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Author Topic: Sexylichious21 - Robbery - confronted by her male accomplice - 311D Purley Way  (Read 20072 times)

1 review(s) for Sexylichious21 (0 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]


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Stole £45

Telephone: 07520253124

Location 311D Purley Way (Directly Across the road from John Lewis Home Stores)

Text her to arrange a meet around 1pm and was not given a post code till 3.30pm

The post code given was CR7 7QS (Totton Road, Thornton Heath)  - this is a location to blacklist as she clearly operates from here also. I know also Racey Lane operates from here also and she did tell me about a girl who operates from there who just robs punters. - This didnt click at the time but now it just did and its likely this is the girl she was talking about

As this text came late I had already made other plans so decided to text her later in the evening at 7.45pm to arrange a meet she said she was now at 311 Purley Way

Walking up to the house I saw a Yardie man outside 311c on the phone. A part of me felt like walking at this point as something didnt feel right but I went ahead and knocked on her door

She undid what literally was about 10 latches on the door (another warning sign)

Opened up the door she was friendly, tall and looked like photos

The house was big but was also bare

Went upstairs confirmed services and when she said all was ok I gave her the cash.

She said she would be back in a second she was just going to the bathroom to freshen up

About 3 minutes later I could hear someone enter the house and I knew something was up

A black man in his 40 came into the room asking me where the girl that operates from here is

Eventually he said oh she has done it again, she has done a runner.

I asked who he was and he said he was her landlord

Started talking some shit about he's had enough of her doing what she is doing

He then said I should never return to the premesis again as he knows what she does and he know I was paying her for sex

I asked him if I could search the house and he said no the downstairs is his own personal living quaters and he rents the upstairs to her so no I cannot look around downstairs

At this point I was quite close to knocking him out but then remembered the Yardie guy outside and was not sure at that stage if he was linked to them in any way so thought best to leave it as I would be outnumbered if he was part of the operation

Looking back on it I reckon the yardie guy was her dealer. As soon as she snuck out of the house she gave him the cash he gave her her drugs and then the 'landlord' came in to break the bad news. He probably gets his cut somehow

Very very dangerous game they played today

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« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 12:20:28 am by punther »

Offline claretandblue

Fkin ell op sounds like an episode of the bill,at least you are here to tell the tale  :hi:

Offline Lance

Christ. Disgusting circumstances. You did the right thing.

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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sorry this happened

bur hidden feedback . and  list bareback .......  surely there were better options ?
Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1

Offline pumps

Fucking hell, terrible event.

At this point I was quite close to knocking him out but then remembered the Yardie guy outside

haha before I even read this line, I was thinking I'm about ready cave this cunts head in. 

Not having a dig at all, but she does look like that sort of crack whore that stands on the street at nights you just know to avoid...... But:

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  • Guest
Thats a shocker! Thanks for the warning and glad you came out of it unscathed, although 45 quid lighter.  AW profile is over 3 years old so one can only imagine how many other punters they have fucked over.

A good reminder to us all that there are some dodgy people out there  :thumbsup:

Offline smiths

Absolute scum of the earth, I hope this costs them some punters and money. :thumbsdown: If not already done so if you PM admin he may put this cunt on his Blacklist.

Offline Belgarion

That's horrible

Thanks for the warning

Offline KentAde

No doubt the belt she 'took' in her first gallery picture was from her pimp.......

Offline Tonyleung

Bareback  :vomit:

Op you have also listed other bareback girlslinks.. specifically I noticed in you petite girls post...

The WG in this thread is rougher than rough..

Offline herbie007

Sorry to hear this happened to you and glad you walked away unharmed.

Offline Sparta Prada

Sorry to hear of your misfortune.

The lesson I take from this is once your sixth sense tells you something isn't right, then don't go through with it even if your cock is telling you otherwise.

Offline PLeisure

Just glad that you had your security radar on, OP... factoring that the 'landlord' may be working with the yardie.
Sounds very fkn dodge  :diablo:


  • Guest
Glad you lived to tell the tale my friend. While a nice person, I'd also avoid Racey Lane. She's a big time coke head, lost her kids coz of it as well.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Excellent review to warn others, Punther.  :hi: Others might not be so forthcoming...

