I've heard the warnings about EE girls, and been stung myself before, but decided to take the plunge again. Lorenne caught my eye when she appeared a couple of days ago
External Link/Members OnlyText to book and received the postcode. To my relief, different to the street I had a terrible punt at and in a part of town that I've previously seen good EE girls a couple of years ago. Arrived 10 minutes early and nowhere to park, so went back on myself and walked about 5 min. Text for house number and got a prompt reply. Note the door didn't appear to have a number on, so worked it out based on the neighbours.
Knocked and was greeted with a room of 4 WGs. Hardly any English between them. I managed to establish I was after Lorenne and she was shouted from the back room. 5 working in one house! Mental!
I'd say it was the girl from the profile, but no face pics so cant swear by it. She had quite a pretty face for what it's worth. Confirmed £40 for 30 min. She laid out the ground rules, " No kiss. No finger. All condom." For £40 I wasn't bothered.
On with the mac and down to oral with. She was very good, and as it had been a while, I popped within 5 minutes. I lay there thinking "well that's that fucked then" and she said, "No worry, no stress. 2 spritzer". Sure!
A lot of massaging back to life and then back in with the mac for more oral before she climbed on top. This was good, but the lad was struggling so switched to mish to try to get some life into him. Alas it wasn't going to be, but I still had a good time.
I left about 5 minutes over the 30 agreed. She did not clock watch and at £40, which is cheap by EE standards, potentially getting 2 pops, she is a bargain. Profile says she won't be around long so get to her whilst you can.