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Author Topic: How do you overcome the urge to punt?  (Read 3571 times)

Offline threechilliman

OK, punt planned for next week and one for the week after. Hadn't planned one for this week. Tomorrow I have opportunity, money in my pocket, and plans a, b & c floating around in my head. How do I stop myself?????


  • Guest
If you can recover in time then why do you want to stop yourself.  Fap.  Check your bank balance.  Make sure options a b and c are legit.

The best way would just be to find a new hobby entirely to distract myself with and try and fap when I need to not just because I can and I like it.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 04:15:14 pm by JV547845 »


  • Guest
nothing, if you want a punt have one, nothing stops me if I have the desire

Offline Jeremy

Quickest and easiest solution - have a wank.


  • Guest
Quickest and easiest solution - have a wank.

Very, very true, even if it is only a temporary solution.  :hi:

Offline CBPaul


mod - oops, just seen the above posts. Yes it is only a temporary solution, sometimes a series of wanks is required.

Offline mh

Very, very true, even if it is only a temporary solution.  :hi:

Yep, temporary, but you can always have another...  :drinks:

Offline LostInMackemLand

Yep, temporary, but you can always have another...  :drinks:

I had 13 in one day once (many moons ago). It didn't help.

I was a right wanker back then though.


  • Guest
Get yourself down to a little chef & have an olympic breakfast, you will be fit for fuck all after that.


  • Guest

mod - oops, just seen the above posts. Yes it is only a temporary solution, sometimes a series of wanks is required.

Almost like a wankathon, sponsored of course. :D


  • Guest
If I have the opportunity and cash in my pocket it's never a question of do I, but when / how soon???????

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
OK, punt planned for next week and one for the week after. Hadn't planned one for this week. Tomorrow I have opportunity, money in my pocket, and plans a, b & c floating around in my head. How do I stop myself?????

Well, if it's cash that isn't already allocated to another purpose, tcm, why wouldn't you punt? :unknown:

One of the things which almost makes gambling sound attractive to me [I regularly throw £6 a week down the drain marked Camelot] is the thought of some cash that I could spend on punting.  Then I remember my sobersides parents saying to me many years ago, "The only people who get wealthy from gambling are the bookies."

So I don't gamble which means I don't punt as often as I'd like.


  • Guest
Well, if it's cash that isn't already allocated to another purpose, tcm, why wouldn't you punt? :unknown:

One of the things which almost makes gambling sound attractive to me [I regularly throw £6 a week down the drain marked Camelot] is the thought of some cash that I could spend on punting.  Then I remember my sobersides parents saying to me many years ago, "The only people who get wealthy from gambling are the bookies."

So I don't gamble which means I don't punt as often as I'd like.

I don't understand this logic, RL?  Surely the fact you don't gamble means you have more money to spend on punting than if you did, given that you're statistically unlikely to profit from gambling.

And the lottery?  That's costing you the equivalent of 3x 100 quid punts a year!  Is is worth it?

Offline threechilliman

Having a wank may well relieve the urge tonight, but tomorrow at work will be more difficult - not so easy to have a wank undetected, sharing an office with five MILF's (which doesn't help the urge one bit). The feeling I get is similar to that when I smoked and couldn't have a cigarette at the prescribed time. Fuckin' nightmare :angry:

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
Ooh, I never claimed there was any logic to it, jcdmj! :)

It's mainly about a sort-of psychological block I have about gambling - when I was about 8 years old, my Dad told me a story about one of his Great-Uncles who'd been entrusted [some time in the 1870s] to take the family savings from the Lancashire town in which they lived to Burton-on-Trent, where the money was going to be put into a business run by a different branch of my Dad's family.

Apparently, when the Great-Uncle stopped off somewhere on the way, he was offered the chance to play "Find the lady". :thumbsdown:  At the end of which, he had to return to Lancashire shame-faced and penniless.

Which is why my Dad had presumably been brainwashed by his parents into never gambling.  And, other than on the Pools every week - he once won £149 back in the late 1940s when £149 was £149 - he never did!  And why, 60 years on from first being told that story, I'm still brainwashed into never venturing any closer into the world of gambling than throwing £6 Camelot's way each weekend.

So, if logic had had anything to do with it, I'd have asked my old feller why he even did the pools.  And yes, I know if I didn't do the three lines on the National Lottery, I could have 3 x £100 punts [or 1 extra 4-hour punt with the Regular who offers 4-hour sessions] a year.

But I guess I'm seduced by the [extremely remote] possibility of one of my 3 lines on the National Lottery coming up with the Jackpot for me.  In which case, and  trying to get back on-topic ;), I wouldn't need to overcome the urge to punt.

Offline Quatro

It's like that Catherine Deneuve film 'The Hunger'. She plays a hot vampire, trying to avoid sucking blood for as long as possible, but the desire just builds and builds until it has to be satisfied.

It's very difficult once the idea's in your head and the cash is in your pocket.

Offline threechilliman

Almost like a wankathon, sponsored of course. :D

Almost correct. Home alone tonight so a Porn'n'Wankathon may be called for. Here's the thread to help me along

Another mini P'n'W in the morning, assisted by Susanna Reid of course, and hopefully I'll make it past lunchtime safely!

tcm :wacko:


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The only thing that ever stops me is not having the money to spare. Unfortunately, this happens quite a lot lately.

Thinking about it, not strictly true, because I could get the cash out on my credit card. What stops me from doing that is a mortal fear of getting in so deep, the bailiffs are the only way out.

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
Yes; the punt has to be budgetted for.  Any other way, madness lies.

Offline threechilliman

I have an RB finishing in a couple of weeks. Today's plan A bid on it last night, talk about adding fuel to the fire :dash:

Offline CBPaul

Having a wank may well relieve the urge tonight, but tomorrow at work will be more difficult - not so easy to have a wank undetected, sharing an office with five MILF's (which doesn't help the urge one bit). The feeling I get is similar to that when I smoked and couldn't have a cigarette at the prescribed time. Fuckin' nightmare :angry:

Jesus, fucking nightmare situation. You and 5 MILF's - it would drive me out of my mind  :D

I've got 6 babes working opposite me and that's bad enough, nice varied mix which means a type for every occasion - or one is guaranteed to appeal whatever my hankering is that day.

Offline threechilliman

Jesus, fucking nightmare situation. You and 5 MILF's - it would drive me out of my mind  :D

I've got 6 babes working opposite me and that's bad enough, nice varied mix which means a type for every occasion - or one is guaranteed to appeal whatever my hankering is that day.

MILFs are my thing as well. Likewise, a nice variety, the thoughts I've had would make even the most seasoned punter blush. Pure filth in my mind at times

Offline CBPaul

MILFs are my thing as well. Likewise, a nice variety, the thoughts I've had would make even the most seasoned punter blush. Pure filth in my mind at times


Must admit the thoughts that go through my mind when catching a gaze out of the window are utterly disgusting at times. And when the sun comes out and the layers come off it is pure torture.

Offline threechilliman


Must admit the thoughts that go through my mind when catching a gaze out of the window are utterly disgusting at times. And when th :(e sun comes out and the layers come off it is pure torture.

Yes, I can imagine. Bending them over your desk, peeling their knickers off and getting stuck in. Or the imaginary lesbo show they could put on. Oh fuck!

The good news is that I forgot my punting cash, so the decision was made for me

Offline CBPaul

Yes, I can imagine. Bending them over your desk, peeling their knickers off and getting stuck in. Or the imaginary lesbo show they could put on. Oh fuck!

The good news is that I forgot my punting cash, so the decision was made for me

That's exactly it  :D
This morning I would have opted for the blonde in her late 20s, wearing a particularly tight pair of jeans today. They would have been pulled down in a blink of the eye. Problem is she's really friendly too, would be easier to cope with my dirty thoughts if she was a miserable cow.

Offline threechilliman

That's exactly it  :D
This morning I would have opted for the blonde in her late 20s, wearing a particularly tight pair of jeans today. They would have been pulled down in a blink of the eye. Problem is she's really friendly too, would be easier to cope with my dirty thoughts if she was a miserable cow.

Friendly is fine. Imagine her smiling as you stick your cock in her mouth. Or her cum covered face smiling at you.

I have one who has perfected the secretary look - tight shortish skirt, heels and what I hope are stockings underneath. What I wouldn't give to have her bend over......

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
Can't you, erm "drop a file" as she's passing?! ;)

Offline CBPaul

Friendly is fine. Imagine her smiling as you stick your cock in her mouth. Or her cum covered face smiling at you.

I have one who has perfected the secretary look - tight shortish skirt, heels and what I hope are stockings underneath. What I wouldn't give to have her bend over......

Oh did you have to, that image will stay with me and I don't even have the opportunity for a craft wank  :(

Offline threechilliman

Oh did you have to, that image will stay with me and I don't even have the opportunity for a craft wank  :(

Apologies CBP, I couldn't help myself!  :drinks:

Offline threechilliman

Can't you, erm "drop a file" as she's passing?! ;)

My desk strategically faces the bank of filing cabinets. Gives a great view at times.... :yahoo:

Offline Horizontal pleasures

It is an addiction.
I suppose go to a shrink?

I prefer my addiction until old age and incapacity overcomes it. I can just imagine being in a care home and having a comfort visitor do me an oily hand job. Maybe another 10 years with luck.

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
It is an addiction.
I suppose go to a shrink?

I prefer my addiction until old age and incapacity overcomes it. I can just imagine being in a care home and having a comfort visitor do me an oily hand job. Maybe another 10 years with luck.

At least one of my Regulars and I have arrangements for her to become my "niece" when I, too, have to be admitted to residential care. 

And it'll be more than "an oily hand job"I have in mind! ;)

Offline Horizontal pleasures

At least one of my Regulars and I have arrangements for her to become my "niece" when I, too, have to be admitted to residential care. 

And it'll be more than "an oily hand job"I have in mind! ;)

i have more in mind but I am talking about when I am not capable of having more in body

Offline threechilliman

HP & RL. Love you two. Dirty old bastards. Hope I live that long..... :drinks:

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
Keep punting, tcm; and I'm sure you will!

Don't forget that Hp & I are the "tip of the iceberg", so to speak; there are quite a few of us on here who are at least in our 60s.

Offline NIK

Throw all your money away on the other type of punting.
Soon fucks up your urge to punt.  :diablo:

Offline threechilliman

Another opportunity, another P'n'W  :D

Offline ForrestGump

It is an addiction.
I suppose go to a shrink?

I prefer my addiction until old age and incapacity overcomes it. I can just imagine being in a care home and having a comfort visitor do me an oily hand job. Maybe another 10 years with luck.

I'm not quite eligible to be a resident in a care home but when visiting elderly family members/relatives have wondered whether any of the male residents get their sexual needs attended to by members of staff or visiting 'nieces'.  :unknown:

Offline ForrestGump

OK, punt planned for next week and one for the week after. Hadn't planned one for this week. Tomorrow I have opportunity, money in my pocket, and plans a, b & c floating around in my head. How do I stop myself?????

Do you need to stop yourself? If not why do you want to?  :unknown:

Offline threechilliman

Do you need to stop yourself? If not why do you want to?  :unknown:

I don't want to stop. I want to be in control of the punting, rather than punting contolling me. I've done well this week, two opportunities and all my money still in my pocket. Looking forward to my planned punt next week  :yahoo:


Offline ForrestGump

I don't want to stop. I want to be in control of the punting, rather than punting contolling me. I've done well this week, two opportunities and all my money still in my pocket. Looking forward to my planned punt next week  :yahoo:


Ahhh, understand now, tcm. Well I wish I had the answer because, I suspect, I have exactly the same need to control my urge to punt as you.

For me the desire to avoid venturing into a punt with a wg who provides a lacklustre service is by far my biggest restraint. So, in a way, it's quite fortunate there are so many girls like that out there because it drives my need to be so cautious.  :)

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
I don't want to stop. I want to be in control of the punting, rather than punting contolling me.

That's the key thing; it's awfully easy [particularly for someone either in his early days - "kid in a sweetshop" phase - of punting, or who's let himself succumb to Emotional Attachment Syndrome] to let the punting control him.

Basically, imo, it comes down to willpower; because I've read too much stuff on Message Boards like this over the years from punters in one or other of those categories who've let it bring big trouble to them and, arguably more importantly, their families.

You have to set a punting budget and stick to it.  And no matter how attractive a proposition an individual WG may appear or how good a recommendation you get in a PM on here, if she's going to take you over that month's punting budget, then postpone her to a month when you know you can afford her.

Offline threechilliman

That's the key thing; it's awfully easy [particularly for someone either in his early days - "kid in a sweetshop" phase - of punting, or who's let himself succumb to Emotional Attachment Syndrome] to let the punting control him.

Basically, imo, it comes down to willpower; because I've read too much stuff on Message Boards like this over the years from punters in one or other of those categories who've let it bring big trouble to them and, arguably more importantly, their families.

You have to set a punting budget and stick to it.  And no matter how attractive a proposition an individual WG may appear or how good a recommendation you get in a PM on here, if she's going to take you over that month's punting budget, then postpone her to a month when you know you can afford her.

Agree totally. A couple of months back, I'd definitely have caved in to the pressure from my HL this week - kid in a sweet shop etc. I now plan my month and stick to it as those WG's I want to see will still be there next month. Less chance of something going wrong as well and having to answer questions. Planning allows me to have rehearsed my 'get-out-of-jail' excuse as well.

I must say, having a wank eases the pressure enormously :lol:
