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Author Topic: Michelle - Colindale / Hendon  (Read 8431 times)

Offline ddfun

External Link/Members Only

Right up my street, looks and location wise.....does anyone have any experience with her ?

Feedback on AW looks credible but is light.

Offline SamLP

Been looking at her too. Not seen although I did phone a few days ago but no answer at the time.

Offline The_Don

Called her 2 weeks ago, she sounded ok on the phone (maid?)

But a limited service (likes list) confirmed via the phone call made me back out of booking.


  • Guest
External Link/Members Only has had two or three profiles over the last couple of years and worked in various locations around London.  I punted her back in August 2013 when she called herself Michelle Sweetie (External Link/Members Only), and was working out of a soul-less (and pretty much furniture-less) flat on Stratford High Street.  All credit to her, as it appears that she has been cutting down on the pies since I saw her.  She was a somewhat shapeless size 12/14 back then (photos 1, 3 & 5 below), compared to the rather more svelte lass which she appears to be now (photos 2, 4 & 6):

Hidden Image/Members Only Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only Hidden Image/Members Only

As to the actual punt itself:  Michelle is Hungarian but her spoken English was very good; the price was £80 for the hour; the kissing was lip-kissing only, and half-hearted; there was OWO, rather than OW, but it was uninspiring; and the sex was dull & mechanical.  Overall a very forgettable punt ...

In fairness to her, she did seem very self-conscious about her figure, bemoaning several times that she was overweight - perhaps now that she has slimmed down, she'll be a little more self-confident and that may manifest itself in a more committed service ...

Offline SamLP

Thanks for that Ludwig. The lip kissing puts me off. May hold back now unless a very positive review on her is written, but without any FK I can't see myself taking a punt at her.

Offline ddfun

Thanks for that Ludwig. The lip kissing puts me off. May hold back now unless a very positive review on her is written, but without any FK I can't see myself taking a punt at her.


Thanks very much for the tip off Ludwig.....will be avoiding....plenty of more enthusiastic fish in the sea.......


  • Guest
I saw the "old" fat pictures up on a profile only a couple of weeks ago. You don't lose that amount of weight overnight, so you would have thought she would have updated her pictures sooner, or perhaps the weight loss has been achieved by some clever Photoshopping?

Offline ddfun

I would imagine the new pictures are probably old pictures when she was slimmer......


  • Guest
Saw her today. The new photos are accurate and her flat is brand new and close to Colindale Tube station. Good value at £60 for half an hour. External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only


  • Guest
Michelle is much as she appears on her page on AW. She offers her services with gusto and humour.

Offline The_Don

Saw her today. The new photos are accurate and her flat is brand new and close to Colindale Tube station. Good value at £60 for half an hour. External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

She was £70 P/H about 2 weeks ago

Offline punk

She was £70 P/H about 2 weeks ago

must be because we are the only country in the E.U that is booming  :sarcastic:

Offline The_Don

must be because we are the only country in the E.U that is booming  :sarcastic:


_ Michelle _

  • Guest
You guys make me laugh seriously...stalking at me  for years and compare an old fat pic to the current one?

Offline ddfun

Michelle, we can only really make that comparison if the old picture has been posted, maybe you should only post recent pics.

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Maybe u should just give me a call and turn up at my flat, If you do not like me at the door you're free to go. I'm tired to prove who I am


  • Guest
You guys make me laugh seriously...stalking at me  for years and compare an old fat pic to the current one?
Haha. So you lost some weight - good for you. How's your service now then?  Still "half-hearted and uninspiring"? and the sex still dull & mechanical?


  • Guest
She has upped her half hour rate from £60.00 to £70.00.

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
I did lose weight have ever heard of gym?

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
She has upped her half hour rate from £60.00 to £70.00.

The service: Don't expect  me to kiss unclean guys or with bad breath,especially at cheap price. It's at my discreetion. If sex was dull and mechanical you were probably not my type. Money or no money  I cannot be nice to everyone. I like to be honest that's why most ppl like me. Sorry guys but for a good service I need to feel some kind of  good sexual connection. I did  increase my price to avoid dirty man. Hope it explains everything.

Offline punk

You guys make me laugh seriously...stalking at me  for years and compare an old fat pic to the current one?

who care's as long as your happy with how you look. :unknown:


  • Guest
I did  increase my price to avoid dirty man.
I'm not sure that will work. Poor doesn't mean dirty. A bar of soap doesn't cost much. And rich people aren't necessarily clean either. Anyone who has to sit next to some of the fat, suited stockbrokers on a commuter train every day will tell you that some of them stink in the summer.  :hi:

Offline The_Don

I did  increase my price to avoid dirty man. Hope it explains everything.

Hello and welcome to the forums.

Sorry it doesn't really explain.  But at the end of the day its up to you (  :unknown:  )  what rates you wish to set / charge.

Some punters here have been at this a lot longer than me.  Just like service providers.

But one thing I have learned is that price has no correlation to service in this area at all.

I punted W/G's that have worked in different parts of the world and some state. That the customers are willing to pay a lot, and believe they can do as they wish because it.

You say "dirty man" I've worked in places where I meet some very rich people. And they can be, as physical dirty as some that had a lot less money. Some of these rich people, believe just as above (money allows them to do as they wish) and it vexed me. But being professional I carried on with the same level of service until they over step a line.   

So trading one dirt for another can be no real change.

