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Author Topic: Heads Up, What Do You Make Of This?  (Read 2107 times)

Offline Corus Boy

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Now read "her" feedback, especially the Field Report;

"...realy nice bloke, had a great time, good xxx lol..."

Has someone taken over a male escort's profile or is it worse?  :dash:

Offline charlie-mott

The field report also describes her as a real BBW

Offline Deepstroker

Haha thickos cant even fake their own feedback properly..


  • Guest
Been a member since 2011 but only 3 feedback, calls herself Cardiff Teen but is 23?
Looks like a bout 4 different people in one profile?


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400 views in 3 years profile set up on Xmas day? Should have bee April 1st.


  • Guest
To sell your pussy you don't have to be intelligent nor educated.. maybe she got a lover who was once a punter and has decided to put her arse to work..  :D


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Offline Corus Boy

Pulled the profile page!

But by whom?

The BBW?
The guy?
Cardiff Teen?

Let's await the recycled profile  :drinks:


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Ha sounds like Frankensteins Whore!

Offline Lothario

Hi all,

I've been a lurker for a while but decided to take the plunge because of a weird experience with this girl. I'll post a couple of reviews when I've got a moment too.

So I contacted this girl last week saying I'd be interested in meeting up but what's the deal with the feedback mentioning "great guy" etc? She replied that she'd taken over her ex's profile.

We exchanged a couple of messages before she said "by the way, I'm younger than my profile". I asked how young and she said 15 and that I'd have to pick her up from her mum's (?!!!). I thought this was probably bullshit but said that she definitely shouldn't be doing this sort of thing until she's at least 18. She came back with "It's ok. I understand if you don't want to meet up". I again said that I'd never meet-up with an underage escort, that she'd be putting punters in serious trouble and that I'd strongly advice her not to get into this sort of thing until she's old enough. Her profile then disappeared.

Any thoughts on what on earth's going on here??? I find it difficult to believe that she's genuine and my 'pearls of wisdom' convinced her not to do it. On the other hand, I'm struggling to see the scam here. Surely most sensible punters would run a mile.   

Offline HughJardon

It all sounds like a big bowl of wrong to me

Offline Lothario

Yeah, I'm just not sure why she/he/them would pull the profile so quickly. It's not like I threatened to report her or anything. The story sounds too overblown to actually be true.

Offline charlie-mott

If it was a 15 year old girl, how would she have gotten a profile with feedback from a bunch of other people?


  • Guest
It all sounds like a big bowl of wrong to me

+1. Whatever the fuck is going on is beyond me but steer well clear would be my advice


  • Guest
Hi all,

I've been a lurker for a while but decided to take the plunge because of a weird experience with this girl. I'll post a couple of reviews when I've got a moment too.

So I contacted this girl last week saying I'd be interested in meeting up but what's the deal with the feedback mentioning "great guy" etc? She replied that she'd taken over her ex's profile.

We exchanged a couple of messages before she said "by the way, I'm younger than my profile". I asked how young and she said 15 and that I'd have to pick her up from her mum's (?!!!). I thought this was probably bullshit but said that she definitely shouldn't be doing this sort of thing until she's at least 18. She came back with "It's ok. I understand if you don't want to meet up". I again said that I'd never meet-up with an underage escort, that she'd be putting punters in serious trouble and that I'd strongly advice her not to get into this sort of thing until she's old enough. Her profile then disappeared.

Any thoughts on what on earth's going on here??? I find it difficult to believe that she's genuine and my 'pearls of wisdom' convinced her not to do it. On the other hand, I'm struggling to see the scam here. Surely most sensible punters would run a mile.   

15 year old who took over the profile from her ex?
I hope this is a fantasist, if not the world is more fucked up than I thought.

Offline foreverhung

No working girl would have admitted she was 15, sounds like a total wind up profile, they would have had you knocking peoples doors and sending you on wild goose runs.  Maybe she's or HE (even more scary) just looking for some attention.  Or could be Stinson Hunter
Banned reason: Self confessed wanker.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline ledley

Whether this is a wind up profile or not, I think the best advice is to stay away, delete the number from your phone (which hopefully has a punting sim) and move on.  :hi:

Offline Mil 34

No working girl would have admitted she was 15, sounds like a total wind up profile, they would have had you knocking peoples doors and sending you on wild goose runs.  Maybe she's or HE (even more scary) just looking for some attention.  Or could be Stinson Hunter

I thought this earlier, could be a kind of set up to catch out paedos,
Steer well clear of this one would be my advice, getting caught punting would be bad enough, but punting with an underage girl is a whole different ball game.