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Author Topic: The scene has gone to shit!  (Read 8551 times)

Offline che_666999

Rant: After a long absence (7 years) from the game decided to dip my toe back in as I had a small window of opportunity to have some fun, oh how things have changed!

AW: Trawling through the site and researching for hours/days/weeks, you realise the quality has gone down hill and the prices have gone crazy. Gone are the days where you could find a Polish hottie that’s been doing it for a few months, not jaded with a solid reputation/reviews for a reasonable fee.…………Now, it’s full off silicon implanted, Kardashian wannabes charging deluded prices. Then you have the Brazilian invasion, most look like TS. Anyone with a good reputation again seems to use it as leverage to charge crazy amounts. Then your left with the old hags that are stiil knocking around since I last was on the scene.
Hours of research on here and AW has been fruitless. Nothing really takes my fancy

Tried Reverse Booking (outcall), you always get the desperate “copy-paste” merchants but you used to get 1 or 2 nuggets where a girl not doing it full time,  pipes up looking at a easy hassle free outcall setup. Not anymore! Just, just more dregs! The more I increased the price the worse it got! Gave that up after trying 4 times.

Then tried Seeking, did a lot of research on here and tried different approaches, did get a few bites and one horrible “date”. I can see how this can be fun for guys who have the time and are still in the dating scene, but to get nice girls it’s all too much effort to woo and chat, then setup the date etc. Whole reason I got into this game was that it was more efficient than dating. I am sure if I put in the effort it could pay off, but don’t really have the time. Plus it’s full of scammers, fakers and weirdos, filtering those out is a job in it self.

Conclusion: with only days until my window of opportunity closes I haven’t scratched that itch but I am sort of glad I am out of the scene for now give how it is, hope things improve and we get some quality back in the game! Need the European ladies back to push up standards and keep prices reasonable.

Offline Skyjuice1000

I blame only fans and brexit these girls have lost their minds with the prices I’ve taken a step back for awhile

Offline 90125

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OP you say you haven’t been active for 7 years but you have been logging on regularly.

Offline che_666999

OP you say you haven’t been active for 7 years but you have been logging on regularly.

I started my research early. I also like reading reviews and keep up a list  of potentials in case the opportunity arise to play. Thats why this period has been so disappointing, all the potentials aren’t active, priced themselves above my range or have become a little jadded.

Takes me back to before this forum and PN days, where pickings were slim.   :dash:

Offline Steely Dan

you realise the quality has gone down hill and the prices have gone crazy. Gone are the days where you could find a Polish hottie that’s been doing it for a few months, not jaded with a solid reputation/reviews for a reasonable fee.…………Now, it’s full off silicon implanted, Kardashian wannabes charging deluded prices. ... Anyone with a good reputation again seems to use it as leverage to charge crazy amounts.

Need the European ladies back to push up standards and keep prices reasonable.
Another rant about prices.  How unique and refreshing.

Offline Trex

6 negatives 1 positive and 1 neutral wow you must be hard to pleased and all those negatives, I thought you quit years ago because you having a hard time finding getting a decent WG.

Offline che_666999

6 negatives 1 positive and 1 neutral wow you must be hard to pleased and all those negatives, I thought you quit years ago because you having a hard time finding getting a decent WG.

Have a few on PN. Most girls I went for had plenty of reviews with very little that didn’t match with previous reports. Negatives mostly from low to no reviewed girls, so put them up as I, myself, find them more useful then another review of a girl what’s already well reviewed with a positive consensus.

Offline petermisc

If you are ruling out Brazilians because they all look like TS, then you really will be struggling.  The Polish invasion of days gone by has been replaced by a Brazilian invasion.  You haven't mentioned Thais, still some excellent value and superb service available from agencies such as Olina.  Most of my punting now is with Thais and Brazilians.

As to prices, they stayed relatively stagnant for a decade or more.  Unfortunately in the years that you have been out of the scene, they have caught up again.  Best VFM now is with the Thais.  You can also get reasonable value and good service with Brazilians, but you need to do your research.  Some have filled the void left by the Romanians, unfortunately with a similar level of service.  But if you go for genuine independents, you can get excellent service at reasonable value.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 08:35:52 am by petermisc »

Offline che_666999

If you are ruling out Brazilians because they all look like TS, then you really will be struggling.  The Polish invasion of days gone by has been replaced by a Brazilian invasion.  You haven't mentioned Thais, still some excellent value and superb service available from agencies such as Olina.  Most of my punting now is with Thais and Brazilians.

As to prices, they stayed relatively stagnant for a decade or more.  Unfortunately in the years that you have been out of the scene, they have caught up again.  Best VFM now is with the Thais.  You can also get reasonable value and good service with Brazilians, but you need to do your research.  Some have filled the void left by the Romanians, unfortunately with a similar level of service.  But if you go for genuine independents, you can get excellent service at reasonable value.

Thanks, my research has lead me to this conclusion too, tempered by Thai the ladies, not 100% my taste but when picking are slim need to compromise .

As for the Brazilians the OTT look is an issue , but reading the reviews, like you said, they do seem to the new Romanians. Too much of a risk.

……..let me wonder the Thai avenue.

Offline Colston36

What people find is conditoned by their attitude more than reality. If you think things have turned to shit, they will have - for you.

It's nine years since I started coughing up and the trip has been a joy. I can only recall a handful of disasters out of hundreds of happy hours. Mostly because I always do my research carefully. And no service is better for that than this - which makes me amazed that so many members don't do theirs.

Offline jamiekinkxxx

There are still gems out there... 100% at reasonable prices too.

If you vcan't pay the £ for what you seek, pack it in, save up or punt less often. My advice to all those moaning about money. It is so tiresome

Offline BillGoldberg

Very much agree.
Current scene is shite, with very slim pickings and mostly ludicrous prices

Offline hendrix

There are still gems out there... 100% at reasonable prices too.

If you vcan't pay the £ for what you seek, pack it in, save up or punt less often. My advice to all those moaning about money. It is so tiresome

I don't really understand it tbh. 15-20 years ago I was paying 200-350ph for top quality pse, usually via Max's or Minx.. And nearly always that's what I'm still paying now, albeit all indies :unknown:
« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 07:13:00 pm by hendrix »

Offline jamiekinkxxx

I don't really understand it tbh. 15-20 years ago I was paying 200-350ph for top quality pse, usually via Max's or Minx.. And nearly always that's what I'm still paying now, albeit all indies :unknown:

100% agree... not sure where these guys that moan are looking, but for one thing they are being lazy with their searches / research

Online webpunter

I started my research early. I also like reading reviews and keep up a list  of potentials in case the opportunity arise to play. Thats why this period has been so disappointing, all the potentials aren’t active, priced themselves above my range or have become a little jadded.

Takes me back to before this forum and PN days, where pickings were slim.   :dash:

What a load of 'research' bollox
Excuses, excuses & .... more excuses
I'd suggest having a look for your sun tan cream & trunks, coz they may come in handy  ;)

Online gurds

I remember the days five yrs ago, there was a Portuguese girl good looking operating out of a house near me, with a madam there. Was £100 for 1hr. Very good value.

Also one of the best looking girls in the world charging £150 for an hour in that same era.

Nowadays the prices are not as good overall. There are still some good options. I think also once you've had enough sex, escorts start to lose appeal. Escorts can never love you for instance, even if some are attracted to you.

Offline Colston36

I remember the days five yrs ago, there was a Portuguese girl good looking operating out of a house near me, with a madam there. Was £100 for 1hr. Very good value.

Also one of the best looking girls in the world charging £150 for an hour in that same era.

Nowadays the prices are not as good overall. There are still some good options. I think also once you've had enough sex, escorts start to lose appeal. Escorts can never love you for instance, even if some are attracted to you.

Guess what? EVERYTHING costs more than 5 years ago. Try buying a car. Go into a supermarket. Everything.

Offline Stephan200210

For me, it is not solely about the price, or the increases from prior years. Rather about high and "immediate" price increases. I used to see girls who would be around for 2-3 years and always keep the same price. Or maybe increase it once in that period by £50. Now a girl will come on the scene, charge say, £200/hr, get some good reviews and immediately jump to £300, then even more. No doubt they "read the market" and people are willing to pay that. So good luck to the girls, but it makes it hard to find regulars at a consistent price point.

Offline southcoastpunter

WG are primarily in it for the money so why wouldn't they increase their prices if the market as a whole is at a higher level or if they have built a reputation that allows them to get a higher amount. that is what most trades people and business people do!

And this is a very "personal" business - if i am going to let someone stick their cock into me then i would want to set a price that I FEEL comfortable with to do that.  That is what these girls do .

Offline jamiekinkxxx

WG are primarily in it for the money so why wouldn't they increase their prices if the market as a whole is at a higher level or if they have built a reputation that allows them to get a higher amount. that is what most trades people and business people do!

And this is a very "personal" business - if i am going to let someone stick their cock into me then i would want to set a price that I FEEL comfortable with to do that.  That is what these girls do .


« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 09:06:08 am by jamiekinkxxx »

Offline robbie54321

I don’t think the prices have gone up that much over the last decade. There are more £600 plus girls but £150-250 still gets a winner… or a loser just as it did 10-12 years ago.
I do however think SA prices have gone up. £400-500 nearly always got you an overnight. Not anymore

Offline BillT

I dont know that its shite.

And as Hendrix says, prices are relatively similar. Though I will allow there are more girls at £400-750 or even £1000 ph than 10 years ago.

What I find difficult, is to find girls that I want to spend on.

Ive always gone for a more natural beauty lady. Those that frequented Maxes over the years will remember Tammy or Ashley or Lia or Hannah or Charlie. Obviously all of those have long since retired. But that was the look of girl I wanted to punt. Attractive English girls 20-30ish, slim, a "horny GFE", sometimes with enhancements, but not the mega tits, bad tattoos, filler lips and butt lifts that seem de rigueur today.

I guess I'm out of touch with what women in that age group feel is attractive to men*  And what the type of service they feel offers them the most clientelle.

It's not them. It's me  :lol:

 *That applies to my awful attempts at dating as well! I dont know whose telling women that men adore "blowjob lips" or gaudy tattoos and weird cosmetic stuff. But I can tell you from my fairly wide social circle, no guy looks at it and thinks the lady will be a potential keeper!  :D

Offline jamiekinkxxx

I dont know that its shite.

And as Hendrix says, prices are relatively similar. Though I will allow there are more girls at £400-750 or even £1000 ph than 10 years ago.

What I find difficult, is to find girls that I want to spend on.

Ive always gone for a more natural beauty lady. Those that frequented Maxes over the years will remember Tammy or Ashley or Lia or Hannah or Charlie. Obviously all of those have long since retired. But that was the look of girl I wanted to punt. Attractive English girls 20-30ish, slim, a "horny GFE", sometimes with enhancements, but not the mega tits, bad tattoos, filler lips and butt lifts that seem de rigueur today.

I guess I'm out of touch with what women in that age group feel is attractive to men*  And what the type of service they feel offers them the most clientelle.

It's not them. It's me  :lol:

 *That applies to my awful attempts at dating as well! I dont know whose telling women that men adore "blowjob lips" or gaudy tattoos and weird cosmetic stuff. But I can tell you from my fairly wide social circle, no guy looks at it and thinks the lady will be a potential keeper!  :D

I am still in contact with Charlie. Lovely lovely girl!  :kiss:

Did Lia start BB at the end (when she went indy) or am I thinking of a different girl?  :unknown:

Offline fred_mecury

my biggest problem of recent has been pimps posing for profiles on AW , where you book then and find out that its another girl or they just ghost you

Offline Stevelondon

Well I’m enjoying myself just as much as I did 10, 20, 30 years ago.
Perhaps it’s my mindset about life in general.

As far as pricing goes. I just can’t be arsed to read anymore about the constant moans regarding she charges this much, she charges that much.

The other thing is……….. I just don’t think it’s all that difficult in finding good punts.
I wonder why. ?

Do I have low standards. I don’t think so. 😂

Offline akauya

Well I’m enjoying myself just as much as I did 10, 20, 30 years ago.
Perhaps it’s my mindset about life in general.

As far as pricing goes. I just can’t be arsed to read anymore about the constant moans regarding she charges this much, she charges that much.

The other thing is……….. I just don’t think it’s all that difficult in finding good punts.
I wonder why. ?

Do I have low standards. I don’t think so. 😂

Good post.

I must have very low standards though as I'm enjoying myself a hell of a lot more than I did 10, 20, 30 years ago.

As for the constant moaning about prices... it's just so tedious.

Offline che_666999

My original post was much about the of quality as much as prices, but they do go hand in hand.

Girls charging £300 now would probably have been in the £200 range a few years back.
But even after adjusting for that, there isn’t the choice and abundance of quality that there used to be.

I agree with petermisc, prices were stagnant for most of the noughties and tens, so they were bound to go up, that’s the game, but if feel the quality has gone down far more sharply.

External Link/Members Only
I used to used this agency a lot, they went out of business 8 years ago, there website hasn’t been updated since then. A quick gander and comparison to today, shows the drop in quality.

I am sure you can find quality punts, but IMHO it’s much harder then it used to be.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2024, 12:29:26 am by che_666999 »

Offline Cullen

My original post was much about the of quality as much as prices, but they do go hand in hand.

Girls charging £300 now would probably have been in the £200 range a few years back.
But even after adjusting for that, there isn’t the choice and abundance of quality that there used to be.

I agree with petermisc, prices were stagnant for most of the noughties and tens, so they were bound to go up, that’s the game, but if feel the quality has gone down far more sharply.

External Link/Members Only
I used to used this agency a lot, they went out of business 8 years ago, there website hasn’t been updated since then. A quick gander and comparison to today, shows the drop in quality.

I am sure you can find quality punts, but IMHO it’s much harder then it used to be.

I rarely use them, but these as far as I know are legit sites promoting girls for one hour at £150/£200. And this is right now:

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Some of the most popular girls on here, with dozens of glowing reviews, charge between £150-£200, like Ellie Rose, Sexy Laura, Petite Viki, Veronica69, and Brazilian Mia. The last one actually reduced her price by £50 recently, despite being in demand.

Offline Colston36

I rarely use them, but these as far as I know are legit sites promoting girls for one hour at £150/£200. And this is right now:

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Some of the most popular girls on here, with dozens of glowing reviews, charge between £150-£200, like Ellie Rose, Sexy Laura, Petite Viki, Veronica69, and Brazilian Mia. The last one actually reduced her price by £50 recently, despite being in demand.

This terrible shortage only exists in the minds of those too lazy to look and too thick to realse we have major inflation in Britain.

Online webpunter

This terrible shortage only exists in the minds of those too lazy to look and too thick to realse we have major inflation in Britain.

Having a 'look around' [especially for newcummers] for me is an enjoyable part of our fave sport

Offline Jeffers77

This terrible shortage only exists in the minds of those too lazy to look and too thick to realse we have major inflation in Britain.

Well looking around, the supply has certainly reduced. Specifically the Asian/Chinese market. There is no denying this.

Offline Steely Dan

Well looking around, the supply has certainly reduced. Specifically the Asian/Chinese market. There is no denying this.
I deny this.

Compared to what year?  I suppose, in theory, there would have some magic year that was best ever, but even if so, it makes no sense to compare versus one year rather than the average over the last 20 years. There are loads of Thai's today, and there were few Chinese 20 years ago.  Please provide objective data like, say, UKP reviews, or the total listed on AW+VS 10 ya versus today. 

Some people 10 years ago also moaned about the good old days, and said e.g. the Romanians have ruined the market.  But the rest of us just enjoyed it then and enjoy now being in one of the best spots in the world to get a good punt.  Or a massage.  Or a party. Or a dungeon. Or to have 5 girls tie you up and piss on you.  What ever you want is here.

Online webpunter

I deny this.

Compared to what year?  I suppose, in theory, there would have some magic year that was best ever, but even if so, it makes no sense to compare versus one year rather than the average over the last 20 years. There are loads of Thai's today, and there were few Chinese 20 years ago.  Please provide objective data like, say, UKP reviews, or the total listed on AW+VS 10 ya versus today. 

Some people 10 years ago also moaned about the good old days, and said e.g. the Romanians have ruined the market.  But the rest of us just enjoyed it then and enjoy now being in one of the best spots in the world to get a good punt.  Or a massage.  Or a party. Or a dungeon. Or to have 5 girls tie you up and piss on you.  What ever you want is here.

I reck @Jeffers77 is talking outta where the sun dont shine
I would dispute his assertion
Loads of shops thai & chinese, deffo more over the past decade / two decades
Seems to me more thai indies, tho i couldn't comment on chinese SPs [as not interested in the latter other for a shop R&T]

Moaning about the good old days, which never really were, IMO is hot air & glass half empty thinking

If you wanna have 11 blokes piss all over you, head over to Spurs  :lol: [currently 3-0 which could be heading norf]

Offline BillT

I am still in contact with Charlie. Lovely lovely girl!  :kiss:

Lucky boy! I heard from another girl, she moved back up north and what she went into after Escorting. And I hope its working out for her.

Did Lia start BB at the end (when she went indy) or am I thinking of a different girl?  :unknown:

Not as far as I know. I saw her a few times including as an Indy. And we'd exchanged real names, and some personal real life stuff, by that point. But she never offered BB and I'm meticulous about being sensible in this game so never asked, and wouldnt accept it if offered. I know she fell out with a few sites towards the end of her working time (this one included I think) But she was always wonderful company with me and I'll always have good memories of her. (Super fluffy alert!  :D )

Offline Punting2022

It is rubbish now i agree.
I also prefer the russian/Brazillians now.
A lot more attractive face wise, cheaper then British too.
Some have more passion too.
British girls are few now, the remaining ones are too expensive

Offline hendrix

It is rubbish now i agree.
I also prefer the russian/Brazillians now.
A lot more attractive face wise, cheaper then British too.
Some have more passion too.
British girls are few now, the remaining ones are too expensive

I guess that's the actual issue. I wouldn't punt Brazilians or Asians if you paid me. So, if the market only had Brazilians and Asians, I wouldn't punt. Entirely depends on how/who you're punting as to whether things are better or worse than years ago

Offline PawgJit

I do however think SA prices have gone up. £400-500 nearly always got you an overnight. Not anymore

What price would you say gets you overnight then?
That seems way more worthwhile

Offline jamiekinkxxx

Having a 'look around' [especially for newcummers] for me is an enjoyable part of our fave sport


Love discovering those nuggets of pure gold  :thumbsup:

Offline jamiekinkxxx

Lucky boy! I heard from another girl, she moved back up north and what she went into after Escorting. And I hope its working out for her.

Not as far as I know. I saw her a few times including as an Indy. And we'd exchanged real names, and some personal real life stuff, by that point. But she never offered BB and I'm meticulous about being sensible in this game so never asked, and wouldnt accept it if offered. I know she fell out with a few sites towards the end of her working time (this one included I think) But she was always wonderful company with me and I'll always have good memories of her. (Super fluffy alert!  :D )

Certainly not straight after, but is now. She is cool.

Online webpunter


Love discovering those nuggets of pure gold  :thumbsup:

Not much  :hi:
Its like years of effort, continually honing one's skills [being on here helps heaps] to find these 'panning' thru loads of dross can pay dividends
More often than not it requires a leap of faith
A large slice of good luck deffo helps, however IMO most times you make [most of] your own luck one way or another

The magic door moment when you aren't sure what awaits & then its like  :yahoo:, an affirmation that the effort has paid off *
Mostly looks are the driver however sometimes its a more average GND type burd but the signs are there she could be a proper naughty one
My focus is massage orientated activities [with an occasional femdom dabble] so i get to read the signs that with a deft approach there could be more on the menu

* to put things into context i've had plenty of times where it's the case of ok i wont walk [littleWP in charge, desperation  :dash:] & a few where i absolutely have to

Offline Punting2022

I have expanded search outside london tbh.
Done a search on aw. No new british.
All expensive. Getting a train and seeing other girls is still cheaper then london. Plus you get a day trip out.
Newcastle for example has fit brits for 130ph.
Bham and mk has ok girls for 200 plus will be 50 max train.

Tempted to book a flight in advance to dam and see a few prosse there

Online scutty brown

Well looking around, the supply has certainly reduced. Specifically the Asian/Chinese market. There is no denying this.

That is absolute garbage
There has been a near-exponential increase in Chinese sex workers in the UK in the last five or so years. Significant enough to be dubbed a cause for concern by the Home Office - though you won't find anyone to officially admit that to the public. They know there's a problem, it's documented...but the documents are suppressed and they're doing SFA about it.
Possibly because the numbers coming in are too big to handle. And too difficult to worry about given the overwhelming numbers of other illegal immigrants (i.e. boat people).
What has happened is the girls who arrive are moving away from brothels / touring prossie roles and into "massage parlours" with a lower profile making it harder for the authorities to keep a check of the numbers.
The reality is that the number of Chinese sex workers in the UK is now at least a magnitude larger than just five years ago, probably twice or thrice that.

Offline Cullen

I have expanded search outside london tbh.
Done a search on aw. No new british.
All expensive. Getting a train and seeing other girls is still cheaper then london. Plus you get a day trip out.
Newcastle for example has fit brits for 130ph.
Bham and mk has ok girls for 200 plus will be 50 max train.

Tempted to book a flight in advance to dam and see a few prosse there

Sitting on a train for 5+ hours would give me an awful lot of time to reflect on why the fuck I'm sitting on a train for 5+ hours to pay some Geordie lass that isn't called Cheryl Cole £130 to shag her for an hour.

I think there's more than enough going on in London. But each to their own.

Offline Jonestown

I'm easy going and my needs are simple, so I don't find it that hard to find a half way decent 30 minute opportunity for sub £100. Admittedly I have pretty much given up on the FBSM route and my ethnic choice is still Chinese, but I can't say that scene has gone to shit, you just have to be flexible and go with the flow.

Offline Steely Dan

All expensive. Getting a train and seeing other girls is still cheaper then london. Plus you get a day trip out.
Newcastle for example has fit brits for 130ph.
Bham and mk has ok girls for 200 plus will be 50 max train.
So this is just a moan about cost.  Boring.  (If you want to moan about cost, try to get a decent place to live, or a pint....Wait!. Fuck me, do you think the cost of an escort in London and all these other costs could be related? Shocked!)

Online webpunter

Sitting on a train for 5+ hours would give me an awful lot of time to reflect on why the fuck I'm sitting on a train for 5+ hours to pay some Geordie lass that isn't called Cheryl Cole £130 to shag her for an hour.

I think there's more than enough going on in London. But each to their own.

I've got far better things to do than wasting 5 hours+ each way
@Punting22 could make it into an overnighter & travel by National Express with the savings covering a hotel  :rolleyes:
However there wont be the opportunity of collecting train numbers  :D

Tho i do wanna do a Newcastle trip, to include a match @ St.JP
& oot on the toon to see the burds wearing not a lot with what looks to be like wide belts as skirts  :yahoo:
No forgetting some punting too
Two nights are in order & i'll combine with some bizzo

Offline Punting2022

I've got far better things to do than wasting 5 hours+ each way
@Punting22 could make it into an overnighter & travel by National Express with the savings covering a hotel  :rolleyes:
However there wont be the opportunity of collecting train numbers  :D

Tho i do wanna do a Newcastle trip, to include a match @ St.JP
& oot on the toon to see the burds wearing not a lot with what looks to be like wide belts as skirts  :yahoo:
No forgetting some punting too
Two nights are in order & i'll combine with some bizzo

I am not going to newcastle just for a punt. Was just saying that the scene is shit in London. You overpay and for not that much good. You can get 130 ph girls in Newcastle and they do look a lot more better. Also saying you can plan abroad trips for cheaper and go there to have something new.

Online webpunter

I am not going to newcastle just for a punt. Was just saying that the scene is shit in London. You overpay and for not that much good. You can get 130 ph girls in Newcastle and they do look a lot more better. Also saying you can plan abroad trips for cheaper and go there to have something new.

Not what your post suggests, train travel costs included no less [thanks for the info ... not]

"Bham and mk has ok girls for 200 plus will be 50 max train.
Tempted to book a flight in advance to dam and see a few prosse there"

Crack on with the dam
Why not roll in Paris make it a two centre trip ?
& you can tick off the two most shite european cities for punting
The dam is so predictable, you really need to move on from Lonely Planet  :rolleyes:

As an aside how much is the train to Newcastle ?  Please let us know  ;)

Offline MissWolf

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Not what your post suggests, train travel costs included no less [thanks for the info ... not]

"Bham and mk has ok girls for 200 plus will be 50 max train.
Tempted to book a flight in advance to dam and see a few prosse there"

Crack on with the dam
Why not roll in Paris make it a two centre trip ?
& you can tick off the two most shite european cities for punting
The dam is so predictable, you really need to move on from Lonely Planet  :rolleyes:

As an aside how much is the train to Newcastle
?  Please let us know  ;)

Off peak London to Newcastle return is £156  :hi:

Offline Jeffpike

There are still gems out there... 100% at reasonable prices too.

If you vcan't pay the £ for what you seek, pack it in, save up or punt less often. My advice to all those moaning about money. It is so tiresome that you?