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Author Topic: Filtering out the BBers  (Read 5926 times)

Offline rover_100

I posted a question in the TOFTT thread but this might be more appropriate as it got no reply.

New SP spotted, not on AW so no way to list likes/dislikes. I don't want to see a BBer so I want to ask if she does it, but I don't want to appear that I want it.

Imagine the conversation

ME 'Hey, do you do bb?'
SP 'No, I value my health thats stupid'
ME 'Me neither was just checking'
SP 'Blocked etc etc'

If I lead the question with my preference and she IS a BBer, she may lie to secure the booking as its clear what I want.

ME 'Hey, not interested in seeing a BBer. Do you do it?'
SP 'No of course not'

When theres a new SP And there is no intel, anyone figured out a way to ask the question without asking the question?

Offline rover_100

Oh and I've already casually asked about any extras, and we ping ponged avoiding specifics both sides. Its like the Cold War of sexual services.

Offline hendrix

If it worries you that much, I'd move on to another WG who does list services.

That said, I firmly believe (with no real evidence) that ALL WG's are LIKELY bb'ing someone, whether it's partners or favoured clients.

Look after yourself, get tested regularly, or find a new hobby.

Offline Ron89

I posted a question in the TOFTT thread but this might be more appropriate as it got no reply.

New SP spotted, not on AW so no way to list likes/dislikes. I don't want to see a BBer so I want to ask if she does it, but I don't want to appear that I want it.

Imagine the conversation

ME 'Hey, do you do bb?'
SP 'No, I value my health thats stupid'
ME 'Me neither was just checking'
SP 'Blocked etc etc'

If I lead the question with my preference and she IS a BBer, she may lie to secure the booking as its clear what I want.

ME 'Hey, not interested in seeing a BBer. Do you do it?'
SP 'No of course not'

When theres a new SP And there is no intel, anyone figured out a way to ask the question without asking the question?
Just use an app with multiple numbers.

Online Fuzzyduck

If it worries you that much, I'd move on to another WG who does list services.

That said, I firmly believe (with no real evidence) that ALL WG's are LIKELY bb'ing someone, whether it's partners or favoured clients.

Look after yourself, get tested regularly, or find a new hobby.

Sage words, Hendrix.

OP - there's no guaranteed way to filter out the UTC BBers. The only 100% safe way is not to punt. Your reviews suggest you FK, OWO, RO etc. You're exposing yourself to some risk there, e.g. a SP who explicating states no bareback still might be blowing guys unknowingly who have STIs.

You could soften the question by confirming if she uses a condom for sex (rather than if she offers it without) since it invites a positive response. If you ask this verbally, the tone of the reply might give you a heads up

You: Just checking you're ok with OWO
SP: Yes, that's fine
You: Great. But sex is with a condom, yes?

Offline NickA

If it worries you that much, I'd move on to another WG who does list services.

That said, I firmly believe (with no real evidence) that ALL WG's are LIKELY bb'ing someone, whether it's partners or favoured clients.

Look after yourself, get tested regularly, or find a new hobby.

Wise words. 100 per cent the case.

Offline rover_100

Thanks for the input all. I never considered that but you're all absolutely right. I don't think I'm abandoning the hobby any time soon but I could be doing more RE preventative measures. Cheers all  :drinks:

Online PawgJit

If it worries you that much, I'd move on to another WG who does list services.

That said, I firmly believe (with no real evidence) that ALL WG's are LIKELY bb'ing someone, whether it's partners or favoured clients.

Look after yourself, get tested regularly, or find a new hobby.

To truth and nothing but the truth

Offline bigden40

By all means filter out the egregious barebackers, but otherwise just wear a condom, get tested every 3 months and stop stressing about it. 

Offline VladtheImpaleHer

The most important thing is that YOU wear protection. I love to indulge in a lot of RO with WG's. There is a slight risk of catching something from unprotected oral but it's not going to stop me from licking pussy! I get tested regularly.

I always wonder how many times and how much money a WG gets offered for unprotected sex and accepts it. And how, for the right amount of money, i'm sure a lot of them will never turn down the money that a wealthier client will offer them. It's quite easy to get tested quickly and then show your results to the SP.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2023, 07:07:06 pm by VladtheImpaleHer »

Offline magnetico

Just use an app with multiple numbers.

This is the answer.

Also to ask if they BB, you need to say straight away that you'd pay way more for BB, they'll be more keen to spill the beans.

Offline PumpDump

FFS you guys obsess too much. If you wear a condom you'll be fine. It's bizarre how you are so hung up on BB but will happily lick a hooker's pussy without protection. Look what happened to Michael Douglas. External Link/Members Only

Offline rover_100

Hardly obsessing - I asked a question, got good answers, and took the feedback. If you feel so compelled to throw in your 0.02 then at least read the thread.

Offline Bigjimmyjones

FFS you guys obsess too much. If you wear a condom you'll be fine. It's bizarre how you are so hung up on BB but will happily lick a hooker's pussy without protection. Look what happened to Michael Douglas. External Link/Members Only

Bit of a blank statement mate. I wouldn't do oral on an SP or OWO but I still wouldn't want them to be a barebacker

Online MLawro93

HPV vaccine does exist. It is all relative though, everything is a risk. Just do what is best for you, get regularly tested, and if positive, let people know discreetly.

Offline PumpDump

Hardly obsessing - I asked a question, got good answers, and took the feedback. If you feel so compelled to throw in your 0.02 then at least read the thread.

You are texting the girl to ask if she uses a condom for sex when she doesn't advertise BB and has no reports on UK as a known BBer. Even if she does BB the odd client or guy she meets in a nightclub, given you are wearing condom you are at practically zero risk. That is obsessing.

Offline PumpDump

Bit of a blank statement mate. I wouldn't do oral on an SP or OWO but I still wouldn't want them to be a barebacker

The vast majority of the reviews here mention either/or OWO and RO. More than half of punters practise some form of unprotected sex.

Offline daviemac

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You are texting the girl to ask if she uses a condom for sex when she doesn't advertise BB and has no reports on UK as a known BBer. Even if she does BB the odd client or guy she meets in a nightclub, given you are wearing condom you are at practically zero risk. That is obsessing.
You really don't have a clue do you.   :unknown: It's all down to risk and oral sex is the lowest risk.

As a punter the risk of you catching something from an infected escort is infinitely higher than it is from one who is clean, condom or no condom. The chance of an escort catching something if they bareback all commers is infinitely higher than one who doesn't.

If you are happy to shag scanks because you believe a condom shields you from everything then that's up to you, but please stop trying to convince others of that.

Most of us on here, well the sensible ones anyway, avoid barebackers like the plague for the reasons given above. 

Offline Bassman

If it worries you that much, I'd move on to another WG who does list services.

That said, I firmly believe (with no real evidence) that ALL WG's are LIKELY bb'ing someone, whether it's partners or favoured clients.

Look after yourself, get tested regularly, or find a new hobby.
I’m with you here. I just mentioned the same about most WG’s who don’t advertise it are likely BB’ing someone. Two that don’t advertise it and say never on their profile have on their onlyfans videos of them BB’ing different cocks. Sometimes the stills in the WG’s movie gallery on adult work will show a bare cock hanging out of them.

Keep yourselves safe out there

Offline PumpDump

You really don't have a clue do you.   :unknown: It's all down to risk and oral sex is the lowest risk.

What risk are you talking about? HIV? Or STDs? And where are you getting your information from that tells you oral sex is the lowest risk? And can you quantify lowest, compared to what?

According to CDC:
"It is difficult to compare the risks of getting specific STDs from specific types of sexual activity.
Most people who have oral sex also have vaginal or anal sex.
Few studies look at the risks of getting STDs, other than HIV, from giving oral sex on the vagina or anus, compared to the penis."

"Studies show the risk of getting HIV from oral sex (giving or receiving) with a partner who has the infection is much lower than the risk of getting HIV from anal or vaginal sex. This may not be true for other STDs.

In a study of gay men with syphilis, 1 out of 5 reported having only oral sex
Getting HIV from oral sex may be extremely low, but it is hard to know the exact risk. If you are having oral sex you should protect yourself."

External Link/Members Only.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2023, 05:20:16 pm by PumpDump »

Offline rover_100

You are texting the girl to ask if she uses a condom for sex when she doesn't advertise BB and has no reports on UK as a known BBer. Even if she does BB the odd client or guy she meets in a nightclub, given you are wearing condom you are at practically zero risk. That is obsessing.

The vast majority of the reviews here mention either/or OWO and RO. More than half of punters practise some form of unprotected sex.

So whats your point, if you're punting just bareback it all the way?

Its about minimising risk to a level I'm comfortable, recognising that there is no such thing as no risk. If you don't agree thats fine, I'm not trying to push my agenda on you unlike whatever point you're trying to make. My logic is that if she openly advertises BB, she's done it with a lot of blokes and based on pure numbers the probability of an STD is higher - even if using a condom. If she doesn't openly advertise it (even meaning for a big wad of notes she would), the probability is lower. Its not ethical, personal, or moral. Its just a numbers game.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2023, 06:56:38 pm by rover_100 »

Offline daviemac

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What risk are you talking about? HIV? Or STDs? And where are you getting your information from that tells you oral sex is the lowest risk? And can you quantify lowest, compared to what?
You do your own research and act accordingly. I am not here to educate you on the risks you are taking.

I've already said if you are happy to shag barebacking skanks because you think a condom gives you enough protection then that is your choice. Leave others to make their own more sensible choices.

Fact, if you shag someone who has an infection the the chances of catching something are infinitely higher than shagging someone who hasn't. Fact, the more unprotected sexual partners a person has the higher the risk of infection. If you don't understand that then no wonder you are a borderline barebacker.

Offline sensualencounter

FFS you guys obsess too much. If you wear a condom you'll be fine. It's bizarre how you are so hung up on BB but will happily lick a hooker's pussy without protection. Look what happened to Michael Douglas. External Link/Members Only
Not sure if you’ve actually read the whole article but the experts quoted in the article said, and I’ll paraphrase “Michael Douglas is talking total shit and has no proof whatsoever. Indeed he’s a rambling bullshitter”.

Even your own piece of evidence to assert your theory contradicts it. If you did a bit more research then I reckon you could maybe understand the situation a bit more and maybe you’d then think twice before spouting this.

A bit like your “cold sores are the same as genital herpes” in another of your posts and how you refuse to believe that a significant proportion of the population carry the cold sore virus.

Offline PumpDump

You do your own research and act accordingly. I am not here to educate you on the risks you are taking.

I've already said if you are happy to shag barebacking skanks because you think a condom gives you enough protection then that is your choice. Leave others to make their own more sensible choices.

Fact, if you shag someone who has an infection the the chances of catching something are infinitely higher than shagging someone who hasn't. Fact, the more unprotected sexual partners a person has the higher the risk of infection. If you don't understand that then no wonder you are a borderline barebacker.

You stated something as fact without any evidence to back it up....
Quote from: daviemac
It's all down to risk and oral sex is the lowest risk.

I provided CDC links stating unprotected oral sex carries a risk of contracting STDs and is hasn't been determined if it more, less or the same risk as bareback vaginal sex. This disproved your assertation that unprotected oral is less risky than unprotected vaginal sex. There is simply no proof to back up what you said. And you know this so you are getting all arsey about it now.

Offline PumpDump

Not sure if you’ve actually read the whole article but the experts quoted in the article said, and I’ll paraphrase “Michael Douglas is talking total shit and has no proof whatsoever. Indeed he’s a rambling bullshitter”.

Your paraphrasing is very inaccurate. What was said precisely is

Mahesh Kumar, a consultant head and neck surgeon in London, confirmed that the last decade has seen a dramatic rise in this form of cancer, particularly among younger sufferers. Recent studies of 1,316 patients with oral cancer found that 57% of them were HPV-16 positive.

"It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that the HPV type 16 is the causative agent in oropharyngeal cancer," said Kumar, who also testified to increased recovery rates among this kind of cancer sufferer. This would help explain why Douglas was given an 80% chance of survival, despite the advanced stage of his illness.

But Kumar expressed scepticism that Douglas's cancer was caused solely by HPV, and surprise at Douglas's assertion that cunnilingus could also help cure the condition. "Maybe he thinks that more exposure to the virus will boost his immune system. But medically, that just doesn't make sense."

So the consultant said Douglas was talking crap when he said eating more pussy will cure him.

Offline sensualencounter

Your paraphrasing is very inaccurate. What was said precisely is

Mahesh Kumar, a consultant head and neck surgeon in London, confirmed that the last decade has seen a dramatic rise in this form of cancer, particularly among younger sufferers. Recent studies of 1,316 patients with oral cancer found that 57% of them were HPV-16 positive.

"It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that the HPV type 16 is the causative agent in oropharyngeal cancer," said Kumar, who also testified to increased recovery rates among this kind of cancer sufferer. This would help explain why Douglas was given an 80% chance of survival, despite the advanced stage of his illness.

But Kumar expressed scepticism that Douglas's cancer was caused solely by HPV, and surprise at Douglas's assertion that cunnilingus could also help cure the condition. "Maybe he thinks that more exposure to the virus will boost his immune system. But medically, that just doesn't make sense."

So the consultant said Douglas was talking crap when he said eating more pussy will cure him.
Show me where Kumar said anything about cunnilingus spreading the HPV virus or even triggering its growth within a human. Indeed also show me where he said performing cunnilingus will help cure him or even build up a resistance to the HPV virus.

What I’ve highlighted in your quote (which is the media article) strongly states exactly the opposite of your terrible conclusion. It’s there in front of you and you can’t even read your own quoted source.

I appreciate that intelligence levels are all different but you believe yourself to have a decent level of intelligence. So I fail to believe that you can’t understand that. Any moron should be able to read that and come to the correct conclusion.

Therefore, it makes me wonder if you are deliberately coming to an incorrect conclusion. And doing that deliberately strongly implies you have an ulterior motive. Very strange behaviour and I’m sure anyone sensible can come to a few conclusions about you.

Offline daviemac

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You stated something as fact without any evidence to back it up....
I provided CDC links stating unprotected oral sex carries a risk of contracting STDs and is hasn't been determined if it more, less or the same risk as bareback vaginal sex. This disproved your assertation that unprotected oral is less risky than unprotected vaginal sex. There is simply no proof to back up what you said. And you know this so you are getting all arsey about it now.
I've told you the facts and I have no intention of 'proving' anything to you. You are pushing bareback sex and that is frowned upon on this site. We promote safe sex and would rather someone like you didn't post rubbish about how safe you think it is to shag a barebacking skank just because you wear a condom.

You take whatever risk you want but do not try to persuade others to take the same risks. You like barebackers that's your choice. So s a mod I am telling you, you have promoted bareback sex far too much already time to leave it.

Offline sim0256

No one seems to have mentioned that ' bare back' can mean different things to foreign escorts , particularly those new to touring or less proficient in the English language.

Some Europeans might take BB to mean OWO.  I discovered this once with a french girl , I wasn't punting so don't ask for a review!

As with all things the meaning of what we think of a simple term might get lost in translation . I read somewhere possibly on this this that in Spain' French

 Naturale' , which could construed as BB is actually is OWO>

Just bear it in mind if dealing with any touring girls

Offline alabama1

No one seems to have mentioned that ' bare back' can mean different things to foreign escorts , particularly those new to touring or less proficient in the English language.

Some Europeans might take BB to mean OWO.  I discovered this once with a french girl , I wasn't punting so don't ask for a review!

As with all things the meaning of what we think of a simple term might get lost in translation . I read somewhere possibly on this this that in Spain' French

 Naturale' , which could construed as BB is actually is OWO>

Just bear it in mind if dealing with any touring girls
I agree., In Spain, at least, (until the recent law change),  "Bareback" was only ever used in conjunction with the word "blowjob", obviously meaning OWO.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2023, 03:20:34 pm by alabama1 »

Offline JontyR

No one seems to have mentioned that ' bare back' can mean different things to foreign escorts , particularly those new to touring or less proficient in the English language.

Some Europeans might take BB to mean OWO.  I discovered this once with a french girl , I wasn't punting so don't ask for a review!

As with all things the meaning of what we think of a simple term might get lost in translation . I read somewhere possibly on this this that in Spain' French

 Naturale' , which could construed as BB is actually is OWO>

Just bear it in mind if dealing with any touring girls

And how long do you think it is until they come up to speed with this? One phone call, two? I can get that a civvie may not be au fait but someone acting as a SP in a foreign country? 

Offline sensualencounter

And how long do you think it is until they come up to speed with this? One phone call, two? I can get that a civvie may not be au fait but someone acting as a SP in a foreign country?
Indeed, that really shouldn’t come into it. Unless of course they are sadly pimped and have no control over the wording on their profile. But even then, the pimp will be clued up so why doesn’t he / she change the wording?

Online scutty brown

Indeed, that really shouldn’t come into it. Unless of course they are sadly pimped and have no control over the wording on their profile. But even then, the pimp will be clued up so why doesn’t he / she change the wording?

It's simple
The BB girls tend to operate at the cheap end of the market, and offering BB is a way of increasing the take. The  pimps don't give a shit about the girls or punters health. The girls do what they're told.
Also remember that the kind of punters attracted to the cheap end are mostly looking for BB service

If you want to minimise your chances of meeting a BB girl on VS or other non-AW platform then use these simple rules
Avoid any girl who uses the term "full service" in the title or blurb
Avoid any girl charging incalls at £110/hr or less (unless she's an Asian massage girl)
Avoid any girl whose photos include crotch shots or penetration shots
Avoid Hungarians
Avoid any girl who dyes her pubes green

Offline JontyR

Offline Colston36

If it worries you that much, I'd move on to another WG who does list services.

That said, I firmly believe (with no real evidence) that ALL WG's are LIKELY bb'ing someone, whether it's partners or favoured clients.

Look after yourself, get tested regularly, or find a new hobby.

Absolutely. Of course they do.

Offline Thephoenix

If you're that worried, take precautions.
.....Safe sex!  :thumbsup:

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Offline Doc Holliday

It's a 'hobby horse' subject of mine. You cannot filter them out. Assume everyone is infected. Wear a condom correctly for penetrative sex.


Offline Will2k

One cannot control others, one can control oneself

Offline Thephoenix

One cannot control others, one can control oneself

That's true up to a point, but unfortunately Dick Brain can sometimes have a mind of his own, and needs protecting.

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Offline sensualencounter

That's true up to a point, but unfortunately Dick Brain can sometimes have a mind of his own, and needs protecting.

Hidden Image/Members Only
This brings up a very pertinent point.

Whilst I appreciate the humour in this and I often joke about my dick leading me astray, in reality I refuse to believe that a man cannot control his dick unless you are truly mentally incapacitated. All this “I was horny and didn’t know what I was doing”, whilst amusing as banter in the right context, can be used as justification or an excuse.

I fail to believe that any sane man can’t keep his dick in his pocket.

Extending this to wanting and seeking BB with escorts, in my opinion the vast vast majority of those seeking it have a screw loose. I think that there could possibly be some justification if you’re literally dying and you want it before you die but even then, I personally would have more respect for the rest of society and not exacerbate any potential bug spreading.

Just my opinion though and everyone is different. I still prefer owo, which carries some risks but I personally believe that the risks are much lower and I try my hardest to mitigate that risk. Then again, is that me just trying to justify myself?  :lol:

Offline signy

Extending this to wanting and seeking BB with escorts, in my opinion the vast vast majority of those seeking it have a screw loose.

Or maybe it's just another aspect of a society where too many people refuse to take any care of, or responsibility for, their bodies. Smoke, drink too much alcohol, crap diet, lack of exercise, etc., so BB sex is just another one for the list. Kids are taught from primary school onwards about the dangers of these things, but still they choose to ignore all the advice. Their life, their choice, but the problems arise when those choices impact others.

Offline sensualencounter

Or maybe it's just another aspect of a society where too many people refuse to take any care of, or responsibility for, their bodies. Smoke, drink too much alcohol, crap diet, lack of exercise, etc., so BB sex is just another one for the list. Kids are taught from primary school onwards about the dangers of these things, but still they choose to ignore all the advice. Their life, their choice, but the problems arise when those choices impact others.
IMO sex education right now (in general) is streets ahead of what I was taught. And from personal experience of all the youngsters I’ve spoken had contact with, they all appear to be incredibly clued up and switched on. And I’ve met a fair cross section of society.

Of course there are some kids who choose to ignore it but then again sadly they were probably the kids that didn’t turn up to school much so missed out on that education. Therefore, what knowledge they do have has been gleaned from peers mostly.

So, I’m probably a little harsh in saying everyone must have a screw loose, as some of them will sadly be ignorant. And then becoming pregnant or having an STI it that situation can be a very scary place if you don’t know what to do and have only ever heard stigmatisation and horror stories. I’m quite certain that there aren’t that many kids out there who would really want an STI or an unplanned pregnancy.

