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Author Topic: Bring back unshaven havens  (Read 23368 times)


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I'm fed up with shaven havens.
Who wants a vulva un-framed by pubic hair, other than a paedophile?
Any real sign of this ridiculous fashion on the slide?
How did it start: practice in prostituton spreading to the wider community similar to how gangster baloney went mainstream?

Anyone know of young, slim wgs in Sheffield or nearby (Manchester, Leeds, etc) who are unshaven?

Offline Matium

I think you'll find that most men, and women, prefer shaven. :)


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If I saw a woman with a full bush I'd be off like Usain Bolt

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Offline Matium

A hairy, pussy just looks so unclean, signifying that a woman just can't be bothered with keeping herself clean and looking good. Give me a shaven pussy any day! :)


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It hardly matters that most people prefre -- or, more likely through what is current, merely say they prefer -- shaven.
There must be a sizeable minority of those who prefer unshaben, otherwise porn that caters for this taste wouldn't exist.

I appreciate the hygeine angle, but that's akin to the debate about cycle hemlets.
[Research shows that wearing a helmet actually makes you more likely to suffer serious injury in a road traffic accident -- because helmet-wearers are bolder in traffic and cars/lorries give such cyclists less leeway when they pass 'em.]
Given that pubic hair is 'designed' to disseminate the scent of its owner, then it also retains odours from the sexual activity of both parties. Therefore, having pubic hair might encourage wgs to properly shower between clients so as not to put them off!

Offline Cactus

I'm with Steve, although I think there is a happy medium.  Much prefer some hair downstairs though, shaved completely bald for me just isn't right - leave that to Kojak, Gianluca Vialli, Richard O Brian and that guy from the gadget show!

Offline Cactus

I was in a band called "the hairy pussies" for a while, we rocked  :yahoo:

Offline AnthG

I was doing a search for this on AW just a few days ago and not one single girl in my entire area has this no matter the age range (or at least has put it down on their profile they do).

Do girls think this bald is what guys like?
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Offline Cactus

I was doing a search for this on AW just a few days ago and not one single girl in my entire area has this no matter the age range (or at least has put it down on their profile they do).

Do girls think this bald is what guys like?

I think most men seem to like shaved completely best, but I wonder if they ever groom their pubic hair.  Bald for me just doesn't seem right on a lady!
I prefer trimmed, A full unkempt bush is maybe a tad much for my refined tastes however.


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I like a bit of hair from time to time, just to mix things up a bit. Done right and it can look quite sexy, though unfortunately with my civilian girlfriends most of let there's just grow out of control - one used to refer to it as her "jungle".  :rolleyes:

Offline smiths

Having a shaved bush is now a cultural thing with many women, its viewed as unhygienic to many to have anything more than a landing strip. No way will this change anytime some in my view.

I remember the late 70s into the 80s with girlfriends and some WGs, huge bushes on occassion up to their navals, and i also remember more smelt in those days than now in my experience.

It was considered perverted to want to look like a child, a taboo subject till Shaven Havens came out showing shaven pussies and beauty shops started to become more popular with women getting brazilians and the like.

I miss a thick bush because its something different but have been fortunate enough to punt with a number of WGs over recent years with them.


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I have always liked shaven and still do.  I love the smoothness and the view and for me, I'm glad it's an established fashion now.   :)


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A hairy, pussy just looks so unclean, signifying that a woman just can't be bothered with keeping herself clean and looking good. Give me a shaven pussy any day! :)

PHOAR!!!! Now THAT is one for the tongue!! It's so beautiful :cry: :cry:

Offline King Nuts

I'm fed up with shaven havens.
Who wants a vulva un-framed by pubic hair, other than a paedophile?
Any real sign of this ridiculous fashion on the slide?
How did it start: practice in prostituton spreading to the wider community similar to how gangster baloney went mainstream?

Anyone know of young, slim wgs in Sheffield or nearby (Manchester, Leeds, etc) who are unshaven?

This 'paedo' argument that gets trotted out every time this subject comes up, is just absurd. What do you think about women who shave their armpits? Does that make them look like little girls too? Or women shaving their legs? Or are you one of these guys who think women shouldn't shave their armpits or legs either?

Whenever I've mentioned the subject to any WGs as well as civilian women who've shaved, they've all said it was a matter of personal preference. As it is mine. And if you were ever to 'confuse' one of these women for a young girl, just because she has no pubic hair, you'd have to be very weird indeed.

Offline Steve2

A hairy, pussy just looks so unclean, signifying that a woman just can't be bothered with keeping herself clean and looking good. Give me a shaven pussy any day! :)

I'm with you on this one M. Nothing more liely to turn me off than an unshaven woman


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Excellent photo Matium.  Apart from the smooth view, those goosebumps and the water droplets are a real turn-on.  :)

Offline Matium

Excellent photo Matium.  Apart from the smooth view, those goosebumps and the water droplets are a real turn-on.  :)

Thanks! ;)


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I hate hairy ones, Nothing feels better than a moist smooth pussy, yummy.
Its the only drawback I am faced with whenever I see an Asian prossie as most of them are natural.


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Trimmed but not shaven.
Funny, after all the fuss the pro$$ies make about 'contributing' you would think they would all have a view.
Shaving parts you cannot see must be interesting!

Offline Cactus

Trimmed but not shaven.
Funny, after all the fuss the pro$$ies make about 'contributing' you would think they would all have a view.
Shaving parts you cannot see must be interesting!

I was having a conversation with a fuck buddy of mine the other night while lying in bed after the deed was done about trimming and shaving downstairs.  She usually gets it waxed but retains a neat strip up top, however she hadn't done this for a while and things were getting a bit hairy downstairs.  I asked her how she trims it usually around the lips as I would say that due to the soft nature of them that they would be at risk of cuts...which I don't think would be too nice!  She has an electric razor that she uses on it to keep it neat but doesn't go near it with a gilette mach 3 or the like, to be honest I liked it. 
She then asked me what I would do with it and she asked me to describe which parts should be waxed and which parts should be left trimmed.  I explained my preference for waxed under, but with a decent amount of hair left up top....she's getting it waxed in this style on Thursday and promised to come show me on Friday night...  :yahoo:

An ex of mine used to do the strangest thing with her pubic hair, she would shave all the hair of the upper section (above the clit shall we say) and then not touch underneath (by the lips), so you kind of thought she was completely shaven until she opened her legs!  She also had one inner labia that was really really long and the other that was really short, over an inch difference in length...I wonder if I have a pic  :diablo:

Offline Strawberry

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I haven't contributed yet because I've been busy business, pleasure and all of that. Hmmm well tried it all sorts of ways, and my arrangement you could say is 'Best of both worlds'. Interesting on the hygiene front since shaving is quite abrasive on the skin removing surface layer of skin cells, and often cuts or nicks can occur plus of course hair removal does leave the skin, and in this area some quite delicate parts very exposed. I use a disposable razor and have gotten it down to a fine art now. It would be interesting to hear scientific opinion on this topic since hygiene and appearance don't always tally up.

Washing properly is the order of the day, hairy or not. 
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 06:26:58 pm by Strawberry »


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If I was not working in the Sex Industry, I don't really have a preference and have tried all styles - waxed completely, shaved completely (bloody itchy razor-burn), partially waxed and rest trimmed, dyed purple, left au natural (bush-like!).

Nowadays working in this industry I wax most of the 'area' but leaving a small 'strip' of hair in the middle, trimmed short.

It is a comprimise with my partner, who much prefers a mostly natural bushy look (and would be horrified at completely shaven), but I think most clients prefer shaven.


Offline AnthG

Now that ladies are replying can I ask; and this was my honest assumption as to why Escorts do not have it.

If a guy gets excited onto the hair how easy/difficult is it to remove?

I am guessing its like when you get it onto clothes; i.e pretty impossible to remove.
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Erm, if a guy (client or non-monogamous sex partner) got "excited onto my (pubic, I presume) hair" I would get myself down to the nearest clinic asap, just to be on the safe side, unless I was COMPLETELY SURE absolutely NONE of it had went internally at all. It would be washed off well before it was given time to 'dry in' and become difficult to remove.

However, in monogmous long-term relationships I have found that leaving it to dry in can make a very strong and effective 'styling gel' Think of the scene from that film - "There's Something about Mary"

This has been a strange topic  :lol:

Offline Strawberry

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Now that ladies are replying can I ask; and this was my honest assumption as to why Escorts do not have it.

If a guy gets excited onto the hair how easy/difficult is it to remove?

I am guessing its like when you get it onto clothes; i.e pretty impossible to remove.

If you get excited into your bodily hair can you remove it? I think you will find the answer is "Yes with soap and water" ie washing.

Offline AnthG

If you get excited into your bodily hair can you remove it? I think you will find the answer is "Yes with soap and water" ie washing.
Yes but I also presume if you have a next appointment due you do not go take a bath between each appointment (it would be great if girls did but I have saw the girls just briefly wipe baby rubs on them and get dressed for the next person).

Not going to be easy to do if things are protein bound into hair.
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I'm with you on this one M. Nothing more liely to turn me off than an unshaven woman

I think quite alot of pussys look like that from behind! lol :D

Offline Cactus

I think quite alot of pussys look like that from behind! lol :D

What is your opinion on the topic Kylie, being a younger WG?


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What is your opinion on the topic Kylie, being a younger WG?

I do prefer to be fully shaven myself.. but saying that i think i strip can look very sexy. I might triy that at some point ;)

Offline Cactus

I do prefer to be fully shaven myself.. but saying that i think i strip can look very sexy. I might triy that at some point ;)

Go all out for a 70s style porno bush  :yahoo:

Offline Strawberry

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Yes but I also presume if you have a next appointment due you do not go take a bath between each appointment (it would be great if girls did but I have saw the girls just briefly wipe baby rubs on them and get dressed for the next person).

Not going to be easy to do if things are protein bound into hair.

And of course semen is almost as difficult to remove from skin.

Merely using a baby wipe would not be something acceptable to myself, and I always leave plenty of time to ensure I am clean and fresh for my clients.  Soap and water is always involved in this. It does often meant saying no to clients who wish me to squeeze them in without sufficient time to carry this out, but I'd not feel right if I was not clean . A proper wash, shower or bath does not have to take a long time - but I guess if a girl is running back to back appointments it could well be something she may skip.


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And of course semen is almost as difficult to remove from skin.

Merely using a baby wipe would not be something acceptable to myself, and I always leave plenty of time to ensure I am clean and fresh for my clients.  Soap and water is always involved in this. It does often meant saying no to clients who wish me to squeeze them in without sufficient time to carry this out, but I'd not feel right if I was not clean . A proper wash, shower or bath does not have to take a long time - but I guess if a girl is running back to back appointments it could well be something she may skip.

Uncleanliness is an unforgiveable sin. If I wished to taste the fetid secretions of another man I would book myself a bumboy.


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What's the view on a guy shaving 'down there'.  I hear back, sack and crack are popular in some circles.  Personally I like to keep it trimmed but never gone further than that.  :scare:


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This is why I always turn up at a parlour before opening time, to make sure I'm the girl's first client of the day.


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What's the view on a guy shaving 'down there'.  I hear back, sack and crack are popular in some circles.  Personally I like to keep it trimmed but never gone further than that.  :scare:

I'm as smooth as a baby's bottom - the girls seem very appreciative.


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I'm as smooth as a baby's bottom - the girls seem very appreciative.

I personally love it when a guy is hairless ;)

Offline AnthG

I personally love it when a guy is hairless ;)
I'm as smooth as a baby's bottom - the girls seem very appreciative.
And are you the norm?

On a guy it just seems weird, effeminate and for lack of a better word immature to have it all shaved off. Just saying this is my feeling on it I may be the minority hence asking now.

I am worried about trimming things on the worry that I go too far and the girl will see it and think I have a live one here.

Men are supposed to have hairy arm pits, legs and downstairs. Anything other is definitely a little creepy.
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And are you the norm?

On a guy it just seems weird, effeminate and for lack of a better word immature to have it all shaved off. Just saying this is my feeling on it I may be the minority hence asking now.

I am worried about trimming things on the worry that I go too far and the girl will see it and think I have a live one here.

Men are supposed to have hairy arm pits, legs and downstairs. Anything other is definitely a little creepy.

I just mean hairless down there is really nice. Bu i like hair on other places obviously! lol I like a man to be a man :P

Offline Cactus

I just mean hairless down there is really nice. Bu i like hair on other places obviously! lol I like a man to be a man :P

Oh oh, maybe should have waited for some clarification on you previous post before I shaved every bit of hair from my body... I now look like a fat Duncan Goodhew

Offline WestCountryLad

Anything other is definitely a little creepy.

I shave my balls & arse..............the girls like it & so do I............... nothing quite like having a hungry ladies tongue round my baby smooth balls & crack :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


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What's the view on a guy shaving 'down there'.  I hear back, sack and crack are popular in some circles.  Personally I like to keep it trimmed but never gone further than that.  :scare:
And are you the norm?

On a guy it just seems weird, effeminate and for lack of a better word immature to have it all shaved off. Just saying this is my feeling on it I may be the minority hence asking now.

I am worried about trimming things on the worry that I go too far and the girl will see it and think I have a live one here.

Men are supposed to have hairy arm pits, legs and downstairs. Anything other is definitely a little creepy.
Before I started punting I was rather unkempt downstairs like I imagine a lot guys are and in retrospect almost feel sort of sorry for the young ladies in civvy streets that had to tackle the bush and usually end up with pubes in their mouth and teeth. When I started punting I began using hair removal cream as part of my pre-punt grooming ritual a day or two in advance as the area can be quite sensitive and sting for awhile afterwards...

I think there are some benefits mainly for the prossies which I assume most appreciate a hairless private area for easier accessibility and inspection for anything, also appears more comfortable and cleaner as well as obviously seeming bigger down there...

Also, I frequently remove the hair from my armpits, but that's for different reasons...

Offline Strawberry

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"Men are supposed to be hairy"

Interesting since we are discussing women completely removing what is a completely natural growth of hair, ie it is 'supposed' to be there. I'm guessing this actually refers to the culturally conditioned idea that women should be completely smooth and without the fine, softer hair nature provided them with.


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And are you the norm?

On a guy it just seems weird, effeminate and for lack of a better word immature to have it all shaved off. Just saying this is my feeling on it I may be the minority hence asking now.

I am worried about trimming things on the worry that I go too far and the girl will see it and think I have a live one here.

Men are supposed to have hairy arm pits, legs and downstairs. Anything other is definitely a little creepy.

This attitude is so 1970's. Next you'll be saying real men have moustaches and drive Triumph Stags.


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"Men are supposed to be hairy"

Interesting since we are discussing women completely removing what is a completely natural growth of hair, ie it is 'supposed' to be there. I'm guessing this actually refers to the culturally conditioned idea that women should be completely smooth and without the fine, softer hair nature provided them with.

Humans can improve on nature through good grooming and cosmetic surgery.

Offline AnthG

So to clarify is this how you guys have it. Or is the top part left unshaved

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If I went to an appointment like this I would need to apologise right off the bat that its creepy.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 09:42:11 am by AnthG »
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Offline AnthG

Jeses someone must have been faster than quick draw silver to report my pic. Its been less than an hour!

I will reupload it elsewhere when I get in from work for point of reference.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 10:41:24 am by AnthG »
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Offline daveev

id stop punting and stick to wanking if they never shaved, having a lil smooth one sat on my mouth, oh now thats heaven

Offline WestCountryLad

When I started punting I began using hair removal cream as part of my pre-punt grooming ritual a day or two in advance as the area can be quite sensitive and sting for awhile afterwards...

What brand do you use?  I have thought about using this before but never tried it.  Shavings good for a couple of a days till the stubble gets a bit itchy.


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I will reupload it elsewhere when I get in from work for point of reference.

 Can we refrain from posting 'explicit' photo's please.
(as per the rules).

Thanks.  :)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 08:47:45 pm by softlad »


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This attitude is so 1970's. Next you'll be saying real men have moustaches and drive Triumph Stags.
Yes - you needed to be a real man to push it off the road every time it broke down.