Every dark cloud has a silver lining - it looks like she's riddled with aids.  :thumbsdown:

Offline ghostrider

Because of what has happened, is it best to inform AW and tell them to bin her??

Offline Sweettunes

Mate that's awful, glad your ok,  in future go on your gut instinct and leave, hope your future punts are far more positive..... This slag needs blacklisting.....

Offline MrMatrix

Yes good review and very scarey. more to the point glad you are Ok :hi:


  • Guest
sorry this happened

bur hidden feedback . and  list bareback .......  surely there were better options ?

Options are limited in South London

My error was not checking her AW feedback. If I saw it was hidden I would not have made the booking


  • Guest
Absolute scum of the earth, I hope this costs them some punters and money. :thumbsdown: If not already done so if you PM admin he may put this cunt on his Blacklist.

Asked him to make this review which he thankfully has done but will ask him to blacklist also


  • Guest
Because of what has happened, is it best to inform AW and tell them to bin her??

How do you report a profile on AW?


  • Guest
Mate that's awful, glad your ok,  in future go on your gut instinct and leave, hope your future punts are far more positive..... This slag needs blacklisting.....


Lesson learnerd


  • Guest
Glad you lived to tell the tale my friend. While a nice person, I'd also avoid Racey Lane. She's a big time coke head, lost her kids coz of it as well.

Racey really is Lovely I remember her telling me unlike the other girls of her class (street) she actually likes to give a good service and get returning clients instead of ripping people off like other girls she know who just rob punters. She said she thinks its sill because eventually its going to catch up with them

She's a big time coke head, lost her kids coz of it as well.



  • Guest
Fucking hell, terrible event.

haha before I even read this line, I was thinking I'm about ready cave this cunts head in. 

Not having a dig at all, but she does look like that sort of crack whore that stands on the street at nights you just know to avoid...... But:

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Tbh this experience has made me very risk averse now

I remember reading a post from Onevote1 saying he actually goes into punts looking for a reason to walk  -  this is a mentality I'm now deciding to adopt


  • Guest
Absolute scum of the earth, I hope this costs them some punters and money. :thumbsdown: If not already done so if you PM admin he may put this cunt on his Blacklist.

Just checked he already has

Hopefully this should save others

Offline PLeisure

How do you report a profile on AW?
A good suggestion.
Very bottom of each profile are two links. "Authentic Member?" is the one you want.
It takes you to another page of usual AW blah. Ignore all that and look to the bottom of the page again.
You get this note, with a link to report:
If you believe that *Skanky Ho* is in breach of our Terms of Use, then please report them to us here.

Offline Danldn84

Just by looking at the pics you can see she's a smack head.


  • Guest
thanks for the warning..i do hope the next punt of your is very fruit full :cool:

Offline punk

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Stole £45

Telephone: 07520253124

Location 311D Purley Way (Directly Across the road from John Lewis Home Stores)

Text her to arrange a meet around 1pm and was not given a post code till 3.30pm

The post code given was CR7 7QS (Totton Road, Thornton Heath)  - this is a location to blacklist as she clearly operates from here also. I know also Racey Lane operates from here also and she did tell me about a girl who operates from there who just robs punters. - This didnt click at the time but now it just did and its likely this is the girl she was talking about

As this text came late I had already made other plans so decided to text her later in the evening at 7.45pm to arrange a meet she said she was now at 311 Purley Way

Walking up to the house I saw a Yardie man outside 311c on the phone. A part of me felt like walking at this point as something didnt feel right but I went ahead and knocked on her door

She undid what literally was about 10 latches on the door (another warning sign)

Opened up the door she was friendly, tall and looked like photos

The house was big but was also bare

Went upstairs confirmed services and when she said all was ok I gave her the cash.

She said she would be back in a second she was just going to the bathroom to freshen up

About 3 minutes later I could hear someone enter the house and I knew something was up

A black man in his 40 came into the room asking me where the girl that operates from here is

Eventually he said oh she has done it again, she has done a runner.

I asked who he was and he said he was her landlord

Started talking some shit about he's had enough of her doing what she is doing

He then said I should never return to the premesis again as he knows what she does and he know I was paying her for sex

I asked him if I could search the house and he said no the downstairs is his own personal living quaters and he rents the upstairs to her so no I cannot look around downstairs

At this point I was quite close to knocking him out but then remembered the Yardie guy outside and was not sure at that stage if he was linked to them in any way so thought best to leave it as I would be outnumbered if he was part of the operation

Looking back on it I reckon the yardie guy was her dealer. As soon as she snuck out of the house she gave him the cash he gave her her drugs and then the 'landlord' came in to break the bad news. He probably gets his cut somehow

Very very dangerous game they played today

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Why the fuck did you choose her,she reaks  of a smack head Whore.Look at her pictures.The so called landlord is part of the scam,its a classic set up.


  • Guest

Very glad to hear you got out of this safely and just a bit out of pocket.  Having been in one or two situations myself my reflection is that you played this right.  Being out of pocket is a minor inconvenience compared to the potential implications of a violent confrontation / police involvement. 

Better luck next time.



  • Guest
That is just fuckin awful.

Even worse this bitch has clearly been doing it for years and getting away with it and clearly none of those innocent punters know about UKP.

Hope someone clobbers that crack whore.


  • Guest

Very glad to hear you got out of this safely and just a bit out of pocket.  Having been in one or two situations myself my reflection is that you played this right.  Being out of pocket is a minor inconvenience compared to the potential implications of a violent confrontation / police involvement. 

Better luck next time.


thanks mate

its a really difficult situation because there's no obvious signs that is whats going to happen

it is normal to expect the girl to send a text to her friend/maid/ pimp to confirm a payment has been made and if not in a hotel to leave the room to stash cash/freshen up

one could only say if you know she is that type of girl (street) then you could insist on making payment after - I just wonder in this situation what would happen.

   - Would she go ahead of the punt as she knows she wont be able to execute the scam and let her accomplice know its not going to work this time

   - Would she refuse payment after and risk the punter walking

   - Would she let her accomplice know scam isn't going to plan and they should just try to straight up rob the punter as he is vulnerable in the flat

Offline Brazilian Martian

Most important thing is your ok and no violence followed but what made you want to visit her she looks rough like a council estate mum you see on jeremy kyle. Hope you get back on the punting horse soon


  • Guest
That is just fuckin awful.

Even worse this bitch has clearly been doing it for years and getting away with it and clearly none of those innocent punters know about UKP.

Hope someone clobbers that crack whore.

Oh it will happen sooner or later. Some people don't take kindly to things like this

What she/they dont understand is they can block a persons number after the scam but the person can simply get a different sim and make a booking some weeks/months later


  • Guest
Most important thing is your ok and no violence followed but what made you want to visit her she looks rough like a council estate mum you see on jeremy kyle. Hope you get back on the punting horse soon

tbh i have a thing for that type of look - heroin chic (its a bit fucked up i know lol)

i've punted girls like her in the past without any issues but things just went wrong this time. Wont be punting this type of woman anymore as reflecting back on it now things could have got violent quite quickly

Offline Brazilian Martian

tbh i have a thing for that type of look - heroin chic (its a bit fucked up i know lol)

i've punted girls like her in the past without any issues but things just went wrong this time. Wont be punting this type of woman anymore as reflecting back on it now things could have got violent quite quickly

Heroin chic  :D so who's next on the famous punther hit list then.


  • Guest
Oh it will happen sooner or later. Some people don't take kindly to things like this

What she/they dont understand is they can block a persons number after the scam but the person can simply get a different sim and make a booking some weeks/months later

I say lets all do this. Make phantom bookings and when shes says where are you....text back 'ha fuckin ha you thief!'  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
sorry this happened

bur hidden feedback . and  list bareback .......  surely there were better options ?

Well you've clearly made yourself aware to him  :dash:


  • Guest
Heroin chic  :D so who's next on the famous punther hit list then.

