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Author Topic: How will huge cost of living hikes affect our hobby  (Read 6732 times)

Offline chadpitt

There's alternative options if you widen your search you will find these I won't spell it out for you, plenty of discussions about this is littered about on the forum like the seeking threads.

As Steve mentioned either you can afford to punt or not, the price wg charge for is what it is. I don't see WG adjusting their prices, same discussion was had when COVID came in and prices only went up away from the UKP there's a great percentage of punters we cannot influence, they'll be happy to pay the latest prices, WG knows this the only ones who will lower their prices are the ones with a dusty phone and bills to pay.

Covid was different. The supply was buggered because all the foreign WGs went back home. There's no more furlough money and bills will tempt newbies. SA is not going to help people get affordable punts.

Offline chadpitt

IMO. you must live in cloud cockoo land if you really believe that!  neither will happen to any degree to make a difference.

but it won't do any good either! I would like to go and walk on the moon - i can talk about it for ever but it ain't going to happen. 

I will ask a question i have asked before (either on this thread or the numerous other prices threads) and no one has addressed it - in the last 30 years (the timeframe that many guys on here having been punting) we have had practically every economic and (punting) market condition you can think of yet prices have never dropped significantly across the board  - so why do guys think this time (if indeed we do have a  general economic downturn) is going to be any different?

Across the board they won't fall but I'm fairly sure there was an era of affordable punting between after the Financial Crisis and before Brexit. You could bang decent young girls for £40 for 30 mins. You say talking about it doesn't have an impact and yet we see people here talking about having to cut back.

Offline Mr Sinister

Covid was different. The supply was buggered because all the foreign WGs went back home. There's no more furlough money and bills will tempt newbies. SA is not going to help people get affordable punts.

The supply has been buggered for a while even before COVID hit the quality had gone down, COVID has just driven it down further. Depends what you see as affordable, as another punter mentioned £100 with an alternative option has got me a whole afternoon of a punt compared to 1 hour with a AW WG. It's down to you to go out and seek what else is out there to work for your money and needs this isn't a universal one size fits all for everyone thing.

Across the board they won't fall but I'm fairly sure there was an era of affordable punting between after the Financial Crisis and before Brexit. You could bang decent young girls for £40 for 30 mins. You say talking about it doesn't have an impact and yet we see people here talking about having to cut back.

£40 for 30 mins was like the normal price 5+ years ago just like AW used to come up with 2 pages full of WG who would charge £60ph as normal. Back then the supply was high, you had all the Poles and Hungarians, recent years near all the Poles went home along with quality Hungarians and got replaced by ROMs, the supply steadily declined but of course the demand is still high. That's why you now see wg charging £40/50 for 15 mins but only offering a BJ or at best 1 position market forces means they can get away with this
« Last Edit: April 06, 2022, 12:07:36 pm by Mr Sinister »

Offline filthy.john

For me it isnt just the price rise and the cost of living - I mean, if the cost of living is going up, the price of everything from grub through to fuel then why would sex-worker prices be any different?

Will I have to tighten my belt because of price rises generally (not just the sex market) - yes, of course.

But for me, the bigger issue right now is actually sourcing something I'd like to fuck as much as the prices and my disposable cash. Quality really is absolute rock bottom right now. I'm trawling reviews, searching AW, CrazyOz, VS, Locanto - you fucking name it - but there really is fuck all out there that is tempting me to dip my hand in my pocket.

Maybe I'm just past it?

Offline lillythesavage

For me it isnt just the price rise and the cost of living - I mean, if the cost of living is going up, the price of everything from grub through to fuel then why would sex-worker prices be any different?

Will I have to tighten my belt because of price rises generally (not just the sex market) - yes, of course.

But for me, the bigger issue right now is actually sourcing something I'd like to fuck as much as the prices and my disposable cash. Quality really is absolute rock bottom right now. I'm trawling reviews, searching AW, CrazyOz, VS, Locanto - you fucking name it - but there really is fuck all out there that is tempting me to dip my hand in my pocket.

Maybe I'm just past it?

