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Author Topic: Do you actually visit GUM clinics as a matter of routine?  (Read 2948 times)


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I'm new to this site but am mos def not new to punting. I've seen posts from people who claim they visit clinics regularly, some as frequently as every month. I have actually never visited one and hope I don't have to. Is there any reason to unless you're barebacking? I've always imagined clinics to be dank, depressing places which would be highly embarrassing to visit. I get the impression that some punters here actually enjoy visiting them, which is somewhat astounding to myself. Why would you go to one unless you were genuinely concerned that you may have an STI?

Offline smiths

I'm new to this site but am mos def not new to punting. I've seen posts from people who claim they visit clinics regularly, some as frequently as every month. I have actually never visited one and hope I don't have to. Is there any reason to unless you're barebacking? I've always imagined clinics to be dank, depressing places which would be highly embarrassing to visit. I get the impression that some punters here actually enjoy visiting them, which is somewhat astounding to myself. Why would you go to one unless you were genuinely concerned that you may have an STI?

I go to the GUM quartely so as to get checked out. I find it astounding you have never been to one.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I only go if I think I have a "problem" ------ but I avoid anything that could be classed as high risk.

Offline Dani

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Some STIs do not always give symptoms so you could be infected without knowing. Like chlamydia or even HIV. As with that you normally just get flu like symptoms for a short period if time
Getting checked regularly catches things you don't have symptoms for and also keeps you up to date with Hep jabs. Anyone who visits prossies should have regular check ups
You can catch things from OWO. You can even catch things from RO or DFK if the prossie has it in her mouth/throat. Yes the risks are minimal but they are there and it only takes one unlucky person to catch it and spread it around
I have found that forum posters tend to get checked but guts who don't use forums never seem to bother until told if the risks and the need for regular checks

Offline Jimmyredcab

I have found that forum posters tend to get checked.

Maybe they do, who knows, personally I would not want to spend one minute more than I have to in one of those places.    :thumbsdown:

Offline Bangers and Gash

I'm new to this site but am most def not new to punting. ...... I have actually never visited one and hope I don't have to. Is there any reason to unless you're barebacking? I've always imagined clinics to be dank, depressing places which would be highly embarrassing to visit. I get the impression that some punters here actually enjoy visiting them, which is somewhat astounding to myself. Why would you go to one unless you were genuinely concerned that you may have an STI?

So, you're an experienced punter who has no problem fucking pro$$ies for cash, but get all shy and embarrassed at the thought of walking into a GUM and exposing the vein in your left arm.


Offline NIK

In over thirty years punting I have been once.

And yes the op has my radar twitching.

Offline Anadin

I have only been once but I'm a newbie punter and since reading up on STIs I'm determined to make it there at least 3 times a year. Once you know what's out there I'm not sure how you can get comfortable not going regularly.


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We should all be going regularly as it's not just the sexual health of ourselves that we need to think about but also that of the girls we see and of our fellow punters.

Offline ManInBlack

I've been punting just over a year and have been to the gum clinic 6 times.  Probably more than required but I had a condom break early in my 'career' so a few visits were prompted by that. 

I'm married so have a lot to lose if I did catch anything.  I no longer do owo so my risk is minimal but I will continue to go quarterly as I feel I have a responsibility to do so.

It doesn't help that my mind works overtime about the minimal risk of me catching something.  My current (and probably irrational) fear is when taking off the condom and then if I've possibly touched my dick and whether this is a risk. 

It leads me to question if this hobby is really for me, however in the meantime my fears will make sure I get regularly tested.

Offline Thepacifist

I mainly have gone when i've believed something to be wrong with me. Honesty, i didn't go for ages when i was younger because i wasn't aware of the risks properly. When i saw something on my cock that didn't look rite i went to get it checked out and luckily everything was ok. Another time i've had a condom break on me and that scared me. This actually happened again on my most recent punt so i'm not punting until i get the all clear. 2nd time ever the condom has broken. I have to go back in 2 weeks for more checks relating to owo, then back again in november for blood tests, a hiv test and to check that my hep b jab levels are good. just had the 3rd jab last time i went a week or so ago now. Thanks to Dani for mentioning DFK, i was wondering if that could cause a risk and didn't wanna ask  :blush:

Offline Jimmyredcab

In over thirty years punting I have been once.