Offline sharpshoes78

I have a stupid question
If a SP does not tick Like or Dislike will she still be on my search if I select dislike on my search?
Can they leave it blank?

Offline Thephoenix

This brings up a very pertinent point.

Whilst I appreciate the humour in this and I often joke about my dick leading me astray, in reality I refuse to believe that a man cannot control his dick unless you are truly mentally incapacitated. All this “I was horny and didn’t know what I was doing”, whilst amusing as banter in the right context, can be used as justification or an excuse.

I fail to believe that any sane man can’t keep his dick in his pocket.

I think I'm reasonably sane (of sound mind).....although some may say that's debatable, however in my 70 years since puberty I can think of a number of occasions when in the throes of passion I've thrown caution to the wind.
Not something I'd recommend obviously, but I wonder how many of us can honestly say it's NEVER happened to them. :rolleyes:

Offline sensualencounter

I think I'm reasonably sane (of sound mind).....although some may say that's debatable, however in my 70 years since puberty I can think of a number of occasions when in the throes of passion I've thrown caution to the wind.
Not something I'd recommend obviously, but I wonder how many of us can honestly say it's NEVER happened to them. :rolleyes:
Completely understand that and I’ve done it before. Absolutely shit faced one time (so not really of sound mind) and another time was my first time and she was absolutely shit faced.  :scare: and I was a stupid desperate to lose my virginity idiot. Absolutely ridiculous and I look back in horror. But at least she spoke to me the next day and arranged to take the morning after pill.

Offline stampjones

This brings up a very pertinent point.

Whilst I appreciate the humour in this and I often joke about my dick leading me astray, in reality I refuse to believe that a man cannot control his dick unless you are truly mentally incapacitated. All this “I was horny and didn’t know what I was doing”, whilst amusing as banter in the right context, can be used as justification or an excuse.

I fail to believe that any sane man can’t keep his dick in his pocket.

Extending this to wanting and seeking BB with escorts, in my opinion the vast vast majority of those seeking it have a screw loose. I think that there could possibly be some justification if you’re literally dying and you want it before you die but even then, I personally would have more respect for the rest of society and not exacerbate any potential bug spreading.

Just my opinion though and everyone is different. I still prefer owo, which carries some risks but I personally believe that the risks are much lower and I try my hardest to mitigate that risk. Then again, is that me just trying to justify myself?  :lol:
I read a book recently (cant recall which unfortunately) but it talked about some research that demonstrated that guys really do think with their dicks. Specifically you are more likely to do things while aroused than you would in a more normal state. This was done using questionnaires but included so fairly dodgy things. Was quite interesting.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

I read a book recently (cant recall which unfortunately) but it talked about some research that demonstrated that guys really do think with their dicks. Specifically you are more likely to do things while aroused than you would in a more normal state. This was done using questionnaires but included so fairly dodgy things. Was quite interesting.

Yes quite! now tell us something we do not know!!

Offline Nagilum

Just a quick recommendation to people on here talking about STD's. I use the other forums for information, those guys deal with facts and cut through all the BS out there.

As to the question, don't ask and move on if you are in doubt.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2023, 12:10:27 am by daviemac »

Offline Nagilum

I think I'm reasonably sane (of sound mind).....although some may say that's debatable, however in my 70 years since puberty I can think of a number of occasions when in the throes of passion I've thrown caution to the wind.
Not something I'd recommend obviously, but I wonder how many of us can honestly say it's NEVER happened to them. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, the temptation is there for sure and you can throw caution the wind, especially if you do not have a partner. and it's a regular However, I like to think how much I'll be panicking later and that usually snaps me out of it. Also, how I don't trust anything an SP tells me, ever.

Now having a partner at home stops that thought entirely. That is certainly my expereince

Offline stampjones

Yes quite! now tell us something we do not know!!
Im pretty sure there are lots of people, including me before I read the book and the guy I was replying to, who didnt know that it had been scientifically validated 🤷‍♂️

Offline Thephoenix

I read a book recently (cant recall which unfortunately) but it talked about some research that demonstrated that guys really do think with their dicks. Specifically you are more likely to do things while aroused than you would in a more normal state. This was done using questionnaires but included so fairly dodgy things. Was quite interesting.

Send it to Mumsnet... I'm sure they'd be impressed. :D