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Author Topic: When does taking a break from punting turn into retirement?  (Read 1320 times)

Offline hawkzville

I've been punting for more than 3 decades now; I seriously have no idea how many I have punted, but I'd estimate it to be north of 1,500 occasions with over 1,000 different escorts.

Whilst there are always "bad runs" and the occasional diamond that puts a spring in the step, I've noted over the last (perhaps) 5 or so years that quality (not just in the UK as I punt all over) is lower than at any time I can remember, not so much "bad" as in poor, but a step down to where vanilla is the norm, average to good the exception.

I'm currently taking a break from it as with all habits, it's good to break them from time to time before returning with a fresh attitude.... only this time I've been studying "adultwork" for the past 4-days and can't find anyone (with the available today green showing) that raises more than faint interest; now I have a regular out of the area as a fall-back for a Friday night session tomorrow if necessary, but the constant hunt for "new blood" does seem to be in short supply....Brexit? Exchange rates? Me getting old? No idea what the reasons are but for the first time in a very long time I'm seriously considering calling it a day....

Am I just jaded? Have there been too many and the "just one for the road" has finally reached the end of the road, or am I missing something? Would very much be interested in your own experiences, perhaps especially what the other older guys are experiencing …...


  • Guest
My view on aw declining massively in the last 5-10 years is the upsurge of  All the pretty young types who used to have to escort or work in parlours can now go on there and pick and choose the guys they wish to meet.  I am sure this has had a big impact.

Secondly the market being flooded witth EE types has forced prices down so much on aw that a lot of the girls you probably want to meet won't be on aw for that sort of money.  There are massage parlours in areas i live in that are charging the same 30 min fee in 2019 as they were in 1999 so its no wonder the quality of talent is massively lower because they are, after inflation, basically being paid half of what they were twenty years ago.

Girls in massage parlours 20 years ago near me were seeing 15-20 guys a day and making £600-800 a day because they were so fit and you could buy a house then for 4 times less than you can now.  Hardly any of these places exist nowadays because its all gone online.

I do feel the same as you though having punting for over 20 years all over the country in the best parlours (god the days of driving to Sandys for an hour knowing all 5 or 6 girls would be top class are long gone i agree) and with escorts/aw and now seeking.  I just think you have to move with the times and adjust your methods to meet the types of girls you want.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 04:04:04 pm by yobbra »

Offline Moby Dick

I disagree, since there are a lot of exSS girls on AW and they are charging more than current parlour rates and EE rates.
EE have not reduced prices, they have caused an increase. Any WG with decent reviews (or not) will automatically pitch at higher prices than ROMS.

What proof do you have that AW has declined massively? Do you have visitor/provider numbers?

Parlour rates have increased since 1999.

My view on aw declining massively in the last 5-10 years is the upsurge of  All the pretty young types who used to have to escort or work in parlours can now go on there and pick and choose the guys they wish to meet.  I am sure this has had a big impact.

Secondly the market being flooded witth EE types has forced prices down so much on aw that a lot of the girls you probably want to meet won't be on aw for that sort of money.  There are massage parlours in areas i live in that are charging the same 30 min fee in 2019 as they were in 1999 so its no wonder the quality of talent is massively lower because they are, after inflation, basically being paid half of what they were twenty years ago.

Girls in massage parlours 20 years ago near me were seeing 15-20 guys a day and making £600-800 a day because they were so fit and you could buy a house then for 4 times less than you can now.  Hardly any of these places exist nowadays because its all gone online.

I do feel the same as you though having punting for over 20 years all over the country in the best parlours (god the days of driving to Sandys for an hour knowing all 5 or 6 girls would be top class are long gone i agree) and with escorts/aw and now seeking.  I just think you have to move with the times and adjust your methods to meet the types of girls you want.


  • Guest
I disagree, since there are a lot of exSS girls on AW and they are charging more than current parlour rates and EE rates.
EE have not reduced prices, they have caused an increase. Any WG with decent reviews (or not) will automatically pitch at higher prices than ROMS.

What proof do you have that AW has declined massively? Do you have visitor/provider numbers?

Parlour rates have increased since 1999.

IMO of course but the quality of girls on aw and the number of dodgy profiles is way higher.  That was my point.  The chance of meeting a 'seeking type girl' on aw as a brand new genuine aw profile is much lower nowadays than it was 10 years ago.  AW profiles just tend to be mass produced and pop up and take down style nowadays.

Parlour rates have increased marginally in absolute terms but in real terms they are miles cheaper inflation adjusted.  You can go to the best two Parlours in Crewe for the same price as it was 20 years ago before considering inflation.  The same in Stoke.  VH rates in Lutterworth have hardly increased at all in 20 years either.  In comparison house prices have gone up 400% in the same time and the cost of living has probably doubled.

Any increase in supply of a product (ie the mass voolumes of EE girls in the last decade) by the laws of Economics has to decrease the price in the market place unless demand is increasing at the same rate as supply.  That is just common sense

Offline freeze44

IMO of course but the quality of girls on aw and the number of dodgy profiles is way higher.  That was my point.  The chance of meeting a 'seeking type girl' on aw as a brand new genuine aw profile is much lower nowadays than it was 10 years ago.  AW profiles just tend to be mass produced and pop up and take down style nowadays.

Parlour rates have increased marginally in absolute terms but in real terms they are miles cheaper inflation adjusted.  You can go to the best two Parlours in Crewe for the same price as it was 20 years ago before considering inflation.  The same in Stoke.  VH rates in Lutterworth have hardly increased at all in 20 years either.  In comparison house prices have gone up 400% in the same time and the cost of living has probably doubled.

Any increase in supply of a product (ie the mass voolumes of EE girls in the last decade) by the laws of Economics has to decrease the price in the market place unless demand is increasing at the same rate as supply.  That is just common sense

Reckon you talking crap. As been pointed out on the SA thread you get loads of scammers/fakes etc too. There are fake/scam profiles on AW as well as plenty of genuine ones. Different strokes for different folks.

Are you on commission from SA?? This thread about what might lead to someone stopping punting and many jaded through meeting bad SP's from all types of sites.

I think the op is right that a break a good thing at times but think the old saying of once a punter always a punter pretty ture and at some point the itch will return.

Offline Moby Dick

Any increase in supply of a product (ie the mass voolumes of EE girls in the last decade) by the laws of Economics has to decrease the price in the market place unless demand is increasing at the same rate as supply.  That is just common sense

Pro$$ies don’t use common sense, neither does your post.
If EE had driven prices down then I would punt more. I am puntiling less. Most British WG sets rates higher than EE, which has driven prices up for the WG I see , typically £130 to £160/hour these days. Used to see them at SS for £60/30minutes including OWO.

Small increase but this quality of WG does exist on AW and are charging more than a few years ago. Not less. Many I don’t see (especially over £150) because I don’t think they are worth it compared to what I used to pay.
Wages in general have not increased as much as inflation, definitely not with house prices but I expect that applies to all of us. You can’t expect parlour rates to be 4x just because house prices have gone up by that amount. Are you advocating parlours put up their prices? If the money was shit they would go back to a normal job and many would be on minimum wage or benefits!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 05:21:45 pm by Moby Dick »


  • Guest
Had my first punt in 88 aged 17. Have had hundreds since. I barebacked a prossie first time in 96 in Blsckpool used name Margaret real name June was Welsh. That started a long long decline into the dark side. My buzz was bb with prossies. I barebacked until 2016 20 years, two wives, numerous affairs I was stupid. Thankfully saw the light. HIV tests all negative I took 3 in 10 months all other tests negative too. 31 years after my first punt I still enjoy but they are a lot fewer. I reckon Ive spent 70k minimum. I cant retire

Offline peter purves

Sorry mate! It sounds much more than jaded IMHO

Good luck anyhow!!
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline nervous1

On a break now as I on meds that have dramatically reduced my libido, but it's a blessing as it will only be temporary and I like looking at my bank balance nowadays.  As the years go on it's inevitable the punter will have fewer options but there is always something that will tempt you.  Enjoy the break.  I'm in my 40s but I do believe there is no retiring from this.