Read the posts above yours and threads on other ways to punt, 3 out of 4 you mention are more likely to fail than succeed, and AW is hit and miss.

Offline luv2kiss54

For me it isnt just the price rise and the cost of living - I mean, if the cost of living is going up, the price of everything from grub through to fuel then why would sex-worker prices be any different?

Will I have to tighten my belt because of price rises generally (not just the sex market) - yes, of course.

But for me, the bigger issue right now is actually sourcing something I'd like to fuck as much as the prices and my disposable cash. Quality really is absolute rock bottom right now. I'm trawling reviews, searching AW, CrazyOz, VS, Locanto - you fucking name it - but there really is fuck all out there that is tempting me to dip my hand in my pocket.

Maybe I'm just past it?

Absolutely agree with you. Prices never been so high and quality and choice never so low. Market is flooded with roms and brazilians or plastic enhanced women with stupid pumped up lips and those charging what i earn in a day for half hour of "fun" - Slowly being priced out of this hobby and losing interest. Perhaps im past it too !

Offline opal

A couple of people have mentioned half jokingly that they may be past it rather than the higher prices and lack of decent girls being the issue.

I definitely think being my older is more of an issue than higher prices. To put it plainly I dont have the urge I used to and in the past would be happy to travel a couple of hours round trip to see a WG so I am limiting my market by my unwillingness to travel.

Also whilst I dont like the idea of £100phh I actually am better off than Ive ever been and could well afford the higher prices.

Im sure there are plently of punters who dont really consider the cost and are quite happy with the girls on offer at the moment hence prices are not about to fall

Offline The Owl

I suspect prices will go up for the good escorts who can then get by on less bookings. The really crap escorts will capitalise on the situation by lowering their prices to catch out punters with less disposable income.

Offline hullad

No I have adjusted my finances accordingly, just means a holiday away  less.

I can see an increase in available new girls entering the trade as the screws tighten. Far from prices going up I expect static or falling prices as supply exceeds demand for the first time for ages.

Market forces , I worry I am becoming right wing in my dotage lol
« Last Edit: April 06, 2022, 09:18:47 pm by hullad »

Offline lillythesavage

A couple of people have mentioned half jokingly that they may be past it rather than the higher prices and lack of decent girls being the issue.

I definitely think being my older is more of an issue than higher prices. To put it plainly I dont have the urge I used to and in the past would be happy to travel a couple of hours round trip to see a WG so I am limiting my market by my unwillingness to travel.

Also whilst I dont like the idea of £100phh I actually am better off than Ive ever been and could well afford the higher prices.

Im sure there are plently of punters who dont really consider the cost and are quite happy with the girls on offer at the moment hence prices are not about to fall

You may well have a point, though choices started dwindling years ago, that helped me look at other ways and not travel at all, I cba going through the search, research, travelling and bloody parking. Even on the road, which I am often, I cba looking for a punt where ever I go. Used to do it all the time but prefer to just enjoy the journey these days.

Fair enough, I am less risk adverse to punting at home than many others, have that option, and never had a problem. I like my own super king bed and large bathroom rather than going into unknown places which also carries some risk.

Sits better with me too, being as sure as sure can be no pimps are involved and I am not having wasted trips from double booking etc, age has a lot to do with it, experience too I guess, and if they are no shows I can just put the kettle on and chill.

Offline hunkybc

The urge of punting is less these days. Mainly because my spare cash has to go towards extra increase in bills. Energy and Fuel and general increase in cost of living.

I used to punt sometimes for 1 hour. I think that will be a thing of of the past. My last punt was 15 minutes. The problem I have is that most decent WGs don't offer 15 mins at a decent price so option is less. Think I'll just have more pleasure watching some porn and having a wank  :timeout:

Offline Stevelondon

You posted your own answer on the other prices thread  :D, there are lots of threads on other means than AW on here, perhaps your time would be better spent investigating them rather than moaning about AW and prices.

Of course you can avoid talking about it, just ignore the threads, which I normally do, only posted to say there are still great value punts out there if you are prepared to look.

Just last Thursday I had a great 3 hour punt for 100 quid, you can either keep discussing something you cannot change, cash rich punters will do as they please and spend their own cash however they wish, or you can look elsewhere and be proactive in changing punting for you.

This week I am a cash rich punter, the weekend was very good to me  :D, but I chose to stick to a self imposed punting limit regardless, others fancy blowing it in one go, no one but themselves is going to influence their own choices.

Why worry what others do, takes all sorts to make the world go round  :unknown:

Going back to ignoring  :lol:, some people never listen or are too narrow minded for something new.

Sums it up very succinctly as far as I am concerned.

Offline estats

Sums it up, life has to go on.

Anyone punting with money they cannot forget about, once it is gone its gone, is going to have regrets good punt or bad  :unknown:

The above point really struck me as the heart of the issue. However, isn't the fact the whole country and many developed economies are now actually punting (gambling and this hobby) with money they cannot afford? We have literally printed money to give away. I think we have very tough economic times, this is the boom right before economic damage. It could even be systemic.

It just makes me smile some of the people saying don't punt if you cannot afford it are probably the very same people with a £500k mortgage on a property that cost half that 10 years ago and actually has no fixed value.

Offline lillythesavage

The above point really struck me as the heart of the issue. However, isn't the fact the whole country and many developed economies are now actually punting (gambling and this hobby) with money they cannot afford? We have literally printed money to give away. I think we have very tough economic times, this is the boom right before economic damage. It could even be systemic.

It just makes me smile some of the people saying don't punt if you cannot afford it are probably the very same people with a £500k mortgage on a property that cost half that 10 years ago and actually has no fixed value.

Whoever is saying it, does it matter?

A mortgage is a living expense, plenty still have disposable income. My point is that if you are going to regret spending the money on a punt, lets face it there is a gamble involved, or it should have gone elsewhere, why spend it then get angry.

You know as soon as you hand it over it is gone, good or bad punt, you made your pick and chose a winner or a loser, forget about the money and move on :unknown:
Like gambling, I set limits, even if like this week when a shrewd buy paid off, that limit still applies.

Offline The0neAnd0nly

Whoever is saying it, does it matter?

A mortgage is a living expense, plenty still have disposable income. My point is that if you are going to regret spending the money on a punt, lets face it there is a gamble involved, or it should have gone elsewhere, why spend it then get angry.

You know as soon as you hand it over it is gone, good or bad punt, you made your pick and chose a winner or a loser, forget about the money and move on :unknown:
Like gambling, I set limits, even if like this week when a shrewd buy paid off, that limit still applies.

100% agree with this - punting is the same as gambling for me.

You have to be willing to lose the money on a shit result and if that's going to cause you angst or a need to try again hoping for a different result when you cant really afford it, dont bother.

Of course you can still be upset about a WG services, looks and attitude but if it's going to cripple you financially and emotionally probably in the wrong game.

Offline hunkybc

Offline lillythesavage

100% agree with this - punting is the same as gambling for me.

You have to be willing to lose the money on a shit result and if that's going to cause you angst or a need to try again hoping for a different result when you cant really afford it, dont bother.

Of course you can still be upset about a WG services, looks and attitude but if it's going to cripple you financially and emotionally probably in the wrong game.

you have made another gambling analogy  :D, never chase a good result after a bad one, it ain,t your day  :D

Sure, that is what reviews are for, get it off your chest and warn others about poor service, but one mans poor can be delight for another, the human factor is often forgotten, one man might be a real chore to fuck, another a walk in the park, we all have different attitudes and demands in this game.

A few of us, either on this thread or the other, have made the point that if AW etc is not working for you, there are other ways, but it has been largely ignored and more moaning has appeared.
It is up to you to make things work for yourself, moaning here will change nothing at all, energy and time is better spent looking at other options that may work for you. You never know until you try. There is plenty of info about all sorts of punting on here if you take the time to read it.

