Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Tattooed Bombshell - Near Nottingham (Off J26 M1)  (Read 2037 times)

21 review(s) for tattooed-bombshell (21 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]
79 review(s) for kylie-marie (79 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by NigelF]

Offline scott1601

Last one for tonight, I've got 3 more after this to catch up on but i'll do some tomorrow

I had previously met Kylie in a duo with Lucie Bee & had been waiting to the chance to meet 1 on 1. Comms were good, booking arranged by text although she may want to speak to anyone she hasn't met before. Full address sent on the day & i'm ticking the hours away at work.

Parking was good close by and was met by the gorgeous, smiling Kylie wearing a great little black outfit. Offered and accepted a drink while we had a chat & catch up on what had happened since i last saw her, getting closer and more intimate all the time we were chatting. Before long we were in full on kissing with hands everywhere and clothes being discarded.

Started with a long, sloppy blowjob with deep throat which almost finished me off a few times. Eventually i turned Kylie over and it was her turn. Anyone who has met Kylie knows how responsive and orgasmic she is - it really does make a guy smile. After a couple of orgasms we put the condom on.

Kylies favorite position is missionary so being one who likes to please we went with that. It really was quite close & intimate, with Kylie orgasmic a few more times until i  was getting close so we removed the condom & i straddled Kylie, finishing on her face / boobs.

Left with a kiss & feeling absolutely shattered - only just narrowly avoided taking the wing mirror off a car on my way back to the motorway i was feeling so weak

Kylie is gorgeous, friendly & chatting and i would highly recommend. If she was a little closer to me i'd be there most of the time

Next on the list with Kylie is a visit to discipline Woofie  :)

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Offline Love_escorts

Anyone know if she is coming back to escorting?

Offline marine

Great review, thanks.

On Woofie35 page there is still a duo date for next Monday with Kylie. She also confirmed before disappearing that she will be back once she sorts her personal issues, but there is no timeline.

Offline scott1601

She'll be back, just some stuff in her personal life to sort first

Offline Iloveoral

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Great review as always with this one, I've not made any effort to meet her yet but it doesn't mean I wouldn't love too, maybe when she returns and her personal affairs are in place, would be great.

Offline CoolTiger

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She'll be back, just some stuff in her personal life to sort first


Her profile has just re-appeared in my HL.

Also, according to Lucie's profile, she was working with LucieBee and Riley today, hence the re-appearance of her profile. Hope all is sorted in her private life.

Offline stevedave

Yeah I noticed she reappeared on my hotlist today, good news. She's certainly the top lass on my list for when I make a trip down the M1  :thumbsup: