Sugar Babies

Author Topic: LucieBee - Mansfield  (Read 1063 times)

79 review(s) for LucieBee (78 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline kevicks

I've been lurking on here and taking advantage of reviews written by others for a while now, so thought I should offer something back.

No need to describe Lucie as others more eloquent than I have done so already. However this might offer another side to her that some may like.

She is bloody gorgeous by the way.

Having seen Lucie a few times both on her own and one duo with the lovely Riley, she suggested that on my next visit we would try something new. We had already chatted about a few kinks so I was happy to let her take the lead. Those of you who have seen the photo on UKE titled "Ready for my Slave" will know what she looked like when she opened the door to me.

There were no greetings or hello's, just 'You're my sex slave today, get in there and undress'

She sat on the bed, playing with her whip, watching me take my clothes off, but stopped me when all I had left were my boxers, telling me that I probably wouldn't need 'that thing' today and that she hadn't even decided if I would be allowed to cum.

What followed was worship of this gorgeous Mistress - she had me licking and sucking her beautiful feet and toes until she decided that I should lie on the floor whereby she took off her catsuit, straddled my head facing my feet and told me to lick her ass. Whilst licking and rimming her, she took delight in pinching and twisting my nipples and pulling on my cock and balls through my shorts. Her first orgasm was in this position with me rimming her while she fucked herself with a dildo.

Most of what followed was a blur, but highlights include her lying naked on the bed and being told to lick her pussy until she told me to stop, her blindfolding me and applying clothes pegs to my nipples and balls. ( She just giggles when you jump and try to pull away )

Finally she took pity on me and pulled my boxers down telling me I could wank myself off. She offered one foot to my mouth, and played with my balls with the other whilst I tugged frantically in case she changed her mind!!

I was sucking on her toes when she told me to 'come now, on my foot'. When I did, she told me to lick it off her, which I dutifully did.

Thanks Lucie for a fantastic time, and I hope this might interest others.

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Welcome to UKP kevicks and great first review.

Certainly paints a picture of versatility for those who haven't met the delicious Miss Bee, but for those that have, we already know she has a decidedly wicked streak and although she excels at GFE, has the capability to deliver much more for those that want to test her waters. Excuse the pun if you've read the motc review  :D

GN  :hi:

Offline Mutinyonthecounty

Welcome to UKP mate. Great review.

Offline kevicks

Thanks guys. Bit daunting doing first review when we have all these great writers like yourselves in this region.

Offline CoolTiger

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Thanks guys. Bit daunting doing first review when we have all these great writers like yourselves in this region.

Indeed, your very first post was a detailed review.

Welcome to UKP!