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Author Topic: Dating a WG  (Read 20896 times)


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The type of punters who would be happy to date a WG. Are not the sort of guys a WG would ever want to date.

This is why it rarely happens that WGs date punters.

An interesting observation Anth...

But in what sense? (Sorry if I'm being a bit thick here!);

But do you mean she would think they are too soft / desparate / fluffy / weak / push-over, etc?

Conversley, what charastics would the guy have that they are likley to date? (I assume the inverse of all the above?)



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Had three relationships with escorts, all of which ended with them trying to and sometimes succeeding in taking me for quite a bit of money each time.

One was Thai, the other two were Brazilian. In each instance I was naive and easily flattered and lonely and I think that they saw me as an easy meal ticket while it lasted.

I even paid significantly toward the boob job of one of the Brazilian ones. She is off AdultWork for now but it always made me sad to see the new tits I paid for and to know I'd probably never get to play with them again (ended badly).

The sad part is that in other aspects of my life I can be remarkably astute but as soon as sex and money become involved I become such an idiot.

Offline Nagilum

Had three relationships with escorts, all of which ended with them trying to and sometimes succeeding in taking me for quite a bit of money each time.

One was Thai, the other two were Brazilian. In each instance I was naive and easily flattered and lonely and I think that they saw me as an easy meal ticket while it lasted.

I even paid significantly toward the boob job of one of the Brazilian ones. She is off AdultWork for now but it always made me sad to see the new tits I paid for and to know I'd probably never get to play with them again (ended badly).

The sad part is that in other aspects of my life I can be remarkably astute but as soon as sex and money become involved I become such an idiot.

That's being a man.  What you describe is most men in relationships with women. It's not just reserved to this scenario. Don't beat yourself up about it  :hi:

Offline Marmalade

I think the issue is with this, summed up in its most general terms. The type of punters who would be happy to date a WG. Are not the sort of guys a WG would ever want to date.

This is why it rarely happens that WGs date punters.
In the case of the one time I had a longish term relationship with someone who worked 3 bookings a week as an escort, I spent time with her because we enjoyed each other's company and doing the same things. I likes the fact that she could happily transform for the most exclusive cocktail bar to wearing Doc Martins down at the more mainstream heaving clubs. I was on a very good salary at the time and I never like to 'pay' for a woman unless it's a straightforward punt; so most of the girls I met were less well paid and it could be embarrassing for each of us. With this woman, it was thankfully no big deal who picked up the tab, even if we were drinking champagne. So it just suited me very well, she was very easy to get on with, brilliantly articulate on a wide range of learning (Arts postgrad) and after an evening out we'd usually stay at my place (or occasionally hers out in the countryside) and of course cuddle up and shag. I expect sex in a relationship but it is not the main course. Everyone who knew us at that time referred to us as a 'perfect couple' (she had an excellent cover story if asked what she did and it was 90% true anyway). When I was working I never took calls or thought about anything else and it was hardly a big deal that she was at a hotel for either one or two hours with some fat old guy that had booked her at an extortionate agency rate. Can't remember if I ever punted while we were together -- maybe once abroad. So yes, it rarely ever happens. Out of maybe 800 or more shags, I can't think of a similar one in my own history. But I cannot say it is 'impossible.'

Offline Sonny Crockett

Offline DickDiver

Everyone who knew us at that time referred to us as a 'perfect couple' (she had an excellent cover story if asked what she did and it was 90% true anyway). When I was working I never took calls or thought about anything else and it was hardly a big deal that she was at a hotel for either one or two hours with some fat old guy that had booked her at an extortionate agency rate.

Did you meet her as a punter, Marm? Don't know if it makes a difference whether you move from client to relationship or there is a "reveal" once you are in the relationship?

Offline Marmalade

Did you meet her as a punter, Marm? Don't know if it makes a difference whether you move from client to relationship or there is a "reveal" once you are in the relationship?

There was a 'reveal' when I met her. I had gone for a punt and under a lot of pressure she was standing in for a friend. I walked in the room and she began giving me the sort of standard speel that was expected of her working at her friend's level. I looked her in the eye challengingly and said, "Really???" (i.e. Do you really expect me to believe that patter and do you believe it?) We both burst out laughing and filled in the half hour talking and making jokes about the ridiculous shite in the industry.

It was good fun, no sex. I was about to leave and said how much I had enjoyed meeting her. She asked if I fancied going for a drink at one of my favourite bars and added something to suggest it wasn't a date, a paid meet or anything sexual. She was literally one of the most fascinating conversationalists I had met for years. I didn't give a fuck about her job I just wanted to hang out with her. I couldn't remember anyone I'd enjoyed such a broad range of subjects with or such a quick mind and being with. She wasn't stunning but quite good looking. Fiercely feminist, independent, she'd intrigue me by extolling the work of some classical author I hadn't read, explain how some master artist produced a certain effect with his technique, or (later) the ins and outs of a small antique business she ran.

She was the sort of person who could take a point at a dinner party and then take you on a magical journey as she brought out some beautiful but previously unnoticed aspect. I can't say we went out with each other for the sex, that was just a bonus. We'd take time out travelling together, and at that time my travelling was fairly uninteresting conferences abroad, but we then travelled across Europe, she found places I'd never dreamed of visiting, thought up adventures together, met her family. We paid for everything down the middle (in case you wonder) but of course it saved money on hotel rooms and other stuff being a couple. We didn't live together, we both had our own place. So none of the stereotypes really. She went on to become a respected artist in her own right so in the unlikely event that she reads this, only she would know it was her.

Offline Marmalade

For what it's worth, I don't think that if you like someone as their client you would move naturally to a relationship. The only time I've come close was fucking someone (extended trip abroad) who was a totally fucking useless shag. I pretty well told her so by ignoring her every time I subsequently popped into the RLD where she worked. Eventually she hassled me about it and and I just told her, look, you weren't very good! She was a bit fucked off but still kept insisting she wanted to see me. I told her no way.

This went on for three weeks, including her sister intervening on her behalf. I didn't want to waste time even seeing her for a coffee. I think eventually I agreed to meet her for a coffee, I don't know why. She was very sincere, said she wasn't interested in me as a customer though didn't go as far as saying she thought I was a crap shag too, which is what I'd told her she was. She was pretty sweet and I was bored anyway and thought oh what the fuck and let her pop round to the apartment. She worked hard to turn on the charm. Told her no but said it was nice meeting her (she'd been pleasant, after all). Saw her again for a coffee. She'd bought me a small present. I was warming to her a bit and hadn't had a shag that day so let her stay. This time she was dynamite in bed. I asked her why the change and she went a bit mental and said the other time was work and what did I expect going to 'a place like that' blahblah. Ok. I walked her to the train station and thought, she's not that well off and she did buy me a present and give me a decent shag. So the generous part of me tried to slip a bit of cash into the top of her handbag.

Of course, the wee fucker went fucking ballistic, threw the money at me, started to claw my eyes out and accused me of treating her like a whore and blahblahblah. Ok, I relented. Saw her for the remaining fortnight before I had to leave. Hope that answers the question.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 11:03:16 am by Marmalade »

Offline DickDiver

Interesting stories. Pretty clear good sex is not what would make a relationship with a WG work.  It's a fantasy best left in the head.


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A very broad range of experiences to learn from

Offline Nagilum

There was a 'reveal' when I met her. I had gone for a punt and under a lot of pressure she was standing in for a friend. I walked in the room and she began giving me the sort of standard speel that was expected of her working at her friend's level. I looked her in the eye challengingly and said, "Really???" (i.e. Do you really expect me to believe that patter and do you believe it?) We both burst out laughing and filled in the half hour talking and making jokes about the ridiculous shite in the industry.

It was good fun, no sex. I was about to leave and said how much I had enjoyed meeting her. She asked if I fancied going for a drink at one of my favourite bars and added something to suggest it wasn't a date, a paid meet or anything sexual. She was literally one of the most fascinating conversationalists I had met for years. I didn't give a fuck about her job I just wanted to hang out with her. I couldn't remember anyone I'd enjoyed such a broad range of subjects with or such a quick mind and being with. She wasn't stunning but quite good looking. Fiercely feminist, independent, she'd intrigue me by extolling the work of some classical author I hadn't read, explain how some master artist produced a certain effect with his technique, or (later) the ins and outs of a small antique business she ran.

She was the sort of person who could take a point at a dinner party and then take you on a magical journey as she brought out some beautiful but previously unnoticed aspect. I can't say we went out with each other for the sex, that was just a bonus. We'd take time out travelling together, and at that time my travelling was fairly uninteresting conferences abroad, but we then travelled across Europe, she found places I'd never dreamed of visiting, thought up adventures together, met her family. We paid for everything down the middle (in case you wonder) but of course it saved money on hotel rooms and other stuff being a couple. We didn't live together, we both had our own place. So none of the stereotypes really. She went on to become a respected artist in her own right so in the unlikely event that she reads this, only she would know it was her.

I have met one or two on my punts that have made me question which part of the punt I enjoyed most - the sex or the conversation.  If you can achieve both during your outing, then you know you have a sure winner and a go to girl when you need a pick me up.

One thing punting does is give you a very clear idea of what your ideal woman is.  You discover more about yourself during these punts than anywhere else.


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One thing punting does is give you a very clear idea of what your ideal woman is.  You discover more about yourself during these punts than anywhere else.

+1 after starting to punt I really have much better idea of what kind of woman in into not just physically and sexually but emotionally too. It's even changed to what kinda of porn I prefer :rolleyes: