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Author Topic: (Scotland)  (Read 331482 times)

Offline Name Not Found

Nope paid her £400 for the overnight, which for something like 16 hours 14 of which was in bed 

So, so far you've paid £470 to shag one girl. Personally, I lost the stamina to go at it all night years ago so I doubt I'd consider that good value, however, if it works for you, good on you mate. Now, let's see how much more you can get for your month's membership. 

Looking forward to hearing more updates.

Offline Sha99er

So, so far you've paid £470 to shag one girl. Personally, I lost the stamina to go at it all night years ago so I doubt I'd consider that good value, however, if it works for you, good on you mate. Now, let's see how much more you can get for your month's membership. 

Looking forward to hearing more updates.

Aye I'm getting that way as well with the over nighters but as long as I can I will because one day I know its coming my direction too. So £400 for sixteen hours is pretty fucking good value for money at the end of the day like. She even drove up from Fife for the meet as well, so you can take a full tank of fuel off that £400 too.

 Actually fancy a wee crack with that Domme next but doubt it'll be this week. :(

Offline The Man With No Name

I too would appreciate further reports as a means of judgement, although I don't know how much could be applied elsewhere from experiences in Aberdeen. But if it happens to float your boat at those prices, good luck to you.

so far you've paid £470 to shag one girl.

I'd argue this rather sums it up, however. :rolleyes:

And, Christ, £70 PER MONTH?!. I honestly thought that was the cheapest pro-rata option for a year. That's most punters monthly budget for fuck's sake! :dash: :dash:

On second thoughts, don't bother with the follow up reports. I ain't paying 70 fucking quid a month for the privilege of talking to hookers.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 04:50:41 pm by The Man With No Name »

Offline FBman78

Nice one and good tip for anyone else joining.

Offline OGS20

I too would appreciate further reports as a means of judgement, although I don't know how much could be applied elsewhere from experiences in Aberdeen. But if it happens to float your boat at those prices, good luck to you.

I'd argue this rather sums it up, however. :rolleyes:

And, Christ, £70 PER MONTH?!. I honestly thought that was the cheapest pro-rata option for a year. That's most punters monthly budget for fuck's sake! :dash: :dash:

On second thoughts, don't bother with the follow up reports. I ain't paying 70 fucking quid a month for the privilege of talking to hookers.

I agree with everything you've said in this forum and it's not for me nor am I the target demographic. But if I was flush with more cash than I knew what to do with I'd consider. So for a moment let's imagine you were to believe the stories about SA on this forum and many other sources, you might conclude that from a woman's perspective the barrier created by the £70 entry fee keeps the "undesirables" out.
Banned reason: Shit stirring walloper.
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline Ibrahimovic

They charge you 70 bucks to fund some hot girls luxurious life styles while getting the odd fuck here and there😂seems legit lol

Offline The Man With No Name

I agree with everything you've said in this forum and it's not for me nor am I the target demographic. But if I was flush with more cash than I knew what to do with I'd consider. So for a moment let's imagine you were to believe the stories about SA on this forum and many other sources, you might conclude that from a woman's perspective the barrier created by the £70 entry fee keeps the "undesirables" out.

Well I did state above that,
While there may be a few relatively level-headed girls on there who will accept the fact they're basically whoring - but aren't so reliant on the income that they're happy to charge less to ride guys they actually quite like - these will be very few and far between.

Presuming by "undesirables" you simply mean old, fat, ugly men - and probably a bit smelly as well - this is what I meant by what I've quoted immediately above. But if you're implying something altogether more sinister, while it very well could be a factor in many girls' decision to use SA, there's too many problems and uncertainties left for it to be a driving factor in its own right -

1) The bloke could be nice enough on Whatsapp and in a restaurant, but that's no guarantee he won't turn into Patrick Bateman in the bedroom.

2) If this is what she's really concerned about, she'd surely still have Dennis Waterman or Bob Hoskins in the next room as well.

3) If this is what she's really concerned about, she'd surely still have Dennis Waterman or Bob Hoskins in the next room and simply work from AW as a standard prossie.

4) I don't really give a fuck about girls' (mostly deluded) intentions with SA. I was really just using it as one example as to why most of the profiles and the concept is a load of auld shite.

So, in short, while I accept that either of my interpretations of your concept may apply in some regard to small number of profiles on SA, there's no way it's going to make the site a driving force of cut-price punting.

Offline ik8133

Right so........

Having been following this thread for a wee while and being sick of the tripe we've got in Aberdeen right now with all the fucking Roms on the go I decided to have a wee flutter at this malarkey.

So registered on the site and paid my £70 notes for the month, if anyone else does it immediately go to settings and deselect autorenewal or you'll find yourself paying for another month.

So a week in I've got four birds on the go on Whatsapp one of thems even a Domme for my kinkier days!

Had my first meet last night from 5PM yesterday till 11 AM this morning, took her out till about 7PM last night had something to eat then back to the room till 11AM this morning. a proper wee goer as well definately one of the best meets I've had!

So yea, I'm liking what I'm seeing of this so far time will tell though.

Glad to hear you've found success from the site, hope the others work out for you too!

Offline OGS20

Well I did state above that,
Presuming by "undesirables" you simply mean old, fat, ugly men - and probably a bit smelly as well - this is what I meant by what I've quoted immediately above. But if you're implying something altogether more sinister, while it very well could be a factor in many girls' decision to use SA, there's too many problems and uncertainties left for it to be a driving factor in its own right -

By undesirables I meant men without enough excess income to splurge £70 a month on a daft site. I reckon SA is probably a good place to look for guys with too much money.
Banned reason: Shit stirring walloper.
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline The Man With No Name

So by this,
By undesirables I meant men without enough excess income to splurge £70 a month on a daft site. I reckon SA is probably a good place to look for guys with too much money.

you effectively mean this -
varying amounts and degrees of smug hoors who think they're too high class for hooring sites and charge accordingly, and civvy girls who've effectively mistaken it for a conventional dating platform. And then there's the massive crowd of tidy but daft, vain wee lassies of 19-22, who like the idea of being paid to be physically adored - but don't realise there's a massive difference between hooring themselves on Instagram amongst their internet "friends" for social currency, attention and adulation - then actually swallowing spunk for money.

Another reason to avoid it like the plague then.

Offline bushman

I am thinking of getting involve. Just not sure if I have the time or will to spent messaging young girls. I would dodgy as fuck with a wee 18-22 year old on my arm. So how is the range of 25-40 year olds on it?

Offline Edward Trotter

I am thinking of getting involve. Just not sure if I have the time or will to spent messaging young girls. I would dodgy as fuck with a wee 18-22 year old on my arm. So how is the range of 25-40 year olds on it?

There are plenty across all age groups. Not so many over 50 but plenty of 30 and 40 year olds.

Offline ik8133

I am thinking of getting involve. Just not sure if I have the time or will to spent messaging young girls. I would dodgy as fuck with a wee 18-22 year old on my arm. So how is the range of 25-40 year olds on it?

You don't have to be a paying member to view the SB's profiles, you just won't be able to reply to their messages or message them.

Offline nervous1

I paid the fee a couple of years back (think it was 60 back then) and arranged a few meets but pulled out of them and decided to stick with AW.  There was one I regretted that was an attractive barbie doll type with big tits who was willing to be filmed for £400.  Probably was right to spend that on punting instead but she was fucking hot.  Thing is there was quite a few stunners back then but browsing the site now the quality seemed to have dipped with most of them not tickling my fancy at all with the better looking ones wanting money for nothing physical whilst demanding 'intelligent conversation'.  Fuck that, obviously, but I do believe there is VFM to be had if you have the time luck and patience.  Not punting at the minute so the money I'm saving could tempt me to give it another try.

On the flip side though, when I had access to the main seeking thread in the UK section there was quite a few horror stories of guys getting conned and one was accused of rape.  There is at least something of a safety net with punting thanks to forums like this one but I would urge caution to anyone considering this.  There was also talk of some of them being unhinged and having 'daddy issues' and that was the good ones! 

Offline bushman

I think 90% of WG have "daddy issues".The other 10% can blame it on boyfriends .

Offline willie loman

It appears to me, that the appeal of sa is the hunter gatherer in us all, despite the claims of the 18 year old who stayed for the weekend and only wanted 40£, punting is almost certainly cheaper, not knocking it, if I was retired or had plenty of free time, would enjoy it myself.

Offline Name Not Found

I think 90% of WG have "daddy issues".The other 10% can blame it on boyfriends .

I have no earthly idea what you've based that statement on. I've met (literally) hundreds of WGs and not a single one has raised anything that sounded like 'daddy issues'.

Offline bushman

I have no earthly idea what you've based that statement on. I've met (literally) hundreds of WGs and not a single one has raised anything that sounded like 'daddy issues'.
Not going to go into a massive discussions on this. If there is a multitude of WG's that dreamt of this as a childhood career then "yes" she's a keeper. Otherwise my statement stand. I my have seen one or two WG's over my lifetime,  some good and some bad, the ones I developed a bit of  rapport with thought it would be okay to tell me why they started of on this. There where always men somewhere in the equation. Men landed them in financial trouble, absent dad, abusive boyfriend the list goes on and on.
Why do you think they thought it would be a bright idea to go fuck 1000's of men?

Offline Name Not Found

Why do you think they thought it would be a bright idea to go fuck 1000's of men?

I may be going out on a limb here but, could the money have something to do with it?

Offline Third Man

Around ten years ago when I was spending far too much time online, in the main in pursuit of this  particular lass, I had a membership of pof and some other site that I can't mind. It all amounted to fuk all, including the pursuit of that girl. No way would I waste time or money again on a goose chase, sa or anything else.  Use Aw or an agency, and go do it and forget anything else. I'm sure if an equation could be thought up, time x money divided by result or some bollocks, going to see a wg would win easily.

Offline The Man With No Name

I'm sure if an equation could be thought up, time x money divided by result or some bollocks, going to see a wg would win easily.

Exactly the point I've been making all along.

It's either civvy street, or Viva Street. There is no effective in-between.

Offline willie loman

Exactly the point I've been making all along.

It's either civvy street, or Viva Street. There is no effective in-between.

On sa there seems to be slightly wider selection of amateur part time hookers, from higher social status backgrounds than you will find in the flats or the saunas. many of them young.

Offline seeker

I suppose if your single and have loads of spare  time (which I dont )
to butter up these hookers in denial then it might be worth a go  :unknown:
The young hot slim girls  should all do the decent thing  :D
Just make an account on A.w ,charge a decent rate ,provide a good service
Enjoy the cash and stop living in denial.
It would be a win win situation  ;)

« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 07:10:54 am by seeker »

Offline bushman

I may be going out on a limb here but, could the money have something to do with it?
Money end up being the reason they keep on doing it.  :hi:

Offline Squire Haggard

I was a paid member for a month a couple of years ago. There were offers, which I did not take up. I got this email today. You can offer money just to meet girls. Now dont all rush.   :rolleyes:

Hi Seeking member

So you’ve decided to take a break from

That’s ok, can we still be friends? As a gesture of our continued friendship, we have a suggestion that might suit you better! lets you offer Attractive members a First Date Incentive so you can get straight to the date.

You can pay to be picky and in demand. After all, your time is valuable, and a little generosity can go a long way.

Join the millions of members who have taken the leap into a world of better first dates.

Offline Third Man

I was a paid member for a month a couple of years ago. There were offers, which I did not take up. I got this email today. You can offer money just to meet girls. Now dont all rush.   :rolleyes:

Hi Seeking member

So you’ve decided to take a break from

That’s ok, can we still be friends? As a gesture of our continued friendship, we have a suggestion that might suit you better! lets you offer Attractive members a First Date Incentive so you can get straight to the date.

You can pay to be picky and in demand. After all, your time is valuable, and a little generosity can go a long way.

Join the millions of members who have taken the leap into a world of better first dates.

Classic. At least with a wg sometimes you realise fairly quickly about a fool and his money, but with this malarkey it will cost you up front and recurring with no sex in sight that you are  a complete tool.

Now what's that site that offers male hair regrowth, and loose weight with a few pills.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2019, 12:36:30 pm by Third Man »

Offline Smiths69

Just joined as, thought I'd try a different approach in Edinburgh as nothing really floating my boat at the moment.

Anyone any recommendations, feel free to share! Pm if preferred!

