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Author Topic: Face Fucking Fun(FFF)  (Read 2026 times)

alan given

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Hi Everbody

I do enjoy giving a face fucking to WG in particular the younger ones 18--25.Playing with a submissive young women who will do as they are told to please is one of the greatest delights.Love to give a little spanking too to willing participants

Unfortunatly I am on a fixed retirement income and cannot meet as many girls as I would like.I do save from my income and try to see  one girl ever 2 months.This not ideal.I am getting on a bit but I do have the same lustful feelings as a man much younger.My problem is that I need to see more WG,much more than once every 2 months, but do not have the funds to do this

So I would like my fellow punters to help financially and make a donation to me that I promise will not be wasted.Every amount donated will be used to hire WG,I do promise this. 
Please make your contribution to SORT 08-91-03   ACCOUNT 13158033.

Any appropiate financail help overwhelmingly welcome
Thank you

Offline hendrix


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Either you are a comic genius or as I have always thought a complete fucktard 

Offline Snoozy

Have you tried asking for a crisis loan from the council. Can't see how they could possibly deny your request.

Offline hendrix

Either you are a comic genius or as I have always thought a complete fucktard

It's strange that a similar request made by myself to my bank, complete with the promise to only spend the money on whores and charlie, was met with a "We don't think that fits our lending criteria Mr Hendrix, but thanks for your application"


  • Guest
It's strange that a similar request made by myself to my bank, complete with the promise to only spend the money on whores and charlie, was met with a "We don't think that fits our lending criteria Mr Hendrix, but thanks for your application"

I think that's bank speak for fuck off fucktard  :D

Offline Snoozy

It's strange that a similar request made by myself to my bank, complete with the promise to only spend the money on whores and charlie, was met with a "We don't think that fits our lending criteria Mr Hendrix, but thanks for your application"

Your business plan couldn't have been thorough enough  :D

alan given

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Offline mh

Every amount donated will be used to hire WG,I do promise this.

Oh well in that case. Your need is greater than mine... Is it fuck!

Offline hendrix

I think that's bank speak for fuck off fucktard  :D

They did ask if I'd want PPI on it though  :D

Your business plan couldn't have been thorough enough  :D

It had diagrams and everything! :D


  • Guest
It's strange that a similar request made by myself to my bank, complete with the promise to only spend the money on whores and charlie, was met with a "We don't think that fits our lending criteria Mr Hendrix, but thanks for your application"

Was that the bank that likes to say "Fuck Off" :( :( :( :hi:

Offline mh

Please make your contribution to SORT 08-91-03   ACCOUNT 13158033.

The payment form on my online banking needs the name of the account holder.

And (for some odd reason) your mother's maiden name, name of first pet and favourite teacher.
 :hi:  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
i think randoms can set up charity donations if your info is true


  • Guest
Great idea Alan ;) You could always apply for lottery funding :hi:

alan given

  • Guest
The payment form on my online banking needs the name of the account holder.

And (for some odd reason) your mother's maiden name, name of first pet and favourite teacher.
 :hi:  :sarcastic:

I did ask the bank today and they have indicate all is needed is my SORT and Account number.You can go to your bank to pay in or do an elecrtronic transaction on line.   13158033
Many thanks

Offline Snoozy

The payment form on my online banking needs the name of the account holder.

And (for some odd reason) your mother's maiden name, name of first pet and favourite teacher.
 :hi:  :sarcastic:

Mines is slightly different, to make the deposit I need your long card number, cvv on the back and your expiry date. Also it's asking how much you have in your account at the moment. Once I get these details I'll get the deposit finalised. Also I need your passport, must be the original, a scan will not be accepted!

alan given

  • Guest
Mines is slightly different, to make the deposit I need your long card number, cvv on the back and your expiry date. Also it's asking how much you have in your account at the moment. Once I get these details I'll get the deposit finalised. Also I need your passport, must be the original, a scan will not be accepted!

You sound like a scammer

Offline Snoozy

Ok you've got me there, I don't need the passport. Please forward the rest of the info though as this is essential!

