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Author Topic: phoenix club one on one  (Read 880 times)

Offline Ferrisbb12

I know that it is possible to have a one on one with some girls at the phoenix club parties. But has anyone done it and if so could you share your experience. Was it before the party? Who else was around etc? Thanks

Offline JamesRockford

Most of the girls will do a 1:1 (they are either listed on AW or you can ask Em for their professional phone no).

Obviously I'm guessing that they wouldn't do a 1:1 booking DURING a party because.....
......they're busy working at the party.

Read the many posts on the forum regarding Phoenix and the individual girls.

Not really sure what you mean. 

Offline Ferrisbb12

Hi. Thanks for replying. What I was interested in finding out is when the one to one takes place and where? I assume it's at the same house as the parties so I'm guessing it would have to be before the party? And if so is it in a different bedroom are the other girls there getting ready etc? Thanks

Offline Steely Dan

The Phoenix club is just for parties.  All the action is in one room.  The girls normally work all 3 two hour parties, so not likely to do private booking the same day.  Any private booking on a different day is just like booking any girl from AW - they each do their own thing.  A few of the girls may work for HoD or Annabellas - book them the same as any other girl from these places.

If you just mean you want some 1-1 time with a girl during the party, this happens quite a lot particularly during a quiet party.  But there are other people in the room, so it is not really 1-1.