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Author Topic: Smiley Sindy - A WORD OF CAUTION - Fulham  (Read 6376 times)


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Hi there gents. Long time lurker but finally got the chance to making an account. Everyone knows about Smiley Sindy from the Fulham area. Lovely punt everytime i go. But the last time i went, i wanted to try something to see her reaction. I saw a review where a punter had a 'scary moment with her'. She will do bareback! You do not need to ask her but she did OWO on me and then laid on her back and she then said 'Yes, this is how you treat a penis' or something along those lines and bam i knew she would do bareback! 

I think you need to visit her a few times to gain 'trust' be she will do it for you! Will not be seeing her again! 

Link for those who don't know who I'm talking about: External Link/Members Only

Offline lewishamguy

So she's started doing free bareback?.  :sarcastic:

Offline smiths

Hi there gents. Long time lurker but finally got the chance to making an account. Everyone knows about Smiley Sindy from the Fulham area. Lovely punt everytime i go. But the last time i went, i wanted to try something to see her reaction. I saw a review where a punter had a 'scary moment with her'. She will do bareback! You do not need to ask her but she did OWO on me and then laid on her back and she then said 'Yes, this is how you treat a penis' or something along those lines and bam i knew she would do bareback! 

I think you need to visit her a few times to gain 'trust' be she will do it for you! Will not be seeing her again! 

Link for those who don't know who I'm talking about: External Link/Members Only

She hasn't offered it to me when I have punted with her so she doesn't offer it to ALL that have seen her a few times. If she had I would have given her a negative review so as to warn other punters.

Offline Cunning Punt

she then said 'Yes, this is how you treat a penis' or something along those lines and bam i knew she would do bareback!

I think if you are going to make this serious and damaging claim, you need to back this up with a bit more detail because the above is very vague and appears to be based on your assumption, which may or may not be correct.

Particularly as this is your first post. First-time posters who sign up to be very critical of a girl - which may or may not be accurate - is generally, at first hand, suspicious to most members here and often is a case of other girls' pimps putting the knife in.


  • Guest
I think if you are going to make this serious and damaging claim, you need to back this up with a bit more detail because the above is very vague and appears to be based on your assumption, which may or may not be correct.

Particularly as this is your first post. First-time posters who sign up to be very critical of a girl - which may or may not be accurate - is generally, at first hand, suspicious to most members here and often is a case of other girls' pimps putting the knife in.

Up to you guys to believe me or not. She offered to do bareback to me. Take it or leave it. Just giving you guys a word of advice. I'm a regular punter and thought I'd let you know. But if you think I'm a pimp for some girl, than so be it. All I know is I will no longer see her as she did offer bareback.

Offline smiths

Up to you guys to believe me or not. She offered to do bareback to me. Take it or leave it. Just giving you guys a word of advice. I'm a regular punter and thought I'd let you know. But if you think I'm a pimp for some girl, than so be it. All I know is I will no longer see her as she did offer bareback.

I go on my own experiences with WGs or listen to punters i find credible, your not one of them as your brand new making this allegation which might or might not be true but  that's not to say she didn't offer you BB as i have no idea for definite whether she did or not as i wasn't there.


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I wanted to book her, checked her profile long time ago. she had a feedback from R S Singh the no1. barebacker. So definitely she is doing bareback with some guys.  :scare:

Offline king tarzan

Scary scary scary

Caution caution caution
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline 385North

But the last time i went, i wanted to try something to see her reaction. I saw a review where a punter had a 'scary moment with her'.

So what did you try exactly to "see her reaction"?

In my mind if you want to be 100% sure of claims made by another punter regarding bare backing, surely you need to ask the question directly, except you didn't. Why not?


  • Guest
I think this is highly sketchy.

It is obviously not possible to conclusively disprove the OP's opinion, but (s)he is a brand new member with one review (this one) and one post to his / her name.  I think this review should be considered with serious caution, particularly given the accusation of offering barebacking.

Accusing a girl of offering barebacking services is one of the most harmful and toxic things you can say about a girl on here - it can destroy a girl's reputation - see the whole West8 / Porsha debacle.  It is not an accusation that should be made lightly, particularly when it seems to have been based on nothing more substantial than a 'feeling'.

And finally, I can say without hesitation that when I saw Sindy she made quite sure we took all the usual protection.  This doesn't mean the OP is necessarily lying, just that his account in no way accords with my own experience of her.  And she was a great girl to spend an hour with.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 06:51:45 pm by Sylvester »

Offline claretandblue

I think this is highly sketchy.

It is obviously not possible to conclusively disprove the OP's opinion, but (s)he is a brand new member with one review (this one) and one post to his / her name.  I think this review should be considered with serious caution, particularly given the accusation of offering barebacking.

Accusing a girl of offering barebacking services is one of the most harmful and toxic things you can say about a girl on here - it can destroy a girl's reputation - see the whole West8 / Porsha debacle.  It is not an accusation that should be made lightly, particularly when it seems to have been based on nothing more substantial than a 'feeling'.

And finally, I can say without hesitation that when I saw Sindy she made quite sure we took all the usual protection.  This doesn't mean the OP is necessarily lying, just that his account in no way accords with my own experience of her.  And she was a great girl to spend an hour with.
what about the r s Singh feedback on awank?  I don't think this is looking good for her...

Offline shagbambi

I can say without hesitation that when I saw Sindy she made quite sure we took all the usual protection.  This doesn't mean the OP is necessarily lying, just that his account in no way accords with my own experience of her.  And she was a great girl to spend an hour with.

Echoes my experience with Sindy.


  • Guest
:bomb: :bomb: :bomb:
The OP is a woman - rival prossie no doubt.
I don't know of any "gents" here. That's a prossie term for punters. Check your AW feedback for example usage!


  • Guest
what about the r s Singh feedback on awank?  I don't think this is looking good for her...

Not sure who he is, why he matters, and can't see his name in her last 100 FBs.  I can't comment therefore on whether this is relevant or not. 

I'm not particularly trying to stick up for her - I just think the nature, length, style and accusation contained in this review is highly doubtful personally.

Offline SamLP

what about the r s Singh feedback on awank?  I don't think this is looking good for her...

A known barebacker seeing a prossie doesn't mean she bb'd him. I remember R S Singh coming up in another topic and before his name change I checked some of his fb and he had seen other popular girls like Dee & Maggie. Several regulars here including myself have seen Sindy multiple times and there's never been a hint of bb certainly from me. The OP has 2 posts and a dubious account hinting at something.

Offline claretandblue

A known barebacker seeing a prossie doesn't mean she bb'd him. I remember R S Singh coming up in another topic and before his name change I checked some of his fb and he had seen other popular girls like Dee & Maggie. Several regulars here including myself have seen Sindy multiple times and there's never been a hint of bb certainly from me. The OP has 2 posts and a dubious account hinting at something.

Fair enough,it seems on reflection that this review should be treated as dubious

Offline SamLP

Fair enough,it seems on reflection that this review should be treated as dubious

This is R S Singh's profile before the name change. It seems he has no activity on there since last year so he may have started a new account. He has fb from Dee, Maggie, Suzi Lapdancer & Madlin Moon. Couldn't find any from Sindy although it may be after the latest 100 that are published.
External Link/Members Only

Offline smiths

This is R S Singh's profile before the name change. It seems he has no activity on there since last year so he may have started a new account. He has fb from Dee, Maggie, Suzi Lapdancer & Madlin Moon. Couldn't find any from Sindy although it may be after the latest 100 that are published.
External Link/Members Only

Assuming it IS the same RS Singh they have been a VERY prolific punter since at least 2008 to my knowledge.

Offline SamLP

Assuming it IS the same RS Singh they have been a VERY prolific punter since at least 2008 to my knowledge.

He was discussed in this topic which is where the link for his profile was posted:


  • Guest
This is R S Singh's profile before the name change. It seems he has no activity on there since last year so he may have started a new account. He has fb from Dee, Maggie, Suzi Lapdancer & Madlin Moon. Couldn't find any from Sindy although it may be after the latest 100 that are published.
External Link/Members Only

exactly that is his profile. I posted some months ago and he changed his name after that. definitely he is reading this forum or a member here. From adultwork you can only see latest 100 ratings, so first 100 ratings of Sindly has gone where one was from R S singh. Another strange thing is that he got feedback from maggie but he did not leave any feedback to maggie so it could be maggie did not want his feedback may be she was afraid of losing her clients.  :unknown:

this two bitches were working in Enfield last year with other profiles and they had feedback's from R S Singh

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only


  • Guest
Assuming it IS the same RS Singh they have been a VERY prolific punter since at least 2008 to my knowledge.

looks like you know him personally?

Offline ForrestGump

...if you think I'm a pimp for some girl, than so be it...

Like others have already suggested your credibility is and will remain questionable until we've seen more of what you've got to contribute to the forum and can make a more informed decision on whether or not you really are the regular punter you claim to be. And if you're also a long time lurker you'll totally understand the scepticism your receiving.

Offline The_Don


I only know of this 'RS Singh' via this forum and comments added by its members.

Mr Singh?

Offline The_Don

Like others have already suggested your credibility is and will remain questionable until we've seen more of what you've got to contribute to the forum and can make a more informed decision on whether or not you really are the regular punter you claim to be. And if you're also a long time lurker you'll totally understand the scepticism your receiving.


As for Sergei (1 of many pimps) as he know

My view on him

:bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:

Offline tantric talents

I know I am probably opening a can of worms here but on the assumption that the OP is a genuine punter I propose to suggest another possible explanation.

Actually to turn this thing on its head I propose the possibility that seeing him as a very regular punter, she had built up such a degree of trust that she was offering to "treat" him to a free bareback - the ultimate GF experience? What would she be gaining from it? Continuing patronage? She had that anyway! A woman of that age and experience generally knows what she is doing but perhaps actually misjudged him in this and it backfired on her?

Offline smiths

looks like you know him personally?

On the previous linked in thread where he was named I said a punter with that nick posted on another punting forum from 2008-10, I don't know him personally as in met him. He used to have loads of reviews on that forum, no idea if he still does plus he used to post about some of his punts which if true showed he was a very prolific punter.

Offline king tarzan

Relax guys no need to get worked up
over this singh character
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline claretandblue

Relax guys no need to get worked up
over this singh character
Think you need to explain why,otherwise people may add up 2 and 2 and come up with 5

Offline king tarzan

Think you need to explain why,otherwise people may add up 2 and 2 and come up with 5

Reason being let the hooker do what she wants let that idiot barebacker do what he wants
they want to risk there lives let them be..
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
The OP is a woman - rival prossie no doubt.

I had similar thoughts after reading the post below, to have bareback done to you, you'd need to be female  :unknown:

to do bareback to me.

Offline S_holmes

Coupled with "Hi There Gents"...



  • Guest
On the previous linked in thread where he was named I said a punter with that nick posted on another punting forum from 2008-10, I don't know him personally as in met him. He used to have loads of reviews on that forum, no idea if he still does plus he used to post about some of his punts which if true showed he was a very prolific punter.

yes exactly you are right. He is the only R S singh of AW the link I posted earlier. What I have heard that he started barebacking after breaking up with his wife. :hi: