Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Seeking Arrangements / Sugar Babe Falling in love with the SB?  (Read 4286 times)

Offline FBIAgent

Not familiar if this is the right way to post on the sugarbabe section or how to get it tagged. I generally only post reviews here. Gave some sugar babe websites a go.

But you know so far I’ve had a lot of conversations and some are upfront they are giving time ONLY no sexual stuff for things/money/whatever. That’s not why I’m on there. I’m looking more for sexual exchanges otherwise I would be on some other dating sites where those exchanges can be gotten for free. But I have happened to start talking to one particular girl. And I’ve become interested in her. She seems like the type of person I would love to be with in real life - romantic or friendship.

My dilemma is this. She has openly stated she is a SB. Has done it for a bit. She seems very good at playing this SB game too. So I know this is part of the act. But I feel myself falling for her. However I don’t want to pay for any friendship. Happy to donate for sex. Happy to be friends - but not paying for that shit. I’ve punted some more premium escorts before so I’m not averse to paying for pussy and loving how addictive some of them can be in their GFE, texting and charms. Had some flings with actresses and ‘expensive’ girls (but didn’t have to pay for them) and think it’s ok to actually date a SP or SB but not if you met them through their work. But I’ve never felt as interested or connected in a pay2play person as this SB, and so I want to try get out of this lovey dopey heads over heels for her frame of mind.

Question/ tl;dr:
Since I think my current interest in SB is unhealthy behaviour, how does one deal with it? Has anyone else ‘fallen’ for a SP or SB? How do you reduce this interest to reduce the possible dangers?


  • Guest
Sounds like you already know the answer to your own question - avoid the EAS like the plague, stop talking to her and move on to something where the lines aren’t blurred and you don’t feel uneasy.

Offline Hobbit

Sugarbabe is another term for "Prostitute". Dress it up as much as you like but at the end of the day she's a Prostitute and only cares about your money and that will never change. Shake off the EAS see someone else before you get hurt.

Offline Titi

Sugarbabe is another term for "Prostitute". Dress it up as much as you like but at the end of the day she's a Prostitute and only cares about your money and that will never change. Shake off the EAS see someone else before you get hurt.

Sound advice.

Offline cotton

In addition to the good advice already given , if you see pursuing this as part of your destiny and learning a valueable life lesson why dont you just say to her that you like her and want to be her freind and hang out for free but are willing to subsidise her for sex and see what she replies. You might be surprised at her response.
Even if she says shes not interested it might help you out of your mindfucked state , if she refuses its clear shes just a moneygrabber , if she accepts youl probably find out it isnt what you had hoped for and lose interest pretty soon, or you might end up finding your soulmate, who knows.

Offline itk

Sounds like you already know the answer to your own question - avoid the EAS like the plague, stop talking to her and move on to something where the lines aren’t blurred and you don’t feel uneasy.

^This. Move on ASAP, got into a similar position with someone from SA and wouldn’t recommend to anyone.

Offline Bonker

I concur.
Your choice is simple :
1. Pursue her, be poor and unhappy
2. Shrug your shoulders and move on

Offline Cellular40

Sugarbabe is another term for "Prostitute". Dress it up as much as you like but at the end of the day she's a Prostitute and only cares about your money and that will never change. Shake off the EAS see someone else before you get hurt.

Banned reason: Shit stirring troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Dicky

Ask her if she'd get into a relatioship with without the money. If she says no, you have your answer...move on

Offline bhudda

Post her link on here and let others review how they shagged her and the blinkers will fall from your eyes

Offline TPreston

Sugarbabe is another term for "Prostitute". Dress it up as much as you like but at the end of the day she's a Prostitute and only cares about your money and that will never change. Shake off the EAS see someone else before you get hurt.

'Sugaring' is sex work despite other cognitive dissonance on both sides, but i disagree with the blanket term prostitution. While its that in all but name for many men and women in these 'relationships' there is often a far more social aspect and the time spent together makes things far more informal. Its often a case of helping someone and treating them - its not on the same strict terms and the girl has far more choice, nearly always meeting socially first.

situations like the OP are cases in point where the lines are blurred. My advice would be the block her. delete her number and all conversations and get back out there and find someone else.

if you're looking for a relationship then SA is not the place to find it, while there are some lovely people on there - the principle thing that is attracting her is your money and that isnt the basis for anything long term IMO

Offline finn5555

Post her link on here and let others review how they shagged her and the blinkers will fall from your eyes

 :D :D :D

Offline earlgreyman

There's levels to this shit, according to Cardi B - aka 5th tier SB and celeb rapper. She knows.   :angelgirl:

External Link/Members Only

Offline LLPunting

'Sugaring' is sex work despite other cognitive dissonance on both sides, but i disagree with the blanket term prostitution. While its that in all but name for many men and women in these 'relationships' there is often a far more social aspect and the time spent together makes things far more informal. Its often a case of helping someone and treating them - its not on the same strict terms and the girl has far more choice, nearly always meeting socially first.

situations like the OP are cases in point where the lines are blurred. My advice would be the block her. delete her number and all conversations and get back out there and find someone else.

if you're looking for a relationship then SA is not the place to find it, while there are some lovely people on there - the principle thing that is attracting her is your money and that isnt the basis for anything long term IMO

Having sex on the condition of monetary reward IS PROSTITUTION.  If you're enjoying the sexual pleasures of a girl for gifts and entertainments that she doesn't convert to cash then you could try arguing fuck buddy or even lover if there's genuine affection involved.  It does not matter whether you also hang out socially for free.  Even if she starts paying for the social as long as you have to drop cash on the nightstand before/after doing the deed she's a prostitute.

Offline Spencer Fobby

Having sex on the condition of monetary reward IS PROSTITUTION.  If you're enjoying the sexual pleasures of a girl for gifts and entertainments that she doesn't convert to cash then you could try arguing fuck buddy or even lover if there's genuine affection involved.  It does not matter whether you also hang out socially for free.  Even if she starts paying for the social as long as you have to drop cash on the nightstand before/after doing the deed she's a prostitute.
In simple binary terms you are right.
But if you want to apply that logic to a sugar baby you won’t have much success.
Banned reason: Abuse of mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Payyourwaymate

There's levels to this shit, according to Cardi B - aka 5th tier SB and celeb rapper. She knows.   :angelgirl:

External Link/Members Only


Offline earlgreyman

Aren't monarchies and aristocracy based on same principles as SD/SB life, albeit on a lower level (as Cardi B says there's levels to this shit lol). Kings and Lords would have many concubines (SBs) who are kept handsomely in return for warm beds and extra-marital carnal pleasures.

There's plenty of Lords Lording it up in here, no doubt. :D

Offline king tarzan

Sugarbabe is another term for "Prostitute". Dress it up as much as you like but at the end of the day she's a Prostitute and only cares about your money and that will never change. Shake off the EAS see someone else before you get hurt.

Mike Tyson 🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊

FBIAgent stop being a love sick dickhead..
Your not a novice in this pussy for money circles
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 01:39:21 pm by king tarzan »
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Bikerboy

Not familiar if this is the right way to post on the sugarbabe section or how to get it tagged. I generally only post reviews here. Gave some sugar babe websites a go.

But you know so far I’ve had a lot of conversations and some are upfront they are giving time ONLY no sexual stuff for things/money/whatever. That’s not why I’m on there. I’m looking more for sexual exchanges otherwise I would be on some other dating sites where those exchanges can be gotten for free. But I have happened to start talking to one particular girl. And I’ve become interested in her. She seems like the type of person I would love to be with in real life - romantic or friendship.

My dilemma is this. She has openly stated she is a SB. Has done it for a bit. She seems very good at playing this SB game too. So I know this is part of the act. But I feel myself falling for her. However I don’t want to pay for any friendship. Happy to donate for sex. Happy to be friends - but not paying for that shit. I’ve punted some more premium escorts before so I’m not averse to paying for pussy and loving how addictive some of them can be in their GFE, texting and charms. Had some flings with actresses and ‘expensive’ girls (but didn’t have to pay for them) and think it’s ok to actually date a SP or SB but not if you met them through their work. But I’ve never felt as interested or connected in a pay2play person as this SB, and so I want to try get out of this lovey dopey heads over heels for her frame of mind.

Question/ tl;dr:
Since I think my current interest in SB is unhealthy behaviour, how does one deal with it? Has anyone else ‘fallen’ for a SP or SB? How do you reduce this interest to reduce the possible dangers?

Ask yourself if the SB would still see you without an allowance? If she wouldn’t it’s non reciprocated EAS whether you’re feeling a connection or not.
I’ve got a long term SB and I know the answer to that question (it’s no!). That tells you all you need to know about how she views SD’s- were dispensable and replaceable. If she would meet you without you paying tread carefully if you want to keep your shirt and your sanity intact. So many on here have had rough experiences going down that route.

Most girls are on SA to make fwends and shag older men for an allowance to help them with their costs- remember that and you won’t go to far wrong! Doesn’t mean you can’t find a connection- oc you can, but it’s conditional.

Offline no2punter

I have had one SB from Seeking who wanted to meet up with me for free but not have sex with me, because she found talking to me on Whatsapp to be interesting. She would obviously be taking regular dick from her paying daddies. I guess you could say I was "friendzoned". Since that sort of thing is humiliating and a waste of time, I politely declined.

Offline datwabbit

Sugarbabe is another term for "Prostitute". Dress it up as much as you like but at the end of the day she's a Prostitute and only cares about your money and that will never change. Shake off the EAS see someone else before you get hurt.

Or try and see her without payment. See how much of a friend she is then.

Offline stampjones

Or try and see her without payment. See how much of a friend she is then.
Nah dont do that - in the SA world there’s a possibility she might say ok. Happened to me a couple of times (women offering to see me without  payments). While SD/SB is prostitution by definition, it’s not the same prostitution as AW or things like that. Its definitely possible to end up in something thats more like a relationship if you’re not careful. For me these days I have a max number of times I see any one girl regardless of how good it is and that makes sure I dont slide into somewhere I dont want to be.

Offline jamesdean1964


Question/ tl;dr:
Since I think my current interest in SB is unhealthy behaviour, how does one deal with it? Has anyone else ‘fallen’ for a SP or SB? How do you reduce this interest to reduce the possible dangers?

What does your FBI training manual say you should do ?

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

the principle thing that is attracting her is your money and that isnt the basis for anything long term IMO

Yess, thats usually a wife, mine cost me a bloody sight more then my punting costs:(

Offline king tarzan

the principle thing that is attracting her is your money and that isnt the basis for anything long term IMO

Yess, thats usually a wife, mine cost me a bloody sight more then my punting costs:(

True burning snake bite 🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac