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Author Topic: What % of UK men punt and is the average age of punters 30 now?  (Read 3546 times)

Offline simon07

I am not sure if this topic has been covered recently? There is old research suggesting that in the UK, 8% of men punt or have punted. Is it still the same? Do you every go to a party where there are about 100 guys and say maybe about 10 are secret punters?

I have justed turned 60 and only knew about punting only 10 years ago. I mention the age thing as I recall a WG saying; she sees mostly younger men these days. I noted 2 young WGs getting excited by 2 young lads, must be early 20s, in a Sheffield parlour 6 months ago. On the other hand, retired guys have more cash to burn I guess. 

Social media and the information age has changed things. I remember checking out gals using local papers from towns I visited (though that has mostly stopped now) and I never used those 'sex for sale cards' in red telephone boxes. I doubt any are around now with mobile phones?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 03:59:55 pm by simon07 »

Offline Metalgear2018

I'm 30. I started at 27. Now I have lost interest in punting. But I reckon only 10% of the UK male population punt.

90% of UK men who do not punt have sex by other means such as going to a club or bar, or at university or college.

Punting is a small world and it should be a brief lifestyle. Because lets face it we are paying for sex which society does not accept.

Offline willie loman

I think the relevant gov survey and there is indeed one, indicates a year on year increase on men using prostitutes. The most prolific punters are graduates in their 20s. Don't ask me my sources, but read it in the papers.Certainly the no of girls selling sex has increased hugely over the years.

Offline B4bcock

" . . 8% of men punt or HAVE punted. . ."              If the survey asked if they had ever paid for sex , then this figure probably includes guys who have tried it once, not liked it, so not done it again and others who have had a drunken fumble on a stag do or similar.   I would guess the percentage of regular  punters is somewhere nearer 5% or less.

On the subject of younger guys, I often get told by WG's of all ages that they prefer us older gents as we are generally more respectful and gentle.    Whether or not more younger men are now punting is a question probably best answered by some of our SP's  of long experience who may have noticed changes over time.   (Rebecca, are you reading this??)   :)

Offline Third Man

Really can't believe the average age to be 30, if this board is a representative sample of the punting population, many on here are much older, even into their 80,s. That would raise any average way above 30.

Offline Ali Katt

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I read it was 1 in 10 pay for sex a few years ago. Average age 30 - the keyword is average. I also suspect most are older as I've said elsewhere I started when I was in my early 20s, as I'm sure did a few people. What many people forget is most (and a fair few women) don't have any sex full stop.

Offline Shropslad2008

I can remember watching a documentary about prostitution back in the 90’s that claimed in Birmingham  visiting prossies was more popular than fishing as a hobby. How any one works out the numbers is another story.

Offline The Owl

I'm fucked if I'd say 'yes, I shag prossies' on some random survey. The only civvy place I'm up front about my punting is the GUM clinic. Anywhere else outside the punting world can fuck right off if they think I'm going to admit to it. The survey might claim 10% of men fuck escorts, the reality is definitely higher even if I some men have only done it the once or whilst abroad.

Offline Doc Holliday

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I think 2012 is the most recent data so the picture could be different again?

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Offline Doc Holliday

I should add the average age has definitely lowered. I can recall polls on forums maybe 15 years ago where most punters fell into the traditional 40 to 60 bracket ie an average of about 50.

Technically that is stats for punters on a forum of course, which may not correlate with all punters?

Offline Ali Katt

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I should add the average age has definitely lowered. I can recall polls on forums maybe 15 years ago where most punters fell into the traditional 40 to 60 bracket ie an average of about 50.

Technically that is stats for punters on a forum of course, which may not correlate with all punters?
As has been said there's a difference between having a punt in Pattaya or an RLD in Germany and seeing Sue from Bracknell.

Online webpunter

The article is flawed.  Extract below:

One in 10 British men say they have paid for sex, according to a new study.
Single men aged 25 to 34, in managerial or professional occupations and those with high numbers of sexual partners were the most likely to say that they had paid for sex

- this ignores the fact that blokes in relationships are far less likely to admit to paying for sex
- and with age [generally] comes experience which makes you more likely not to be open about what you do / don't do in your private lives. There are other reasons [like jobs], even when no OH in play, for not fessing up
- younger blokes are more likely to say they pay for sex as they think it makes them edgy & cool [a one-off on a stag do hardly counts]

The article doesn't ask the question how often blokes pay for sex
IMO this would point towards more paid for sex as you get older
Various reasons:
- when younger civvy shagging is piss easy
- when younger OHs tend to put out more.  Soon as baby production begins this has a habit of going out of the window [& we all know what happens next !]
- as you get older disposable income generally increases
- at the same time blokes free time reduces, punting is a quick easy solution
- as you get older people get bored shitless with the OH & relationships hit a rut & blokes seek other avenues
- risk assessment.  The older you get you [should] become more risk aware.  The chances of getting caught having affairs & the resulting fallout become more obvious

IMO the average age of punters, & in particular those who do it regularly, will be higher than 30
In the 35-45 / 45-55 age brackets

I reck the average average [on here] of active punters is more like 45-50 rather than 30

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« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 07:41:55 pm by webpunter »

Online wristjob

I was just recent;y thinking about that average age thing. When I first landed on UKP I doubt many guys were under 40, and now it seems like a fair few. If I was young now I would see dating as more risky and complicated than it used to be, punting just works out better.

Offline Ali Katt

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I was just recent;y thinking about that average age thing. When I first landed on UKP I doubt many guys were under 40, and now it seems like a fair few. If I was young now I would see dating as more risky and complicated than it used to be, punting just works out better.
Yes and no. A lot of young people are having zero sex. I see it a bit like wealth distribution, a small percentage get the lion's share, roar.

Online webpunter

They spend all their time communicating on apps

When i was at school getting wanked off behind the bike sheds & then having a [celebratory] fag was the order of the day
Time moves on however some things don't change - i still like being wanked off, now by massage burds
OWO [OW a waste of time] always a bonus & just once in a while rare as rocking horse shit the burd is up for penetration  :yahoo:

Yes and no. A lot of young people are having zero sex. I see it a bit like wealth distribution, a small percentage get the lion's share, roar.

As for roar, KT with his mangos adidas clobber & kouros, somehow seems to be getting a tiger's share [well judging by the no. of reviews]
Well i never
At least he is working hard on wealth re-distribution  :lol:

Offline Punterenas

Anyone see the Louis Theroux documentary about American college guys getting accused of "sexual misconduct" on Sunday? One guy was accused by a girl he thought was his friend 6 years after the alleged incident took place. I reckon the culture at universities over here isn't that different. Younger guys have probably worked out that its quicker, easier, less trouble (and probably cheaper in the long run) to go bang a WG rather than have to put up with all the crap British girls expect these days as well as run the risk of being accused of something several years later, just to shag a civvie. Punting is probably the most honest transaction that occurs between a man and a woman (which explains why feminists and Mumsnetters hate it so much).

Online webpunter

Quote of the week - punting & honest transactions

6 years WTF
How long did the black death last ?

Most likely they were both wasted, equally up for it at the time
Men's & women's brains are wired differently

He's thinking - was fun although so wasted didn't shoot, can't remember details as to what happened [pretty forgettable] i wish i hadn't bothered [@ the time].  Now thinking WTF ?  :scare:

She's thinking - bit of a crisis, dumped by current BF or no BFs, unwanted.  Plenty of water under the bridge memories fade [but not mine !] What's the solution - hop on the #metoo bandwagon & get some attention.  And hopefully some $

Anyone see the Louis Theroux documentary about American college guys getting accused of "sexual misconduct" on Sunday? One guy was accused by a girl he thought was his friend 6 years after the alleged incident took place. I reckon the culture at universities over here isn't that different. Younger guys have probably worked out that its quicker, easier, less trouble (and probably cheaper in the long run) to go bang a WG rather than have to put up with all the crap British girls expect these days as well as run the risk of being accused of something several years later, just to shag a civvie. Punting is probably the most honest transaction that occurs between a man and a woman (which explains why feminists and Mumsnetters hate it so much).

Edit:  will watch LT on iPlayer.  No doubt in horror
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 09:42:44 pm by webpunter »

Offline ianchar14

Yes and no. A lot of young people are having zero sex. I see it a bit like wealth distribution, a small percentage get the lion's share, roar.
How young is young? Because im pretty much having zero sex aside from once every couple of months or so

Offline Doc Holliday

The article is flawed.  Extract below:

One in 10 British men say they have paid for sex, according to a new study.
Single men aged 25 to 34, in managerial or professional occupations and those with high numbers of sexual partners were the most likely to say that they had paid for sex

- this ignores the fact that blokes in relationships are far less likely to admit to paying for sex
- and with age [generally] comes experience which makes you more likely not to be open about what you do / don't do in your private lives. There are other reasons [like jobs], even when no OH in play, for not fessing up
- younger blokes are more likely to say they pay for sex as they think it makes them edgy & cool [a one-off on a stag do hardly counts]

The article doesn't ask the question how often blokes pay for sex
IMO this would point towards more paid for sex as you get older
Various reasons:
- when younger civvy shagging is piss easy
- when younger OHs tend to put out more.  Soon as baby production begins this has a habit of going out of the window [& we all know what happens next !]
- as you get older disposable income generally increases
- at the same time blokes free time reduces, punting is a quick easy solution
- as you get older people get bored shitless with the OH & relationships hit a rut & blokes seek other avenues
- risk assessment.  The older you get you [should] become more risk aware.  The chances of getting caught having affairs & the resulting fallout become more obvious

IMO the average age of punters, & in particular those who do it regularly, will be higher than 30
In the 35-45 / 45-55 age brackets

I reck the average average [on here] of active punters is more like 45-50 rather than 30

I'm inclined to agree with much of that especially the frequency factor. Telling the truth in interviews is notoriously difficult with sex questionnaires.

Here is more detail External Link/Members Only

Offline Malvolio

Average age will be way over 30 if you're using the mean, due to skew from older punters.

If you're using the median, it would be closer to 30 but still over.

The key stat which I've never seen is what percentage of men actively punt (defined as three or more punts in the last year).

Offline NigelF

90% of UK men who do not punt have sex by other means such as going to a club or bar, or at university or college.

Most punters can too (provided they choose places with enough women within their realistic age range). No reason you can't do both, especially since both have their pros on cons. The pros of punting including but not limited to variety/choice, speed, ease, no strings and quantity (if you have the cash).

Bars and clubs won't be a frequent source of sex for most non punters (except party animals and students). Most will just get their sex from a relationship. Quite a few use tinder and similar apps or sites (although many just use it as an adjunct). You're also ignoring those who don't get any sex or very rarely get any, particularly married men.

Punting is a small world and it should be a brief lifestyle. Because lets face it we are paying for sex which society does not accept.

I don't see how those two points are related. I certainly don't care about society accepting it. I also don't see why it should be brief either, especially if if the costs (money and time) don't significantly impact your life/lifestyle.

Really can't believe the average age to be 30, if this board is a representative sample of the punting population, many on here are much older, even into their 80,s. That would raise any average way above 30.
I read it was 1 in 10 pay for sex a few years ago. Average age 30 - the keyword is average. I also suspect most are older as I've said elsewhere I started when I was in my early 20s, as I'm sure did a few people. What many people forget is most (and a fair few women) don't have any sex full stop.
I should add the average age has definitely lowered. I can recall polls on forums maybe 15 years ago where most punters fell into the traditional 40 to 60 bracket ie an average of about 50.

Technically that is stats for punters on a forum of course, which may not correlate with all punters?

Given the average age of 30 (which I too am surprised at) I imagine the average they're using is the mode or perhaps median. If it was the mean, I'd imagine it would be higher (as Malvolio has just said above).

As for this forum, I think it's surprsing the membership doesn't seem to lean younger (due to some older folks, albeit a small minority these days, not being able to use the internet/Google very well). Perhaps it does but they just don't post/contribute. Some young people these days are more lazy and/or expect something for nothing compared to older generations.

There are however numerous young contributors on here - some big ones too. Indeed, there was a recent "how old are you" thread on here and many people were quite surprised at how young many members were:

Older threads:

Offline Helloyou75001

Maybe do a forum survey for a population sample?

Offline cunningman

Maybe do a forum survey for a population sample?

Next thing you know, veri pics for us and age verification to drive the stats!

Offline Logamimo

I am not sure if this topic has been covered recently? There is old research suggesting that in the UK, 8% of men punt or have punted. Is it still the same? Do you every go to a party where there are about 100 guys and say maybe about 10 are secret punters?

I have justed turned 60 and only knew about punting only 10 years ago. I mention the age thing as I recall a WG saying; she sees mostly younger men these days. I noted 2 young WGs getting excited by 2 young lads, must be early 20s, in a Sheffield parlour 6 months ago. On the other hand, retired guys have more cash to burn I guess. 

Social media and the information age has changed things. I remember checking out gals using local papers from towns I visited (though that has mostly stopped now) and I never used those 'sex for sale cards' in red telephone boxes. I doubt any are around now with mobile phones?

If you think about it the punting market must be massive. Take parlours for example, there are usually a minimum of three girls working at most parlours most days and a number of girls have told me that they average about ten punters a day. Mulitply that by the number of parlours nationally and then add all the girls operating independently, plus those just offering only a full body massage and happy ending and you can see that there must be a huge number of punters in one form or another supporting the market. I'm now in my sixties and started punting in 1977 and I've seen how the internet has increased the market over the years. In the seventies it was a case of finding subtle clues that a girl or establishment was offered sexual services because there was always the risk of a police raid, now everything is much more open and accessable.


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IMHO social media has made young women a lot more picky and a lot of guys are getting very little returns for a lot of effort. So it doesn't surprise me if the average age of punters is getting younger and in the 30's.

Online webpunter

As for silver surfers not being able to use the internet then generally i agree

However if they are interested in some 'action' they will learn pretty rapidly

HP's skills @ posting on here support this.  What is seen cannot be unseen  :scare: :lol:

As for this forum, I think it's surprsing the membership doesn't seem to lean younger (due to some older folks, albeit a small minority these days, not being able to use the internet/Google very well).

Offline willie loman

If you think about it the punting market must be massive. Take parlours for example, there are usually a minimum of three girls working at most parlours most days and a number of girls have told me that they average about ten punters a day. Mulitply that by the number of parlours nationally and then add all the girls operating independently, plus those just offering only a full body massage and happy ending and you can see that there must be a huge number of punters in one form or another supporting the market. I'm now in my sixties and started punting in 1977 and I've seen how the internet has increased the market over the years. In the seventies it was a case of finding subtle clues that a girl or establishment was offered sexual services because there was always the risk of a police raid, now everything is much more open and accessable.

Don't know where you punt, but a parlour girl will consider herself busy with four a day, once in a blue moon 10, the reason most girls throw in the towel as hookers, is the absolute lack of punters, same with the girls in the flats.

Offline Ali Katt

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How young is young? Because im pretty much having zero sex aside from once every couple of months or so

Offline Ali Katt

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Anyone see the Louis Theroux documentary about American college guys getting accused of "sexual misconduct" on Sunday? One guy was accused by a girl he thought was his friend 6 years after the alleged incident took place. I reckon the culture at universities over here isn't that different. Younger guys have probably worked out that its quicker, easier, less trouble (and probably cheaper in the long run) to go bang a WG rather than have to put up with all the crap British girls expect these days as well as run the risk of being accused of something several years later, just to shag a civvie. Punting is probably the most honest transaction that occurs between a man and a woman (which explains why feminists and Mumsnetters hate it so much).
I've yet to see anybody under the age of late 20s when I used to go to parlours.

Offline superchamp

Just a perhaps thought but maybe with so much porn on tap these days perhaps younger men are after a bit more from their sexual experience than the civvy girls can offer.

Offline django0700

Since we all pay for sex ….one way or another...I would guess that the % of men punting is quite high. :cool: :cool:

Offline Doc Holliday

There are however numerous young contributors on here - some big ones too. Indeed, there was a recent "how old are you" thread on here and many people were quite surprised at how young many members were:

Thanks for the link Nigel. It does tend to cast doubt on the 30 age?

18 to 25    7
25 to 35   18
35 to 45   14
45 to 55   38
55 to 65   36
65+         21

(a) only 138 respondents (it wasn't an anonymous poll) Younger members who do post may not want to reveal their age bracket whereas it was obvious some of the older guys were only too happy to post they were still punting into senior years.  :)
(b) It may only confirm my suspicion that people who post on punting forums are likely to be in the older age brackets? (The thousands of lurkers may all be 30 years of age  :D)
(c) It was interesting scan reading the thread that many of those in the older age brackets have been punting for decades.

In summary all very interesting but just adds to the confusion?  :unknown:

Offline unclepokey

On AW quite a number of women say they won't see blokes of less than a certain age - often around 35.
I find that attractive on the basis that it seems to indicate a maturity on the woman's part so maybe I spot more of these women than others.
Restricting herself to older men is one way of discouraging young turks who have no idea how to behave. It also moderates demand of course - again indicating the woman concerned is likely not one who will see more than two or three clients a day. (Ticks Uncle's boxes.)
A small number of women quote an upper age limit, sometimes below Uncle's age. I've either talked them round or said nothing. In these cases I ask them (mid-thrust) how old they think I am. I'm usually very pleased at the response but I take care of myself.
None of the above yields an answer to the 2nd question above - merely some factors to be considered.
But then who really cares? What really matters is whether you can still find satisfactory women at a sensible price with whom to engage.
Have a nice weekend
Uncle Pokey

Offline JamesKW

On AW quite a number of women say they won't see blokes of less than a certain age - often around 35.
I find that attractive on the basis that it seems to indicate a maturity on the woman's part so maybe I spot more of these women than others.

Probably more an indication that they are lazy,at parties I notice the young bucks tend to pound more and continuously,with older guys they get a lot more rest time and at parties I notice some old guys are quite happy to just massage them.

Offline Jamboney

On AW quite a number of women say they won't see blokes of less than a certain age - often around 35.

I started punting at 24 and would find quite a few WG’s wouldn’t see under 25’s. Then after turning 25 the minimum age if stated on a profile seemed to be 30 and since turning 30 the most common minimum age requirement I’m seeing is 35!

Offline Ali Katt

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Just a perhaps thought but maybe with so much porn on tap these days perhaps younger men are after a bit more from their sexual experience than the civvy girls can offer.
Or more likely they are sat at home wanking.

Offline Ali Katt

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Probably more an indication that they are lazy,at parties I notice the young bucks tend to pound more and continuously,with older guys they get a lot more rest time and at parties I notice some old guys are quite happy to just massage them.
Nope. They don't want to feel like they are fucking their son who is the same age. Men can be immature or have good stamina at any age. I was a fast shooter since I started having sex as a teenager and nothing has changed; the difference is I think I am more skilled now and better at the human interaction part, but it's not really for me to decide.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

As for silver surfers not being able to use the internet then generally i agree

 I got my first Mac in 1987 and used one ever since. I was even a software developer for specialist applications for my profession.
This is starting to read like off-topic....

Offline jbb

First punt 1962. Last punt yesterday. Lost count long ago. But still enjoy variety.
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Offline WARSZAWA16

I do get the impression from chatting to the girls I visit that they much prefer older clients. Just as well in my case!

Offline Lister

There is no doubt that any census is going to vastly underestimate the numbers of men who punt as most will not admit it, especially if married, and there are a wide range of confounding factors depending on the population sample taken. This might also skew the age statistic and my impression from talking to escorts and parties etc is that the average age is still 40-50. The percentage of men who punt  is very likely to be way above the figure of 10% given in the survey. You can work out the number of punters very roughly from the numbers of escorts - although the number of escorts will also be underestimated and errors will have a much larger effect on our estimate of punter numbers and will very likely give us an greater underestimate of punters as each escort will see more punters in a year than the other way round.

In a census in 2001 it was estimated by the government health agencies that there were 100,000 escorts working in the UK although this is likely to be an underestimate as people are not always likely to admit to being an escort and numbers were obtained from GUM clinics, and it was assumed all escorts register with a GUM clinic. Since then the internet has taken off and we have had a large influx of eastern Europeans so I think it is reasonable to assume this has increased so let's say there are around 110,000.

Escorts see varying numbers of punters per day with some street girls and agency girls seeing up to 20 a day and some working part time and only seeing only one or two a week. If we assume an average of 2 per day 5 days a week (again likely to be an underestimate as some work 7 days a week and most I know see 3 or 4 a day at least) that is 10 punters a week. Allowing for 4 weeks off a year that is 480 clients per escort x 110,000 escorts = 52,800,000 punts per year taking place.

The population of the UK is 65,000,000 of which 32,500,000 are men. The vast majority of punters are aged between 25 and 65, a forty year span. Since the average life expectancy of men in the UK is 79,2 years (say 80) then there are approximately 16,250,000 men of punting age.

Next question is how often on average do punters visit escorts? There will be some who punt twice a week but I suspect the vast majority cannot afford this in time or cash. Some will punt once and never again and some will punt regularly but less frequently, say every 2 to 3 months. If we plump for an average of once every month that is 12 punts per year for each punter and there are a total of 52,800,000 punts taking place so that gives a total of 4,400,000 punters which is just over 27% of all men of punting age. (52,800,000/12)

These figures are necessarily very broad estimates but not, I think, ridiculously far of the mark. However this figure assumes that all 27% of men of punting age are punting regularly once a month and every month for forty years from 25 to 65 years of age, which is obviously bonkers so the actual percentage of men who actually actively punting must be considerably higher. I.e. if men only punt for half that time on average (20 years) then there must be twice as many actively punting to make up the total number of punts i.e. 54% of men, and the number of men who have punted at some time in the past but no longer punt must be added to this to give the total number who have ever punted.

However you play with the figures the total percentage of men that punt at some time in their life is quite significant and probably accounts for the majority of men. If the average escort sees 3 a day (15 per week) instead of 2 this translates to 40.6% of men actively punting monthly for 40 years or 81.2% actively punting monthly for 20 years.

Either way it is way above 10% of men who have punted at some time in their life. Food for thought!

Offline theblade

Don’t we always pay for sex?, you ask a women out taxi,drinks,meal  then maybe you get a shag. Even when you’re dating most of the time it cost you something.
Perhaps I’m just a grumpy old git :(. I’m mid 50’s by the way.

Offline bhudda

I started punting at 24 and would find quite a few WG’s wouldn’t see under 25’s. Then after turning 25 the minimum age if stated on a profile seemed to be 30 and since turning 30 the most common minimum age requirement I’m seeing is 35!

And you still havent taken the hint?

Im more concerned about maximum age rather than minimum these days.

Offline GreyDave

 :hi:  58 ...started in walk ups 16 :D :D £10 and 50p tip  :yahoo: :yahoo: ( that was paper ound cash and a car wash  :D :D :D)last week did a walk up 20 quid and 2 quid tip equal to an indy in Harrow 50 half hour both  done and dusted in 15mins :hi: :hi:

The comment rings true about young guys making the WGs excited when I was young the walk up ladies would allow two pops and be really nice to me at about 35 they were less frendly and at 45 50 they want to get the deed done and me out :hi: :hi:
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 05:54:23 pm by GreyDave »

Offline Malvolio

Some interesting figures and assumptions in Lister's post.  Difficult to say what the total number of active escorts is - if we believe this report by the Daily Mirror

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There are 70,000 seeing on average 25 clients a week.  However, what it doesn't say is how many weeks are worked in a year.  I think Lister's estimate of four weeks off a year can't be right due to the effects of rag week - and judging by the WGs I return to (so I look at their profiles a fair bit) they have more days off than days on.

This puts the total number of punts in the UK each year as 70,000 x 25 x 26 (assume working 26 weeks in a year) = 45,500,000 punts.  We need to adjust this for foreigners who punt whilst in the UK.  This site says there were 285 million visitor nights spent in the UK in 2017  External Link/Members Only  - I'll make an unscientific estimate that there were one million foreign punts.

Men is everyone who is 18+ - that is around 27,000,000 in the UK

Now the big estimate - how many punts do punters have each year?  I think this must be higher than Lister's estimate of 12, again due to the skew effect of some punters having 50+ punts a year (not outrageouly expensive if you go for pump and dumps), so I'll estimate 20 a year.

44,500,000 / 20 gives us 2,225,000 punters, which is 8.2%.   

Offline Murray Mint

I got my first Mac in 1987 and used one ever since...…….......
Who'd have thought it?...……..

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Offline Murray Mint

The Observer carry out a sex survey about every 6 years, the last one being in 2014. In that they found that 22% of British men have visited a prostitute – up from 18% in 2008 and 15% in 2002. Use of prostitutes was highest in the age range 25-34.


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Anyone see the Louis Theroux documentary about American college guys getting accused of "sexual misconduct" on Sunday? One guy was accused by a girl he thought was his friend 6 years after the alleged incident took place. I reckon the culture at universities over here isn't that different. Younger guys have probably worked out that its quicker, easier, less trouble (and probably cheaper in the long run) to go bang a WG rather than have to put up with all the crap British girls expect these days as well as run the risk of being accused of something several years later, just to shag a civvie. Punting is probably the most honest transaction that occurs between a man and a woman (which explains why feminists and Mumsnetters hate it so much).

Offline Ali Katt

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Anyone see the Louis Theroux documentary about American college guys getting accused of "sexual misconduct" on Sunday? One guy was accused by a girl he thought was his friend 6 years after the alleged incident took place. I reckon the culture at universities over here isn't that different. Younger guys have probably worked out that its quicker, easier, less trouble (and probably cheaper in the long run) to go bang a WG rather than have to put up with all the crap British girls expect these days as well as run the risk of being accused of something several years later, just to shag a civvie. Punting is probably the most honest transaction that occurs between a man and a woman (which explains why feminists and Mumsnetters hate it so much).
TBH the manhating on campuses in the UK is very small, TBH I've never seen it apart from in YT videos. Most students want to get a degree and have a bit of a laugh doing it, most aren't political, it's not like it was in 60s\70s with CND marches and bra burning. Someone resembling Richard from the Young Ones would have been laughed then and would be laughed at now. The ones banging on about patriarchy are usually single mothers from middle class backgrounds and sad men who think by pretending to be a feminist they can get a free fuck, deluded.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 11:38:55 am by Ali Katt »

Offline bbwandy72

As others have said, there's a difference between those who punt and those who have punted at some point. The figures I've heard are that 1 in 10 will pay for sex at some point during their lifetime. I never expected to be in that group, yet here I am. How many punt regularly? I don't know, but I imagine it would be a significantly smaller number than that. What's the average age? No idea. I would have guessed mid-40s, but that's just a guess.