Okcupid, pof, add and adultswingers all have working girls pretending to be looking for a date. Reply to any of their profiles and you soon will find out that there's a fee involved
I would tend to agree with the above. There are always at least a few AW prossies with profiles on swingers sites but they're best avoided. The most recent Ive noticed feature in recent discussions, but although pretty hot looking, they're not girls with the greatest feedback tbh and their 'swinger' profile preferences are for either footballers or sugar-daddies! Im sure they'll still take £80h/h though.
I've met a few girls from swingers sites over the years that have turned out worked as escorts, but they've been totally upfront & cash has never been involved. They've mainly been pretty flaky though IMHO and I wouldn't repeat the experience

There is a notable exception though, who I know from experience was genuinely a nymphomaniac sexual deviant who loved fucking strangers long before I saw her discussed on here.

Wouldnt be kosher to divulge on here though.