Time will tell how it goes and will try and reciprocate!

Offline FBman78

Nope paid her £400 for the overnight, which for something like 16 hours 14 of which was in bed wasn't bad really, shagged her all over the fucking place as well totally got my moneys worth TBH a wee pocket rocket this one like..

 She's definately one I'll be seeing again.

£400 quid for anything over 2 hours is a great deal.

Offline g3nius

hell of a lot of young girls on there when you filter for Glasgow   :wacko:
 But, not sure if they're basically just using it to see who they can squeeze money out of (with no sex)....

Offline DoctorSalchicha

hell of a lot of young girls on there when you filter for Glasgow   :wacko:
 But, not sure if they're basically just using it to see who they can squeeze money out of (with no sex)....

That's crystal clear, lot's of them made it clear that they're looking for a "platonic" relationship, basically waste of time.

I've seen a couple of girls that I know, one is 19 and the other is not even 18 and has a profile on that site, dodgy as you can't be sure who you're talking to, I don't really want to end like Doug Richard from Dragon's Den.

Offline FBman78

That's crystal clear, lot's of them made it clear that they're looking for a "platonic" relationship, basically waste of time.

I've seen a couple of girls that I know, one is 19 and the other is not even 18 and has a profile on that site, dodgy as you can't be sure who you're talking to, I don't really want to end like Doug Richard from Dragon's Den.

Now that is worrying if there are under 18s on there.

Offline Batpunt

That's crystal clear, lot's of them made it clear that they're looking for a "platonic" relationship, basically waste of time.

I've seen a couple of girls that I know, one is 19 and the other is not even 18 and has a profile on that site, dodgy as you can't be sure who you're talking to, I don't really want to end like Doug Richard from Dragon's Den.

I’ve seen a few girls I know on it also, i always giggle because the ones I’ve seen are pure up themselves in real life & then you see them on a site like that!
It’s hard because I don’t want to message them and then they see me etc because I know the majority would just deny it and say someone stole their pics ha but would be curious to know what they would get Up to

Offline HairyHaggis

hell of a lot of young girls on there when you filter for Glasgow   :wacko:
 But, not sure if they're basically just using it to see who they can squeeze money out of (with no sex)....

What do you class as helluva lot? I get about 20-25 returns searching for Glasgow?

Offline JJM

Anything on Aberdeen worth joining for, sounds grim?

Offline ik8133

Anything on Aberdeen worth joining for, sounds grim?

You can set up a profile for free to be able to view the SB's that are on there, you just won't be able to read or send any messages without upgrading.

Offline g3nius

What do you class as helluva lot? I get about 20-25 returns searching for Glasgow?

Increase the radius slightly. Will be girls in surrounding areas that come up as well.

Offline Lesdoit

I've been a member on and off for a few years now. Anyone else noticed a major influx of fake profiles?  Seems to be a lot of profiles posted with too good to be true 18-25 yr olds. Often disappear within a couple days.
Im in Glasgow area if anyone wants to compare notes.

Offline Interestingchat

I've been a member on and off for a few years now. Anyone else noticed a major influx of fake profiles?  Seems to be a lot of profiles posted with too good to be true 18-25 yr olds. Often disappear within a couple days.
Im in Glasgow area if anyone wants to compare notes.

I find that the ones that appear and vanish quickly are the naive girls that suddenly find out that it’s unlikely they will find anything platonic. Equally, and especially the girls under25 are often on promoting their onlyfans or admireme sites, or worse deluded enough to think we’re interested in buying pictures or pay in advance.

Better sticking to girls over 25, maybe even 30.  More grounded

Offline Lesdoit

Worst thing is. Last three times I've joined up I just go back to the girls I've seen before. Wasting the sign up fee.  Two lined up, one new one old. The new one has flaked once already. The old one is a definite to meet at weekend.

Offline highlanderecho

I set up a fake "sugar baby" woman account a few months ago which is still live ( really easy with a few pictures from Google - there doesn't seem to be any real verification process. ) I look quite hot LOL.... It is quite an insight from a "sugar baby" perspective. You get a stream of emails from Seeking telling you to message lots of guys & demand expensive dinners as a "first date". Nothing about "putting out" ( but I guess in reality they know that is part of expectations ).

Here is a taste from a a couple of recent emails from them:

It was a perfect first date.  Lunch on the rooftop of a popular Beverly Hills hotel.  Light swimming and a couples massage in the spa area (he even bought me a swimsuit because I didn’t bring one).  And lastly, a promise to meet again, the next time he was in town.  He walked me to the hotel entrance and paid my valet ticket.  As we waited for the valet to bring my car around, we chatted.
“So can I give you some ‘gas money?’” he asked, using finger quotes.  I smiled.  “Sure,” I said, knowing this was an incredibly good sign.  “How much would you like?”  Ohh.  My brain went into overdrive.  How could I possibly know how much to ask for?  I was new to this!  And he had just treated me to a fabulous afternoon. I didn’t want to ask for too much and seem greedy. “That okay?” he asked.  I didn’t quite know how to respond.  It was over half my month’s rent.  Since my mouth wasn’t working, I simply nodded. He watched me get in my car, and, a few minutes later as I was driving home, sent me a follow-up text about how much he enjoyed our date. I couldn’t wipe this goofy grin off my face.   

I would also look to see what a potential sugar daddy suggests for a first date.  If he asks you what you’d be interested in, I would automatically request a couple of your favorite nice restaurants or other expensive outings. I would aim for something pricey because a real sugar daddy won’t think twice about taking you to an expensive dinner since these will probably be the places he likes to go himself.  If he’s not familiar with the city’s top restaurants, I would again be very skeptical.  Plus, I’ve found that many sugar daddies who aren’t interested in paying the money for a nice first date, will be even cheaper later on.  So even if he has the money, a cheap date might suggest that he's not willing to spend it on you.  If a potential sugar daddy isn’t willing to try to impress and spoil you in the very beginning, it’s guaranteed to only go downhill from there.

I’ve also found that real sugar daddies, the kind you want, will already be familiar with the top restaurants in town, and will often already know the menu well.  I enjoy letting potential sugar daddies order the best off the menu for me in a new place, since they often know what the restaurant serves best.  Plus, I think they enjoy showing off what they’re able to provide and introduce you to.

A sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship is all about spoiling and being spoiled, so it’s important to make sure you both have the same expectations going in.  I don’t think you have to bring up money before the meeting, but I think where you decide to meet will automatically set the tone for what kind of budget and treatment you expect moving forward.

Offline Interestingchat

Wow. It’s like PayPig school. No wonder they’re cancelling shortly after a couple of more real life approaches. Although I’ve never talked to a girl yet on SA that didn’t want to talk about money before meeting! So they’re definitely ignoring the last piece of advice. Although getting them to pitch a figure is a waste of time, all one way traffic.

Offline Harrisj

Hahaha, I went on that seeking thing out of curiosity and recognised a girl from some fb group.
 Sent her a message on a fake account and after a bit of back and forth she came out with a lot of pish about sugar daddies and sugar babies, how she’d expect a monthly allowance of 1400 quid or 600 per meet regardless of time spent and complained that other “sugar daddies” had tried to haggle and even offered as low as a hundred pounds.
Also complained other “sugar daddies” had taken advantage of her and never gotten in touch after she had unprotected sex with them.  Sounded deluded and scarily talked about how meets would have to take place while her kid was asleep in the next room.

Offline john1960

Re SA, I paid for a 7 day trial today, 22 quid, i have been bombarded with messages.. Put 2 locations up, Aberdeen where i am, and London, going there for 2 weeks on Monday. 

Already arranged a meet with a 22 year old tasty blonde girl in Dundee, she wants to get to know me first, so we have agreed to meet twice before intimacy takes place, told her i will give her 20 quid for the pleasure of meeting her, im a soft touch, thereafter 150 per meet, twice a month where we go out, get merry together and then do the business all night.

London is a gold mine, already got 4 meets arranged with total stunners,(they all look like models), we will see, be nice to them and you will have them on Whattsapp within the hour...

oh and finally there is a model based in Aberdeen,


Currently negotiating a price with her ppm

her message -
Ok cool what’s your ppm? Just so I know we are on the same page

ive told her i will pay her 200ppm, she is stunning, she said she had an arrangement in London so
she may be used to receiving more generous payments.

Just to add, i retired from work 2 years ago aged 50, so have a few quid and all the time in the world. If you have the time and the effort and can travel SA is unbeatable imo.

I did get banned from SA last year for agreeing PPMs which they dont like and i had struggled to get back on so was wary of making any payments to them for the risk of them taking my money and then banning me again. 22 quid was worth the risk.

Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 07:28:09 pm by john1960 »

Offline auldie63

We look forward to your reviews.

Offline bushman

Goodluck and let us know how it go with Tara et al.

Offline youngatheart

They charge you 70 bucks to fund some hot girls luxurious life styles while getting the odd fuck here and there😂seems legit lol

What is the source of your knowledge please?
Banned reason: Fuck you cunt
Banned by: Head1

Offline charlie637

Seeking has been quite hit and miss for myself. Too many girls on there pricing themselves out. Thinking they are worth more than they are

Offline The Man With No Name

Already arranged a meet with a 22 year old tasty blonde girl in Dundee, she wants to get to know me first, so we have agreed to meet twice before intimacy takes place, told her i will give her 20 quid for the pleasure of meeting her, im a soft touch, thereafter 150 per meet, twice a month where we go out, get merry together and then do the business all night.

London is a gold mine, already got 4 meets arranged with total stunners,(they all look like models), we will see, be nice to them and you will have them on Whattsapp within the hour...

oh and finally there is a model based in Aberdeen,

ive told her i will pay her 200ppm, she is stunning, she said she had an arrangement in London so
she may be used to receiving more generous payments.

Just to add, i retired from work 2 years ago aged 50, so have a few quid and all the time in the world. If you have the time and the effort and can travel SA is unbeatable imo.

Model?! How is she a bloody model? No matter what stupid amount she's charging you to stick your dick in her, it still makes her a fucking prostitute. In fact, even if you're both socially backward enough to comically contradictorily look down on such realities, you're both far worse even by your own definitions, as you're a pair of deluded hypocrites, denying the fact she's a prostitute whilst carrying out a paid-sex transaction.

Meanwhile, London's utterly hanging out with high-class, model-like fanny for the prices you're talking about. But given most of them have enough grounding in reality to happily accept and admit to being whores, I guess than wouldn't interest you and your little fantasies...

As I've alluded to before, it's really just like a far more extreme version of all the self-advertising Wankagram and Nightclub wannabe-strippers, who enjoy dressing like hookers for the attention, but are far too narcissistic and sexually self-constrained to ever want to fuck like them.

When are all you idiots with more money than sense going to realise that you're simply paying through the arse for self-important, golden-fanny-syndrome hoors - with none of the convenience punting should bring, but all of the hassle civvy-shagging does. :dash: :dash: :dash:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 02:48:47 pm by The Man With No Name »

Offline fedor

Model?! How is she a bloody model? No matter what stupid amount she's charging you to stick your dick in her, it still makes her a fucking prostitute. In fact, even if you're both socially backward enough to comically contradictorily look down on such realities, you're both far worse even by your own definitions, as you're a pair of deluded hypocrites, denying the fact she's a prostitute whilst carrying out a paid-sex transaction.

Meanwhile, London's utterly hanging out with high-class model-like fanny for the prices you're talking about. But given most of them have enough grounding in reality to happily accept and admit to being hoors, so I guess than wouldn't interest you and your little fantasies...

As I've alluded to before, it's really just like a far more extreme version of all the self-advertising Wankagram and Nightclub wannabe-strippers, who enjoy dressing like hookers for the attention, but are far too narcissistic and sexually self-constrained to ever want to fuck like them.

When are all you idiots with more money than sense going to realise that you're simply paying through the arse for self-important, golden-fanny-syndrome hoors with none of the convenience punting should bring, but all of the hassle civvy-shagging does. :dash: :dash: :dash:

My SB does overnights with me for 200, by the time I've paid for food drinks etc you are looking at about 300. A WG will charge anything from 800-1500 for an overnight, and 300 will get you a couple of hours.  She is also utterly stunning and we get on very well. Not sure what you are so angry about with people using SA, its a free world, if you don't want to use it then don't and just ignore the thread.  :unknown:

Offline john1960

« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 06:34:55 pm by john1960 »