  • Guest
Punting is supposed to be fun, an expensive pleasure. The cost is not relevant, it's a waste of money. That waste is an individual choice, how much you have and how much you want to punt, or how often.

In the last year I've been to Morocco and the Philippines twice and have a trip to the US planned. As far as I'm concerned, if pro$$ies want to deprive me of some great adventures then they've got to entice me. The same tired, old hags who lie about their age, size, services; are selective in who they will allow to touch them; are unreliable; the list goes on. Fuck 'em, or don't, as is my choice.

I spent an hour or two, a couple of weeks ago, trying to find someone to give some cash. Between the grim choices on AW and the dubious choices available on VS mixed with the reviews on here, I couldn't be bothered.

Jaded? Maybe? I want to punt. To be greeted with a smile by an attractive young woman, to feel the smooth skin and a firm body, to explore, the smells, the tastes, the sensations, to walk away afterwards with a spring in my step. If that's too much to ask then so is the fee they are demanding.


  • Guest
Punting is supposed to be fun, an expensive pleasure. The cost is not relevant, it's a waste of money. That waste is an individual choice, how much you have and how much you want to punt, or how often.

In the last year I've been to Morocco and the Philippines twice and have a trip to the US planned. As far as I'm concerned, if pro$$ies want to deprive me of some great adventures then they've got to entice me. The same tired, old hags who lie about their age, size, services; are selective in who they will allow to touch them; are unreliable; the list goes on. Fuck 'em, or don't, as is my choice.

I spent an hour or two, a couple of weeks ago, trying to find someone to give some cash. Between the grim choices on AW and the dubious choices available on VS mixed with the reviews on here, I couldn't be bothered.

Jaded? Maybe? I want to punt. To be greeted with a smile by an attractive young woman, to feel the smooth skin and a firm body, to explore, the smells, the tastes, the sensations, to walk away afterwards with a spring in my step. If that's too much to ask then so is the fee they are demanding.

Very good post and if more men were like you then they would have to work harder for their money. 

Offline Horizontal pleasures

My view on aw declining massively in the last 5-10 years is the upsurge of  All the pretty young types who used to have to escort or work in parlours can now go on there and pick and choose the guys they wish to meet.  I am sure this has had a big impact.

Secondly the market being flooded witth EE types has forced prices down so much on aw that a lot of the girls you probably want to meet won't be on aw for that sort of money.  There are massage parlours in areas i live in that are charging the same 30 min fee in 2019 as they were in 1999 so its no wonder the quality of talent is massively lower because they are, after inflation, basically being paid half of what they were twenty years ago.

Girls in massage parlours 20 years ago near me were seeing 15-20 guys a day and making £600-800 a day because they were so fit and you could buy a house then for 4 times less than you can now.  Hardly any of these places exist nowadays because its all gone online.

I do feel the same as you though having punting for over 20 years all over the country in the best parlours (god the days of driving to Sandys for an hour knowing all 5 or 6 girls would be top class are long gone i agree) and with escorts/aw and now seeking.  I just think you have to move with the times and adjust your methods to meet the types of girls you want.
You claim to be very experienced but have not shared a single review yet? Soon I hope.

Offline threechilliman

Punting is supposed to be fun, an expensive pleasure. The cost is not relevant, it's a waste of money. That waste is an individual choice, how much you have and how much you want to punt, or how often.

In the last year I've been to Morocco and the Philippines twice and have a trip to the US planned. As far as I'm concerned, if pro$$ies want to deprive me of some great adventures then they've got to entice me. The same tired, old hags who lie about their age, size, services; are selective in who they will allow to touch them; are unreliable; the list goes on. Fuck 'em, or don't, as is my choice.

I spent an hour or two, a couple of weeks ago, trying to find someone to give some cash. Between the grim choices on AW and the dubious choices available on VS mixed with the reviews on here, I couldn't be bothered.

Jaded? Maybe? I want to punt. To be greeted with a smile by an attractive young woman, to feel the smooth skin and a firm body, to explore, the smells, the tastes, the sensations, to walk away afterwards with a spring in my step. If that's too much to ask then so is the fee they are demanding.

Pretty much my experience of late, although I haven't been to Morocco or the Philippines. Spent a couple of hours last Friday trawling AW and eventually gave up suffering from CBA. I had another opportunity to punt Sat morning, but didn't even look at AW - decided a trip to the tip would be more rewarding!


  • Guest
You claim to be very experienced but have not shared a single review yet? Soon I hope.

I haven't met a girl from anywhere other than seeking for 4 years so unless i can leave reviews on seeking girls then i have nothing to add review wise post 2015.  Sorry  Prior to that i was a regular parlour/escort user since 1996


  • Guest
Pretty much my experience of late, although I haven't been to Morocco or the Philippines. Spent a couple of hours last Friday trawling AW and eventually gave up suffering from CBA. I had another opportunity to punt Sat morning, but didn't even look at AW - decided a trip to the tip would be more rewarding!

My weekends are completely free, no strings or commitments anywhere. Around four years ago I'd start searching Friday night and have a few good options available for some time over the weekend. A few let downs too many and I've lost interest in a 100 mile drive for a punt, everything just seems like hard work.

I have a saved search on AW, under 35, OWO, available today; distance and price adjusted depending on my mood and 20 minutes later I'm off to the bookies to study football form. A couple of hours excitement on a Saturday afternoon, depending on scores, for less than a tenner and that other orgasmic feeling I can get for free.

I commented on another thread a while ago and suggested to some poor punter the option of feast and famine. A trip to some exotic location with eager young pro$$ies, who are gorgeous and willing for £80 a night. There was one I chatted to in the Philippines who wanted £20 for a couple of hours, and she was stunning! (Her photo was at least). An amazing plan B but plan A worked out a treat and I've been back to see plan A recently.

Offline Guesswork

I'm taking a bit of time away for money reasons, but also to see if I miss it as i've become very jaded with price rises and crap service.

To be honest I keep looking, remembering the excitement of searching when I started punting, but it's not happening.

The odd flash of excitement but that soon goes as memories of neutral experiences come back.

Won't say I won't punt again, because that's bollocks, but not sure what will get me going again at the moment

Offline shagbambi

SA is where it’s at for the part-timers who have in my opinion always been the best punts.  The girls that need extra money for Christmas/top up uni fees/pay for a holiday. They used to pop up on AW, but are very rare now.


  • Guest
You summed up my view perfectly in that post

Offline Igor

I think the quantity is there but the quality is getting worse or maybe with age I am getting more fussy. I like to punt once a week alternating between new girl and someone I have seen before who gives an enthusiastic service. There have been times in the last 16 years I have had three punts in a week and once three in a day. But as I'm getting older I can't be arsed to drive for two hours or more on the off chance of a good shag, too many girls have cracking bodies but lacklustre attitude.I have fancied a punt this week but cannot find anyone within 25 miles worth visiting (Colchester) apart from Izza and Ayssa but have that itch for someone new. Thank goodness that at least we can narrow down the crap on here. Just wanna say thanks to all the regular reviewers as well.

Offline Moby Dick

I haven't met a girl from anywhere other than seeking for 4 years so unless i can leave reviews on seeking girls then i have nothing to add review wise post 2015.  Sorry  Prior to that i was a regular parlour/escort user since 1996
That’s a no then.
Not punted since 2015 and only interested in promoting SA.
Not a good idea to post reviews about SA “amateurs”. Separate section for that but closed for new members.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 09:32:21 am by Moby Dick »

Offline Sebco

I have also been punting for around 30 years, and times have most certainly changed. I’m also on the verge of packing it in. For me I think it’s the fact that the punting scene has been flooded by poor quality European girls this has allowed the better quality girls to charge a lot more. I know it’s about supply & demand but even for me paying £150 plus, every couple of weeks is draining my surplus cash. Plus it scares me how many punters some of these full time WGs see every day!! Is this healthy for the WG and her punters? Sometimes these girls are booked up for weeks. You feel like you just another punter on their conveyor belt. Back in the days most decent girls worked maybe one or two days a week, most these girls weren’t that greedy. Think with all this access to free porn and AW has led to a lot more people punting which for me tells me it’s time to Quit.

Offline holeymoley

Very good post and if more men were like you then they would have to work harder for their money.



  • Guest
Think with all this access to free porn and AW has led to a lot more people punting which for me tells me it’s time to Quit.

I'm not sure that's the case. I watched the Yorkshire Ripper documentary recently, plod were clocking up to four thousand cars a night, driving round the red light district!


  • Guest
About 3 months post mortem....

Online webpunter

That is some scorecard.  Not fuckin much.  Respec  :hi:

This must be right at the top of the UKP leaderboard, if not at the top

I've been punting for more than 3 decades now; I seriously have no idea how many I have punted, but I'd estimate it to be north of 1,500 occasions with over 1,000 different escorts.

If you know how many different burds you've punted / repeat visits etc, then clearly not that many

I can only do a [very] rough estimate too.  Guesswork at best

What i do know is that its shit loads less than you, around 1/5th, over 35 years

Lots of breaks in between.  OHs get in the way  :dash: [most of the time  :lol: ]

In the last few years the number of paid for burds has exceeded the number of civvies

I clocked civvies up when younger - i figure a situation common amongst UKP'ers who get out & do both civvies & hookers

I'll notch up another civvy now & again. Most of the time i can't be bothered to make the effort.  Or i find the goods not that appealing

Offline Malvolio

I think experienced punters who state that things aren't what they used to be could be missing a key point.

The older you get, the harder it will be to find that WG who can convincingly fake it with you.  Also, the older you get your sex drive will decline and you just won't find as many women attractive as you used to do.

This isn't a dig as I'm aware that this will happen to me in the future too.

Online webpunter

I've found the desire decreasing in the sense that some action would have been a necessity when younger, just a little less now
As you get older the effort that you are prepared to make diminishes
Unless you are suffering from an acute medical condition known as 'hangover horn'
Then nothing decreases or diminishes

I think experienced punters who state that things aren't what they used to be could be missing a key point.

The older you get, the harder it will be to find that WG who can convincingly fake it with you.  Also, the older you get your sex drive will decline and you just won't find as many women attractive as you used to do.

This isn't a dig as I'm aware that this will happen to me in the future too.

Do WGs ever fake it ?
Never  :dash:

Offline peter purves

I've found the desire decreasing in the sense that some action would have been a necessity when younger, just a little less now
As you get older the effort that you are prepared to make diminishes
Unless you are suffering from an acute medical condition known as 'hangover horn'
Then nothing decreases or diminishes

Do WGs ever fake it ?
Never  :dash:

What I have found is that once the 'high' goes it'ss almost as if the punt never existed  :scare:

Yet another variant of the Punter's Alienation.

When I was younger this would lead to the desire for the next punt. Now  :unknown:

This is because I know the high is unlikely to be replicated and/or if it is the feelings will be dissipated.


« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 01:49:33 pm by peter purves »
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline JackJones

I've found the desire decreasing in the sense that some action would have been a necessity when younger, just a little less now
As you get older the effort that you are prepared to make diminishes
Unless you are suffering from an acute medical condition known as 'hangover horn'
Then nothing decreases or diminishes

Do WGs ever fake it ?
Never  :dash:

This, is perhaps where I'm at. Just no inclination to put in the effort. If she can't come to mine I'm not asked. And I haven't seen anything lately that would make me get out the house and go pay a visit....