Planning on making some vids 2 or 3 good providers I've seen before and sticking to civvie land for a bit with the vids to be used when an emergency self service is needed lol

 So basically no one new for a while  :(


  • Guest
I say lets all do this. Make phantom bookings and when shes says where are you....text back 'ha fuckin ha you thief!'  :sarcastic:

sounds like a plan!  :sarcastic:

Offline pumps

tbh i have a thing for that type of look - heroin chic (its a bit fucked up i know lol)

You are fucked up mate!    I hope things like DFK and RO/Rim don't go down with these ladys.... lol

reflecting back on it now things could have got violent quite quickly

you're probably right - I'm sure the landlord and dealer would be in intensive care today had you not shown clear headed thinking  :sarcastic:, £45 is nothing when you look at the bigger picture.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 08:11:51 pm by pumps »


  • Guest
Thanks for the warning and for putting up maps and screenshots, in case she/they try it on with another profile.

Offline Cuntminion

Sorry for your bad experience but a £40 for 15 min barebacker with 0 feedback who looks like a junkie is not going to roll out cake and cuddles

Offline peter purves

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Walking up to the house I saw a Yardie man outside 311c on the phone. A part of me felt like walking at this point as something didnt feel right but I went ahead and knocked on her door


Sorry to hear of your experience.

At times, I wish I would follow this dictum or my spider senses more often myself.

Thankfully you came out unscathed.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 12:34:51 am by peter purves »
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline kim88

Just a quick glance at her profile, I'd never gone through with that. Everything about her is setting off alarms: the zero feedback, the very little details on her profile, bareback on her like list, the low price, the fact that Thornton Heath to put it bluntly, is a shit hole.

Oh well, I suppose someone has to take one for the team. Thanks to that, now we know to stay well clear away from her.

Glad you made it out okay, OP. Things could have gotten real ugly, but thankfully it didn't.

Offline Thepacifist

Thanks for sharing OP, sorry to hear you got scammed by some scum. This will help others avoid. No doubt she's feeding her crack habit  :crazy:

Offline nickleupip

Sorry to hear about the bad experience.

If something like that happened to me, I would consider the £45 loss, as money well spent... If staying out of trouble costs £45, so be it.

People who attempt such flawed scams can only be extreme morons. My guess is that sooner or later all 3 of these people are going to suffer such consequences of their actions that they will regret deeply. 

Health is priceless and so is dignity, however the dignity of those 3 individuals is worth a measly 45 quid.

Offline mf_1101

Login to look to punt in London today and first thing I read is this   :(

Sounds like an awful situation, and whilst in hindsight it's easy to say "why would you go for her based on the profile" then the scene as you described it would have made me walk (in most cases if I see people hanging around I will walk), it is easy to judge but I can feel sympathy because this could happen to anyone.

In my less experienced punting days I went on gut instinct, there were definitely 2-3 punts I didn't go through with which were on gut instinct, two were in Northampton. One was a block of Flat jam in the town centre, I hung around a bit, got there early as conversations with the girl didn't "feel" right, walked outside I noticed two people hanging around, I was probably over paranoid they seemed to be doing some sort of furniture delivery but they seemed to hang around for ages and were looking around a lot, for me that was enough to walk - but on reflection it was most likely okay. Another time I walked on gut instinct was I was given a location near the punt, well known part of town which is a shithole, took one walk down it by the property, old style terrace house - not an area you want to go after dark, considering the profile if I remember reeked of Romanian low review, I definitely made the right choice - I punted areas like this in places like Coventry but with well reviewed girls on here.

One I didn't walk from was a girl who I later read up on here was a Barebacker (lucky I did a check, all clear recently), clearly a junkie (a few of them are but some hide it better, she was absolutely smacked when we met) and heard stories of her and her bf/pimp scamming/robbing punters. However when I met her she seemed sweet and was an excellent punt, very memorable so it goes to show these things can be luck of the draw, if you punt with skanks occasionally you will get one that is absolutely filthy and makes for a great punt. Trouble is it's high risk/reward, but this game isn't for the weak.

Glad you reported her, are you considering going to the police? I know it's £45 but they sound dangerous tbh, better world with them behind bars.


  • Guest
Why the fuck did you choose her,she reaks  of a smack head Whore.Look at her pictures.The so called landlord is part of the scam,its a classic set up.

He needs to watch Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs  :crazy:

Offline punk

He needs to watch Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs  :crazy:


That con is as old as the hills, get scam,other guy comes in,pretends to look for the scammer then comes up with some shit about getting the Bank,the old bill,father christmas, the little fairies etc involved.

She just looks like a heroin,coke,pot head.