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Author Topic: STD has anyone caught something?  (Read 8531 times)


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So has anyone caught anything from a wg?  I caught chlamydia last year from OWO. Well I think it was of that because see was covered of course.
Was a terrifying experience. Had to out shagging the missus for a month.

Offline Zeusthedoc

use of condom doesn't guarantee that you won't catch anything!
It drastically reduces the risk though.

Thankfully no, my dick and I have both remained clean.


  • Guest
use of condom doesn't guarantee that you won't catch anything!
It drastically reduces the risk though.

Thankfully no, my dick and I have both remained clean.

Am sure it was of OWO. Just bad luck I suppose

Offline chris_jp2

Genital fucking warts!
Got them a few years back and they were a pain to get rid off. Had to fend the girlfriend off for ages.
And then got a dose last year. Easy treatment at the clinic  - they just freeze them these days - but they can cone back months later, so I'm a punting free zone at present.
A right royal pain.


  • Guest
No thank god, but had a real fright recently.

Had a real bad dose of diahorrea and sickness, quickly followed by a cough that wouldn't go away, bed sweats, the lot. Lost over a stone in weight. Went to see a gastro consultant who asked if I had slept with anyone other than my wife or had a homosexual relationship. He mentioned HIV but he ruled it out as 'I hadn't been sleeping around".

When I got home I Googled all my symptoms and HIV kept coming up. I was petrified. Always played safe but started to doubt myself. One punt in particular had me worried. Check out my reviews and see if you can guess which one!!

Luckily, if you can call it that, it turned out to be a massive pulmonary embolism, nearly croaked if truth be told, but it was a relief to know I was clean.


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Never in over twenty years of punting..

I am suffered from chronic anxiety worrying about it though, but it's getting better now ;)


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Had a dose of non-specific urethritis a few years back, almost certainly related to a russian prossie in London. Had done OWO and the full personal covered with her - a one off of ciprofloxacin sorted it out without any nonsense but I was lucky to have some in the cupboard without having to go to a clinic or anything.


  • Guest
Genital fucking warts!
Got them a few years back and they were a pain to get rid off. Had to fend the girlfriend off for ages.
And then got a dose last year. Easy treatment at the clinic  - they just freeze them these days - but they can cone back months later, so I'm a punting free zone at present.
A right royal pain.

So we're they around your cock. Did you use protection?

Offline chris_jp2

Yes for the main deed but not for the oral.
Problem is they are caused by a virus which can linger in the system for quite a while. There are many different strains but you can only catch each strain once, so two strains ticked off for me!


  • Guest
It is vitally important that everyone gets tested regularly. Anyone involved in either side of this hobby has a chance of being infected, its a risk we all take. Some activities are riskier than others but the only thing completely risk free is staying home and wanking. If you haven't been tested recently, do it.  I hasten to add this isn't prompted by me catching something ...  or by any of the girls I always drone on about catching anything, but I have heard some rumours .... pointless naming names and stirring up a bitch fest cos as i said earlier ... it could happen to anyone and i know those affected are being treated and reacting professionally. If you haven't already seen them then you won't till its clear.

Your health is your responsibility.

Offline claretandblue

It is vitally important that everyone gets tested regularly. Anyone involved in either side of this hobby has a chance of being infected, its a risk we all take. Some activities are riskier than others but the only thing completely risk free is staying home and wanking. If you haven't been tested recently, do it.  I hasten to add this isn't prompted by me catching something ...  or by any of the girls I always drone on about catching anything, but I have heard some rumours .... pointless naming names and stirring up a bitch fest cos as i said earlier ... it could happen to anyone and i know those affected are being treated and reacting professionally. If you haven't already seen them then you won't till its clear.

Your health is your responsibility.
what a strange post,firstly you have heard some "rumours" but then within a few paragraphs thats changed to "i know those affected are being treated and reacting professionally"

so which one is it rumours or fact?


  • Guest
what a strange post,firstly you have heard some "rumours" but then within a few paragraphs thats changed to "i know those affected are being treated and reacting professionally"

so which one is it rumours or fact?

Fair comment, I should have said those affected are rumoured to be being treated etc .. 

It's always rumours.

Offline smiths

It is vitally important that everyone gets tested regularly. Anyone involved in either side of this hobby has a chance of being infected, its a risk we all take. Some activities are riskier than others but the only thing completely risk free is staying home and wanking. If you haven't been tested recently, do it.  I hasten to add this isn't prompted by me catching something ...  or by any of the girls I always drone on about catching anything, but I have heard some rumours .... pointless naming names and stirring up a bitch fest cos as i said earlier ... it could happen to anyone and i know those affected are being treated and reacting professionally. If you haven't already seen them then you won't till its clear.

Your health is your responsibility.

From talking to many punters over the years at parties I very much doubt many punters get tested at all unless they catch something, and I also very much doubt many WGs do either.

As you say your health is your responsibility, trust NO ONE else is my advice and punt on a risk too reward basis. Punting by its very nature isn't for the squeamish, who knows what WGs are really getting up to and with whom.

Offline Anallover6969

I remember reading that some bloke got really ill from snogging a hooker. His visit was less than 20mins after she'd rimmed her previous punter.
According to to the medics he got ill from transferred bacteria!

Note to self. Always be the 1st punter of the day.


  • Guest
if you wear a condom for sex including oral you are pretty much safe from anything life threatening but unfortunately not from irritating little skin condition std's like warts, herpes, crabs things like that which can be caught by skin to skin contact (just her touching your boner), crabs you could catch just lying on the wg's bed and its these sorts of things if you share your home with others you'd have to sit people down and tell them because they can go right through if towels are being shared which i should imagine is extremely embarrassing and has no doubt split up marriages in the past. fair play to the married blokes that punt, they got balls of steel.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 06:03:28 pm by StPunt »


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I've had a couple of scary ones!

First was a few weeks after an agency girl in Windsor. Noticed in the shower I had a spot on my nut sack that looked like a trapped hair. Don't know why, but I decided to put some rash cream on it. Few days later I had blisters down my cock. Went to the GUM clinic in a panic and was told it was an early case of herpes! Went home and told the mrs that I must have got it years before and it had lay dormant, if that is what it was. She was cool. Few months later I payed for a private blood test to find out for sure and I was all clean from both oral and genital viruses. Relief!

Next was a sore cock after a session which included OWO. Went to the GUM clinic where they did a swab. 10 mins later they told me there was an infection and was likely Grea and gave me some antibiotics. At this point I'd already had un protected sex with the mrs. Was panicking like crazy any trying to work out if I could get antis into her food and all sorts. 2 weeks later the lab results came back and there was nothing!

Last one was from the best punt/Shang I've ever had, with a squirter in Kensington. About 2 weeks later I was really ill. Bed sweats, flu, all sorts that pointed to HIV. I was absolutely convinced, even though everything was wrapped. Went to the GUM and the nurse basically laughed at me, and told me WG's are probably the safest girls to sleep with as they are checking themselves so often. Anyway all came back clear.

BTW I've only ever punted 5 times. I've had my share of scares, but I guess I've never actually caught anything. It is however a reminder of the risk of these activities. Some of these girls will be taking injection drugs or at least some of their customers will be. Some may have a grudge against men, because someone once infected them and others I'm sure aren't the nicest most honest people. It always makes me wounded whether WG's ever turn down bookings when the guy turns up and doesn't look right? My guess is no, so when putting your dick in one of these women, do it with the knowledge that the last guy may have been a diseased drug addict with a cock that looks like a Lion Bar!

For those who live in London and want a good gum, go to 56 Dean Street. Everything is either instant or same day. The setup is amazing and you can just walk in External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: August 28, 2016, 03:18:15 pm by Trebor1318 »

Offline mrdiamond77

No.  So far after 15 years of punting I have been very lucky.

Offline daviemac

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I've had a couple of scary ones!

For those who live in London and want a good gum, go to 56 Dean Street. Everything is either instant or same day. The setup is amazing and you can just walk in External Link/Members Only

Any particular reason to revive an 18 month old thread started by a banned member.    :unknown: :unknown:

Offline OakTree

I've had a couple of scary ones!

First was a few weeks after an agency girl in Windsor. Noticed in the shower I had a spot on my nut sack that looked like a trapped hair. Don't know why, but I decided to put some rash cream on it. Few days later I had blisters down my cock. Went to the GUM clinic in a panic and was told it was an early case of herpes! Went home and told the mrs that I must have got it years before and it had lay dormant, if that is what it was. She was cool. Few months later I payed for a private blood test to find out for sure and I was all clean from both oral and genital viruses. Relief!

Next was a sore cock after a session which included OWO. Went to the GUM clinic where they did a swab. 10 mins later they told me there was an infection and was likely Grea and gave me some antibiotics. At this point I'd already had un protected sex with the mrs. Was panicking like crazy any trying to work out if I could get antis into her food and all sorts. 2 weeks later the lab results came back and there was nothing!

Last one was from the best punt/Shang I've ever had, with a squirter in Kensington. About 2 weeks later I was really ill. Bed sweats, flu, all sorts that pointed to HIV. I was absolutely convinced, even though everything was wrapped. Went to the GUM and the nurse basically laughed at me, and told me WG's are probably the safest girls to sleep with as they are checking themselves so often. Anyway all came back clear.

BTW I've only ever punted 5 times. I've had my share of scares, but I guess I've never actually caught anything. It is however a reminder of the risk of these activities. Some of these girls will be taking injection drugs or at least some of their customers will be. Some may have a grudge against men, because someone once infected them and others I'm sure aren't the nicest most honest people. It always makes me wounded whether WG's ever turn down bookings when the guy turns up and doesn't look right? My guess is no, so when putting your dick in one of these women, do it with the knowledge that the last guy may have been a diseased drug addict with a cock that looks like a Lion Bar!

For those who live in London and want a good gum, go to 56 Dean Street. Everything is either instant or same day. The setup is amazing and you can just walk in External Link/Members Only

You've punted five times and had three scares. You're either talking bollocks or you need to question who you're seeing. I'm inclined to believe the former.


  • Guest

You've punted five times and had three scares. You're either talking bollocks or you need to question who you're seeing. I'm inclined to believe the former.

I promise this is the truth! As I don't do this often and view it as a treat, I am very picky about my girls, aside from the agency one. The HIV scare was from a girl who charges £250 for 30 mins although I'm sure cost is not a good indicator of potential to infect. I'm sure that one was just me being paranoid, but the others are genuine scares.

The reason I mentioned the Dean Street is that if you're like me, you want the results right away, not two weeks later. They are NHS and free, but the service is like a top end private hospital. I used them when I had the HIV scare, as I was looking to go private and stumbled across them by chance.

Offline OakTree

I'd give up punting if I was you. You're going to have a nervous breakdown.


  • Guest
Also Dean St Express (and 56 Dean St) aren't walk in anymore. For DSE you need to make an appointment the evening before. Service is superb though, just don't trust them with real details.


  • Guest
I agree with Dean street being Tops, above poster is right though now you have to book via text, I didnt have a clue last time and the woman saw the funny side and let me in anyway.

The place is a god sent, I used to go to samedaydoctor just off oxford street and pay about £370 for the same service just to get them same day! The usual 2 week wait is a killer!


  • Guest
I'd give up punting if I was you. You're going to have a nervous breakdown.

Probably very good advice.

Offline CatBBW

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I guess I've never actually caught anything.

You guess wrong. Your first paragraph said the GUM clininc confirmed it was "an early case of herpes." So yes, you actually caught something.

Offline OakTree

You guess wrong. Your first paragraph said the GUM clininc confirmed it was "an early case of herpes." So yes, you actually caught something.

Yes but apparently he was miraculously cured of it.

Few months later I payed for a private blood test to find out for sure and I was all clean from both oral and genital viruses.



  • Guest
Yes but apparently he was miraculously cured of it.


Yes. I had blisters down my cock and they gave me anti vitals etc. The swab that came back 2 weeks later was negative but I was told that this test is not conclusive. They don't offer a blood tests on the NHS for herpes as it's considered a benign illness, so paid to have it done privately. The bloods came back negative too. I can only assume it was a reaction to the rash cream, that was so much like herpes, it fooled a doctor with 20 odd years experience. You can imagine my relief, especially that once you have herpes, you are much more likely to contract something life changing.   

Offline S.X. MacHine

Found a nasty rash on my scrotum some weeks ago. Googled it; looked like a syphilitic chancre. Aargh...!
Only it it wasn't. I cut myself shaving and skin bacteria got into the wound. Cleared itself up in a week so, by the time the clap clinic told me all tests were negative, I was better anyway.
On doctor's suggestion I took the Hepatits B vaccine course. Rimming is a great way to get Hepatits B. It is. Something I absolutely do not do, but you never know if the WG has rimmed a previous punter.


  • Guest
I agree with Dean street being Tops, above poster is right though now you have to book via text, I didnt have a clue last time and the woman saw the funny side and let me in anyway.
I went there last week and queued outside waiting for it to open at 8am. I had an appointment but it seems nobody else in the queue did. The staff let everybody in anyway and most were in front of me. So it took 45 minutes or so for me to be seen rather than the usual 5. Not such a big deal I know but just frustrates me slightly - what's the point having the appointments system if they don't stick to it?


  • Guest
I went there last week and queued outside waiting for it to open at 8am. I had an appointment but it seems nobody else in the queue did. The staff let everybody in anyway and most were in front of me. So it took 45 minutes or so for me to be seen rather than the usual 5. Not such a big deal I know but just frustrates me slightly - what's the point having the appointments system if they don't stick to it?

This is true, it wasnt too busy when I went, 5-6 people in the waiting room I try to book when most people are at work, 9-10am, I think the busy periods are before work, lunch breaks and after work.

Offline Daffodil

You guess wrong. Your first paragraph said the GUM clininc confirmed it was "an early case of herpes." So yes, you actually caught something.

Bonkers that he thinks genital herpes isn't "catching something".

Seeing as neither myself nor my partner have ever had so much as a cold sore, I'd find even that very difficult to explain. Never mind all over my dick.


  • Guest
About the herpes blood tests, I believe it can take up to six months before it is definitive. google: herpes blood test seroconvert. If you are doing the swab test of a sore then it will be accurate.


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I reckon I've currently got a case of molloscum contagiosum. Self diagnosis. I've been getting spots on my trunk for many weeks now. Haven't had sex for over 2 months. I've had to ignore interest from civvies. It's getting me down. This is after 3 years of problem free punting. Annoyingly it could take many more months to shake this. I might give more detail once I'm free of it.


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Yes I waited 6 months before the bloods and the swab came back neg too.

MC, that sounds sh1t! Thing is these women are exposed to so much all the time and I really don't think some of them keep up with their checks.

There is definitely room in the market for girls who get tested every few weeks and provide some sort of evidence. I'd pay extra for that.

Offline smiths

Yes I waited 6 months before the bloods and the swab came back neg too.

MC, that sounds sh1t! Thing is these women are exposed to so much all the time and I really don't think some of them keep up with their checks.

There is definitely room in the market for girls who get tested every few weeks and provide some sort of evidence. I'd pay extra for that.

No evidence provided would prove that the WG didn't get infected the day she last got tested or shortly afterwards though. The ONLY way you could ever be certain is be with the WG 24/7.


  • Guest
No evidence provided would prove that the WG didn't get infected the day she last got tested or shortly afterwards though. The ONLY way you could ever be certain is be with the WG 24/7.

That is true smithy but sight of regular testing would be far more reassuring to most of us. Admittedly I've never ever asked for any form of certification as I assume is the case for most if not all punters.

A bit like seeing old MOT certificates for a used motor. It gives some sort of confidence in the history of the purchase.

Offline berksboy

And like  a  MOT only good at the time of the test  !


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And like  a  MOT only good at the time of the test  !

Don't disagree with that but the facts as smith has pointed out is that many girls claim to be tested regularly but in practise don't actually bother.

Sight of certification at least gives some confidence that they are getting tested and so are less likely to be carrying any of the bad stuff than girls who can't prove it.

Offline smiths

And like  a  MOT only good at the time of the test  !

Indeed, my unprovable view which cant be disproved either is most WGs and punters only get tested when they think they have something, on punting forums its WG propaganda to post they do get tested on a regular basis, they know this is what punters want to hear. Doesn't make it true though of course. And that's not to say no WG gets tested on a regular basis but I don't know who does and who doesn't so I look after myself which is the best I can do.

No idea how easy it is to get a cert to say you have tested negative but if a WG can get one some can also use someone elses or get dodgy copies done, I don't ask to see WGs ID so any name on a cert wouldn't prove it was that WG anyway. IMO relying on such a thing is stupidity.


  • Guest
Indeed, my unprovable view which cant be disproved either is most WGs and punters only get tested when they think they have something, on punting forums its WG propaganda to post they do get tested on a regular basis, they know this is what punters want to hear. Doesn't make it true though of course. And that's not to say no WG gets tested on a regular basis but I don't know who does and who doesn't so I look after myself which is the best I can do.

No idea how easy it is to get a cert to say you have tested negative but if a WG can get one some can also use someone elses or get dodgy copies done, I don't ask to see WGs ID so any name on a cert wouldn't prove it was that WG anyway. IMO relying on such a thing is stupidity.

Again can't argue with your logic smithy but it is clearly a case of mitigating risk and with no physical evidence of testing there is absolutely no way any of us punters can mitigate risk if what you say is correct.

Looking after yourself is a bit like bolting the gate after the horse has gone isn't it, certainly for those of us with partners and wives??

Offline dave_59

10yrs this month and thankfully no -  not even a scare.
Careful who i see and protection a must, with exception of owo.