Offline billybobsmith

you have made another gambling analogy  :D, never chase a good result after a bad one, it ain,t your day  :D

Sure, that is what reviews are for, get it off your chest and warn others about poor service, but one mans poor can be delight for another, the human factor is often forgotten, one man might be a real chore to fuck, another a walk in the park, we all have different attitudes and demands in this game.

A few of us, either on this thread or the other, have made the point that if AW etc is not working for you, there are other ways, but it has been largely ignored and more moaning has appeared.
It is up to you to make things work for yourself, moaning here will change nothing at all, energy and time is better spent looking at other options that may work for you. You never know until you try. There is plenty of info about all sorts of punting on here if you take the time to read it.

Some people might treat their time and energy as more important than the cash aspect.
If I target say 20 women on AW, hopefully I'll be getting my dick wet that day even if she turns out to be a good, mundane or bad experience.
Seeking etc. take a lot of effort for most of us.  I could be trying my luck a week or three later and still not closed the deal due to time clashes, flaky comms, being played etc.
Lots here have spent £££ and hour after hour on various sites that have yielded nothing, whereas someone else seems to strike gold time and time again.

If I've a day off work, I don't really want to be spending hours online messaging and sitting around waiting for a response.  A few times I've been messaging left, right and centre from my hotel room and nada until say 11pm when "I'm free tomorrow" comes through.
I can't always plan what I'm going to be doing next day or week if someone might be free to meet then.

Offline JamesKW

We all hope for a reduction in prices but whilst sites like Only Fans exist this is less likley,English girls have access to a world wide audience on these sites,where they are likley sought after.

Offline lillythesavage

Some people might treat their time and energy as more important than the cash aspect.
If I target say 20 women on AW, hopefully I'll be getting my dick wet that day even if she turns out to be a good, mundane or bad experience.
Seeking etc. take a lot of effort for most of us.  I could be trying my luck a week or three later and still not closed the deal due to time clashes, flaky comms, being played etc.
Lots here have spent £££ and hour after hour on various sites that have yielded nothing, whereas someone else seems to strike gold time and time again.

If I've a day off work, I don't really want to be spending hours online messaging and sitting around waiting for a response.  A few times I've been messaging left, right and centre from my hotel room and nada until say 11pm when "I'm free tomorrow" comes through.
I can't always plan what I'm going to be doing next day or week if someone might be free to meet then.

Yep, takes all sorts, your opinion is not correct, and neither is mine, they are just opinions on the subject.

I do not sit for hours waiting for replies, I reply when I see them, I prefer the longer relaxed meets with a happy smiling face over booking a fixed time with a possible back to back woman I do not know is independent. Book and go suits you.

You are not moaning about anything though, those moaning about prices and AW should look at different ways if it is not working for them. Moaning will change nothing.

Offline estats

Whoever is saying it, does it matter?

A mortgage is a living expense, plenty still have disposable income. My point is that if you are going to regret spending the money on a punt, lets face it there is a gamble involved, or it should have gone elsewhere, why spend it then get angry.

You know as soon as you hand it over it is gone, good or bad punt, you made your pick and chose a winner or a loser, forget about the money and move on :unknown:
Like gambling, I set limits, even if like this week when a shrewd buy paid off, that limit still applies.

You're sort of proving my point for me. It's not about regret or anything, if we face systemic financial shock, entrenched inflation, even hyper inflation, there becomes no disposable income, currency becomes fairly worthless, fairly quickly. Property is highly illiquid, so if most people's "wealth" is there, it isn't coming to the rescue of anyone. Yet we do discuss the odd price rise, but the wider picture is out of many people's thoughts because we've had this benign 40 years of (relative) stability.

A great financial reset, a move to central bank digital currency and social controls with it, the dollar being removed as the global world reserve currency and so on may seem far fetched, but my point two and a half years ago a global pandemic and a war in Europe also seemed far fetched also.

Specifically back to this, I think we will see great volatility in pricing and in all markets in the next few years.

Offline lillythesavage

You're sort of proving my point for me. It's not about regret or anything, if we face systemic financial shock, entrenched inflation, even hyper inflation, there becomes no disposable income, currency becomes fairly worthless, fairly quickly. Property is highly illiquid, so if most people's "wealth" is there, it isn't coming to the rescue of anyone. Yet we do discuss the odd price rise, but the wider picture is out of many people's thoughts because we've had this benign 40 years of (relative) stability.

A great financial reset, a move to central bank digital currency and social controls with it, the dollar being removed as the global world reserve currency and so on may seem far fetched, but my point two and a half years ago a global pandemic and a war in Europe also seemed far fetched also.

Specifically back to this, I think we will see great volatility in pricing and in all markets in the next few years.

For some it is about regret, it comes out in reviews, the higher the price the bigger the expectations and that gives more scope for being let down and finding faults.
While some are happy to pay several hundreds others thinking it must be a good punt, but are anxious about the cost really should not do it, starting off anxious about handing over the cash and the mind is on the money all the way through  :unknown:

I have noticed part time out call women have been getting good reviews, I tried one myself and TOFFT, and plenty have enjoyed on the back of it and I think that is where the good punts will be while costs are rising, rent, hotels, just about everything about finding an incall location.

There are other factors too, being able to search the internet for pictures forever, the anti band wagon increasing the stigma, pimps and thieves muscling in, stalker types, nosy people around, all these things add up to making things difficult and AW numbers have dwindled a lot, even before the pandemic and the big B.

All the women I have met through CL, all British so easy to talk too, have told me posting pics on the net or advertising with a profile is never going to happen, they have jobs, family, friends that they would never want to find out, the one I did meet through AW scoffed at the suggestion of an incall location, said she enjoys doing what she is doing in her spare time.

AW these days is full of Romanians and Brazilians, lets be honest they are at best hit and miss, while Brits who do venture on are a small percentage and therefore supply and demand says they can charge high prices. Anyone who receives good reviews gets a quick increase in punters, prices rise on the back of it often, not always, nature of the game when good choices are limited.

I stand by my comments, instead of moaning about prices and AW, nothing will change with our words, if it is not working for you, look at other ways. At least give it some thought and a try, I became disillusioned with AW some time ago for reasons I hope nobody else goes through, I still look and if the mood takes and I think it may be good, I will not rule it out, but I am really enjoying what I am doing now.

After a longish break not feeling the best, I scoured AW to get back in the saddle and a P&D, did not want a long meet first go, could not find anything that motivated me to go for it, so went back to CL.  To be honest it is not much more difficult than searching AW, researching here, trying to arrange a booking for a time that suits and then getting B&S. double booked, finding her nothing like the pictures, discussing service and extras if you decide to stay and hoping you get them  :D, the last bit just makes things mechanical from the get go for me, like planning how a punt will go  :D

Offline usroads

Two damn good posts from  Estats and Lilly - very well put.

Offline Marmalade

Consult Mystic Meg…………..
               and she has a special ‘offer’ on ….

wait… I see it… the mist is clearing… look deeply into the crystal…

Ooops! Time up!  :D

Offline shed

« Last Edit: April 10, 2022, 07:35:20 pm by shed »

Offline Colston36

Huge rises in food fuel energy prices. People are gonna be in poverty the likes not seen since 1950.

Any thoughts on how this will affect both punters and service providers.

I personally think prices will have to come down and all the implanted brazilians will finally fuck off to greener pastures.

Im hoping for a lot more english girls coming back on the market for 70ph /120ph but i can dream.

Any thoughts. :hi:

"People are gonna be in poverty the likes not seen since 1950." BS. You weren't there. My house in 1957 was the only one in the row with a bath. What has happened is that girls I know are pretty desperate and cutting rates.

Offline luv2kiss54

"People are gonna be in poverty the likes not seen since 1950." BS. You weren't there. My house in 1957 was the only one in the row with a bath. What has happened is that girls I know are pretty desperate and cutting rates.

Really... where are these girls ?

Offline Dave82

Don't think it'll affect me too much. Bills and the kids come first, If I have surplus after bills etc I'll treat myself. If anything I may drop from an hour to 30 minutes punts.

Offline Marmalade

Article that suggests easier to predict upturns than downturns in the economy but insightful in several places.
External Link/Members Only

It seems our economy is losing out, even if prostitutes don’t pay tax. As one External Link/Members Only wrote: “a prostitute won't necessarily pay tax on that £10bn, but the government will get tax receipts when they spend their income on a pimped up car or bling phone.”

Isn’t it possible that any effect on our “hobby” will mostly be from restrictive woke laws rather than the economy? Rising prices don’t affect the well off, even if Mr Sunak, like most leading politicians, would have everyone believe “We’re all in this together”. If there hadn’t been such pressure to stop streetwalking, both legally and through shaming, many housewives or economically struggling women would “do a few tricks” occasionally to pay their bills — and without formally having to admit to themselves that they were “prostitutes” in black and white by writing an AW profile.

Oppressing the lower end and middle end of the market as the cost-of-living rises allows the wealthier do-gooders much virtue-signalling while bewailing of the fate of the poverty stricken. It won’t make much difference to punting in itself: AW prices will continue to rise slowly because that’s what they do anyway. Punters who can only afford an occasional session will find their visits even more occasional, simply as their other bills have risen. Punting is a luxury item. Hard-up punters might look for a cheap flight to a country where luxury items are less expensive — or practice civvie sex.

Offline estats

Article that suggests easier to predict upturns than downturns in the economy but insightful in several places.
External Link/Members Only

It seems our economy is losing out, even if prostitutes don’t pay tax. As one External Link/Members Only wrote: “a prostitute won't necessarily pay tax on that £10bn, but the government will get tax receipts when they spend their income on a pimped up car or bling phone.”

Isn’t it possible that any effect on our “hobby” will mostly be from restrictive woke laws rather than the economy? Rising prices don’t affect the well off, even if Mr Sunak, like most leading politicians, would have everyone believe “We’re all in this together”. If there hadn’t been such pressure to stop streetwalking, both legally and through shaming, many housewives or economically struggling women would “do a few tricks” occasionally to pay their bills — and without formally having to admit to themselves that they were “prostitutes” in black and white by writing an AW profile.

Oppressing the lower end and middle end of the market as the cost-of-living rises allows the wealthier do-gooders much virtue-signalling while bewailing of the fate of the poverty stricken. It won’t make much difference to punting in itself: AW prices will continue to rise slowly because that’s what they do anyway. Punters who can only afford an occasional session will find their visits even more occasional, simply as their other bills have risen. Punting is a luxury item. Hard-up punters might look for a cheap flight to a country where luxury items are less expensive — or practice civvie sex.

I think you make a fair point that regulation does have that ability to affect pricing.

But I do think the analysis we'll just suddenly return to target inflation and everything will be economically benign by chance is overly optimistic, although it is the best case.

It's clear we had a benign, stable economy for 40 years, we don't now. It is fairly clear there are not enough "rich" people to support the wider market. A lot of central banks have got themselves into an awful mess, tighten monetary policy in an adequate way to tackle inflation and they'll trigger an asset price crash and trigger a recession. Equally, if they remain ineffective on monetary policy they continue to inflate a bubble and the squeeze on living standards from sustained inflation will also eventually trigger a recession.

I think you are right to say it's off a lot of peoples radar, but we are approaching the end of the boom before the crash in the next few years, IMO.

The only question in my mind is what and how a central bank may use a central bank digital currency project or some form of sustained adjustment of currency value to reset the problems they have created.

The belief such systemic challenges to the economic system will mean business as usual in any market, houses, cars, escorts, I think is highly optimistic. We'll see great volatility, but a recession would in real terms trigger price deflation in every market, since that is the purpose of a recession, after all.

Online DastardlyDick

Potentially could actually be a good thing too!

Maybe some independent ones may work with others to save on costs and share accommodation ?

Not if they do their legal research - I believe sharing premises would be running a brothel, and getting away with that would be down to individual police forces.

Offline Coriniumstud

I noticed one sp I’ve seen a couple of times has raised her prices by £30

Offline workinallweek

had a 2 hour session with a girl who admited that most bookings were one hour or less now  even from the guys that did book longer ...
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline funfungoodguy

I have no doubt bookings are down. There's the guys who get cash for some work, who can filter off a bit for punting, but others who don't, in either case a proportion will be feeling the pinch. I have noticed some SP's having a Green Light on a lot more which implies they are short of bookings, and also the offering of card services, which suggests that being used as a way to bring in punters who will punt on a credit card (the SP doesn't care if it rings money through the till) but the punter can keep punting even when ready cash is not available - buy now pay the credit card compamny later. And if it is a lost or stolen card then it will possibly 'Tap to Pay' up to £100, so the SP presumably gets her fee if its not over £100 even if the card is stolen? Offering card services makes it harder for the SP to hide the cash, so starting to offer it does suggest that traditional cash clients are drying up?, why else would she start offering card services?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2022, 02:29:57 pm by funfungoodguy »

Offline willie loman

I have no doubt bookings are down. There's the guys who get cash for some work, who can filter off a bit for punting, but others who don't, in either case a proportion will be feeling the pinch. I have noticed some SP's having a Green Light on a lot more which implies they are short of bookings, and also the offering of card services, which suggests that being used as a way to bring in punters who will punt on a credit card (the SP doesn't care if it rings money through the till) but the punter can keep punting even when ready cash is not available - buy now pay the credit card compamny later. And if it is a lost or stolen card then it will possibly 'Tap to Pay' up to £100, so the SP presumably gets her fee if its not over £100 even if the card is stolen? Offering card services makes it harder for the SP to hide the cash, so starting to offer it does suggest that traditional cash clients are drying up?, why else would she start offering card services?

they offer card services as its what their clients want? who knows, one thing is clear, people in general overestimate the capacity of the inland revenue to catch them out, if they are in mickey mouse employment

Offline Nic Fit

Don't care about prices and I guess the majority of us will still be able to afford and carry on as normal, but personally, I won't risk my money on just anyone.

Offline GingerNuts

Don't care about prices and I guess the majority of us will still be able to afford and carry on as normal, but personally, I won't risk my money on just anyone.

When you haven't punted in 2½ years, and there's no sign of you doing so any time soon, it's not surprising you don't care about prices.

Offline victor989

To save money during the cost of living crisis, why not punt only in the summer when the WG
doesn't have the extra expense of heating up the room  :)

Offline JayEZ2K

I'd drastically reduced my punting to just 1-2 punts per month, where it was previously as many as a 12+. I was actually going to say that a general boycott of overpriced SPs is a special way to TOFTT, and would be useful for everyone as it would encourage price reductions to a reasonable level.

What's interesting is that I've actually seen some prices drop back to pre-covid levels! So there's promise  :yahoo:

This also means that SPs can still make profits at reduced rates, and in all likelihood they're actually making more money by reducing their rates.

Offline Thephoenix

To save money during the cost of living crisis, why not punt only in the summer when the WG
doesn't have the extra expense of heating up the room  :)

Blimey! must go to some posh places.

When I go to see Fagash Lill by Birkenhead docks, I have to bring a shilling for the meter!

Offline FineWine69

It's like some people don't understand inflation, do you moan that a packet of crisps isn't 10p any more like it was when you were a kid?

The pound gets devalued by time and money printing, cost of living goes up so prices increase. I'm not defending it but it's just how things go over time, I'm not really sure what some people expect.

We've had it good for so long that people forget what hard times are like.

Offline TomTank

It's like some people don't understand inflation, do you moan that a packet of crisps isn't 10p any more like it was when you were a kid?

The pound gets devalued by time and money printing, cost of living goes up so prices increase. I'm not defending it but it's just how things go over time, I'm not really sure what some people expect.

We've had it good for so long that people forget what hard times are like.

So nobody is moaning about the price of gas atm?
And nobody ever moans that there seem to be less crisps in a packet these days (shrinkflation)?

It's a big issue, as can be seen by the number of people who want to discuss / moan about it.
And like the energy companies, many working girls are taking the piss, and looking for much bigger price rises than the rate of inflation, which is why there are a few piss take pricing threads in the regional boards.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2022, 06:10:01 pm by TomTank »

Offline Cryton123

So nobody is moaning about the price of gas atm?
And nobody ever moans that there seem to be less crisps in a packet these days (shrinkflation)?

It's a big issue, as can be seen by the number of people who want to discuss / moan about it.
And like the energy companies, many working girls are taking the piss, and looking for much bigger price rises than the rate of inflation, which is why there are a few piss take pricing threads in the regional boards.

The difference is, gas/electric/petrol are necessities that we all rely on and have to buy. Shagging escorts is not.

If a hobby becomes too expensive, find another. It’s a simple as that.

Offline lamboman

I think a lot of people need a reality check,even 20 or 30 years ago let alone longer people simply didn't heat every room in their house to 28 degrees all of the time.
Seems a lot of people look at it as a right now.
You cut your cloth according to your coat.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline lillythesavage

So nobody is moaning about the price of gas atm?
And nobody ever moans that there seem to be less crisps in a packet these days (shrinkflation)?

It's a big issue, as can be seen by the number of people who want to discuss / moan about it.
And like the energy companies, many working girls are taking the piss, and looking for much bigger price rises than the rate of inflation, which is why there are a few piss take pricing threads in the regional boards.

How on gods earth is getting the most money they can taking the piss? If they were not being paid whatever amount they ask for they would drop the price, supply and demand, every one wants the most they can get when selling anything.

Offline TomTank

The difference is, gas/electric/petrol are necessities that we all rely on and have to buy. Shagging escorts is not.

If a hobby becomes too expensive, find another. It’s a simple as that.

Crisps and chocolate bars aren't a necessity, people still moan about shrinkflation.
People moan about petrol prices, but they could find another form of transport or go electric.
With everything that's going on it's perfectly natural for people to moan about the cost of this hobby.

Offline TomTank

How on gods earth is getting the most money they can taking the piss? If they were not being paid whatever amount they ask for they would drop the price, supply and demand, every one wants the most they can get when selling anything.

That's a fair point, it really is up to them what they charge, but some are definitely taking the piss - hence why we have a few piss taking pricing threads.

In my business I get plenty of opportunities where I could charge 2 or 3 times what I do, but I don't because I feel like I would be taking advantage of a situation, or in other words I don't take the piss.

Offline lillythesavage

That's a fair point, it really is up to them what they charge, but some are definitely taking the piss - hence why we have a few piss taking pricing threads.

In my business I get plenty of opportunities where I could charge 2 or 3 times what I do, but I don't because I feel like I would be taking advantage of a situation, or in other words I don't take the piss.

You will not do it because I guess you would like repeat custom, if it is one off sales you must be mad not to :lol:. They must be getting repeat custom or enough punters to warrant the price, it may seem like a piss take, but really it is not if it works for them.

Said it before on these threads, loads of ways to get good sex for money, AW etc is not the only way, it is out there if you look for it, and great VFM too, but it ain,t phone and book.

Offline willie loman

when sex is sold as a real business, parlours , agencies , sex clubs , there is actually realistic pricing, but the majority of sex in britain is sold off grid, no real point talking about supply and demand, it just doesnt obey the market rules, if only it would .

Offline TomTank

You will not do it because I guess you would like repeat custom, if it is one off sales you must be mad not to :lol:. They must be getting repeat custom or enough punters to warrant the price, it may seem like a piss take, but really it is not if it works for them.

Said it before on these threads, loads of ways to get good sex for money, AW etc is not the only way, it is out there if you look for it, and great VFM too, but it ain,t phone and book.

I even have situations where there is no repeat business on the table ..... I just don't want to take advantage of someone who doesn't know what they are doing ....... I suppose I do view it that I will benefit from karma

Don't worry I make sure I get value for money myself, but I still see stuff out there that pisses me off and I call them what they are