Most punters look for different things, and when comparing what's available vs the market forces (and there a lot out there)  pricing above or below a market rate for services etc can affect custom (in many ways)

Good luck 


Offline punk

The service: Don't expect  me to kiss unclean guys or with bad breath,especially at cheap price. It's at my discreetion. If sex was dull and mechanical you were probably not my type. Money or no money  I cannot be nice to everyone. I like to be honest that's why most ppl like me. Sorry guys but for a good service I need to feel some kind of  good sexual connection. I did  increase my price to avoid dirty man. Hope it explains everything.

your providing a service? or has that not occurred to you? You had my sympathy over your weight in the past and that seemed to weigh up on how some punters saw you, but you've totally lost any sympathy with the above comment.

Seeing that you say your honesty with your quote above, that you turn away any punter that you find that you have no SEXUAL CONNECTION with and save them their hard earned cash? Would that be correct?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 10:59:16 am by punk »

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Now this is going to be rough. But it is the truth. I've been working with many girls over the years. You guys really think that they have a real sexual connection with strangers? It's very rare. It doesn't mean that  I'm not nice with my clients. I know lots people reading this and I'm still not scared to say this even if some clients turn away from me because of this. They rather accept lies. I still get my people. Have a lovely day   :)

Offline punk

Now this is going to be rough. But it is the truth. I've been working with many girls over the years. You guys really think that they have a real sexual connection with strangers? It's very rare. It doesn't mean that  I'm not nice with my clients. I know lots people reading this and I'm still not scared to say this even if some clients turn away from me because of this. They rather accept lies. I still get my people. Have a lovely day   :)

Ok so you still take their money and provide a crap service because there is no sexual connection, which is a strange approach considering your line of work.

Of course your still get "my people", because there are always going to be a fresh and steady supply of new punters or fluffy's, as there are East european prossies selling their pussy for cash.

What's not nice is that you along with other prossies take punters hard earn cash and then decide to provide a crap machine like service.

As for lies, why do you think a lot of punters fuck prossies, sexual lust? may be?We lie that we like you?of course or because we know that as long as we flash the £ sign in front of you,your drop your knickers and we can have an easy shag and cum dump.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 03:37:12 pm by punk »

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
How do you know what my service like? Have you ever met me? Otherwise you wouldn't talk like this.. Bye guys I'm tired of arguing. :dash:

Offline punk

How do you know what my service like? Have you ever met me? Otherwise you wouldn't talk like this.. Bye guys I'm tired of arguing. :dash:

I know because :

A. Other respected punters have said what you service is like.

B. You admitted that if you feel that you have no sexual connection with the punter, your service is mechanical, when LL asked if your dull mechanical service had improved,to which you replied that in other words if you dont fancy them,that the reason why.

There is no argument.

As they say QED.

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Yes you know it because:

You beleive "1 respected punter" who met me about 2 years ago in stratford in my unfurnished home. Just because he is and old respected member made thousands of coments while he was bored at work. Now that was false statement because I worked and lived  there for almost 9 month I lived in a pretty nice furnished large flat on the high street. What was he expecting for 70 pound per hour? I was quite busy then because it was cheap. That was the price back then. Why do u think I changed the price?

I reapeat my self again: There are propably few guys who was not satisfied. But there are also alot who likes me. I do have positive feedbacks and have few returning clients too

East europeans or english girls make no difference maybe the price only but not in the service. A client told me this.

Sorry for the bad spelling as you know I'm not english

I hope this topic going to end now stop making people confused.


Offline SamLP

I've definitely been put off by this girl now. Doesn't seem to appreciate good customer service and seems to thinks punters are dirty. Not a good attitude towards people who pay her a lot for an hours worth of satisfaction (or not). Will avoid her. Bullet dodged.

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
You are wrong. I only have bad attitude torwards a few idiots on this forum only.


  • Guest
I think it's tragic reading a threads like this.

Good luck Michelle


  • Guest
Looks like she has left London anyway. Hope she finds Essex men more to her liking.

Offline punk

You are wrong. I only have bad attitude torwards a few idiots on this forum only.

the above say's it all.Unfair to judge on body shape instead of service, but you still did not answer my question, unless you have sexual chemistry with a client you cant be asked to provide a good service is that right?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 06:23:32 pm by punk »

Offline The_Don

Looks like she has left London anyway. Hope she finds Essex men more to her liking.

back again:

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Digz2012

Fuck her... Everyone should avoid after reading this thread. she will not learn a lesson until hit where it hurts... Her pocket.  :hi:
Banned reason: STD allegations
Banned by:


  • Guest
Meh I'm going to book her after reading this. Only down the road and got a thing for fucking a chick with attitude

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Since I put up my price I started to enjoy my job

Offline punk

what happened to your picture?

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Changed it cant u recognize me?

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Lovly irish boys they turn me on so much

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Sorry guys I'm really into irish man pls mention on the phone u might get discount


  • Guest
Sorry guys I'm really into irish man pls mention on the phone u might get discount
Make your fucking mind up.  I thought you said you raised your rates to keep away the riff-raff!  Now anyone who can pull off an Irish accent gets a discount.

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
I love irish accent  look and cock best sex I ever had:)

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
I would suck irish cock for big discount they turn me on so much


  • Guest

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Irish dick its all I want to see :timeout:

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
I'm anti alcololic I just like the for fuck

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
Now put your hands on your hearts u guys are so expererienced probably fucked 200 girls...u really think any of them wanted you? If so why they wouldnt just fuck u for free???

_ Michelle _

  • Guest
I think it's very sad for a man who pays for sex especially if I see a good looking one why u thy I cant respect u guys  there is is always new money