only you explained it much better. Thanks.

Offline sarahjayneleeds

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President you are completely right my friend. Not wishing to sound like a martyr, but I'm well used to it.

A girl coming out and helping is a no no, as that could mess up her anonymity. My worry is, If it's not her I'm gonna want to leave how do i do that

A) when she holds the keycard (which you need to get back down in travel lodges)
B) without looking like a prick when you need help with the lift straight away.


Use the mates phone off excuse and also carry an empty A4 envelope on your lap. Tell the staff his phone is off and you are just popping up to give him the envelope and have a chat. If it's not the same lady then your quick return can be explained by simply saying he wasn't in. If they offer to deliver it for you just say it has some personal papers in so you rather give it to him in person.  :)

Offline house music dave

I think that a mixture of CBPaul and Sarah Jayne's plan is a go :)

Once more unto the breach.
Cheers everybody!


Roland D Hay

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Good luck Dave, hope it goes well

Offline punk

wish she was in london she looks hot. :D i'll book her myself


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Offline house music dave

Thanks guys,

Without meaning to get all flowery on you, it's really nice to know I have your support. I know a forum is a forum and the term keyboard warrior is often thrown about, but there is a real air of authenticity about this site and about the majority of members. I know there are always gonna be clashes of personality and differences of opinion, that's natural, but it's good to know that we are all trying to help each other out in the main.

Some would call it unwise and we have to deal with each situation as it arises, but the advice from UKP has really helped me get some steel in my balls and get the most out of punting.

If guys like JRC and NIK can do it than so can I. You might say HMD you are in a wheelchair you are more vulnerable and in a sense you'd be right, but the fact is as long as you go with your brain switched on and believe (especially with EE's) that this is a patch you know. Then it's all good.

I know others are critical of the way female posters are treated. In my opinion it's right that the posts and the posters are scrutinised in the way they are. After all some WG's believe they can get away with murder (e.g. not texting....and then saying "sorry bit late now", I love the fact that none of that shit flies on here.

I'm in my 20's and I was talking to a teenager in a wheelchair who was getting bullied they said "what if i tell them to fuck off and get in trouble or go too far?" I said the only way you'll learn how best to deal with shit is by doing it...better if you go to far and learn then do nothing and keep taking shit. Same with UKP, better that the forum scrutinises too much then not enough.

There is the argument that says you are making yourself out to be the victim and most WG's are alright. I'm convinced if they could they'd have us all as "financial slaves" :)

Do I over react am I overly harsh?   


Offline wristjob

To be honest I am appalled you have type this and the staff of the hotel should hang their heads in disgrace :( they all know this goes on and even if not with WG its couples having affairs, dirty day time fun etc, sex is synonymous with hotels is it not!? 

Keeps them in a job. I got a load of giggles once when me and a lady I checked out of a hotel after about 6 hours. Didn't go back there again.

To the OP - sounds like it's a profile that's passed around. Just phone her up and ask outright cos I can imagine it's awkward to get there then need to leave 2 mins later.


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 :the best hotel in Bristol is the future inn I regularly visit a love,y gent there who is in a wheelchair and have no probs in going in/ outf the hotel to see him no keycards ect and the staff take no notice

They have ground floor.Disabled rooms as well hitch are really nice  R
 and there is back entrance that goes behind the reception so very discrete

You could also sit in the restaurant which is all glass and see her through the glass  if your really not sure its the same girl
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 11:12:03 pm by ParisB »

Offline Ali Katt

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Thanks guys,

Without meaning to get all flowery on you, it's really nice to know I have your support. I know a forum is a forum and the term keyboard warrior is often thrown about, but there is a real air of authenticity about this site and about the majority of members. I know there are always gonna be clashes of personality and differences of opinion, that's natural, but it's good to know that we are all trying to help each other out in the main.

Some would call it unwise and we have to deal with each situation as it arises, but the advice from UKP has really helped me get some steel in my balls and get the most out of punting.

If guys like JRC and NIK can do it than so can I. You might say HMD you are in a wheelchair you are more vulnerable and in a sense you'd be right, but the fact is as long as you go with your brain switched on and believe (especially with EE's) that this is a patch you know. Then it's all good.

I know others are critical of the way female posters are treated. In my opinion it's right that the posts and the posters are scrutinised in the way they are. After all some WG's believe they can get away with murder (e.g. not texting....and then saying "sorry bit late now", I love the fact that none of that shit flies on here.

I'm in my 20's and I was talking to a teenager in a wheelchair who was getting bullied they said "what if i tell them to fuck off and get in trouble or go too far?" I said the only way you'll learn how best to deal with shit is by doing it...better if you go to far and learn then do nothing and keep taking shit. Same with UKP, better that the forum scrutinises too much then not enough.

There is the argument that says you are making yourself out to be the victim and most WG's are alright. I'm convinced if they could they'd have us all as "financial slaves" :)

Do I over react am I overly harsh?   

That could be a nomination for post of the week.


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Be sure to let us know how it went

The President

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Offline house music dave

Afternoon all,

The woman was Kosher :)

I have to say punt went pretty well. I don't know if you guys ever do this, but when going to a punt i'm lazer focused on what I have to do. for instance my fake delivery was an A4 envelope stuffed with one of those FirstgreatWestern magazines, while buying the envelope I must have come across like a preppy twat. " have a great day as well". sickening.

Getting in was fine, as I just did the "isn't it cold routine". The idiot I am didn't realise i was already on the first floor so she came into the lift to get me......cover blown "you here to see me...yes?" (Czech accent) I just thought fuck... HMD you twat.

As much as I tried to explain the ruse of the package, she wasn't getting it, so Angelika now thinks I give corporate magazines as gifts :) maybe we should all try it.       

Excellent punt all requests fulfilled apart from dirty talk, language barrier and all that. Then she showed me out and I left got to the door (I may as well call myself Mr Bean) of course you need a key card to get out, her room number totally went out of my head. Drove around in my power chair getting ready to knock on a random door and play the "i've lost my card, help" when she comes out.

Getting out was fine...she asked no questions as a loud welsh hen party had just walked in "ya mad aren't you tina....yeah i'm mad me" Jesus Christ!

I could say nothing going down the slow as fuck wheelchair lift lift my brain was fried from an orgasm brought on by a wank with a prostate massage, never has a lift gone so slowly I couldn't think of anything to say couldn't even make eye contact.

So all in all well worth it, but can't go back and "deliver another package for at least a year"

really good punt but not the smoothest operation ever.

As ever thanks for the advice and support.



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Glad you had a great time, and grinning that she thinks you
like to give WGs quirky random gifts, next time an Argos catalogue maybe?! :)


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Afternoon all,

The woman was Kosher :)

I have to say punt went pretty well. I don't know if you guys ever do this, but when going to a punt i'm lazer focused on what I have to do. for instance my fake delivery was an A4 envelope stuffed with one of those FirstgreatWestern magazines, while buying the envelope I must have come across like a preppy twat. " have a great day as well". sickening.

Getting in was fine, as I just did the "isn't it cold routine". The idiot I am didn't realise i was already on the first floor so she came into the lift to get me......cover blown "you here to see me...yes?" (Czech accent) I just thought fuck... HMD you twat.

As much as I tried to explain the ruse of the package, she wasn't getting it, so Angelika now thinks I give corporate magazines as gifts :) maybe we should all try it.       

Excellent punt all requests fulfilled apart from dirty talk, language barrier and all that. Then she showed me out and I left got to the door (I may as well call myself Mr Bean) of course you need a key card to get out, her room number totally went out of my head. Drove around in my power chair getting ready to knock on a random door and play the "i've lost my card, help" when she comes out.

Getting out was fine...she asked no questions as a loud welsh hen party had just walked in "ya mad aren't you tina....yeah i'm mad me" Jesus Christ!

I could say nothing going down the slow as fuck wheelchair lift lift my brain was fried from an orgasm brought on by a wank with a prostate massage, never has a lift gone so slowly I couldn't think of anything to say couldn't even make eye contact.

So all in all well worth it, but can't go back and "deliver another package for at least a year"

really good punt but not the smoothest operation ever.

As ever thanks for the advice and support.


Glad you had a great punt. Why not write a review I'm sure your unique insight to barriers which some punters may face would be helpful and that aside a punt, is a punt and as just another punter I would be grateful for your review.

Offline CBPaul

This has brought a smile to my miserable Monday morning face HMD - what a soft bastard I'm becoming !

Really glad it was a good punt, with a bit of practice this envelope routine could work a treat. Then again if we all start doing it the staff will recognize a punter by the fact they are carrying an A4 envelope stuffed full with all the junk shit that comes through the letterbox at home.

Reminds me of an airport hotel, not punting just going on holiday. The card key operated everything - doors, lifts, room lights, TV etc. Only got one card and I had to go back to the car - left the card in the room so the rest of the entourage weren't in darkness but couldn't get back because I couldn't get in the lift. I just loitered for a few minutes and a vaguely friendly bloke helped me out, I just explained that I'd left the card with the missus.

At the end of the day I'd hope that most people will help you out. They don't need an explanation but if you feel you have to say something just spout a load of old bollocks, they probably won't be paying much attention anyway.