Offline madeinwales56

Hi Everbody

I do enjoy giving a face fucking to WG in particular the younger ones 18--25.Playing with a submissive young women who will do as they are told to please is one of the greatest delights.Love to give a little spanking too to willing participants

Unfortunatly I am on a fixed retirement income and cannot meet as many girls as I would like.I do save from my income and try to see  one girl ever 2 months.This not ideal.I am getting on a bit but I do have the same lustful feelings as a man much younger.My problem is that I need to see more WG,much more than once every 2 months, but do not have the funds to do this

So I would like my fellow punters to help financially and make a donation to me that I promise will not be wasted.Every amount donated will be used to hire WG,I do promise this. 
Please make your contribution to SORT 08-91-03   ACCOUNT 13158033.

Any appropiate financail help overwhelmingly welcome
Thank you

I'm not having a very good day today but I have to admit this made me chuckle - after the second time I read it to check what I had read was correct.
What a fucking stupid, brain dead, complete and utter fuckwit cunt. He must have attended that famous Nigerian school of obtaining money the stupid way. Fucking twat.
Told you I was having a bad day ...

Offline jawill

You could always try the equivalent of Wonga, but for punters...... I believe it's called Wanka


  • Guest
If youve got a sperm bank account I can help you out. Expect regular small deposits only.

Offline cueball

Bye bye Alan  :D

Given by name and given by nature

You've been given your marching orders :D


  • Guest
FFF= Fucking Feckless Fucktard   :D


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I landed a bit of a touch on the nags this afternoon. So if this had come from a normal member I might have been tempted to chuck them a bullseye.

I did think if I Had won the lottery I would have put 50k in a Ukpunting fund where members could apply for punting bursary.

Offline Third Man

this thread has ' given' me a right laugh lads, suppose its not bad to have the odd twat on here now and again


  • Guest
Which charity should i sign op up to?

Offline Sonny Crockett

Hi Everbody

I do enjoy giving a face fucking to WG in particular the younger ones 18--25.Playing with a submissive young women who will do as they are told to please is one of the greatest delights.Love to give a little spanking too to willing participants

Unfortunatly I am on a fixed retirement income and cannot meet as many girls as I would like.I do save from my income and try to see  one girl ever 2 months.This not ideal.I am getting on a bit but I do have the same lustful feelings as a man much younger.My problem is that I need to see more WG,much more than once every 2 months, but do not have the funds to do this

So I would like my fellow punters to help financially and make a donation to me that I promise will not be wasted.Every amount donated will be used to hire WG,I do promise this. 
Please make your contribution to SORT 08-91-03   ACCOUNT 13158033.

Any appropiate financail help overwhelmingly welcome
Thank you

Odd Request Methinks!!

Offline uutarn

Yea i laughed at not only the OP, but the banning reason  :lol:.

Offline Sonny Crockett

Can't believe that someone with 4 escort reviews could come up with such a stupid request. :unknown:

Offline Sonny Crockett

Thank you for sincerity  :hi:

This is even more funnier than the opening post. Can't believe he was so genuine about it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline Marmalade

Yea i laughed at not only the OP, but the banning reason  :lol:.
Check out some of his previous stuff:

I'm not a lover of hairy pussy but I do like a small amount of neat hair on the pubic bone above the the pussy opening. Don't want any hair around the pussy lips or in the girls anus area.These regions must completely shaved for me to enjoy giving oral.

I reckon that could be built into a playstation game once you pass the "Is my cock too big" level.

Offline Marmalade

I had to look that up as I have never used a playstation/x-box or whatever they're called. Apparently there are only a few x-rated ones:
External Link/Members Only


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I have to ask myself how desperate could I be for a punt to ask for money from fellow punters. I suspect that he suffers some kind of sex addiction or has a rare form of fucktard disease.

Offline Sonny Crockett

I wonder if there are websites out there where people who join can make requests for donations for something that they want to do. If there is such a website, the OP could join and make his request there.

Offline Private Parts

Perhaps a small entry (sorry) in the back pages of Private Eye might generate a few pence! :D


  • Guest
Perhaps a small entry (sorry) in the back pages of Private Eye might generate a few pence! :D

A big splash on the front might generate a few more!!  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
...a rare form of fucktard disease.

Those medical school fees obviously weren't wasted on you!!  :D