I have been twice.

I was surprised that the clinic was mixed (men and women) in the same waiting room.    :scare:


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Pre the EE influx most everything was covered, which I believed to be low risk, and I mostly didn't bother. Once I was concerned there was something going on and went to the GUM for a check up and they found nothing wrong. At the height of the AIDS paranoia I had been getting OWO from one WG and I got myself on the train to London and had an HIV test done.

I returned to punting after a break in 2012, and pretty much every WG I've seen provides OWO and / or FK, and I've done a lot of RO at parties. So now I go to the GUM every quarter and I've been inoculated against Hep B.

Offline jawill

I go routinely every 2-3 months without fail. Get everything checked. If you respect yourself and your health( and in some cases your partners health ) then you should get checked as well regularly.


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Yes, about once every 5-6 months.

Offline Stiltskin

I've never been once. There's no way I'm going to my local hospital. It's too small and I know people who work there, so fuck doing that!

I'm not too keen on travelling to another town to do it either. These days if I'm away from home, I'm punting. So no OWO for me from now on.

Offline oohisay

I go 2/3 times a year, well away from home. Always give a false name, but they insist on asking for home address including postcode, & if they can't find it on their system, (again I provide false info), questions follow. Same for name of GP & surgery, which they say they never contact, but need it because they won't get paid for my visit otherwise. (NHS GUM Clinic).
Is this the same everywhere, or do I need to change the clinic I go to? Too many questions for my liking, but it doesn't stop me going.
Am I worrying too much? I alway tell them I don't wish to divulge personal info.

Offline Stiltskin

I go 2/3 times a year, well away from home. Always give a false name, but they insist on asking for home address including postcode, & if they can't find it on their system, (again I provide false info), questions follow. Same for name of GP & surgery, which they say they never contact, but need it because they won't get paid for my visit otherwise. (NHS GUM Clinic).
Is this the same everywhere, or do I need to change the clinic I go to? Too many questions for my liking, but it doesn't stop me going.
Am I worrying too much? I alway tell them I don't wish to divulge personal info.

Fooking hell! I thought these places only asked for your christian name and mobile number and even then I was reluctant to go.

Did they ask if you shagged prossies?

Offline cunnyhunt

I go 2/3 times a year, well away from home. Always give a false name, but they insist on asking for home address including postcode, & if they can't find it on their system, (again I provide false info), questions follow. Same for name of GP & surgery, which they say they never contact, but need it because they won't get paid for my visit otherwise. (NHS GUM Clinic).
Is this the same everywhere, or do I need to change the clinic I go to? Too many questions for my liking, but it doesn't stop me going.
Am I worrying too much? I alway tell them I don't wish to divulge personal info.

I have been asked for an address. I give one which is a small office I visited once.

I have not been asked for GP as I do not have one, If I was to need anything when here I would be treated privately under a company scheme.

I tell them I fuck any and everything  :D

Offline oohisay

They asked if I had a regular partner, for how long, how many current partners in total, nationalities of partners, any same sex partners, why I'm visiting (any symptoms etc), protection used. They take blood, urine sample, sometimes a physical examination, & text results.
I sometimes lose track of the false info I'm giving, like not answering when they call my false name out!

Offline jawill

You can go to any clinic in the UK.  All you have to give is a name (doesnt have to be your own), and a phone number.  You dont have to give date of birth or address (or you can make up a DOB) and you dont have to give personal details about your risk.

BUT.... their questions pertain to your risk, so they know what to test you for and things to look out for.  If for example you like going around having unprotected bum fun then chances are they are going to do a hell of a lot more testing on you than someone who likes to stick their nob in carrier bags and watch babestation on tv. 

Ultimately, they have heard it all, seen it all, it makes no difference the staff there, your just another number so there is no need to be embarrassed at all.

If you dont want to go a GUM clinic near you, travel and go to one in a town away from you.  Alternatively, get home tests.  A clamydia and gonnoreah home testing kit from Better2Know is only £40 and results are back within 3 days.  You can get home HIV tests from places like Superdrug, Lloyds Pharmacy now for £30, there really is no excuse for not testing, and you can have these kits sent to other addresses, they come in plain packaging etc.

As for how you are notified, GUM clinics will contact you using your preferred method, most usually ask for 2, I have given them my email address and phone number, usually they will then drop you a text within 10 days saying all clear, or please call us.   

Yes the private clinics give much faster service and usually you are on your own in the waiting rooms.  But you pay the price of the tests which can be £300-£400 upwards for a full set of STI testing. 

Really, really is no excuse.

Offline Silver Birch

Fooking hell! I thought these places only asked for your christian name and mobile number and even then I was reluctant to go.

Did they ask if you shagged prossies?

It seems there is quite a variety of experiences at the GUM clinic.

I visited a clinic when I was working away from home, no way would I go to my local clinic. There were separate waiting rooms for men and women. The first time I went the clinic was packed. On my 2nd visit I think there was only one other guy there and I was seen straight away. The entire visit still took approx 1 hour (on the quiet day).

I gave a false name, false address, I just filled it out on a form, (nobody was checking postcodes etc) but I did give them my real punting number for the results. Remember the date of birth you give, because they asked for this when I phoned for the results.

The doc asked why I had come (I didn't have any symptoms) and I told him I'd had protected sex, owo and RO with a woman I met on the internet! He asked if it was 'paid for' sex which I admitted. He did not appear judgmental but did quote some facts and figures about the likelihood of catching certain sti's.

The nurse then did the works. Blood test, urine sample, swabs from my throat, inside and outside my dick  :scare: The doc also offered me a Hep B injection that I declined, because I'd decided I had already had my last punt, and was giving up!

I phoned the clinic about 10 days later and a lady doc talked me through the results even though everything was clear. She did say I should check again in 2-3 months as it was too soon to be 100% definite HIV results but said it was very unlikely to be positive.


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At my local NHS one it would be difficult/embarrassing to give false details. I gave an old address and got called back (my first name shouted out across the room...) to check the person they'd found on the system was me. The only difficult thing about the visit was keeping my eyes off all the gorgeous girls in the waiting room -- I was the only bloke and only person over 30.


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To be frank my punting is low risk compared to most.

But my choice in Civvy Birds has not always been the most sane. And they seem to take the risk of STD's less than seriously.

So I go most quarters out of habit.



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I go when my cock turns green and or when I start pissing blood
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 06:08:45 pm by SirFrank »

Offline shagbambi

I visit on a quarterly basis.

Very friendly, no genuine contact details required other than punting phone number. 

Offline NIK

It would appear the op is so interested in replies they haven't been back.  :rolleyes:


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It would appear the op is so interested in replies they haven't been back.  :rolleyes:
NHS researcher or reporter looking for a headline, "punters in no-health-check shocker".

Online wristjob

Did they ask if you shagged prossies?

Yes, and if you sheepishly say "yes" they don't bat an eyelid.

Similar experiences to a couple of people here. I remember shagging 1 girl who was super skanky and got a massive paranoia attack and paid for a HIV test a month later. I've been a couple of times, haven't quite made it a regular thing but being realistic I shag maybe 10 girls a quarter. Some girls see that many punters a day so I figure ad-hoc is probably fine. Actually when I've been they are so efficient I wish the rest of the NHS was ran the same.

Offline cunnyhunt

I go when my cock turns green and or when I start pissing blood

Every 2 weeks ?  :cool:


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Yes, I go every 6 months. Theres a clinic nearby and its a walk in with no appointment.

I think its well worth going because although safe sex is the way to go OWO and RO can still brin gthe chnace of an infection - most of which can be sorted.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I now punt about once a month, if that, I see no need to go for regular check ups --------- compared to a pro$$ie who could see 5 punters a day every day I consider myself to be at very low risk.    :hi:

Offline jawill

Only takes one time to catch something........

Offline Jimmyredcab

Only takes one time to catch something........

I can live with that risk, just as much chance of getting a dose from a slapper in Wetherspoons --- if not more.    :music:

Captain Caveman

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Have been punting since start of 2012 and never felt the need to visit the clinic until this summer. I posted about the experience with both NHS and private clinics here:;topicseen#msg488101

Will probably try and go about every six months now.


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About every 4 months
I give real personal name etc because no reason why not
I tell them I have a particular partner who is sometimes a sex worker and I have other occasional partners who are regular sex workers.  I know them all well as they all work in the same parlour. As others have stated - they do not bat an eyelid to such info at the GUM clinic although maybe they raise an eyebrow given my age!  ;)
